My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3746: Qingqiu Mengmeng

The important king **** among the gods——

The Chaosheng Banshee's complexion suddenly became serious, and she even felt nervous about it, because she knew that Su Jin's condition was very poor, and that was the most serious injury she had seen since staying with Su Jin.

"I see." The Chaosheng Banshee nodded calmly, and then quietly walked into the imperial palace.


In the depths of the eternally silent vast sky in the twilight, one hundred and six thousand time and space directions from the "Land of Glazed Glass", there are ten directions of lightning, quickly sweeping the space-time barriers.

That piece of ten-point lightning, to the vast world, how small, like a firefly in the world, but when the real scene appeared in the field of vision, it was found that this ten-point lightning stretched ten times. Yili, all obstacles were swept away——

Among the ten directions of lightning, a star was wrapped in the magical power of colored glaze, and ten thousand rules surrounded it. On the colored glaze of the surface, no less than a hundred bronze dragons lay down.

Among the stars, the style of the gods is as noble as the lord of the world. Those pieces of eternal and holy blessing light shine on the magnificent buildings, and there is something that makes people sigh when they see it. feel.

On the most central continent of the stars, a group of figures are in front of a prosperous temple. Compared with that temple, each figure is even the size of a stone.

Chi Chi -

A fist-big purple lightning, filled with divine light, that lightning is a circle of rules, and gradually turned into a ‘black rose’. In front of that rose, a lotus arm stretched out and grabbed the rose in his hand——

"The Protoss is noble and noble immediately after birth. Human monkeys multiply everywhere, and this time we are going to a place full of human sweat." There are several Protoss youths, full of disgust and disgust.

"Earlier I went to see my adoptive father, and learned that the king of the Taiyang line sent a rule flag to inform the gods of the heavens. The happy line of the **** Zuoluo died unexpectedly, and it sounded the alarm for the gods."

The goddess who caught a black rose has ethereal eyes. She has long hair falling to her knees, barefoot, and wearing a dark purple thin dress with a magnificent temperament. The goodness of her voice seems to be heard by a desperate person, which will be inexplicable. Create a feeling of hope--

"Taiyang line? A long time ago, a Protoss, and that Zoruo Heavenly King God, I have not even heard of it, but it is quite terrifying to reach the level of the King God." A young Protoss said.

"Solanum, what existence can make the king **** fall? Could it be that "Heaven's Resentment" happened? It angered the gods?" There was also a young **** from the Protoss looking at the dark purple thin clothed goddess in surprise.

Solanum held the black rose in his hand, looked at other peers, and then said: "Die in the hands of a human race, so don't underestimate any human strong."

"Human, human race?"

A kind of Protoss youth, all of them turned in disguise! Who would have thought that even King God is not a human opponent? This is too dreamy, it is simply impossible!

"That's the truth. What the foster father told me, there are still falsehoods -" Solanum sighed, "I didn't believe it when I first heard it."

Just as this group of Protoss youths were still in shock--

The top of the temple behind him seemed to be able to pick the top of Xiaohan's stars, and a gust of wind that could freeze the gods blew!

Solanum, including all the young Protoss youths, all looked up fiercely--

The top of the temple is like a nine-day high, a woman wearing icy hazy neon clothes, standing peerlessly, under the influence of her god's rules, there are even nine mysterious ice fox tails swaying in the storm behind.

"After half a day, you will come to the land of glazed glaze. God the father orders you to be fully alert and not to be slack." The cold voice, like the eternal ice for nine days, made people instantly awake.

"Yes!" Protoss youths, all with enthusiasm in their eyes, clung their hands in unison to obey orders loudly.

"Sister Mengmeng——" Dragon Kwai swayed up, and finally fell beside Qingqiu Mengmeng.

Qingqiu Mengmeng looked at Solanum, her ruthless face, with a little more smile, "Go and prepare. Just guard against that human race. Without the intention of the father, no **** race can leave Qingqiu God without authorization. World."

"Well... Didn't the foster father say what he plans to do next? For example, in the land of colored glaze?" Dragon Kwai asked.

"No, there is a high probability that we will wait for the other kings and gods to converge. My father and I are worried about you. I can't bear to be lonely. I want to go to the world and anger the strong human race." Qingqiu Mengmeng said.

"No, definitely not. I don't want to smell the smell of human sweat--" Solanum studied Qingqiu Mengmeng carefully, "This time you retreat, you seem to have grown a lot taller, **** it! "


Solanum planted her hand on top of her head, and then slowly moved it to the bottom of Qingqiu Mengmeng's shoulder. She looked too short now, and felt like a little girl compared to Qingqiu Mengmeng.

"Can't be careless." Qingqiu Mengmeng slowly shook his head.

"Know, you can't underestimate any human race. They ruled the heavens for countless years, from the first era to the present... You and your foster father often talk in my ears, and I seem to be able to hear this when I sleep at night. Words..." Solanum rolled his eyes and said.

Qingqiu Mengmeng sighed. There was always a bad premonition in her impurity-free blue eyes, especially when she knew that the God of Zuoluo had fallen into the hands of a human race, she knew that The development of "Shen Ji Yuan" will not be so easy——


The imperial palace in the land of glazed glaze--

In the room, to be honest, Su Jin was not surprised when he heard the report from the Chaosheng Banshee.

"The Taiyang King God didn't dare to take action. He was definitely waiting for the arrival of other King Gods. The previous killing of Zuo Luo Heaven King God was a reminder for them." Su Jin said quietly.

"I am worried about you now. If there is a king **** who comes and chooses to challenge you, what should I do?" Chaosheng banshee asked, very sad.

"One step counts one step." Su Jin thought for a while, "You let Tracer look carefully."

"What do you want to do?"

The Chaosheng Banshee was shocked. Generally speaking, the entire imperial city could be under Su Jin’s perception, and any disturbances here would not escape Su Jin’s control. When he said this, the Chaosheng Banshee would It feels wrong.

"What do you want...I have other means besides the depletion of the power of the World-Honored One, and I was also practicing profound techniques last night, but in this process, I have no time to take care of the imperial city." Su Jin said.


The Chaosong Banshee breathed a sigh of relief--

"Then I won't bother you." The Chaosheng Banshee quickly walked out of the room and helped Su Jin shut the door.

Su Jin sat on the bed quietly, thinking carefully.

If he remembered correctly, Taiyang King God was the second King God to come to Liuli Land after Zuoluo Tianwang. At that time, Taiyang King God was not welcomed by Zuoluo Tianwang.

Thinking of this, Su Jin slowly walked out of a shadow incarnation. He felt that the heaven, earth and **** bridge in the body of the deity recovered extremely quickly, and it would take about a day or two to fully heal. In this case, he can't wait here. With--

Gently stretched out his hand, a whirlpool appeared in the distortion of time and space. This was one of Su Jin's ways to break through the time and space, and his shadow incarnation plunged directly into it.

The dim void--

The boundless deep space behind Su Jin, the land of glazed glaze was in it, and his position was exactly the place where the Taiyang King God, who had been paying attention with his divine eyes, had left.

Although according to this time, Taiyang Wangshen has no idea how far he has gone...

Su Jin had a balance in his heart, knowing that if the Taiyang King God converges with other King Gods, he will definitely appear here. This is the only way for the other party to go to the Land of Glazed Glass!

In this way, he uses the "Shadow Incarnation" to comprehend the way of heaven. If there are some miscellaneous fishes and separate gods, it will not hurt if he cuts them off——

It can be said that, except for the extreme north and extreme east deep space, which can go to the land of colored glaze, all the gods passing by here can't escape Su Jin's eyes.

At this point, Su Jin swirled around a vortex, and his body was hidden in it. At this moment, hundreds of millions of stars began to drop a marvelous shower of stars and were swept in by the vortex——

And if someone sees this vortex at this moment, he will definitely find a strange situation. In the depth of the vortex, there are circles of five-color divine light that are being grown by countless stars.

Time, one minute and one second passed...

The Qingqiu God Realm, where hundreds of bronze dragons were clinging, was one billion miles away from the whirlpool that had become a radius of one hundred thousand miles. A terrible thing happened!

One hundred and four giant bronze dragons, as if frightened, all raised their heads. The mangling dragon was outside the Qingqiu God Realm, panicking, and the continuous roar of dragons also caused Qingqiu's lineage. Protoss is vigilant.

"What happened?" Solanum and Qingqiu Mengmeng appeared directly under the temple, and the scene of manifestation in front of the temple also surprised a group of young gods!

However, those Protoss youths dare not approach Qingqiu Mengmeng, and the distance is ten miles away. This is the rule of Qingqiu Protoss. In the future, the goddess Mengmeng will become the king god. The current gap in the gods is no longer comparable to those of the Protoss youth. ——

In front of the vast temple, in a scene like a curtain of water, a hundred thousand li vortex swallows starlight, and the colors in it are like beautiful nebulae, extremely mysterious.

"In a little while, Qingqiu God Realm will descend into the land of Liuli. This is already the time and space realm of Human Race, and the vortex is not a natural celestial phenomenon." Qingqiu Mengmeng's expression was a little puzzled.

"Will it be the Protoss? Except for the Protoss of Qingqiu, Yunze, and Tianqing, who live in the distant days, some other Protoss will go to the land of glazed glaze first, and the five-color divine light will be emitted in the nebula. Is it a protoss?" Solanum said.

"It's not a protoss...I didn't see any rules of the gods. If the whirlpool is a protoss method, there should be regular patterns..." Qingqiu Mengmeng denied Solanum's words-

Not a Protoss!

Solanum noodles was surprised, and Qingqiu Mengmeng glanced at each other. They were all surprised, and they said in the same way: "Human race!"

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