My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3739: Hand of rules

Su Jin did not hurry, and pointed Jinghong towards Sanjianbao with a touch of——


The billions of stars, as if faltered, swayed. The power of the **** Zuo Luo Tianwang was indeed amazing. His split, thousands of miles of mountains and rivers cracked, and in the eternal Milky Way, it seemed to have split a crystal red abyss.

Su Jin pointed and arm, the crystal red light radiating out, seemed to form an arc-shaped force. Although he was falling into the crystal red abyss space, the Zuo Luo Heavenly King still couldn't cut him with this blow!

"So strong—" Zuo Luo Tianwang was taken aback. He used the endless rules of the king's way to bless the'Three Pointed Treasure Jian' in his hand. Now Ye Di is being hit by his power into the abyss, but he is still chasing after the victory and wants to fight This attack completely cut away the defensive power of Su Jin's fingers!

Can't do it!

Even though Zuo Luo Tianwang felt a chill in his heart, in his opinion, the emperor's unworldly power has been awakened to a terrible level. This emperor of the night, the previous war **** clan, war demon lord, and war peerless fierce, has actually returned Be able to hide the clumsiness and keep this unworldly power for now!

"Sneer--" Su Jin saw the scene under the crystal red abyss, as if time and space were passing by, fast, his body, like a block of ice, was quickly evaporating, evaporating a crystal red light!


Zuo Luo Tianwang raised his head and looked around. He jumped out of the crystal-red abyss one step at a time. He observed that the endless "Eternal Galaxy" had not disappeared yet, so naturally he knew that Su Jin was still intact!

Just what means is this?

Zuo Luo Tianwang looked everywhere for Su Jin's figure, but in the end he found nothing. The other party seemed weird as if the world had evaporated——

"Are you looking for me?"

On the nearest star where all faces can be seen, Su Jin's figure appeared——

"Dead!" The God of Zuo Luo shot a chapter towards Su Jin, and the power of that palm instantly became apparent!


Su Jin's figure disappeared--

"Incarnation?" Zuo Luo Heavenly King's face pulled, he just didn't realize that there was something wrong with Su Jin's incarnation, only when it was photographed into nothing, did he realize that this kind of incarnation was enough to fool his eyes with a fake and real incarnation.

Now Zuo Luo Tianwang's anger has begun to heat up.

He was dignified and deceived by the other party, which was really something he couldn't bear.

"Zuo Luo Tianwang, your power is indeed the most terrifying one of the strong men I have ever seen, but in my "Unworldly Galaxy", I am really not afraid of you at all." Su Jin condensed again. , Looking squarely at Zuoluo Heavenly King Shinto.

"The cunning methods of the human race are useless at all!" Zuo Luo Tianwang gently waved Baojian, once again cutting a Ye Di into nothingness.

The world is a sensation again——

"What is the Ye Emperor doing! He... is he playing with the King God?" Some monks have been stunned, and now many places in the Land of Glazed Glass have been devastated. The power of the gods and demons has made countless human races terrified. This is the most surprising thing for a human race to make Zuo Luo Tianwang temporarily helpless!

"No World-Honored One, is this the World-Honored One in a completely awakened state?"

"It shouldn't have been fully awakened! The one who is fully awakened is not the world-zun, and can fight God. What kind of thing is this king god, who has no promise for an old turtle of the Protoss race, and naturally feels inferior to the old turtle, so in "The Galaxy of the World", The two sides are deadlocked."

"The King God has the means to instantly destroy the world, how long can Yedi's "Eternal Galaxy" last?"

"It's hard to tell! At least Yedi hasn't shown signs of decline right now, and Zuo Luo Tianwang is also very serious about this battle. The outcome is really suspenseful--"

"The old tortoise in the north of the imperial palace clearly said it was watching the battle, but if the night emperor is defeated, it will not be able to save it. This kind of existence does not care about anything, and the loser is not worthy of its support."

"The human race that can make a king **** so annoyed is probably only Ye Emperor. Now Zuo Luo Heavenly King God has committed trouble. He has failed to kill Ye Emperor in two shots, but Ye Emperor seems to have no way to take him."


Everyone in the world is talking about this battle-

After all, it is the battle between the king **** and the night emperor, and in everyone's eyes, the "worldless galaxy" of the night emperor has been launched, and this technique "the worldless galaxy" has indeed played an excellent effect!

Imperial Palace!

At the moment when all the demon girl cultivators were worried, some demon girl suddenly screamed.

"Yutang, Yutang is awake."

Yutang actually woke up when the night emperor was fighting the king god. This was the existence of the night emperor reaching out to send down the imperial palace. When she woke up, she immediately attracted the attention of the lotus goddess and Gao Yue.

Almost all the female sisters, all swarming towards the big pink lotus——

Yutang's gaze was still looking at the dim sky, her mind was extremely clear, she felt the air was extremely fresh, and she felt that she was truly reborn.

"How are you?" Chaosheng Banshee asked nervously at Yutang.

This Yutang, to be precise, should be the enemy. Before, she was full of sorrow, as if she had changed her person, performing a terrible attack on Yedi. In her world, no one knows what happened, so now she wakes up, Chao The banshee needs to be sure.

"Thank you, I'm okay--" Yutang wiped her face. She felt very strange and felt that everything seemed to be dreamy. She went from being a hopeless existence to a complete fusion. Now she completely dominates herself. , This kind of taste is really wonderful.

"What happened in your world at that time? How did Ye Di defeat you?" Gao Yue asked.

Yutang shook his head, "I don't remember, when I regained my sanity, Yedi had already started using Fuxi Dao Formation, and it was the other me who shot him—"

"Use Fuxi Dao Formation to completely blend you!" The lotus goddess couldn't help but feel a deep sense of fear in her heart.

This method, even Wang Shen can't do it!

It's terrifying, how many magical powers does Ye Di still have!

"In the future, Yutang still needs to thank you for your care...I...I don't want to return to the Protoss." Yutang said slowly while sitting in the lotus flower.

"Yeah, Ye Di will agree--" Chaosheng Banshee said with a smile on her face.

"Then Zoruo Heavenly King God, found the Ye Emperor!" Tracer cried out strangely.

The atmosphere suddenly freezes!

All eyes started to stare at the "Eternal Galaxy"!

Zuo Luo Tianwang, carrying the three-pointed treasure, spread his hands, and the entire body of the king and **** spread out the endless mysterious power of rules. His rules seemed to condense into a "Hand of Rules" in an instant. I was caught off guard and took control of this sky!

"Nine Heavens God Road, three thousand worlds, for my use! The great road opens, the vast world, everyone gathers in my body, this finger is the finger of destroying the world, this palm is the hand of the law of ten thousand ways, you can't escape." Zuo Luo Tianwang Shenqing With a laugh, the "Hand of Rules" that was condensed on his whole body opened an eye of law in his palm, and he found Su Jin's position in an instant!


Around Zuoluo Tianwang, there were three thousand world visions condensed. He stepped on the incomparably real world of living creatures. With a palm, he felt like the moon in the sea, and contained the body of the emperor, including the stars on which he was standing. Go in.

"This!" The Chaosheng Banshee felt a pain in her heart. Why didn't she know that Ye Di was in big trouble at this time, and it might even be difficult to escape from the palm of the God of Zuoluo and be killed on the spot!

"It's broken, it's broken." Tracer's face was also very ugly, and Zuo Luo Tianwang was really moving. This method is better than thousands of mysterious laws!

The faces of Gao Yue and the lotus goddess are not much better--

"Now there are only two possibilities, one may be the largest and the other may be the smallest." said the lotus goddess.

"What is it?" The Chaosheng Banshee looked at the lotus goddess.

"The ancestors of the Protoss made a move, and there is a great hope to rescue the Yedi. This is the most likely situation to break the blow of the Zuoluo Heavenly King. The second possibility is that the Taiyang King God, but I feel hope Vague, even if Taiyang King God is not in harmony with Zuo Luo Tianwang, he will not help Yedi." said the lotus goddess.

"You said it means you didn't say it!" Chaosheng Banshee said angrily.


The Protoss Laogui has not known Ye Di for a long time. It must have taken a fancy to Ye Di’s potential and watched this battle between man and King God. It will never interfere. As for the Taiyang King God, it's not even possible at all.

"Then it's over." said the lotus goddess.

"You--" Chaosheng Banshee retorted, "In the unworldly galaxy, everything cannot be determined prematurely. How can you imagine the Night Emperor."

"Zuoluo Heavenly King God is invincible. In terms of strength, Taiyang King God is a bit inferior. With Ye Di, how can I overcome it?" Lotus Goddess asked.

The Chaosheng Banshee was silent, no longer arguing, anyway, she still has confidence in Ye Di, a lot of confidence!

And Tracer now also has a unique feeling... He can really feel the feeling of the Ye Emperor now, and the Ye Emperor will be more afraid of the power that is dominated by the King God!

At that time, Tracer could not escape from the hand of the night emperor...

Now Wangshen's "Hand of the Law" is more than a hundred times stronger than the hand of the sky? Tracer felt hopeless, the Ye Emperor had fallen into a huge disadvantage, and even the King God would not have any kindness towards a Ye Emperor——

"Aren't you ready to collect the corpses for your night emperor..." The Lingzun in the light prison laughed out, the smell of stinky bird eggs on it was fermenting, but the smell did not affect his mood at the moment!

The Chaosheng Banshee was annoyed. Hearing Lingzun's words, she angrily said to her: "Your father is going to be beaten to death by Ye Di, why are you still laughing? It doesn't matter if you laugh now, don't cry out at that time— —"


The Milky Way star where Su Jin is standing is not far away from the God of Zuoluo. Now, the God of Zuoluo is lingering with brilliance, and the three thousand worlds are vivid. He is okay. He is not as unbearable as others imagine. .

"The hand of the rules? Come then!" Su Jin shouted wildly, blood boiling!


The "Hand of Rules" under Su Jin's feet seems to have turned into a fast passing time. His weird figure seems to be tens of billions of miles in a flash. In the upper star dome, countless crystals of red light are under the blessing of "The Milky Way" Next, gather quickly!

In that crystal red, the azure blue light mixed with it was a vast sky arm manifested by Ye Di!

The hand that covers the sky blessed by the eternal galaxy and the eternal honor is absolutely shocking! Moreover, the hand of rules and the hand of covering the sky have become equal existences!

The hand that covers the sky, the back of the hand is on top! The hand of the rules, the back of your hand! The two are like the same sky and the same place, and they are vast and unparalleled in the "Unworldly Galaxy"!

"Shrink the ground into an inch--" Zuo Luo Tianwang's eyes were indifferent, "It's useless, I can show the mystery of three thousand worlds with one palm. Even if you shrink into an inch, you are still in my palm."

Zuo Luo Tianwang's words fell off.

Whether it is the land of glazed glaze or the powerhouse of one hundred thousand supreme heavens, they all slammed in their hearts!

Looking intently, Ye Di seemed to have walked an endless distance, but his feet were really the "Hand of Rules" as Zuo Luo Tianwang said!

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