My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3757: Smart as a dream

If you can’t sin against the emperor, the dragon sunflower will definitely get a chance in the emperor. This is also the most speechless place for her——

Although Solanum is a high-ranking god, the gap with Qingqiu Mengmeng is still very obvious, but even if she can raise her **** level once, she will be satisfied, and it will not be like this with Yedi.

Above the sky

The sky is full of colored glaze, and that piece of starlight is flying in the gossip array composed of countless stars, Qingqiu Mengmeng's long hair is flying, and the momentum is still rising!


Qingqiu Mengmeng raised her head slightly and looked at the stars like falling snow. The stars swirled between the sky and the earth. When the last rule of God in her body transformed into the rule of King God, she began to have a layer of ice all over her. The beautiful blue fox shadow turned out——

That beautiful fox shadow can't count how many dreamy aqua-colored tails there are. It feels like every hair on every tail is like a bridge between heaven and earth, spanning how many worlds--

With a head-up fox cry, the ice-blue fox shadow followed Qingqiu's dream to the sky. When she stood on top of the stars and gossip, she felt the truth that she didn't understand before, as if at this moment, everything suddenly Enlightened!


The "Stars Gossip" made up of stars seemed to collapse in an instant, as if it turned into countless rosy colors, and began to flood in from Qingqiu Mengmeng's eyebrows!

The ice blue fox shadow screamed in pain--

This process is extremely fast! About a dozen breaths or so, Qingqiu Mengmeng's eyebrows actually condensed an extremely pure ice blue crystal, and the ice blue fox shadow's eyebrows also appeared! That ice blue crystal is like a beautiful jewelry!

Although this process is very short, the pain endured is simply unimaginable! Qingqiu Mengmeng was very satisfied. Standing under the stars, looking towards Su Jin's departure, the gratitude in his eyes could no longer be described in words.

At this moment, the Protoss of the entire Qingqiu God Realm really reacted!

"My eldest lady broke through... broke through to the king god! It was at the critical moment before the opening of "New God Era"!" You Qingqiu God Clan exclaimed incomparably.

"The eldest lady's talent has always been good, but she was born from a fleshy fetus, but now she is well, she has become a king god, and some of the clan gods' objections will disappear instantly, she... she is our Qingqiu line The second king of God!"

"The two kings and gods of the Qingqiu line! This is also rare in the history of the gods. The two kings and gods, I can't even think about them. Those other gods are only one. This balance has to be Our Qingqiu line is broken."

"Finally waiting for this day! But didn't we Qingqiu King God be determined that Miss Mengmeng could not break through King God? Why did we break through at this time?"


And the "Hetu Yimai" who is a guest in Qingqiu God Realm at this moment is full of sourness!

"There are two kings and gods in one line, this Qingqiu line is still strong. There are two kings and gods. I am afraid that only the kings and gods of the gods of those lines can compare shoulder to shoulder, but even if the two gods are at odds, they have two kings. The Qingqiu line also has an absolute advantage." The **** of the Hetu line said, Chi Weier.

"We have a lot of princes and daughters born to the King God of Hetu, but none of them can become a great weapon. Unlike this Qingqiu Mengmeng, who is born under the realm of King God——"

"By the way, she seemed to be with the strong human race just now! And when he was on the 13th floor of the Shenbao, the night emperor also gave us a chance for a **** race in the Hetu lineage! I heard that it was an extremely terrifying **** Fa, to the extreme, can "Go to Heaven", can pass the king and god!"

"Human race cannot be underestimated...I'm sure that there is a new king **** in this Qingqiu line, which is definitely related to the human race Yedi!"

"Ah! Two kings and gods in one vein, other gods are about to cry--"


The news is undoubtedly a sensation——

Su Jin had known this result long ago. From the first sight of Qingqiu Mengmeng, he felt that this woman had great potential. If it weren't for Qingqiu's lineage, who was friendly to the human race, he definitely couldn't help like this.

About a quarter of an hour, Su Jin had already submerged in the imperial palace of the imperial city——

Qingqiu Mengmeng adjusted her breath under the starry sky for a while, then calmed down her excitement, walked down the starry sky silently, and returned to the temple——

"Congratulations to Mengmeng niece for successfully reaching the King God, this is definitely great news for the Protoss." Hetu King God arched his hand toward Qingqiu Mengmeng.

Now, Qingqiu Mengmeng is at the same level as him. Although the qualifications are still relatively low, the power of the king and **** emanating from Qingqiu Mengmeng is not lost to him. This is one of the things that makes him extremely jealous.

Taiyang King God also smiled wryly, arched his hands at Qingqiu Mengmeng, but said nothing else——

"Mengmeng will always be just juniors in front of the two seniors. The rules of Wangshen don't know how many years it will take to penetrate the mystery. The two seniors don't need to be so polite." Qingqiu Mengmeng performed a very beautiful etiquette posture, and then Look at her father, Qingqiu King God.

"Good, good!" Qingqiu King God has explained everything in a row with three good words! He was so satisfied that he could no longer be satisfied.

"Mengmeng niece knows the book and knows the truth, it's really good, but can you ask one more question...You broke through the king god, is it related to the human race Yedi?" Hetu Wang said with a solemn expression.

Qingqiu Mengmeng was shocked...

Without thinking about it, Qingqiu Mengmeng shook his head and said: "The niece is just a sudden blessing to the soul, and she accidentally led the King God Thunder to Tribulation. It has nothing to do with Yedi——"

She can't admit it.

First, if he admits that the emperor has given the opportunity, using the means of the two kings and gods of Taiyang and Hetu, they will naturally separate the relationship between their Qingqiu and other gods, and eventually the Qingqiu gods will be isolated.

Secondly, Qingqiu Mengmeng only keeps this in mind, and can always tell the Ye Emperor's use of the Enlightenment Leaf and the Enlightenment Branch, otherwise the gods of the heavens will be completely determined to kill the Ye Emperor. , And this can also delay time as much as possible-

Thirdly, if she admits Yedi’s help, then these two kings and gods will use the tactics of separation, and it will be necessary to push her Qingqiu Protoss line to the opposite of Yedi first, so as to establish a relationship with the same race of the heavens. Loyalty and trust, this is what she least wants and least wants to see.

The cold light in the depths of Hetu Wangshen's eyes flashed by, and at the same time his face was a little suspicious—

Is it really?

Taiyang King God also didn't believe it, but this woman was really too smart, and she hardly thought about it, so she denied that it had something to do with Yedi. It would be difficult to find an excuse to let the Qingqiu Protoss get ahead.

Qingqiu Wangshen narrowed his eyes and snorted in his heart. Now when he looked at the faces of Taiyang and Hetu the two kings, he really wanted to laugh, but he still didn't misread his daughter! With this cleverness, which protoss of Qingqiu Protoss can still block it in the future!

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