My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3770: You do it

It's too hard to keep still!

Many people think so, and Liu Li'er is not a threat to Ye Di at all. If he is arrested and killed, why bother to embarrass himself?

"In the midst of your storm gathering, if you move, I will lose. You can try--" Su Jin's hands interlaced in front of him, his face still in his original state.

A trace of killing intent flashed through Liu Li'er's pupils.

Ye Di was so big, naturally it was also her opportunity, and the other party had never tried her "Storm Gathering" how powerful it is.

"Then I will fulfill you!" Liu Li'er walked in the void, bare feet, the rules of God were brilliant!


Hidden strength?

The human races in the land of glazed glaze were all taken aback--

This Liu Li'er is not stupid! Under the promise of Ye Di, he naturally must use all means to enhance his own strength! Sure enough, she didn't leave a back road, and with a blast of divine power, all of them were blessed in "Storm Gathering" through God's rules.

"It's very hanging, Yedi has to stay still in the storm gathering to be considered to win, can he really do it? Even the King God must use means to resolve this technique "Storm Gathering", right?" Someone was frightened. , For fear that Ye Di was overturned in the gutter under the mighty power of Liu Lier.

"The power is still increasing. Although it has not reached the level of the king **** said by the emperor, it is also infinitely close. Liu Lier saw that the emperor was crazy. Could it be that they deliberately provoke the emperor. of?"

"This is called self-blame. Even if the King of Longevity is killed, he can't blame others. The ridiculous thing is that these high gods seem to be grateful. If Ye Di didn't keep his hands, her grandfather might not even have the chance to be treated. ."

"The scene is very big, Ye Di won't lose, right? Should it?"

"Power in hatred will only get stronger and stronger. I am afraid that Ye Di also underestimated this goddess——"

"Her grandfather hasn't really fallen. With the help of the three kings, it is still very possible to save him. Why do you have to work so hard? In front of the emperor, dignity is a fart?"

"It's started... the storm is gathering, and finally here!"


Countless people started to suffocate!

Whether atheism is a **** or a human being, all pay attention to Liu Lier's performance. If she can shake Ye Di, even if Ye Di returns, the other party will be ruined! Will be insulted wantonly by the Protoss!

The Qingqiu line, the most numerous of the gods, is standing in front of the vast temple. Thousands of her clan are also silent, watching the terrifying scene that condenses--

Especially Qingqiu Mengmeng, squeezing the corners of his clothes tightly, watching the game unblinkingly.


When the power gathered by the storm reached its extreme, it was like a world colliding! But when the terrible storm was controlled by Liu Li'er and attacked the Ye Emperor... a strange scene appeared!

The icy blue storm gathered, and when they met Yedi, it was as if they had touched the air. He still stood there, unaffected by it!


Why is this happening?

Liu Lier's eyes were shocked. She didn't notice what magical magic Yedi had used. She stood there like a mortal--

Fake, it must be wrong! Liu Li'er rubbed his eyes and looked intently again. The ‘Storm Tornado’ formed by dozens of sea-eye storms, in which I don’t know how far to reach in time and space, but even this kind of destructive power cannot affect Ye Di!

"What's the situation? This..." When the young Tracer was in front of the imperial palace, when he paid attention to this scene, he only heard the female nuns in the back gasp.

"Who can explain this situation? Why is Ye Di not affected by Liu Li'er's storm gathering?" Xinyue Fox was also one of the female nuns who got air-conditioned.

The storm gathering is too strong, most of them are not protoss. If they are on the battlefield, they will have to be swept away by the storm gathering and deep into the unknown no man's time and space.

"Ye Di is getting more and more terrifying--" A strange flash flashed in the depths of the lotus goddess' eyes, and her heart became heavy.

With such a powerful Ye Emperor, it is no wonder that Hetu King God and Taiyang King God did not dare to act rashly.

"The physical body is not in the Three Thousand World, not in the Three Thousand Avenue, in the Three Thousand Time and Space. The Yedi not long ago beheaded Zuoluo Tianwang. The other party's power rules may have inspired him a lot." Gao Yue didn't know whether he was accurate. , But judging from the current situation, it is most likely to be the case.

If what Gao Yue said was the truth, then the emperor...

The Chaosheng Banshee laughed, smiling very happily. She was still a little worried about Ye Di, but now this worry has been completely eliminated.

"I don't believe it, I don't believe it!" Liu Li'er was crazy. She came here earlier with a mortal heart, knowing the gap between herself and Ye Di, but she didn't know that she still underestimated the other party by far... this gap, It is beyond her imagination!

Is this the power that can kill the king god...

This is the Ye Emperor who can surpass the King God at present?

Liu Li'er saw that Ye Di was very young, but after a while, it seemed that she was the youngest one...

People in the world seem to have seen an extremely shocking picture.

Su Jin stood in the void of the imperial city, and the storm gathered as if swept into the air——

"The Yedi standing in the center of the storm is not affected at all. His hair can't be scratched. Even in the face of such a powerful Protoss, he can maintain a victory!" A monk sighed.

"This Longevity Protoss is also too weak. Her grandfather, but the King God, was wounded like that by Ye Di. She just wants to come to die. I really think Ye Di will pity Yu Yu and dare not kill her?"

"It's not that Liu Li'er is weak, but that Ye Di is too strong! Ye Di is becoming more and more invisible. His body seems to be independent of the heavens. The storm gathers to see him wrapped. In fact, he doesn't seem to be The same as existence, Liu Li'er's attack is naturally invalid to him."

"Liu Li'er still doesn't admit defeat? Do you have to wait until the divine power is exhausted? Even if it is a god, with such a big battle, the divine power is not endless, right?"


Did you lose?

Liu Li'er had thought about thousands of ways to fall by herself. Even if the gods could live forever, it was not immortal and immortal. She really considered this question, but she didn't expect... her own way of falling would need to be eliminated by herself.

That night emperor, like her insurmountable sky moat, her strength was so deep that she could not see the end, Liu Lier's body seemed to have been emptied of strength for a moment——

"You have the talent to aspire to the King God, but it's a pity that you met me." Su Jin said slowly, and the storm around him gradually disappeared. It seemed that Liu Lier had given up.

Liu Li'er was in the void, trembling slowly closing her eyes, "You do it... Death in the hands of the enemy is my last wish——"

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