My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3760: Longevity

Qingqiu Mengmeng turned around in the same place, watching Cai Ling flying dance, really like it in her heart, when she looked at Ye Di again, she felt unclear in her heart——

She will not forget how to be promoted to the King God.

She will not forget who got Riyue Fei Ling. There is a **** who has gone through all kinds of sufferings. With a gleam of vitality, the hope of being promoted to the king is very difficult to see. In such a short time, she has already There is such a great opportunity...

Ye Di, what kind of person is he...

Qingqiu Mengmeng sat opposite Su Jin again, waiting with her cheeks on her back, staring at him intently—

The mother nucleus of all things shrank quickly when visible to the naked eye, and the clever strands of color were all obtained by Ye Di.

In the middle of the night, Banzhuxiang passed.

Qingqiu Mengmeng waited until a stick of incense had just passed, and finally saw Su Jin opened his eyes instantly!

Su Jin clenched his fists unconsciously!


Make a fist, startle!

Around the entire imperial city, lightning flashed at that moment, thunderbolt in the middle of the night, shocking countless creatures!

"Senior Tortoise was awakened by the stone tool, and the origin of this ball is everywhere, saying it is the mother nucleus of all things." Qingqiu Mengmeng's face was red, and he instinctively avoided Su Jin's sharp gaze, and his voice became lighter and softer, and said: "Senior also gave me the best king of gods treasure, it is this sun and moon flying silk——"

Su Jin still didn't speak--

Qingqiu Mengmeng was a little at a loss, lowered her head, fiddled with each other with her hands, weakly said: "You stretch out your hand."

Su Jin nodded and stretched out his hand.

Qingqiu Mengmeng placed her soft, boneless little hand on Su Jin's, "This is the price of the treasure. From now on, walk side by side, side by side..."

Su Jin got up and suddenly used force to pull Qingqiu Mengmeng up from the stone table. He closed his eyes and gently smelled the wonderful fragrance of the hair in his ears, making Qingqiu Mengmeng even more embarrassed.

"Given from seniors, it is naturally best for you. Do you stay at night... or go home?" Su Jin asked in a low voice in Qingqiu Mengmeng's ear.

Qingqiu Mengmeng was flustered. After this state lasted for more than ten seconds, a smile appeared on her face, and her whole body slowly turned into nothingness, appearing in the void, "Go home, otherwise Nanizi will definitely be Promote the news that I am away everywhere, and find me everywhere, so that Hetu will be aware of it."

Then, Qingqiu Mengmeng wrapped his arms around the damask, and the colored damask danced behind him, disappearing into a very mysterious color light.

Su Jin stared at the direction Qingqiu Mengmeng had left, thinking for a long time...


a new day!

The sun is shining!

Su Jin yawned and walked out of the bedroom. He glanced at the direction of the Great Emperor's Palace, felt a little bit, and knew that Goddess Luozhi and Gao Yue were still enlightening——

Outside the imperial palace, the atmosphere was slightly solemn.

Su Jin saw that there were two gods facing each other in the void, and when he felt strange, he called the Chaosheng Banshee.

"It's been like this an hour ago..." The Chaosheng Banshee was a little speechless, "What kind of God of the Longevity Clan is that, saying that your'Eternal Life Hall' is related to their Longevity Clan, come to ask for return...I really am I want to laugh after hearing this. If you want to find something, you don’t have to look for it like this. The name has two words, is it the thing of the longevity family?"

Su Jin:...

"Have you watched enough? Those are all brothers Ye's Taoists, and look at digging your eyeballs down as a bubble step!" Tracer looked at the cold Qingyi youth opposite, and kept shouting.

As if noticed on the face of Tsing Yi Youth, Tracer turned his head and saw Su Jin's appearance!

"You are the emperor of the night, that strong human race." Qingyi youth said coldly.

"I answered for Old Brother Ye! He is the Ye Emperor! The Ye Emperor who killed the King God! With your current God level, you are higher than me. You should get out of here, don't make Old Brother Ye angry. Otherwise, they will end up like the two guys in the light prison, grab them and hed their heads." Tracer continued to yell.

Light prison

The young man in Tsing Yi had seen that the demon in the mirror and the **** of joy in the mirror were very strong!

"I don't believe that people can defeat gods, let alone defeat king gods. Moreover, I heard other protoss say that the treasure of the longevity clan is in your hands and I hope to return it." The Qingyi youth arched his hands at Su Jin and said coldly. .

"It's still possible, but you have to prove that the Hall of Longevity is really related to your longevity clan..." Su Jin stretched out and said to the Qingyi youth.

"Isn't the longevity protoss enough?" Qingyi youth frowned.

Su Jin clapped his hands and smiled: "Of course it is not enough. The longevity hall is not capable of being controlled by the gods, but I can give you the longevity clan a chance to call your strongest king **** over, and I will let him try the power of the longevity hall. If he can take away "Eternal Life Palace", it can prove that you are really related to "Eternal Life Palace"."

"The King God is still on his way... We named "Eternal Life" because of "Eternal Life Palace". I think you, the strongest person of the human race here, the emperor, will not occupy the treasures of other races. Give it back." Tsing Yi youth said again.

"Haha—" Su Jin was really amused, and then said: "Okay, if you insist, then you don't have to wait for your longevity king to come, just you... I will exhibit "Eternal Life Palace" and let you try , If you can take away the Palace of Longevity, then "Hall of Longevity" will be yours, but you have to pay a little price."

"What's the price?" The Tsing Yi youth asked in a daze.

"Your life." Su Jin's expression turned cold, "If you can't take the Hall of Longevity, or cause any reaction from the Hall of Longevity, you will die here today—"

Tsing Yi Youth's complexion changed.

The price is too great! He didn't see the scene of Su Jin beheading the King God, but judging from the Demon in the Mirror in the Light Prison and Happy Killing God, this Human Race Ye Di at least had the power comparable to that of God.

After several trade-offs-

The young man in Tsing Yi finally shook his head and said with a heavy heart: "No problem! My longevity clan has a way to communicate "Eternal Life Palace"! Believe that you Ye Di is not an unbelieving person, as long as the reaction of the Eternal Life Palace is aroused, you must let I take it away!"

"Let's start..." Su Jin pressed his palm to the imperial palace!

The Wanbao River surrounded by dazzling glaze shook the world! And at the center of the Wanbao River, a ‘Eternal Life Palace’ close to the physical state also blocked the clear sky of the sun!

The youth of Tsing Yi looked excited! really! It really is "Eternal Life Palace"!

Hunter was a little uncomfortable. He walked to Su Jin and whispered: "Brother Ye, this is too much to play. In case he has a long life, it is really related to "Eternal Life". Doesn't the treasure hall really want to give up and let him take it away!"

The Chaosong Banshee is also upset, but unfortunately this is something that Yedi decided, and it is absolutely impossible to change--

Su Jin smiled slightly, and said nothing.

The young man in Tsing Yi looked at Su Jin again, nodded, circled the rules of the gods, and began to turn into chains of the gods, reaching the "Eternal Life Palace" high in the sky!

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