My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3767: Strong shot

Su Jin sat down calmly--

Qingqiu King God calmly said, "Have Xiao Meng told you that my wife is a human race."

"I've heard about this." Su Jin nodded, "I just don't know if Senior invited me to the temple, if he has other plans."

Qingqiu Wangshen was slightly shocked, this night emperor is amazing!

Although it was the first time to have a face-to-face conversation, Ye Di's demeanor and straightforward words really didn't plan to leave him some room.

Su Jin's attitude is very real--

Either stand on my side, or be the enemy, and you can unite with other kings and gods to deal with him! Because this Qingqiu line is a bit strong, after all, there are thousands of gods, and the longevity line is completely incomparable with them. If you don't figure out its position, it will inevitably be a little troublesome.

"Ye Di, the truth may not sound good... that old senior can't keep you." Qingqiu Wangshen said slowly, "because once the Protoss intends to unite and completely deal with you, it is impossible not to consider that turtle. Senior, the battlefield by then will never be in the land of glazed glaze, do you know what I mean?"

Su Jin smiled, his expression as calm as ever--

"It's okay, I have the heart to win." Su Jin said.

"You are young and energetic, what you will face in the future is an existence that you can't even imagine, otherwise Hetu and Taiyang would have already started, and they are still waiting here." Qingqiu Wangshen said.

"Since the predecessors believe that the Protoss has an absolute advantage, then this conversation is meaningless, unless the predecessors think that your Protoss may lose."

Su Jin’s words made King Qingqiu ponder--

During the process of contemplation, King Qingqiu's expression was also extremely solemn and serious. Finally, he seemed to have made a decision and asked: "Tell me, how confident do you have? If you don't fight alone against dozens of kings and gods Power, in the end, is nothing. Although you are strong at present, you are still far from enough—"

"If I can't come up with the power that convinces the predecessors, will Qingqiu Protoss still look at it directly?" Su Jin said lightly.

"It won't be a wait and see. Taiyang, Hetu, and I have already guessed that I will rebel, but it's just that I haven't broken my skin. If you don't have confidence, if we Qingqiu Protoss stand by your side in the future, if you die, Qingqiu will Facing catastrophe, other protoss will be surrounded and suppressed."

Qingqiu Wangshen said again: "I'm gambling, taking the whole clan to bet, and I have to consider it carefully."

Su Jin smiled and said, "Senior, please tell me a ray of King God's rules."

"Yes." Qingqiu Wangshen lifted his finger directly, floating in the pavilion in circles of wonderful rules——

Su Jin flexed his hand, and under the gaze of Qingqiu Kingshen, he flicked a ray of color and directly hit the circle of ‘kings of the gods’.

Just a moment!

That lap belonged to the regular power of the Qingqiu King God, and it broke directly and disappeared!

See this scene! The face of Qingqiu King God has changed! The breathing is also a little unstable!

"You can break my rule of the King God... that represents..." King Qingqiu's eyes widened, no wonder that the Longevity King lost so straightforwardly, this Yedi...what exactly is the strength of this Yedi?

Su Jin smiled and said: "Don’t hide the truth from the seniors, the juniors are building a magical technique recently. This method can be expected in the future. As for the seniors said, I will fight dozens of kings and gods by myself. What can’t be done will take time—"

Qingqiu King God:...

Really speechless.

He believes that his city hall accomplishments are far above other kings and gods, but what Ye Di said is almost equal to nothing! And it is very tentative.

If it is that kind of horrible king god, I am afraid that he will be left immediately, and it is impossible for him to have a chance to improve. Moreover, in the eyes of the request king, the words of the night emperor are half true! It can break the rules of the king god, this kind of power is absolutely a great threat to any king god.

I can't see through... This night emperor chicken thief makes Qingqiu King God see through!

Can King Qingqiu be fooled by this? If he were the God of Hetu, he might have turned his face straight away, but without knowing the strength of the emperor, he couldn't do such a thing——

"Father God."

On the small bridge outside the lotus pavilion, Qingqiu Mengmeng changed into a pink dress that was the same color as the lotus. Su Jin glanced at her, and was immediately frozen for three seconds, a fresh temperament rushing over her face.

"Xiao Meng is here. It was Xiao Meng's intention to invite Ye Di, and she will have nothing to do with me when she comes. Let's talk about--" Qingqiu Wang Shen got up with great thoughts and walked into nothingness.

Qingqiu Mengmeng had the sun and moon flying satin on both arms, with lotus and glaze color, which was really seductive, and Su Jin only reacted when she came to the front.

"Don't listen to the Father God frightening you. When the gods of the heavens come, there may not be so many kings and gods. In fact, the father doesn't know how many kings and gods there are in the heavens." Qingqiu Mengmeng smiled very imperiously. People will lose their hearts and souls without realizing it.

"Nothing, Senior Qingqiu of your family just tested me to see if I am worthy of his beloved daughter--" Su Jin smiled.


Qingqiu Mengmeng tilted his head, can it be so direct?

"I just heard that you have the ability to break the rules of the King God, is it because of the mother nucleus of all things?" Qingqiu Mengmeng asked in a low voice.

"That's right, but it's okay to deal with one or two king gods. If there are more, it won't work. It will take a lot of time to increase strength." Su Jin said.

In a certain dark part of the temple, Qingqiu King God was naturally also quietly paying attention to Ye Di's every move. When he heard Ye Di say this, he almost jumped and cursed...

Still cheating!

Could it be that the emperor Ye wants to make Qingqiu's line clear his position? Good to clean up as soon as possible? Judging from the current situation, the situation is indeed unfavorable against the Ye Emperor. With the Qingqiu line, there are a total of five kings and gods. Ye Emperor definitely wants to get rid of one or two——

"Don't try, the Qingqiu line will definitely stand on your side, but you can't show it as soon as possible, and in the future, you can't have the power of two kings and gods alone, at least five, in order to hold the victory." Qingqiu Mengmeng Tao.

"Well, I got it--" Su Jin quietly stretched out his hand, grabbed Qingqiu Mengmeng's hand, and felt the sensation of being broken by blowing.

In such a situation, Qingqiu Mengmeng did not expect that she had such an experience, except for blushing and dodge eyes, it seemed that she could not do any other actions of rejection.


Qingqiu God Realm trembled slightly, and there was an accident in the direction of the Emperor City in the Land of Glazed Glass!

"It's such a strong divine power, not a king god." Qingqiu Mengmeng's face was startled, and he looked up as if feeling conscious.

Su Jin let go of Qingqiu Mengmeng's hand, his face turned cold, and a **** has shot at the Imperial Palace. Since it is not a king god, there are Lotus Goddess and Gao Yue over there, so naturally there is no need to worry—

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