My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3766: Qingqiu Invitation


Qingqiu Mengmeng, Qingqiu King God, plus Hetu, Changsheng, Taiyang, and the five king gods, how could it not be able to win a night emperor, Hetu King God's anger is still unknown in Qingqiu's line.

Taiyang Wangshen said indifferently: "Qingqiu Mengmeng, I visited the imperial palace last night and met with Yedi, so don't expect the Qingqiu lineage——"

"New God Era is open to concern. It's a big taboo that the same clan can't unite! It seems that only our three kings can rely on at present."

King Hetu paused, "Brother Taiyang thinks, if our three king gods surprise the Ye Emperor, is there a chance?"

"The old tortoise is here, I'm afraid you will give you and me a chance. If you are dignified against the Ye Emperor, you may have life and death. If it is a sneak attack, there will be no chance." Taiyang Wangshen shook his head.

"Don't you have to wait! When will this be!" Hetu King God really wanted to go up and squeeze the Ye Di, but the Changsheng King was chopped by Ye Di just now. If he is not calm, I am afraid the result will be the same.

"This is not a place for negotiation..." Taiyang Wangshen said coldly.

Then, the King of Longevity took Liu Li'er several gods, and was invited by the King of Taiyang into the Palace of Heaven. There was originally a place of joy. When the **** Zuoluo died, they also wanted to witness other kings and gods as their kings. God revenge, where is willing to go away——

Qingqiu God Realm.

Solanum was still in a daze, and her little mouth couldn't close her mouth. She couldn't imagine what it was like just now. The three gods of the Protoss face the Ye Di and retreated!

Moreover, after defeating the king of longevity, the emperor of the night has to challenge the two kings of Taiyang and Hetu together! A human race, challenge the combined force of two kings and gods!

"Just retreat like this?" Solania reacted, and when she looked at Qingqiu Mengmeng, she found that Mengmeng was also full of disbelief.

"The Gods of Taiyang and Hetu, there is no certainty of victory--" Qingqiu Mengmeng said, "This is the night emperor you have made troubles with. Now you know you are afraid?"

"I'm afraid. As a human race, he can reach this level. It's quite powerful." Solanum hurriedly waved his hand, expressing that she would never dare to fight against Ye Di again. If she had a chance to see him again next time, she would naturally. I dare not do that.

Qingqiu Mengmeng relaxed, and she began to lose sight of Ye Di. Facing this human race who was more like a **** than a god, she would still be nervous even if she went to see Ye Di again—

"Xiaomeng." From the depths of the temple, the voice of King Qingqiu came.

"Come here, Father God." Qingqiu Mengmeng felt like a heartbeat, turned around and disappeared in one step.


In front of the imperial palace.

The Chaosheng Banshee watched Su Jin walk into the imperial palace alone--

"Three kings, defeat one, scare the two, isn't it worth celebrating? Why did Ye Di go by himself?" Gao Yue asked softly.

"Emperor Ye is under great pressure now. The more the Taiyang King God and Hetu King God do not take up the challenge, the future will only become more troublesome. Did you see that? Ye Di really wants to get rid of Hetu and Taiyang King God. "The Chaosheng Banshee said.

The lotus goddess, Gao Yue, and even Tracer, all fell silent--

Taiyang King God has always been the pillar of their line. What Yedi thinks, Lotus Goddess and Tracer dare not talk, but in the future, Taiyang King God will really fight with Yedi, I am afraid neither of the two will show mercy.

From the current point of view, the power possessed by the emperor of the night definitely exceeds that of the Taiyang King God!

" have no chance--" Huanxi killed the dirt all over the gods, the dark sticky smell of rotten eggs, I don't know how many bugs got in, the reason why he can persist as a noble **** Now, I just want to see the death of Yedi, as if as long as he can see the fall of Yedi with his own eyes, everything he has endured is worth it!

"Shut up, I feel sick looking at you." Xinyue Hujiao shouted.

"The Gods of Taiyang and the King of Hetu are waiting for a few horror beings to arrive. By then, there is only one Ye Di, and it is not enough! Now Ye Di wants to solve a few troubles first is just a dream!" Huanxi Killing God said in a hoarse voice.

The goddess Luo Zhi looked at the demon in the mirror with some sympathy, joyfully killing the gods-

Although the Demon in the Mirror is not a god, it can be regarded as a distinguished guest in the line of joy, and killing the **** is even more fierce. Unfortunately, the goddess Luozhi, who is also in the line of joy, can't do anything about it.

Zuoluo Tianwang is dead, without any line of Wangshen, he is destined to be insulted by other gods in the future! This is also the reason why the King of Longevity didn't dare to work hard!

"It's better to live than you are here." Goddess Luo Zhi slowly said to Huanxi Killing God.

"Chan maid! You are the least qualified to say that I am! You are a wall of grass. Once the king of God falls, you will take refuge in Ye Di! You are not worthy! You are a rebellious **** in my line of joy!" Tao.

"Depending on the strong, what's wrong. The God of Zuoluo is dead, and there is no strong person in the line of Joy! At that time, even the King of Longevity can insult the God of Joy! Moreover, when the God of Zoruo is alive, you and I am the same rank, but after one night, I am already three ranks higher than you. Doesn't this prove the problem?" Goddess Luo Zhi didn't want to explain.

Happy to kill God:...

One night, after the third order!

What kind of profound power does Ye Di have! Huanxi Killing God feels that revenge is getting more and more hopeless, at least because he can't do it in his lifetime, and can only hope that all the gods of the gods will come and cut down the head of the night emperor!

Qingqiu, deep in the great temple——

On a circle of calm lotus ponds, the **** lotus spit out its stamens, and bursts of colored fluorescence fell on the surface of the pond. Qingqiu Wangshen's hands gently flicked on the lotus pond. In the mirror-like lotus pond, the emperor suddenly appeared Palace scene.

"Emperor Ye, please come into my temple for a comment——" Qingqiu King God said calmly.

In the imperial palace, Su Jin looked around, naturally he heard the voice of King Qingqiu, and standing in front of him was a black whirlpool with purple edges.

Su Jin didn't hesitate and stepped directly into the whirlpool. It was just a moment of sight. The whirlpool was easily manifested on the lotus pond, and he walked out of it.

"Senior Qingqiu." Su Jin slowly arched his hands and said calmly.

"Xiao Meng has something to do, and he will come over in a while. Please sit down—" Qingqiu Wangshen invited Su Jin in the pavilion by the lotus pond.

Su Jin was always on guard in his heart. If it was said that among the four king gods of Changsheng, Taiyang, Hetu, and Qingqiu, the king **** who was the most invisible to him would be ranked first.

Taiyang is proficient in the city, but his mind is not difficult to guess, but the Qingqiu King God, whether it is the city or wisdom, does not lose to the Taiyang King, his power may be stronger than other kings——

Of course, these are not important! The horror of the Qingqiu King God lies in cunning, the cunning that people have to guard against.

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