My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3741: One statue, ten thousand ways to heaven

Yedi suffered a severe injury before. Although he still doesn't know how much combat power he has, he still doesn't reach the point of improvement. Zuo Luo Tianwang felt that he must be wrong.

Zuoluo Tianwang carefully watched the night emperor.

Su Jin's aura was rising exponentially, and Zuo Luo Heavenly King's heart sank to the bottom, his previous feeling was absolutely correct, this night emperor... is still getting stronger.

Seeing this scene, Zuo Luo Tian Wang God is simply incredible——

Su Jin's current momentum, for the creatures in the entire Glazed Glass Land, that kind of power is simply a burst level, but anyone who looks up at that distant sky will see an amazing scene.

In the space-time sky dome where the world-zun Yedi was standing, faintly crystal red lightning began to split the space-time boundary wall, and the storm in that space seemed to exist as a real entity——

It can be said that Su Jin's temperament is absolutely different from any existence here, he is like a lonely walker, standing on top of a peerless world!

Even, in the eyes of Zuo Luo Tian Wang Shen and Tai Yang Wang Shen, he seems to be a different person——

"It has truly become the state of being completely awakened without being the world-honored?" Taiyang King God is still muttering in his heart in the palace of heaven. Although this possibility is small, it does not mean that there is no such thing.

Because Yedi's current performance is quite different from the previous one, just letting people look at him, it feels like seeing a fearsome existence!

God is the most ruthless, not the world-zun... will be a more ruthless existence! Su Jin slowly raised his left hand----

That is... that left hand is the bone of his plane!



Su Jin's left arm fist was lightly raised, and the light of time and space seemed to be tens of thousands of times faster, starting to crazily flow around him! And in that scene that was almost super **** level, everyone and all gods saw a terrible scene!

Sun Luo plane!

The large tract of Sun Luo plane, like a leaping star, evaporates from behind Su Jin——


Crystal red lightning splits the silent world. The forest plane began to be rendered and diffused by crystal red, but after a few breaths, Su Jin stood at an endless distance, turning into a crystal red sky!

No one, no one! The plane is the foundation, the world is dead!

If it is said that the Great Thousand World of Zoruo Heavenly King God was condensed, then the current Ye Di Shi Tian is definitely a place where it truly exists!

That scene can no longer be described with horror. As the lord of the plane, Ye Di turned the plane of Senluo into the worldless and worldless. His power of the worldless, plus the entire plane of Senluo. Blessing, he... at this moment, it is tantamount to being here!

Control the situation.

Take control of Crystal Red.

Control the endless stars, sun and moon——

The crystal-red light that spawned from the Celestial Plane seemed to have turned into an endless sea of ​​light, full of power, respected by the emperor, he was suspended above the sea of ​​crystal-red light, even with the entire Compared with Guanghai, his figure is small, but he seems to be the mainstay of the entire Celestial Plane!

"What a powerful method--" The God of Zuo Luo was horrified. If he could see the depth of Su Jin's strength before, then now... he seems to be looking at the endless ocean, without knowing where the end is. Where is it!

Could it be that this is the true power of the World-Honored One?

The arrogance in the heart of the **** Zuo Luo is far better than that of the ordinary gods, and he will naturally not retreat!

"No World Honored, what if I killed it?" Zuo Luo Heavenly King laughed and stepped into the unworldly world. At his level, he has no fear of anyone, like this World Honored, he can’t let go today. Over.


The ancient and far-reaching storms blew out from countless crystal red sky cracks. Those storms seemed to appear for the first time, and thunder and lightning were mixed in the violent turmoil.

Su Jin slowly opened his hands!

The endless ups and downs of crystal red light beneath my feet, like a sea of ​​blazing magma, wisps of crystal red light, seeming to be controlled, are gathering crazily behind the night emperor——

Abnormal protrusion!

Those countless strands of crystal red are not the origin of the world, as if a giant phantom with a height of tens of millions of floors had condensed behind Su Jin! This phantom is extremely hazy, and the fuzzy face can be vaguely seen——

The sun and the moon, the eyes of the giant phantom, countless living human-shaped stars, started to bow down as the giant phantom raised their heads!


It was definitely a scene of incomparable suffocation.

Look at that crystal red long hair flying wildly, look at the billions of fuzzy human-shaped stars, and surrender to a monk in the entire glazed land, can not breathe for three seconds!

Countless people's faces were all in a moment of whiteness--

"The sun and the moon are the eyes, control the universe, one statue will come out, ten thousand Dao Futian! That phantom...... That phantom is not condensed from the origin of the world, it is the first generation of war of the sky!" Everyone was shaking with awe , I never expected to see such a scene today. No one cares about those gods anymore. When they look at the **** Zuoluo, they find that the face of the **** Zuoluo is also extremely ugly.

"Zuo Luo Tianwang feels something bad... Even if the world-zun is not fully awakened, I am afraid it is infinitely close to being completely, and the world-zun in this state is definitely a nightmare of the gods!"

"Too...too domineering, I couldn't breathe just now, even when Zuo Luo Tianwang used the methods before, he didn't give me such a horrible feeling. It turned out that the methods used by the night emperor can only be regarded as warm-ups. Now... …The current Ye Emperor is the most terrifying existence!"

"The sun, the moon and the stars, surrender to one. The original Daoying who was not the world-zun Zhantian appeared in the past... Now, can Zuoluo Tianwang bear the blow of the Ye Emperor?"

"Fighting at this level is too testy for the heart. If the God of Zuo Luo Tian Wang said a human monkey on the left and a human monkey on the right, I would have seen him unhappy long ago!"

"Don't forget that the first generation of non-world-zun did not defeat the sky, but brought disaster to the supreme divine realm. I heard that the human monks of that divine realm were completely turned into heaven slaves and suffered endless humiliation. They have not been lifted yet... "

"This time going against the sky, not fighting against God, fighting against this king and god, that is not the world-honored Taoist shadow, but the origin is condensed, and it must be far less powerful than the real body. Whether this battle will take place is yet to be known."


The choking scene also appeared in the Imperial City!

Gao Yue and the lotus goddess were all shocked. Could it be that the self-confidence of the emperor came from this... He awakened the unworldly origin to such a degree, he could definitely threaten the king! Moreover, as the lord of the plane, Senluo's increase in the face of him is also infinitely huge!

"Prepare to send away your King God——" Chaosheng Banshee was full of excitement, and finally glanced at Gao Yue and Lingzun in the light prison with a proud look.

"Impossible! He is a human race, and it is impossible for him to awaken the power of the World-Venerable to such an extent! It must be that nasty old tortoise, it is the old tortoise who is helping him!" Although the spirits are covered with their heads, according to the rules of the gods, they can each other. Perception, he can see everything happening outside.

Although Lingzun was very unconvinced, he also felt that the big thing was not good, God Father...Can God Father resist the Ye Emperor in this state?

The result is naturally unknown, it can only be said that there is a chance... a big chance -

"Zuo Luo Tianwang, it's impossible to lose to a human monkey, it's impossible!" Huanxi killing the **** also forcibly endures the fear in his heart, he can't even think about it now!

If Zuo Luotian is defeated, he will die! The Huanxi line completely lost a king god, and in the next countless years, the Huanxi line will not be able to give birth to another king god!

The tide sound female demon sneered without saying--

Although Ye Di's current performance, even she was surprised. But what Lingzun said is simply not convincing!

The Protoss Old Turtle can’t secretly intervene to help the Lord Ye Di, because the current Lord of the Lord is completely dependent on his own original strength!

The weird atmosphere is still rapidly fermenting!

Under the gaze of countless creatures, Zuo Luo Tianwang slowly moved his sleeves. Under the monstrous power of the king, he screamed: "Nine Heavens God, the way of destruction!"

The four big characters "The Way of Destiny" that shattered the sky, under the attention of the boundless reckless creatures, manifested the sky!


Zuoluo Tianwang recruited the "Sanjian Baojian" behind him and inserted it into the void, all the gods on the "Sanjian Baojian" flashed!

One rule after another, from the foot of Zuo Luo Tianwang, began to spread in all directions! It is a very dark and ruled God's way, but wherever it is touched, it will be completely wiped out, even if it is not the light radiated by the world's precious crystal red origin, it will be squeezed away by the rules and God's way of "The God of Destruction"——

Wangshen, still strong!

The emperor of the emperor is already terrifying, this Zoruo heavenly king first had "Desperate Heaven", which exploded the eternal galaxy, and now this "Destroyer of Destiny" can even disperse the light of eternal origin!

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