My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3744: There is a female Jinnian

A horrible blow!

Zoruo Tianwang was exploded on the spot. In the endless world, the rules of the king, as if added with the power of the world, directly penetrated the starry sky to form a terrible storm of rules, and finally turned into nothing. ——


Taiyang Wangshen clenched his fist fiercely, and there was a wailing in the palace of the sky, Zuoluo Tianwang, the **** of the Protoss rejoiced, completely fell and disappeared!

This is the first king **** to fall in countless years! In the future, the Huanxi line may no longer be born without a "king god"! This is definitely not good news for Huanxi Yimai——

"Father God! Father God walk well..." There was a constant voice in the palace in the sky.

And the two existences, the man and the woman near the Taiyang King God, all knelt down and gave the Father God a gift!


Taiyang Wangshen looked at the worldless world, the unworldly Taoist shadow seemed to feel the gaze, and looked directly at Taiyang Wangshen——

The invincible existence of the sun and the moon, when looking at Taiyang King God... Taiyang King God only feels like he has fallen into an ice pit! He instinctively lowered his head slowly, without looking directly at that terrifying gaze!

This scene was also condensed by the power of the Land of Glazed Glass! No World Honored, just saw another King God, this is definitely a super terrifying signal!

"That is the King God of Taiyang! The King God of the Taiyang line-" someone said excitedly.

"Will the world-zun Yedi attack him? It's terrible, just squeezed the first life of'Zuo Luo Tian Wang Shen' with a palm, and beat the second life of Zuo Luo Tian Wang Shen with a punch, making him completely Dao Xiao, the body of the king **** disintegrated! The rules of the king **** himself have wiped out a regular storm in that worldless world, and the **** of Zuo Luo, unwilling to fall!"

"It's not terrible! Taiyang King God bowed his head under the gaze of the World-Venerable. It is obvious that he dare not provoke the World-Venerable. This was absolutely impossible before—"

"The nobility and dignity of the gods are all defeated by this bow. I am afraid that there will be a shadow in the heart of the king of Taiyang. According to the current situation of the world's noble Taoist shadow, it is absolutely no problem to cut another king god!"

"But Taiyang King God now dare not even look directly at his eyes. He... he definitely cannot stand up for Zuoluo Heavenly King God, let alone walk into that Sum Luo plane! Otherwise, his fate will be the same as the left. Like God Luo Tian, ​​eternal disappearance!"

"The King God is as fragile as an ant in front of the world-zun Dao Ying, vulnerable! But how long can Ye Di last in this state? This source of consumption is definitely not infinite... If the gods of the gods are all together , The protoss army came from all over the heavens, it would be an unimaginable disaster—"

"The shadow of the world-honored Taoist is gone!"


In the world, the crystal red faded away, and the shadow of the world-honored Taoist slowly turned into a ray of crystal red light. At that moment, Su Jin's face was pale, and when he opened his eyes, he almost fell down while staggering!

"The Taiyang King God, you dare to fight against the deity——" Su Jin looked at the Taiyang King Shendao coldly.

"New God Era, neither I mentioned nor I presided over, but I don't think the Protoss will give up, and I will not take action against you. And this is entirely in the face of the old predecessor." Tai Yang Wang Shen said slowly.

Su Jin’s failure just now does not seem to be a fake——

However, the world is unpredictable how smart the Ye Emperor is. Even if it is the King God, he has to worry about the trivial possibility. If the Ye Emperor behaves like this deliberately, he will have to follow the left after the appearance of Dao Ying. Luo Tianwang, like a god, smashed his head!

"You are very witty--" Su Jin's face was calm, and he was about to walk to the Imperial City.

"Slow!" Taiyang Wangshen hesitated, and said: "Zuo Luo Tianwang is dead, what good is Yedi leaving him? Why don't you give me a face and let him come back? I promise he won't do it again. Shot at you."

Su Jin didn't even think about it, but responded simply, "No."

This is very stiff--

Taiyang Wangshen suddenly became a little embarrassed, and this night Emperor didn't give any face! This was something he hadn't thought of at all, and the Spirit Venerable was really useless to Ye Di.

"If you want the swollen face, you have to exchange it for an equivalent existence, otherwise, beat me and **** people away." Su Jin had already appeared in the sky over the imperial city when he said it, his head Falling before the imperial palace without returning.

The Chaosheng Banshee hurried forward, trying to hold him, but he slowly shook her head and refused. Although he was severely injured, he was not too untenable.

"Ye Di! Your fate is bound to be extremely miserable, you will not die well, you will be enslaved by my protoss, and your head will be taken off by my protoss sooner or later! shouldn't kill my **** father! You shouldn't!" Ling Zun has collapsed, and now he speaks the most ruthless words, but he himself has no strength to contend with this emperor, he can't even get out of the prison!

"Kill—" Su Jin said lightly, looking at the lotus goddess.


The face of the lotus goddess suddenly changed color. She was from the Taiyang line, and also from the Protoss. If you kill the son of the king of God, Lingzun, who is in the line of joy, this must be wrong!

It seems that Ye Di deliberately gave her a problem! If she dares to do it, she has unlimited opportunities! The tree of enlightenment can even use her to raise the rank of God anytime, anywhere!

"Why are you hesitating? There is no king in the line of joy... You won't come to me--" Gao Yue said with a smile.

That's right! The lotus goddess has always been indecisive, and she usually asks the king to ask the king to do this kind of cannibalism.

Su Jin's face was a little disappointed.

"Or I'll come--" Tracer only hates that he is not a daughter. He now takes the risk of recommending himself. He only hopes that Brother Ye can give him the opportunity. Anyway, Brother Ye has the potential of invincibility!

"I, I'll come." The lotus goddess was scared by Su Jin's disappointed expression, and she said to Su Jin without thinking about it.

Lingzun's whole body began to tremble, he never expected that death would come so quickly!

"Send you to meet your favorite Father God, you should thank me..." Su Jin said lightly.

A touch of marvelous lotus petals condensed on the fingers of the lotus goddess, when he was about to kill the spirits——

In the palace of the sky, a horse fleas move!

A sea of ​​divine rainbow, as if full of prosperous blur, straddling the palace in the sky and the imperial city, descending on the imperial palace! !

This is a goddess dressed in fairy white, with a hazy aqua veil. There are two lantern maids on the left and right in front of him, who looks extraordinarily noble.

"You want an equivalent exchange... Then I will replace my brother... Let him go..." The goddess in the fairy white dress, the tears on her face had not disappeared, she directly looked at Su Jin with disgust. There was already death on her face, she was not even afraid of death, and naturally she would not be afraid of the Ye Emperor.

Su Jin raised his hand to stop the lotus goddess.

"Change." Su Jin pointed towards Guanglao, and finally condensed his big hand directly, pinched Lingzun's head, opened a void passage, and threw him in.

In the middle of the palace, there was a cry of exclamation, and Lingzun was sent to the place by the passage!

Chaosheng Banshee is dying of happiness now... She feels that as long as Ye Di can return safely, everything will depend on him!

Moreover, this goddess should be one of Zuo Luotian’s many children, this woman, no matter her appearance or temperament, will definitely not lose to any of them——

Even this kind of born goddess temperament is more noble than the lotus goddess. Although the veil of this hazy water color has not been lifted, it is definitely worth it.

Change the value! Nothing wrong!

"You killed her **** father, will it be no problem to keep her by your side?" Xin Yuehu asked Su Jin quietly through a voice transmission.

Su Jin smiled faintly without explaining, "I need to adjust my breath, if nothing happens, no one will disturb me--"

"Brother Ye!" Tracer grinned bitterly, rubbing his hands a little embarrassed.

"Your benefits will naturally be indispensable in the future. I will talk about it when I recover." Su Jin said to Tracer.

"Hao Le! Give me Tracer the protection of the imperial city! Never let Old Brother Ye hear any movement!" Tracer received Su Jin's promise, his face couldn't hide his excitement. Feeling right, I have to ask the lower gods.

During this time, Tracer didn't know how envious the lotus goddess was. Fortunately, he was not in a hurry now!

Su Jin glanced at the daughter of the king god, without asking her name, strode into the imperial palace——

As soon as he entered the room, Su Jin's expression became gloomy, and he couldn't help but squirted out blood!

Although Su Jin knew that he would suffer heavy losses before the battle against the'Zuoluo Tianwang Shen', he did not expect to pay such a serious price. At that time, the "Unworldly Galaxy" was blown up and he could only be forced to display a hole card. , But after that card is used, unless he can fully awaken the power of the world-sovereign, otherwise, the former world-sovereign Taoist shadow will never appear again!

And, to be honest, Su Jin did want to kill the King God Taiyang just now, but he has no more power, and being able to persist in walking down is already the limit!

Su Jin walked to the bed and sat down directly, watching the terrible situation inside his body. Most of the heaven, earth and **** bridges in his body were in a shattered state. This is him. ——

This recovery must be fast...otherwise... Su Jin dare not think about it!

When Shicai communicated with Taiyang Wangshen, he knew that the Protoss would not be so easy to create "New God Era", and Taiyang Wangshen did not preside over this "New God Era"! Hearing what he meant, it was not the God of Zoro, but there was another God of Protoss——

How many kings are there?

Is there a king **** that is more powerful than the God of Zorra? These Taiyang Kings naturally knew that Su Jin did not expect Taiyang Kings to tell him that he only wanted to recover as quickly as possible, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous!

At present, Su Jin knows that his grievances with the Protoss will be put down temporarily! After all, the influence of his unworldly deity's blow to the God of Zorlu is still...

But once a few days pass over time, everything is hard to say. Then, Su Jin expelled all thoughts and directly adjusted his interest rate.


Outside the imperial palace

A group of enchantresses whispered around the goddess of the king.

"Sister Goddess, what's your name?" A demon girl asked.

"Sister goddess, don't be cautious with us, Ye Di treats captives kindly, your brother and the two ugly monsters in the prison are special cases, here we are sisters—"

"Goddess sister, the imperial palace is very big, I will help you clean up a room later, you can live in peace, Ye Di loves people very much, you will not be wronged."

"Shut up." The Chaosheng banshee frowned. Just now, she wanted to ask Ye Di, the daughter of the king and god, what to do and whether to lock it up, but Ye Di didn't seem to intend to do that.

A group of demon girls retreated some distance--

"My name is Shi Jinnian, and the 17th daughter of the Zuoluo Heavenly King God is also the youngest." The daughter of the King God looked at the Chaosheng Banshee, and after a pause, her eyes were sad and choked slightly: "My father, guilty."

Good intentions!

The Chaosheng Banshee sighed in her heart, if she were the emperor of the night, she would never stay in the emperor city.

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