My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3740: Way of Destroying Heaven!

King God, invincible!

The Great Thousand World, Nine Heavens God Road, and the blessing of "Hands of Rules", such Zoruo Heavenly King God, is no longer frightening, but makes the world's creatures desperate——

"This kind of gap... How to fight, Yedi can't get out of the hands of the rules with the eternal technique "Shrinking the Earth into an Inch". If the Hand of Covering the Sky and the "Hand of Rules" are smashed, even if he is not the Lord , Will also disappear in the explosive power." Someone paled with fright, and looked at him with his head up.

"The background of the king **** has been invincible since he became the king **** in ancient times. This is completely invincible by Ye Di."

"Have you noticed that the "Heaven Covering Hand" shown by Ye Di is in the state of six fingers. How can one hand have six fingers."

"Six fingers can cover the sky. It's a pity. We have witnessed the rise and fall of a generation of strong human races. From now on, there will be no enemy-free race like the emperor of the night!"

"Yedi must be desperate, he can't get out of the other's palm, it seems to be destined in the dark, not long ago, the gods couldn't get out of his control--"

"Wang Shen is too invincible, can you only see his destruction like this?"


As he said, the hand that covered the sky was up, and the two palms came down! Yedi's figure seemed to be wrapped in the light of destruction. His appearance was unforgettable forever, even when he disappeared, he didn't say a word!


The entire glazed land seems to be in a frantic sigh--

With a smile on his face, Zuo Luo Tianwang slowly turned around in the void, looked towards the clouds on the north side of the imperial palace, and said calmly: "The human race that the old man chose to support is not very good. In this battle, God... Up!"

no respond--

The silent dying, when the hand of rule and the hand of covering the sky disappeared, the atmosphere felt very strange.

Zuo Luo Tianwang seemed to have noticed something, his smile stiffened, and he suddenly turned his head back. He looked at that piece of starry heaven and earth, Su Jin... who seemed to be all right, stood there quietly!

Is it dazzling? If Zuo Luo Tianwang hadn’t had this habit, I’m afraid he would really have to rub his eyes and stare carefully—

"No...not dead!" The whole world is boiling again!

Ye Di, this is not dead yet!

Who would have thought it would be such a scene! At the center where the Hand of Rules and the Hand of Shaking the Sky meet, Ye Di can still live! This is definitely not luck!

"You have neglected, you have overlooked the secrets of the night emperor." Taiyang King God transmitted voice to Zuo Luo Tianwang.

The secret of the night emperor!

Wordless secret!

Zuo Luo Tianwang carefully observed and found that Su Jin's eyes were not only crystal red, but grayish blue, and the opponent's body seemed to be in a mystery that he could not see——

"The wordless secret, **** it!" Taiyang Wangshen was very annoyed.

The Ye Emperor had previously used the Wordless Heaven Secret, but... but the Ye Emperor now is not in the state of the World-Honored! Using the power of the world-honored to use the "No Word Heaven Secret" is absolutely invincible! Of course you can be in the center of destruction without any damage!


Moreover, Zuo Luo Tianwang also noticed that the surrounding "The Galaxy Without the World" has not disappeared. This is also a point that he miscalculated, and the light when the power collided just now was too bright, covering a wide range of "The Galaxy Without the World" ", so that he did not find out in time.

So angry

Yedi used a small price to resolve this mortal blow!

"Nine Heavens Divine Dao, it is mysterious, Wang Shen does have some praise, but that's a pity, that's it." Su Jin looked up indifferently and looked at Zuo Luo Heavenly King Divine Dao.

"Don't be crazy about the human monkeys! The wordless sky secret can't protect you forever. When the sky secret power disappears, you still have to be killed by the king god!" Zuo Luo Tianwang **** shouted.

Su Jin sneered indifferently and walked out of the state of "The Secret of No Word".


Zuo Luo Tianwang's pupils shrank, so confident?

The Wordless Heaven Secret just lasted for a while, and Ye Di Da could use this time to recover. He never thought that the Ye Emperor would directly dissipate the mystery of "No Word Heaven Secret"!

This is to fight!

Fight again!

"I can already be sure that you are not the world-zun and you will not return to the past. Do you really think you can defeat me? You are dreaming, having a spring and autumn dream!" The divine body of the **** Zuoluo is divided into ten million!

In the three thousand worlds condensed in the void all around... it seems that there is a divine body of the **** Zuo Luo everywhere, and those three thousand insights have formed a regular light in every world!

It's too vast, those regular rays of light, even rich enough to form a series of tornadoes, are constantly poured into every incarnation of the God of Zuoluo——

"Nine Heavens God Road, the way to destroy the sky!"

Thousands of thousands of Zuoluo Heavenly King God incarnates, as if in Xuan Ming, the voice is heard. Each of them raised a hand and raised it to the crystal red "Eternal Galaxy"——

The world, as if embodied at this moment, is extremely small, tens of millions of kings and gods arms, like a jungle, condensed out of that endless world.

The rules of the kings and gods are intertwined in the sky, as if the entire "Eternal Galaxy" has been turned into a forbidden zone of destruction, and everything in it will be destroyed!




The stars were wiped out, and they were blown up by the rules and turned into ashes! And with the pointing of each hand, the top of the index finger of each hand of the tens of millions of kings and gods began to gather the bright light like stars in the sky!

In the terrifying starry sky visible to the naked eye--

One black hole after another turned into an engulfed vortex, swallowing all things, "The Unworldly Galaxy" began to shake violently. In the black hole swallowing in the sky, countless people have seen the collapse of "Netherworld's Galaxy"!

"Wu Shi Yinhe will be blown up by the King God!" Someone cried out after seeing this scene with their head raised in the land of glazed glaze.

The crying is not because of Ye Di, but that King God really has the power to scare the strong! Now the "Eternal Galaxy" is devastated, and there are terrible black holes swirling and swallowing everywhere. In the "Eternal Galaxy", it seems that there are holes everywhere!

"Is this the true power of the King God... No one in the human race can do this, unless this is the age of the ancient sages, otherwise, with the power of the current human race, it is absolutely impossible to compete with the gods!"

"A human being at the top of the human race is difficult to fight against an ordinary god, let alone a king god! Even though Ye Di was lucky not to die under the blow just now, his "Unworldly Galaxy" is crashing. In the course of the process, it may completely collapse at any time—"

"Wang God, the truly invincible King God! There is no hope, our human race has no hope—"

"Zuo Luo Tianwang crushed the Yedi, at least it seems so at the moment. The Taiyang King God has not yet made a move. If the two King Gods join forces..."

"I don’t dare to think that the combined power of the two kings and gods could destroy the glazed land in an instant, and even destroy the'Hundred Thousand High Heavens' with one blow! The gods have been coveting the heavens, and I am afraid that they will succeed from now on. Really."

"God rules the heavens, the human race... will not even be as good as the ants! Everyone! Think about our relatives, our children, who are trampled on! Those evil demon gods will gluttonously wantonly, we...we can't do anything about it!"

" collapsed...completely collapsed—"

The breath of despair is everywhere in every corner of the glazed land.

The "Unworldly Milky Way" by the World Zun Yedi suddenly turned into countless crystal red fragments, and could no longer withstand the Goddess of God Zoruo!

This is just a divine way in Zuoluo Tianwang's "Nine Heavens Shinto"...This is already capable of destroying the "Willless Milky Way" of the Emperor Ye Di!


Heaven and Earth are weeping, facing the unknown future, the gods ruled by the heavens and human races, I am afraid that the human race cannot even survive. Yedi loses the blessing of "Eternal Galaxy", how much can he still have? Even if you don’t die temporarily, you can’t be stronger, so now the whole world is very pessimistic——

It hurts, the Chaosheng Banshee really wants to call Ye Di to come down...not let him fight...

Yedi's face was as pale as paper. For him, the collapse of "Unworldly Galaxy" had an impact. If this were placed before, he might even die! Fortunately, the current Ye Emperor is no longer what he used to be!

"I haven't explained it, but this is the reality... Yedi, can't stop the opening of "New God Era". If he gives up now, the Protoss cherish his talents, maybe he will spare his life, and you will not die because of it." Said slowly.

"Shut up! Ye Di would rather die than surrender, he is not the kind of human race you think--" The Chaosheng Banshee was so angry that she shouted at the Lotus Goddess.

"Emperor Ye controls the tree of enlightenment and cooperates with the gods. It may not be a choice. It is too difficult for you to rely on Ye Emperor alone." Gao Yue said.

"Open your mouth and keep your mouth shut..." The Chaosheng Banshee was very disappointed, especially for Gao Yue.

"Of course, that was the chance I got at a high price." Gao Yue straightened her body and said to the Chaosheng Banshee.

Chaosheng Banshee:...


Zuo Luo Tianwang looked at the blood flowing down from the corner of Su Jin's mouth, and sneered slightly: "Don't you bow your head? I know that your human race values ​​the body. If you bow your head to me now, I can leave you a whole body. ——"

"Hahaha..." Su Jin's eyes became sharper and sharper, and he wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and said: "Give up the fantasy, recognize the reality, apologize to the heavens and human race! Then kneel down and apologize to the human race, I can give you joy One chance for one vein, otherwise, take your head off, kill your relatives, and wipe out all your joyous veins, leaving none!"

"Are you crazy?" Zuo Luo Tianwang frowned. He couldn't see what Yedi had to do. He just exploded "Unworldly Milky Way", this Yedi was obviously injured and his combat power was greatly reduced.

It can be said that Zuo Luo Tian Wang Shen does not think that Ye Di still has the power to contend with him, even a single blow, the other party cannot withstand it——

"You are the one who is ignorant and ignorant..." Su Jin Jinghong's eyes began to flicker, and he continued: "Wang Shen, it's really hard to kill! But I can still do it if I kill one of you."


What is he going to do?

Countless people have a question mark in their hearts--

Su Jin's hair fluttered in an instant, as if being blown by a storm, his long hair began to turn into crystal red, and each one seemed to penetrate into the boundless time and space.

If you don’t have the world-honored one, who would dare to say that there is only the art of "Unworldly Galaxy"!

If you don’t, when will you be so underestimated again!

At the feet of Su Jin, strands of crystal red began to gather, and the brilliance of crystal red gradually formed a vast disc of years——

He stepped on the years and raised his hand... the entire void of the glazed land, and even the endless distance beyond, seemed to be grasped by him in an instant!

Zuo Luo Tianwang's face changed drastically!

You know, this sky has been controlled by his "Nine Heavens Shinto". He controlled this sky, but was taken away at that moment! This is definitely not what Yedi, who has been hit hard, can do!

However, the **** Zuoluo also denied the support of the mysterious protoss old turtle, there is no condition for the other party to help secretly——

"Do you think that World Honored One is such a simple and defeated existence?!" Su Jin's voice and momentum are like rising flames, rising with the wind!

Zuo Luo Tianwang's heart sank heavily, he squinted his eyes, and he was unthinkable, this...this night emperor...has become stronger!

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