My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3761: Scum!

The vast "Eternal Life Palace" was full of golden clouds. As the young man displayed the chains of gods, Wanbaohe did not move, and directly let the chains with a thickness of several meters pass through——

The youth of Tsing Yi's complexion was excited, strands of golden white lines began to spread from his neck to his face and to the corner of his eyes. The tops of the chains of God seemed to have turned into blue dragon heads!

"Eternal Life Ancestral Hall, please go home!" Qingyoung Qingyi yelled, and then he circled the chains with the cyan dragon heads towards "Eternal Life Palace"!

This scene of golden clouds over the sky also attracted the Terran monks in the Land of Glazed Glass!

"That Protoss actually wants to drag "Eternal Life Palace" away? The key is that Ye Di still let him do this, what is the situation?" Some monks were puzzled.

"An hour ago, this **** claimed to be the longevity line of the gods, falsely claiming that the "Eternal Life Palace" in the hands of the emperor was the legacy of his clan. Didn't this come to ask for——"

"Longevity is alive, since it is the legacy of his clan, why should I use a chain to bind it? I am afraid that this longevity protoss is not here for trouble."

"Maybe it is a self-proclaimed Protoss who can drag the "Eternal Life Palace" away with divine power! It is ridiculous to think about it. If Ye Di can control the Eternal Life Palace, this Eternal Life Palace belongs to the Human Race. Is it possible for his divine power to drag it? "

"Ye Di is also a temperamental person. If this longevity protoss cannot be dragged away, it will cost death and fall directly! Anyway, Ye Di is not afraid of any protoss now!"

"It's hard to say, God has God's ability, if he uses God's rules to detain the Temple of Longevity, then the gain will not be worth the loss--"


In the dazzling golden clouds, the Hall of Longevity is towering and motionless, and now it is at a critical moment. The chains of the rules of God directly entangle the entire "House of Longevity"!

The Great Palace!

The goddess Luozhi, Gaoyue, and the lotus goddess were also shocked by the Jinxia vision, reluctantly left under the enlightenment tree, walked to the imperial palace, and joined the night emperor!

When the lotus goddess probably knew the whole story, she was shocked and angry--

"Naughty!" The lotus goddess was almost scared to death. It is really fearless for those who don't know. Naturally, she knows that this longevity line of gods is weaker than their Taiyang line, even if the king **** arrives. Ye Di's opponent, it can be said that the longevity line is the bottom of the existence of the gods.

"It turns out that there is such a shameless scum in the Protoss." The Chaosheng Banshee sneered.

This young man of the longevity clan, even if compared with Huanxi Killing God or Lingzun, is probably a hundred times shameless. Although Lingzun is the son of Zuoluo Tianwang and extremely arrogant, he is not a **** like Qingyi Youth— —

The lotus goddess flushed, she couldn't refute it.

In short, the Palace of Longevity is not a god, even if it is a king god, I am afraid it will be difficult to shake, as long as Ye Di wants, no one can take it away!


There was a very strange fragrance beside Su Jin. When he turned his head slightly, he saw that Yutang appeared beside him for some time--

She wore a yellow dress, better than a fairy, and after careful combing and dressing, Su Jin had a short-term loss of consciousness.

Now the young people of the longevity clan are getting more and more excited, at least the "Wanbao River" outside the longevity hall hasn't affected him, and now he has 50% of them taking me away from the longevity hall!

The longevity clan, the extremely weak existence of the gods, including the kings and gods, is only a dozen gods, as long as the "Eternal Life Palace" is in the clan, everything will be different! So if he fails this time, he will become benevolent! Never miss it!

Why do you say that he has 50% confidence to take away——

Because the chains of the rules of the gods have entangled the "Eternal Life Palace", now looking at the Eternal Life Palace, those chains of the gods are like dragons and vines, and the Eternal Life Palace is tightly enclosed!

"Come!" The Tsing Yi youth suddenly yelled, the rules of the gods all over his body burst out with divine light, and the chains also began to shine!

Those chains were fully blessed by the youth of Tsing Yi, and all the chains of God were stretched straight!

At that moment, the voice of the whole world seemed to be blocked! The world is quiet!

The long-lived Tsing Yi youth, the sweat on his face was gradually flowing down, he felt something was wrong!

He can't drag Nanuoda's "Eternal Palace"!

This is impossible! He is a god, even if this "Palace of Longevity" really has nothing to do with Changsheng, then he is a **** and can't surrender a human treasure?

"Zu Bao, please come back!" Tsing Yi youth shouted shamelessly again!

"Don't bother, buddy, you will lose the face of the Protoss——" Tracer shouted to the Qingyi youth.

"Shut up! As gods, but you are willing to be running dogs of the human race, this is to lose the face of all the gods! What qualifications do you have to talk about me now!" The Qingyi youth was caught in a dilemma, and he responded to Tracer. .

Tracer's face suddenly sank--

The things he and the lotus goddess were worried about still appeared. If the gods all over the world insulted him in this way, who could stand it? The stray dogs will be placed on both sides for the time being, but they are indeed following the Ye Di.

"You can pull it down! The longevity family, touch the two words in the longevity hall, and want to take the treasure of the night emperor as their own? The gods dare to be daring, I see how you end up!" Tracer said angrily.

"You don't have to worry about it." Qingyi youth is now the first and two big men, at least that Ye Di's strength has exceeded his imagination!

How to do!

Now the youth in Tsing Yi has a feeling that his chains of gods are like strings tied to a large mountain, and they can't drag the "Eternal Life Palace" at all! He looked at the void left and right, his expression suddenly changed in the end, and looked at Su Jin——

"You have the power to hold the sky!" Qingyi youth gritted his teeth.

"Yes, if you can drag the "Eternal Life Palace", it is equivalent to dragging away the entire glazed land. If you used the magical method to communicate "Eternal Life Palace", it would be fine, but you shouldn't use chains—" Su Jin calmly said.

What is the difference between using a chain and grabbing? This is not only Su Jin’s thoughts, but the world’s people and Gods are not ashamed of it—

"The Protoss does not have a scum like you... As far as I know, there is no "Eternal Palace" record in the history of the Longevity Protoss. Seeing you such a high-sounding villain, this girl is ashamed of the world's Protoss!" said the lotus goddess.

"You--" The Tsing Yi youth was a little panicked, "Said I can't move, I will drag it to you now!"


He is going to fight!

I saw the young man in Tsing Yi filled with divine light, already urging his divine power to the extreme, his eyes fixed on "Eternal Life Palace", expecting a slight movement from it——


All the chains of God, dragged by the full force of the Tsing Yi youth, all fell apart!

"You lost." Su Jin's eyes were cold, and he gently raised Tian Dao's right arm and pointed at Qingyi Youth!

The Tsing Yi youth only felt that the rules of God in his body were instantly crushed by magical power! Before he even figured out the situation, he felt that his body was swelling like a ball!

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