My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3756: King of God's Dream

"The potential of Human Race is indeed the greatest... I also admire your Father God being able to hold hands with a Human Race woman." Su Jin said calmly.

Qingqiu Mengmeng nodded--

Think about it, you know how difficult it is!

"Mr. shouldn't be the native human race in the land of Liuli?" Qingqiu Mengmeng asked.

"Haha, um, no." Su Jin smiled, staring at Qingqiu Mengmeng's face.

Qingqiu Mengmeng was a little embarrassed to be seen, facing the breeze, turning his face slightly, and asked: "That's..."

"Look, where I came from..." Su Jin pointed to the vast starry sky, "It is the most barren mortal world in the sky. It was once the center of the sky. Many ancient sages were born. You think I come from the other side of the starry sky. ."

Starry sky, the other side.

Qingqiu Mengmeng looked at the vast starry sky blankly, does the starry sky really have another shore——

"People and gods have different paths, I will go back soon, the top of the heavens, the emperor of Liuli, everything is a false name, I will finally return to the roots of the fallen leaves, and there are also my most important people -" Su Jin expression Extremely serious.

"You are above the gods, and the kings and gods can be cut. Naturally, you can go back any time you want to go back. The heavens are big, and your future is very small. Humans and gods are not destined by different paths. Good results, but as long as you are happy." Qingqiu Mengmeng said with a smile.

"I hope that in the future we will not go to the opposite side...If you really get there, you defend your god's status, I will defend the dignity of the human race, and naturally there is no need to show mercy to each other --" Su Jin said.

Qingqiu Mengmeng glanced at Su Jin...

Originally, the atmosphere of the conversation was still very pleasant, how could this guy get involved in the topic of disparity between humans and gods.

"It seems to be far away..." Su Jin sighed and asked: "Just now Mengmeng said that you are the **** closest to the king god, could it be... when you were born, you were close to the **** king?"

"Well, the difficulty of taking that step is like moving from one end of the heavens to the other end. Think about how difficult it is. My Father God told me in private that it is because I was born as a human fetus. It will never be possible to reach the realm of King God." Qingqiu Mengmeng said.

"Wangshen is amazing, I did understand it, but I don't think it is that difficult. I hope Mengmeng can reach that state as soon as possible----" Su Jin said with a smile, "It's not early, I'm going back. , I hope Qingqiu Protoss is the last Protoss line to attack me."

Qingqiu Mengmeng was silent--

"I'll send it off to Mr.." Qingqiu Mengmeng wanted to get up from the blue stone.

"No, remember the gift I gave you... You can only open it after I leave Qingqiu God Realm." Su Jin gently moved the void in front of him, glanced at Qingqiu Mengmeng, and dropped his hand into it.

Qingqiu Mengmeng raised his hand, he stopped talking...

In Qingqiu Mengmeng’s vision, the void crack opened by Su Jin has closed, and the strange figure disappeared.

For some reason, there was a little emptiness in my heart... Qingqiu Mengmeng cheered up, it may be that there is such a rare person who can talk, maybe her life is really too lonely.

That gift jade box--

Of course Qingqiu Mengmeng remembered that Su Jin said that she had come to visit Qingqiu God Realm and gave her a generous gift. From the state of getting up, she sat on the bluestone again and took out the jade box.

Before opening the jade box, Qingqiu Mengmeng hesitated.

But in the next moment, Qingqiu Mengmeng still gently opened the long jade box.

In an instant, Qingqiu Mengmeng fell into shock.

In the jade box, there are nearly three hundred wonderful silver-green leaves, large and small, as well as a branch with the thickness of a finger——

Under the starry sky, three hundred silver-green enlightenment leaves swirled gently, and on each enlightenment leaf, there is a virtual miniature gossip array.

Whoosh whoosh——

Qingqiu Mengmeng looked around blankly, enlightened that leaves surrounded her, and under a whirl of rotation, the eternal God's rules in her body actually jumped as if someone had plucked a string.

this moment! The stars in the starry sky seemed to begin to gather, forming a shocking scene of star gossip above the Qingqiu God Realm!

Surrounded by stars!




The distorted stars and lightning seem to shock the world! The lightning fell from nine days and reflected the world. Qingqiu Mengmeng's eyes were panicked, but soon her face calmed down. As soon as she raised her right hand, her regular power began to explode at this moment.


Dozens of ice-blue slender foxtails seemed to form a fan shape, dancing wildly with the wind, Qingqiu Mengmeng raised his hand, and a pillar of thunder struck her condensed white palm!

"Ah -" Qingqiu Mengmeng cried out painfully.

But soon!

Every silver-green enlightenment leaf began to stretch its charm, and the imaginary gossip on each leaf began to look like eyes, catching the falling lightning bolts——

Moreover, after every enlightened leaf is split into powder, there will be a strange perception of the rules, and it will penetrate Qingqiu Mengmeng's eyebrows. She only feels that she is on the verge of transformation... Now she has no time to care about anything!

In the Qingqiu God Realm, there is a boil!

An old man, with sharp eyes like eagle eyes, appeared directly on the top of the temple! The gods of Taiyang and Hetu also appeared next to the old man!

The wind is still getting bigger! But in the terrifying scene in the distance, there is already a mysterious Wang Wei who is disturbing that piece of stars!

"My daughter is going to break through to the King God..." The old man, who is also Qingqiu King God, is not only an accident or an accident in his heart now, he can't figure out what happened!

"Some people just told me that your beloved daughter is with the strong human race——" Hetu Wangshen said lightly.

Hetu King God felt a little unhappy, one Protoss, two King Gods! This Qingqiu line is really going to be so happy, it's not that the Protoss line can't have two, it's just too difficult...

Taiyang Wangshen sighed: "Congratulations, Qingqiu, your Qingqiu line will rise among the thousands of gods. It's really unimaginable that a clan has two kings and gods."

Qingqiu King God was inexplicably horrified. His only daughter was once determined by him that he would never be able to break through to King God, but now... just because of a strong human race, she has advanced to King God, this... Is this fate? ?

Not far from the 13th floor of the Shenbao, Dragon Kwai saw the illusory foxtail light and shadow, and suddenly screamed, even she felt the situation of Qingqiu Mengmeng——

That kind of king god's power is absolutely true! Solanum was very regretful now, regretting that he had offended the human Yedi!

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