My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3743: God's Gate

Heavenly Palace

Taiyang Wangshen frowned, watching the many Wangshen rules blessing on Zuoluo Tianwangshen——

"Wang Shen thought, could the Father God be able to cut away the Tao Ying of the Unworldly Lord." Several gods floated from the palace, among them were the goddess with fairy clothes, the goddess who did not touch the ground, the luxuriously clothed youth, and the talking It was the young man.

Only the goddess in the fairy white shirt has two maids who play lanterns in their hands——

Taiyang Wangshen shook his head.

"Is it uncertain, or Taiyang King God thinks that my Father God cannot defeat the World-Honored One." The young man asked again.

"After this battle, I will go to the imperial city to ask your brother king." Taiyang King God said.

Both the youth and the goddess changed their faces suddenly--

Taiyang King God's words, although not straightforward, can also indicate a result. The result that the Huanxi family cannot bear.

"Father God can't cut off a Taoist shadow of the world-honored? Impossible." A long veil like a hazy water color, covering the face of the goddess, but in her pair of colored eyes, there are unacceptable and disapproving words of the King God .

The youth is also a little confused.

It is good that Lingzun is his brother, but if God the Father can defeat Yedi, why should the Taiyang King go to ask for the brother of Lingzun! This clearly shows that God Zolo will fall in this battle!


The audience is eye-catching.

Zuo Luo Tianwang, "Nine Heavens God Road", the rule power of the nine kings and gods, appeals to the magic, now he, even if the heaven comes, has the confidence to fight!

Now, in the three thousand worlds and windows of the avenue that have condensed out, endless power is rolling in. At this moment, the God of Zuo Luo, even has a heroic sentiment that can dominate the heavens! There is a "Gate of God Praying" hanging above his head. This "Gate of God Praying" is the "Way of God Praying", one of the nine gods, which gives him courage! Even, one of his shocking methods is hidden in this one!

"I carry the "Nine Heavens Divine Path", I can walk through the heavens, my transcendence, the ants in the world don't understand, and you...not the world-honored person, no longer the ability of the past, if in your first life, maybe I would still be afraid of one. Two, but now I am not afraid of you the slightest!" Zuo Luo Tianwang's figure flickered, turning into a flowing shadow, and the nine rules of kings swirled around him. He was like a carp jumping into the sky, in a flash!


Zuoluo Tianwang held the "Three Swords Treasure Jian", like a wheel blade that was tumbling and cutting time and space, and that piece of Senluo plane he was in, seemed to blow up countless wheel blade whirlwinds, fiercely smashing into the world-zun Dao Ying!

"No World Honored! After today, it will become a legend!" Zuoluo Heavenly King struck that World Honored Taoist Shadow!

Speaking of it, it's hard to miss it! After all, the shadow of the world-honored Taoist shadow, the sun and the moon have become eyes, and the vastness is incomparable!

A splendid spark of lightning, like a galaxy stream! The sparks and lightning caused by the crazy blades fell on the plane of Sun Luo. The brightness can be seen clearly even from tens of billions of miles away!

So dazzling!

"Huh?" Zuo Luo Tianwang sensed something, he was startled, and instantly he knew where he was hit...

Zuo Luo Heavenly King cut the palm of his hand, which was not known when the world-zun Dao Ying raised it!

what happened! This……

Zuo Luo Tianwang felt a chill in his heart. No matter how hard he worked, he would not be able to smash the palm of this ‘unsovereign Taoist’!

Even when he felt deeply, Zoruo Tianwang felt a terrible cold for no reason. He is so powerful now that he can't even cut through the palm of the world's nobleman, and even... even a trace can't be cut out!

Oh my god

Zuoluo Heavenly King God has been completely stunned-

When he realized that it was not good, he immediately retreated thousands of miles away, but he saw the vast Dao Ying of the World-Venerable, gently raised his hand and shook his finger.

A circle of crystal red void vortex appeared directly at the feet of Zuo Luo Tianwang! He... he is trapped!

Zuo Luo Tianwang repeatedly used the "Three Pointed Treasure Jian" to hack, and the whirlpool around him was still expanding. The rules of the king and the gods all over him seemed to be lost, and even a little divine light could not be cut out!

Whirlpool, Zoruo Heavenly King is struggling in the whirlpool——


Around the vortex, a crystal red wall began to form, and Zuo Luo Tianwang turned and constantly looked for a way out, but he felt more and more that this world had exceeded his scope of understanding.

The vastness is more than the vastness. But that kind of mystery, in the eyes of the monks in the Land of Glazed Glaze, is another situation!

The cultivator in the Land of Glazed Glass saw with his own eyes the void vortex around the feet of God Zuoluo, but from a distance, he seemed to be enclosed by a crystal red enchantment **** wall——

"The kings and gods are trapped in it!" Many of the cultivators in the Land of Glazed Glass cried out incredible.

"Zuo Luotian is a real king god. His "Nine Heavens God Road" just now couldn't even cut the palm of the world-zun Dao Ying, and now he is still struggling and wants to get out of trouble!"

"This is a crushing! A crushing crush! Not the world-zun's original Dao Ying, it seems to be teasing the king, let him struggle with the ants!"

"The king is about to kneel... In the eternal world, the existence of this level could have survived forever, but now it is like an ant, struggling in the enchantment vortex, and the **** of Zuoluo may be here. I would never think that I would end up like this if I died--"

"The Dao Ying who has fought against God in the past, this night emperor... can this be the power that the night emperor can display? It's terrifying, the kings and gods are like a child's play, and the gods are still under the eyes of the world. The opening of "New God Era" is really a life and death, foolish dreams!"

"Isn't it! Even if the night emperor is the enemy, it is better for him to control the entire glazed land, one hundred thousand high heavens, than the gods who use us as slaves—"

"Slave? You want to be a slave to the Protoss. People may still think you are dreaming. If the Protoss opens up the "New Era of Gods", we are not even a slave, and we are not worthy of being slaughtered by the gods."

"The powerful night emperor is really fortunate for the human race. Zoruo Tianwang has a beautiful dream, but that dream is now ruthlessly crushed by the world. He will be the first fallen king among the gods. God!"



Zuo Luo Tianwang is crazy now. He is like a bird locked in a cage. He can't get out at all. The crystal red around him is not the power of the world, and it affects him all the time. Even if he is the king, he still feels His legs were as heavy as lead, and he was unable to deal with this vast enchantment.

And Zuo Luo Tianwang is naturally unwilling! But the more he struggled, the more terrifying the power he exerted. In the end, his whole body was trembling, and his legs were like sifting chaff——


A black shadow was seen by the **** Zuo Luo!

That...that is...

Zuo Luo Tianwang was full of despair and roared unwillingly. That dark shadow turned out to be a palm, an infinite palm in his opinion!

Without the World Venerable Dao Ying, he leaned his palm and grabbed the crystal red enchantment, as if he was holding a crystal ball. The face of Zuo Luo Tianwang was distorted, but even so, it couldn’t cause the World Venerable. Any fluctuations in the expression on the face.


The crystal red enchantment, after being grasped by the hands of the unworldly elder Dao Ying, crunching sounds all around it, this kind of sound seemed unstoppable.

"He wants to... he wants to squeeze the **** Zuo Luo!" The lotus goddess's face was extremely solemn, and when she saw this scene in the imperial city, she couldn't help but gasp.

"Squeezed Zuoruo Heavenly King God to death? Can anyone do this feat?" Gao Yue stayed in the kingdom of God before, but she had never seen so many gods, and she didn't feel much about the king and gods. Don't worry about these.

"Father God! Father God——" Lingzun cried loudly, "Emperor Ye! You... You take my life for my Father God immortal, please... please..."

The voice gradually weakened, and Lingzun was in grief. At this time, I am afraid that the father and son will be separated forever.

"Your life is worthless." The Chaosheng Banshee was completely relieved and said to Lingzun with a sneer.

"I know... I know..." Lingzun was locked in a prison of light, and he was already at the mercy of others, and how could his life be worthy of a king god? This kind of powerlessness and despair, he has never had in his life. Ever!


Looking from a distance, the red enchantment that the world-zun Dao Ying held in his hands instantly burst into pieces and turned into powder! And the unwilling ‘Zoruo Heavenly King’s God’ seemed to freeze, the body of the King God began to collapse, collapsed into fans!

"Die... Are you dead..." The entire glazed land was quiet at this moment, and the crushing methods displayed by the World-Venerable were enough to silence the world.

"It's too exaggerated. Zuoluo Heavenly King God was killed, and Ye Di was injured before. How terrible is the origin of the World-Honored One?"

"I believe that the kings of gods are not only the gods of Zuoluo Tianwang and Taiyang, but as long as there is the emperor of the night, "New God Era" can not be opened! No matter how many of their kings, come and cut one!"

"Zuo Luo Tianwang's power is already at its limit. It's a pity. If it's not for the World-Venerable, if it's not for the World-Venerable, it's still a matter of whether the Land of Glazed Glass can exist now--"

"As soon as this King God dies, there is also the Taiyang King God! The Protoss are all venting from one nostril. If the Immortal Emperor can always display the Taoist shadow of the world-existence, even the Taiyang King God will not dare to make a second."

"This battle prevents the Protoss from opening up the "New God Era", it will definitely have a far-reaching impact! Zuoluo Tianwang sees himself as invincible, but he does not know the true power of the Ye Emperor, the Protoss, where should he go?"


The void, the whimpering wind and crying, seem to have become the main theme of this world, and in that lonely world, Su Jin's eyes have not opened yet——

The weird atmosphere became more intense at this moment.


The crystal-red sky of the world, that ‘gate of God’s prayer’, suddenly shines like the sun! And the ashes of the King God that had been sealed and scraped away began to gleam in brilliance, and quickly gathered under the "Gate of Prayer"!


When the **** Zuoluo Tianwang slowly resurrected under that ‘door of prayer, countless people were sluggish...this Zulu Tianwang god...has two lives?

"The Way of God's Prayer in Nine Heavens Shinto, one of the capabilities in "The Way of God's Prayer" is to resurrect against one's fate, and the God of Zuoluo is not dead!" The lotus goddess was a little suffocated when she saw it, she just heard I have used "The Way of God Praying" in "Nine Heavens Shinto", but Zuo Luo Tianwang rarely used the way of God praying, and she also heard of it.

Shicai, the lotus goddess saw the flickering of the gate of the gods, and directly guessed this situation, that is to say, the **** Zuoluo has a second life!

Under the sacred light of the ‘Gate of Prayer’, Zuo Luo Tianwang looked at his divine body with satisfaction, he even moved a bit, and then he looked at the Dao Ying of the unworldly Lord!

"I didn't expect it..." Zuo Luo Tianwang said proudly.

He is proud enough! And just now, Dao Ying has already performed a terrible trick. If you want to come, there is no more power to check him!


Zuo Luo Tianwang was full of spirits, and before he could react, there was an incomparable fist in front of him! The fist hit him... He just felt like he was evaporating and gasifying!

Blood fog! The Zoruo Heavenly King God, who turned alive again, turned into a cloud of blood, and was instantly exploded!

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