My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3768: Another crazy


Who is attacking the imperial city?

Su Jin's eyebrows, Mohe Town Prison's eyes lightly opened, and immediately he was speechless for a while, it turned out to be her...

Liu Li'er, a long-lived one, is this woman really desperate? The King of Longevity was defeated by Su Jin earlier, and now the Changsheng line dares to provoke him!

Outside of Liu Li'er's body, more than ten thousand miles of void, all turned into a sea-blue color, and the divine power in it seemed to turn into a huge wave, really like the sea.

"The ocean will wipe you out--" Liu Li'er has extraordinary powers. She walked towards the imperial city step by step, and the entire imperial palace and even the imperial city were shaken.

"Big sister, are you crazy? Your king **** was not beaten to death by Old Brother Ye, what do you mean by coming here and sending it?" Tracer screamed, the whole body exuded spatial power, but even so, he was of no avail. Entangled by a series of sea breeze tornadoes, continuously submerged in the sea eye vortex in the void.

"Get up--" The lotus goddess stood on the imperial palace and stretched out her palm directly.

A lotus flower appeared directly at the feet of young Tracer. His face was a little surprised. You must know that the lotus goddess was stronger than him at first, but it was not much stronger. Now... Now that the lotus flower is under Tracer’s feet, the wind cannot move. , He was still rising, and he was rescued from Haiyan Fenghuang in a flash!


so close!

Young Tracer is really envious. At least in his opinion, the goddess of the lotus goddess has reached a very strong level, at least not losing the longevity Liu Li'er.

"The same Protoss, I don't want to fight against the same race, but if you are willing to rebel against the gods, I will kill the gods!" Liu Lier was full of death, and between his gestures, there were ninety-nine eyes of the storm sweeping the world. !

One-tenth of the buildings of the imperial palace were drawn into the unknown. In the eyes of those storms, there seemed to be an infinitely distant time and space, which made people fearful!

The lotus goddess has a beautiful face, and walks directly into the void, "You want to find the emperor? Isn't the lesson during the day enough for your longevity?"

Liu Li'er was full of sorrow, "Since I am here, I have the heart to die! Even if I die, I won't make your Yedi feel better! I, one is the hatred of commoner, and the other is the hatred of grandpa's serious injury, although you The strength is very strong, but it can't stop me! Get out of the way as soon as possible and let Ye Di come to fight me!"

"The death of Commoner is because he deliberately tried to steal "Eternal Life Palace". He deserves it. It is not a pity to die. Your longevity king gods are defeated. You are convinced that Ye Di is not at all wrong. Why are you doing this?" The lotus goddess was puzzled. Asked.

"My grandfather suffered a serious injury. I don't know if he can survive! Now the two kings of Hetu and Taiyang are trying their best to treat him. He Yedi is so cruel. He has smashed part of the origin of the grandfather's rules. You... ——" Liu Li'er really can't keep calm anymore, she came to work hard!


When the King of Longevity gave up defeat, the lotus goddess looked like they could still stand and walk, how did their injuries deteriorate to such a degree?

Moreover, based on Liu Lier's current state of resentment, he is definitely not talking nonsense. This is not to say... Ye Di can destroy the origin of Wang Shen's rules?

The lotus goddess is really unimaginable-

"Your grandfather is a king and god, and you can't defeat Ye Di. Why don't you take a break and wait for the result of your grandfather's treatment? Go back, you and I are both gods, and I don't want to Hurt you." The lotus goddess said.

"Fuck! You rebellious gods..." Liu Lier cried. The crying pear flower was raining. She resented that she did not have the power of the king god. She could only hit the stone with the pebbles. She wanted to prevent Ye Di from getting better. She was crazy. Grandpa was the one of longevity. The pillars of the veins must not fall, but now... now both the God of Hetu and the God of Taiyang say that the situation is not optimistic!

If there is a mistake in the first line of Wang Shen, Liu Lier thinks that he is embarrassed! What is the difference between this and death, it is better to choose to fight Ye Di desperately!

"We are just prisoners of the emperor of the night, not the rebellious gods you said. The kings and gods of my Taiyang line are just as you said, and are still healing your grandpa." The lotus goddess sighed.

"Death... Anyone who blocks me will die--" Liu Li'er directly stirred up the storm, drove dozens of storm tornadoes in his hand, and slammed into the lotus goddess.

"Do you think I'm afraid of you?" The lotus goddess also felt that Liu Li'er had a murderous heart. Immediately, she didn't persuade at all, and said softly: "Liansheng I!"

The lotus buds, like the tips of bamboo shoots in the early morning, are quietly densely covered in the blue sea vision. Each lotus flower seems to be rooted in the depths of time and space!

In a few moments, the recent cultivation of the goddess of lotus was revealed!

The young Tracer screamed, and Sister Lotus now actually made him feel a feeling of heart palpitations! This was completely unimaginable before! And in the past few days, under the tree of enlightenment, how much God realm has Sister Lianhua improved?

Tier 5? Is it level seven? The young Tracer was dying of envy. Although he didn't know or listened to the Lotus Goddess's precise explanation, this kind of powerful power was absolutely impossible in the past.

"Your **** level... is higher than mine--" Liu Li'er gave a jerky shot, became a little sober, and began to look at the lotus goddess in disbelief.

"Give up, you don't deserve to be Yedi's opponent, even I can't beat you, don't lose your life in vain!" The lotus goddess persuaded again.

Liu Li'er couldn't hear the word "Ye Di" now, and he would go crazy when he heard it!

"Brother Ye's charm is really amazing, this is driving another crazy..." Young Tracer sighed.

Just as Liu Li'er was about to burn the jade and the stone, fighting with the lotus goddess...

At this moment, everyone, all gods heard a voice.

"Lotus, you go down." Su Jin walked out from Qingqiu God Realm.

Liu Li'er's eyes reddened, and he turned around suddenly, this night emperor...this night emperor was not in the imperial palace, but walked out of the Qingqiu God Realm! Now Qingqiu God Realm and Yedi are so blatant!

The gods of Hetu's line are almost to death in the palace of the sky. Yedi seems to have settled with the **** of Qingqiu, otherwise, how could he walk in such a leisurely court!

They know that--

The current Qingqiu King God, beat the wall with one hand! Shameless, this kid is so shameless!

Do not choose a position, Ye Di forced him to choose! Step out of the Qingqiu God Realm, let Hetu, Taiyang, and even the gods of the longevity line watch!

Qingqiu King God has never been calculated like this one after another. He has a weird face, and he also appeared from the Qingqiu God Realm, heading towards the palace of Heaven in a swagger!

"I was shocked to hear that the Changsheng Wangshen's injury has deteriorated, and I will help the old man." Qingqiu Wangshen fell into the Tianzhong Palace.

Su Jin was awe-inspiring, he turned his head slightly at an angle, and muttered, "This old fox..."

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