My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3771: The cemetery of the gods, the world of death

Is Liu Li'er's last wish to die at the hands of the Ye Emperor?

Su Jin laughed and said indifferently: "You love to death--"

After that, Su Jin turned around and wanted to return to the palace.

"Ye Di!" Liu Li'er shouted directly to Su Jin with a stern voice.

Su Jin suddenly had an inexplicable crisis in his heart! Liu Li'er just didn't give him this feeling at all, but where did the problem appear?

Turning around silently, when Su Jin looked at Liu Li'er again, she saw that her body was full of sea-blue divine light, her chains of gods were burning, but her eyes were still determined with hatred——

"You..." Su Jin looked at Liu Li'er and suddenly stiffened. He knew that it was a trap. If he had cut off Liu Li'er by himself, he might be in big trouble.

But even so, Su Jin felt a burst of soul shock!

Liu Li'er laughed miserably, her burning God's rules quickly fell apart, but she was still alive! Before the rules of the sea-blue gods were eliminated, each of the black rules quickly blew a dark storm in the distance!

"Twin rules--" The lotus goddess cried out in front of the imperial palace.

Everyone overlooked a serious situation, including Su Jin!

"What is the twin rule?" The Chaosheng Banshee asked with a numb scalp.

"A god, most of them are just a rule of gods, gods are scarce, and gods with twin rules are even rarer. And each of our **** races will choose a successor to the gods, because the future race The selected successor in the genre is very likely to be unified and exist above the king god." The lotus goddess explained.

"Such as Gao Yue?" Xin Yuehu asked.

"Yes, the Taiyang line is Gao Yue, and the Qingqiu line is the Qingqiu Mengmeng who has just been promoted to the king god. Although the Changsheng line is weak, everyone has ignored the successor. It seems that she Liu Lier That's it." The lotus goddess said.

"What does this have to do with the twin rules?"

"It is naturally related. The twin rule appears in a protoss. It is even rarer than the birth of several kings and gods in the same tribe. Now, Liu Lier is very likely to use the black rule to cause great trouble to the night emperor." said the lotus goddess.

She wasn't sure what the black rules were... but from the current point of view, Liu Lier clearly seemed to give up, but in fact she still had a murderous intention towards Ye Di!

The rules of the gods, like black snakes, surrounded the entire imperial palace. Su Jin felt that his soul was about to sway. The black rules were simply incredible!

"The destination of the gods is the tombs of the gods, hateful! I have the potential to dominate the heavens in the future, but now I want to lead you into the world of death by myself..." Liu Lier would not want to, but if she could be a **** clan Solving the disaster of Falling Night Emperor can be regarded as a swift action, avenging revenge and fulfilling his wishes.

"You are too naive--" Su Jin said helplessly.

"Although you are not tolerant of the Three Thousand Worlds, you already existed in this glazed sky when I gave up just now! Moreover, I have locked you in, you and I will be swallowed by the world of death, let alone you are a human race, even if King God can't stop it either." Liu Lier looked at Su Jin and said.

"Really? Then I really want to see..." Su Jin's tone was very calm.

Liu Li'er seemed to see through life and death, but in fact he was very excited! The human race is about to be taken away by her soon, and the new era of God is about to be opened! If her grandfather Changsheng Wangshen recovered, he would definitely understand her approach!

Under the gaze of the world, Su Jin's mouth rose, and soon, his soul body walked directly out of the deity!

"Come with you for a while, don't say I didn't give you a chance--" Su Jin's deity walked directly to the north of the imperial palace, and the ups and downs of blue clouds seemed to be alive. His deity sat cross-legged in that colorful patch. Among the ruins, that is, in the tortoise shell world of Senior Turtle!


Liu Li'er really stayed, Ye Di's body was not affected by her rules! This is... Is this Yedi's soul body? Like the soul, like the deity, as if there is no difference.


The shattered void, in the vision of Su Jin Yuan Divine Body and Liu Li'er, the surroundings seemed to transform into an extremely fast black-blue vortex black hole, and the two were directly inhaled together, as if they had fallen into an unknown world!

Who can think of this situation!

"Will the night emperor return--" The monk in the land of colored glaze looked at the scene of the reopening that day, and the sky above the emperor palace seemed to be calm again, except that Liu Lier and Su Jin were missing.

"Yedi's deity, walked into the tortoise shell of the old predecessor of the **** race, with the protection of the old predecessor, and the king is not afraid! Yedi will definitely be able to get out of the so-called world of death!"

"If I'm not mistaken, it should be the legendary second soul. A human race can become a second soul, and the power of the deity will not be affected at all. I hope those king gods are jealous of the fierce power of the old turtle. ——"

"Why is a Liu Li'er so terrible... There are not many gods in the longevity line, but there is such a powerful goddess, but unfortunately, if Ye Di can come out, she may not be necessary."

"She did what Wangshen couldn't do. She seemed to have the second rule. Can Gods do the same? Even Wangshen has only one rule. If this kind of goddess becomes a Wangshen, wouldn't it be true? Is it equivalent to having two kings' rules? In that case, isn't it invincible?"

"The land of the colored glaze without the night emperor is too dangerous--"


Qingqiu God Realm, Qingqiu Mengmeng’s spiritual heart almost jumped out. What she could see was that it was not that Yedi was willing to go to the so-called world of death, but that Liu Lier’s rules were too mysterious and could only keep the deity. Fall into it with Yuan Shen body.

He... will he come back... Qingqiu Mengmeng is looking forward to...

Circles of black and blue black holes with extremely high speeds, as if endlessly far away, Su Jin felt like a duckweed in a vortex on the water surface, constantly being drawn into the depths of the vortex——

Liu Li'er looked at Su Jin with all satisfaction in her eyes. She succeeded, even if this is Yedi's second soul, judging from the situation of his deity, her combat power would definitely be lost a lot! Otherwise, this emperor will not put the deity on the tortoise shell of the tortoise, and let the old man protect him!

I don't know how long it has been, maybe it was a stick of incense, maybe it was two hours, or it was a day!

When Su Jin woke up, he felt the endless desolation breath, the whirlpool sucking power, almost tore his soul to pieces. If his deity was there, it would naturally be easier to deal with——

In the field of vision, the blue and white stele mountains seemed to have no end in sight. They existed in the endless dark night. Not far away, Liu Li'er seemed even more unbearable, lying on the ground...

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