My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3742: Never forever!

No one would underestimate the power of the King God——

But the posture shown by the world-zun Yedi just now concealed everything, and now the "Shen Dao of Destiny" came out, immediately pulling everyone's thoughts back to reality.

"Remember, Yedi is a man, not a god! Although he is not a world-honored person, he is no longer at his peak. Now he uses his origin to condense the first generation of Taoist shadows that are not the world-honored person. "Someone watched the battle nervously.

"The Nine Heavens Divine Dao has only developed two divine ways. The Zuo Luo Heavenly King God is too heavenly, and the God Race is indeed the darling of God, and it does not give people a chance."

"What kind of magical power does the Die Luck Divine Dao have? This Zuo Luotian is a real king and god, and the level of the Ye Emperor, although he can rival the opponent, may not be able to defeat it."

"The Divine Light of Extinction fortune forced back some of the unworldly radiance. Does this mean that the Ye Emperor is suppressed?"

"You can't say that, it can only be said that some light has been dissipated. The night Emperor's attack has just manifested, and he has not yet demonstrated his power--"


For the monks in the entire glazed land--

This is definitely a feast! Ye Di released a trump card. In this state, no one looked down upon him, even if it was Wang Shen, he should treat it with solemn expression!

And Zuo Luo Tian Wang Shen, also showed the side of the invincible Wang Shen!

"Let me destroy the light of luck and dispel the evil, that far away year, God ruled you, now... I Zuo Luotian, walk the way for the sky again, cut off your unworldly body, and completely send you into a reincarnation desperate situation. , So that you can never use your original source to resuscitate forever -" Zuo Luo Tianwang said indifferently.

"Dare to threaten the deity with the only low-level means?"

what? What sound is this?

Zuo Luo Tianwang's expression was shocked, he then fixed his eyes and saw that Su Jin had closed his eyes! And when Zuo Luo Tianwang looked behind Su Jin... the vague and unworldly image of the world-honored Dao Ying was actually staring at him with the eyes of the sun and the moon—

Could it be!

Could it be this Dao Ying from the source of the world-zun just now, talking to him?

how can that be! what! Absolutely impossible--

Zuo Luotian seemed to have lost his mind and couldn't accept it. He felt that a Yedi was not terrible at all. Even if he exhibited this method, he was sure of winning, but what is the situation now!

Back then, the first generation of Zhantian was not the world-sovereign, although it was a Taoist shadow condensed from its origin, it could shock the world! In other words, although the **** Zuo Luo Tianwang is not God, he is also facing the unworldly Lord back then! Even a Dao Ying is enough to threaten him!

At this moment, all were dumbfounded——

On the palace in the sky, the Taiyang King God was extremely moved, and even manifested on the palace. While paying attention to this battle, he carefully looked at the Taoist shadow who opened his mouth!


The existence of Zhantian that year used its origin to regenerate into a Taoist shadow. The gaze of the world-honored Taoist shadow seemed to be the ultimate imprint, deeply imprinted in the heart of every creature in the world!

"It's dangerous..." Taiyang Wangshen was in a daze, and a wry smile appeared in his heart involuntarily.

Although he is also very optimistic about the God of Zuoluo, after all, if it is the Dao Ying that is not the world-zun under the control of the emperor, he thinks that the God of Zuoluo will win this battle.

It's different now--

Even though he is also the Ye Emperor in the past, it is impossible to defeat the King God by his divine body and means. The difference now is that this is the original resurrection of the Emperor who has fought against God!

"My Protoss will win! The way of fate in my "Nine Heavens Shinto" is that all laws are not invaded, and all ways are not tolerated. What if you don't awaken Dao Ying, I...I can kill!" Tao.

While talking, Zuo Luo Tianwang gave people a feeling of lack of confidence! This is terrible, especially in the current situation. When you know that this is an existence who has crossed the sky, when you talk to him, no one can imagine the pressure!

"You use all the nine gods..." The huge Taoist shadow with the sun and the moon as its eyes stared at Zuo Luo Tian Wang and said to Zuo Luo Tian Wang with unquestionable majesty.


Nine Heavens Shinto, all display?

Zuo Luo Tianwang was able to do that, but he didn't want to do that! "Nine Heavens Shinto", displayed one by one, can make him rule the king, and the cycle is endless, but if the "Nine Heavens Shinto" is exhibited together, his rules of the king will not be restored in a short time——

This price is too great-

But this terrifying non-world-zun Dao Ying also reminded him! If he doesn't do this, he will die and lose! Because Zuo Luo Tian Wang Shen himself has felt the crisis of life and death!

"My "Nine Heavens Shinto" is fully displayed, even I can't predict what will happen, you... sure..." Zuo Luo Tianwang said.

The other party didn't speak... The eyes of the **** Zoruo, who is not the world-honored Dao Ying, looked like the eyes of the gods looking at the human race, ruthless and indifferent, like an worm, insignificant.

Look down on me so?

Zuo Luo Tianwang was very angry, but when he saw the road of destruction made by his "Shen Dao of Destruction", and he couldn't get close to the body of the Lord Ye Di, he felt that it was only "The Divine Dao of Destroy". It's useless at all!

"Good!" Zuo Luo Tianwang answered.

This sound also caused a monstrous noise in the world!

It can be said that the entire land of colored glaze is boiling to the extreme at this moment!

"Just now, Zuoluo Tianwang used the "Way of Destroying Heaven" in "Nine Heavens Gods" to blow up Yedi's "Unworldly Milky Way"! Now, this unworldly origin Taoying, even let Zuo Luo Tianwang, perform complete The Nine Heavens Divine Dao! Is this... Is this still Ye Di?" Someone blushed and said directly.

"Right! It's just the awakening of the origin of the first generation of non-world-sovereign. The current Yedi is the same as him back then. You should all know that this non-world-sovereign origin of Tao Ying is the first generation that is not the world-sovereign, who fought against the sky!"

"That's the end of it... This Zoruo Heavenly King God is not God, although this is just a Taoist shadow that is not the world-honored, but it is not an existence that King God can contend with--"

"Emperor Ye is too surprising, this is fine, Zuo Luo Tian Wang Shen now estimates that one is the first two big, Wang Shen is going to be dangerous."

"Say we are human monkeys? You king god, don't be beaten and cry for a while!"

"Zuo Luo Heavenly King God must have felt the danger, and he agreed to use the complete "Nine Heavens Shinto". He may only have the chance to strike—"


Imperial Palace!

The Chaosheng Banshee was excited and took the lead and shouted: "Unwilling to be with the heavens! Never forever!"

"Unwilling to be with the sky, forever will not be the world-honored!" The demon girls were also shaking with excitement, and shouted.

In the Emperor City, all the existence of the Four Tigers also roared to the sky——


"Unwilling to be with the sky, forever will not be the world-honor!" This sentence seems to have spread to the entire glazed land, and the momentum of shouting in unison has a feeling of overturning the sky!

Gao Yue, the lotus goddess, Tracer, and even Yutang, all of them are full of enthusiasm now. The life of the Protoss is too ruthless and lonely. The Protoss does not have the scale of the Humans. Now hearing the shouts, it makes this Several protoss have realized what is called enthusiasm-

"Zuo Luo Tianwang still has a chance, believe it or not," the lotus goddess said slowly.

"Why do you say that?" Gao Yue felt that she was at odds with the lotus goddess. She didn't think Zuoruo Heavenly King God would win, especially when she knew the past of the world-zun Dao Ying, she felt an invincible feeling after thinking about it.

"The Nine Heavens Shinto has only two rules of the Shinto, and it has such a power. Not to mention the "Unworldly Galaxy" first, but now it has dispelled a large amount of eternal glory. Obviously, the Nine Heavens Shinto restrains the power of the unworldly."

"There is a chance, but it's very slim—" Tracer shook his head. He and Gao Yue had similar opinions. After all, the world-zun Tao Ying said that, and let Zuo Luo Tian Wang perform all the rules of the "Nine Heavens Shinto". This shows how confident the other party really is.

"Zuo Luo Tianwang, after the gods became kings and gods, he only used the complete "Nine Heavens Shinto" once. When the nine rules of the Shinto came out, he was invincible. At that time, I was not born yet. He has a very high evaluation, not weaker than the other king gods--" said the lotus goddess.

With anticipation.

The expectations of all races-

Zuo Luo Tianwang’s face began to calm down, he looked at his right hand, gently opened it, and slowly said: "Destroy the sky, destroy the luck, curse, pray, pray, go to the source..."

One after another, "Nine Heavens God Road", began to turn into entangled trails, and began to float on the palm of Zuo Luo Tianwang, his colorful eyes and eyes began to drift--

Above Zuoluo Tianwang’s head, a ‘door of God’s prayers’ opened for him, and the world was full of vitality, all bathed in his body, and circles of vain vortex began to appear on his king’s body!

The Three Thousand World, the window of the avenue, seems to be opened in the whole world of Zoruo Heavenly King God, he seems to be alone outside of this ‘Siluo Plane’, beyond any world!

"Nine Heavens Shinto", the mysterious power brought by the rules of the kings and gods, people feel far more than the vastness! This has also strengthened the confidence of all the Protoss in the Liuli Land!

Not the source of the world-zun Dao Ying, Zhan now displays the peak king of "Nine Heavens Shinto"!

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