My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3745: New emperor

In the eyes of Chaosheng Banshee, many people were sympathized by Chu Chu, who was in Jinnian at this time.

But what the Chaosong Banshee wants to remind...

Don't forget the nature of the Protoss!

Almost every Protoss, except Gao Yueli, who has been with the Humans, hates the Humans! Even if it’s the lotus goddess who is by her side now, it’s the same.

"Beside Ye Di, no one is accustomed to you except your two maids. You must pay attention to what you say in the future." The Chaosheng Banshee warned Shi Jinnian.

"I know--" Shi Jinnian nodded.

No one noticed that a trace of determination flashed through the depths of Shi Jinnian's colorful eyes!

Now it is known that Yedi is likely to be seriously injured. Taiyang King God dare not gamble with the honorable King God status. She is a goddess who lost her father, and her life is low—

The daughters of Yingying Yanyan are now a beautiful scenery outside the imperial palace.

As for the palace in the sky, Taiyang Wangshen did not pay attention to the imperial city anymore, but looked at the old tortoise of the Protoss in the sea of ​​rising and falling clouds...

"The land of colored glaze gave birth to Emperor Ming. From now on, Emperor Ye will be the new prince of colored glaze. He will dominate the land of colored glaze and one hundred thousand high heavens." The voice of the old tortoise of the Protoss resonated not only in the land of colored glaze, but also in the land of colored glaze One hundred thousand supreme worlds outside!

This voice is tantamount to telling the world! And this kind of ability, I am afraid that the minimum strength of the king **** can be achieved——


Protoss Laogui's announcement seemed to make the world a sensation!

"Ye enemy... has become the new Liuli Emperor! I can't accept it! We don't agree!" Some people still mind the previous Ye Emperor's invasion, and now their resistance has reached the extreme.

"Yes! I'd rather be a dog of the gods than a slave of the night emperor! One hundred thousand supreme heaven, the **** of colored glaze, shouldn't be the answer to the emperor! The emperors of the past dynasties have fought against the world, and protect the **** of colored glaze and the **** of 100,000. God, he is a night emperor, an outsider, how can He De!"

"Let the Protoss destroy this sky! Let all the races be annihilated in the years, and we don't want to be ruled by the Ye Emperor! He is not worthy! He killed the emperor, and he shattered the hope of the glazed land!"

"Liu Li Divine Land and the strongest human race in the 100,000-highest day, Ye Di naturally has the ability to sit on this big position! Whoever is not satisfied, can go to challenge Ye Di, he will use his fist to suppress your voice and tell you this piece In the world, who will tell the future--"

There are also different voices, choose to support Yedi! After all, there are very few of the Liuli people who took action against Ye Di and were injured by Ye Di...

Yedi conquered many hearts with his strength! More importantly, he is a human race!

Can blast the king **** who calls the human race the human monkey! It can even deter another King God from acting! This is Yedi, the new master of colored glaze! Emperor Liuli!

When Taiyang Wangshen heard these words, he was already full of regret...He was very sorry that the old turtle of the Protoss had announced this--

The old tortoise of the Protoss has been guarded in the land of Liuli for so many years. It chooses to support the Ye Di, and the Ye Di can be regarded as completely recognized by the old tortoise of the Protoss.

To be honest, Taiyang Wangshen was a little angry——

As a Protoss, Laogui should now have the same hatred, abandon grievances, and stand in the same camp with the Protoss, but now he supports a human race, which has caused unpredictable consequences for the opening of "New God Era".

"Wang Shen...Wang God sits and watches the fall of my father God, is this the unity of the Protoss?" Lingzun sat on the ground, his face full of frustration, he put his head in the light prison, and returned to the palace of Heaven, his home. He still came with his head capped, although he had already taken off his hood, where did he still care about embarrassment now?

He has no face to be ashamed of...Old ancestor, the face of God Father was completely lost by him——

"If you are not the world-honored person in that state, you have to step on one side in the face of God. You look up to me. Your father's power is stronger than me. You can't do it. You want me to be in the same line, and Are you happy in the same vein? Have you lost a King God forever?" Taiyang King God looked at Lingzun coldly and asked.

Lingzun felt the cold killing intent... He forgot, the current line of joy, his family has no King God! But he is now questioning another protoss king and god, and the opponent kills him now, and no protoss is pitiful!

"Jin Nian is deeply trapped in the Devil's Cave... King God depends on God Father's contribution to the Protoss, whether he can save the little girl... We are happy, and there is only one request now." Lingzun closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Once, he opened his eyes and said to the Taiyang King God.

"It may not be a bad thing for her to be with Ye Di. You worry too much. I have seen her gods' destiny and will not fall in this catastrophe."

Taiyang Wangshen flicked his sleeves and entered the palace in the sky--

And the sea of ​​ups and downs behind the imperial palace, and the huge figure of the old tortoise of the Protoss, gradually disappeared, as if it had never appeared before.

Tonight's stars are particularly bright.

When it falls from dusk, the stars appear, even more so. The wind blew over the branches and the palace lanterns seemed to be a little more angry. This imperial city seemed to be the imperial city where the emperor was—

"Stare at her." The Chaosheng Banshee looked at the lotus goddess coldly and spoke to her.

"Are you commanding me?" the lotus goddess asked.

She knew the meaning of the Chaosheng Banshee, and now Yedi's injury is unknown, the king and **** niece Shi Jinnian was probably burned with jade and stone and assassinated Yedi, and this situation did not happen before.

Moreover, judging from the abilities of the Chaosheng Banshee, apart from the Lotus Goddess who is now a high-ranking god, there is no other thing that can check Jinnian at that time.

"You can choose when I haven't said--" Chaosheng Banshee sneered.

The lotus goddess hesitated... Before the Chaosheng Banshee left, she still nodded.

In the past few days with Ye Di, the goddess of Lotus knew that among the female sisters that Ye Di trusted most here, the Chaosheng Banshee was undoubtedly the most prestigious among the female sisters...

It's ridiculous! The lotus goddess is now a high-ranking god, and actually agreed to the request of a female sister who seemed very weak to her.

Again! Everything, for the tree of enlightenment!

The lotus goddess sighed slightly in her heart, if it hadn’t been for the tree of enlightenment, she would have not stayed here... When Gao Yue stayed together--

Yes, in that kind of night, the filth of the human race is undoubtedly obvious!

The moon hangs high.

As the enchantresses gradually rested, the imperial palace seemed to be deserted again. The lotus goddess took a look, and finally, in front of the leftmost railing of the imperial palace, he saw the daughter of the king god, Shi Jinnian.

"Abandon that crazy idea." The lotus goddess appeared in front of the railing. She faced the vast and holy God Moon, and Shi Jinnian, who was in a daze, was on her right hand.

"Why—" Shi Jinnian turned to look at the lotus goddess as if he had lost his soul.

"It's not just that I know what you think, but the same is true of those human female cultivators. Even Ye Di also knows." The lotus goddess slowly said, "If you don't assassinate Ye Di tonight, I'm afraid Ye Di will be very surprised, so... listen. I have a word of advice."

"Is the Father God just dead in vain——" Shi Jinnian shed warm tears, and slowly put his arms on the railing, and buried his face wearing a hazy aqua veil.

"Death in vain... Without this saying, life and death is a duel, death is not a pity. At most, it is inferior to human skills, and your father and **** do not die in vain. The lotus goddess sighed, gently stretched out her palm and patted Shi Jinnian's back gently.

The figure of the goddess of the king is really rare... The lotus goddess is surprised by the feeling that her palm is behind Shi Jinnian, that feeling is like warm water cotton...

"Behind the imperial palace, what kind of existence does the Protoss Old Turtle exist... Father God and your Taiyang King God seem to be very jealous." Shi Jinnian asked.

"I don't know... Maybe Taiyang King God knows that the time that you Zuo Luo Tianwang God existed is probably a flash in the life of the old tortoise of the Protoss. It is too long, even if I read the history of the Protoss. I remember there was a description of this old tortoise of the Protoss." said the lotus goddess.

"Do you think it will protect Ye Di——" Shi Jinnian asked again.

"You...oh...give up..." The lotus goddess sighed and said: "Before the Ye Di was announced as the new Liuli Emperor, before Ye Di defeated your Father God, it might not care about Ye Di’s life and death. But now... it may not allow someone to attack Yedi when he is seriously injured. Listening to my sister's words, your Father God has fallen, and nothing can be done again."

After persuading, the lotus goddess felt that Jinnian couldn’t turn her head back at this time...whatever, she would stay with her for now——

At this moment.

Deep in the imperial palace, outside Su Jin's room.

If someone passes here, they will see a very magical scene on the doors and windows, the faint five-color light, faintly shining, people can't guess the mystery.

Last night, the lotus goddess stared at Wang Shen's daughter Shi Jinnian all night... saw Shi Jinnian cry with red eyes.

Early in the morning, everything recovered.

Yutang wore a beautiful colorful skirt and watched for a long time in front of the vanity mirror. She had never had such a deep feeling and felt her new life! All this is true, she is full of hope for the future!

Walking out of the imperial palace, many enchantresses are practicing dancing. This is Yutang's first day to welcome her new life, and she feels the sunshine is extremely warm on her body.

"Sister, is Big Brother Ye better?" Yutang summoned his courage, came to the Chaosheng Banshee, and asked.

"Don't worry, I've been to see him, it's okay." The Chaosheng Banshee looked at Yutang, she even looked at her a few more times and was surprised.

"Hmm--" Yutang blushed and ran to the side.

The Chaosong Banshee looked around, she saw Tracer, and quickly called him.

"Traceer... did you find anything last night?" The Chaosheng Banshee asked.

Young Tracer thought for a while, hesitated for a moment, and then transmitted the voice: "At dawn, the King God of Taiyang walked out of the palace in the sky, I suspect...the gods have an important King God coming, you have to remind Brother Ye first Be mentally prepared—"

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