My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3772: Sinister face

The night is endless. Except for the chaotic rocks, it seems that there are only those countless mountains of Qingbaibei. Su Jin got up, squinted at Liu Lier and looked at it for a long time——

Later, Su Jin looked up at the world.

A touch of danger is filling the surroundings. This danger is like Su Jin facing thousands of kings and gods. He is not like before. He is the strongest when he has the deity...


Su Jin walked to Liu Lier's side. He originally let Liu Lier stop himself. If he wanted him to kill such a goddess with outstanding temperament, it would be harder than killing him.

"It has reached the edge of death." Su Jin squatted down, grabbed Liu Li'er's hand, and directly entered the state of introspection. Her black rules seemed to have side effects on herself. Her body was now in chaos, with countless black rules twisted. Together, even her breath of life is constantly disappearing.

After Su Jin checked Liu Li'er's situation, he was silent for more than ten seconds, and he calculated the time for Liu Li'er to die.

It was initially estimated that, at the speed at which Liu Li'er's life aura dissipated, within half a day, she would corpse here——

"The cemetery of the gods is really peculiar. It's a pity that I don't have much time to search." Su Jin thought about it again and again. With his as a person, letting such a beautiful corpse here is absolutely impossible for him, even if she is the enemy...

Su Jin knew that he didn't have much time to think about it.

Soon, he helped Liu Li'er to sit up, and then he held one of her arms with both hands, closed his eyes, and let the life into her body.

If anyone sees it at this moment, they will definitely find a strange phenomenon. In Su Jin's arms, there seem to be strands of tender green threads, constantly pouring into Liu Li'er's fragrant shoulders——

And around Liu Li'er sitting, a circle of faint gossip Daoxia was gleaming.


An unusually cold wind swept across Su Jin's body, his face changed slightly, and he held his breath quietly, turning his left face to the side, and saw a green and white mountain of steles in the direction of his left hand.

On the edge of the green and white stele mountain, a faintly gray bone hand poked out, and then, red hair plus a skull face, slowly poked out, as if looking for the location of the anger.

Putting it in the past, Su Jin would naturally not be afraid of anything, but now he cannot let go——

In a blink of an eye, the gossip Daoxia dissipated, and Su Jin swept Liu Li'er's body and disappeared instantly.

This cemetery of the gods is really perilous!


Su Jin didn't know that as time passed, he had already left the land of colored glaze for three full days!

In the palace of heaven, the King of Longevity has recovered and healed! With the participation of the Qingqiu King God, combined with the rules of the two kings of Taiyang and Hetu, he was still pulled back from the edge of fall! As early as half a day ago, the King of Longevity knew the bad news!

"Brother Taiyang, do you think it's the best opportunity now?" The **** Hetu silently looked at the void north of the imperial palace, and asked the **** Taiyang quietly.

"The old fox in Qingqiu may not necessarily agree to let us take the initiative." Taiyang Wangshen was a little worried. He even hoped that Yedi would be involved in the world of the cemetery of the gods as his own deity. Unfortunately not, the situation is still unknown. , Act recklessly, not only to consider the old tortoise of the **** race, but also to consider whether the night emperor will return.

"If his second soul leaves, the combat power of the deity will be affected, and I suspect that he has no combat power at all! If the old tortoise dares to block, wait for an opportunity to kill, we three kings, can we still kill a god? Turtle? As for the two kings and gods of Qingqiu, if you don't tell them," Hetu Wangshen said coldly.

"Are you sure that Yedi's deity has no combat power? Are you sure that the protoss old tortoise has no one-to-three power?" Changsheng King frowned, "Or are you sure that the two kings and gods of Qingqiu are not Will you take action against us in a melee?"

He Tu's face flushed, and his sleeves were violently flushed, and he was a little annoyed: "Could it be that I missed a god-given opportunity like this? Do we have to wait for the second soul of Ye Di to return?!"

"My granddaughter, can't pass away like this for no reason! I agree with King Hetu's opinion, God of War Turtle, kill Ye Di!" King Changsheng clenched his fist and said.

He has no serious problems.

Although the injury was just right and he had not yet recovered his peak strength, as long as he played normally, he would have a great chance of winning with the two kings of Taiyang and Hetu.

"Since the two have decided, then do it -" Taiyang Wangshen knew that indecision is a big taboo, even if the decision is wrong, it is better than waiting!


Seeing the consensus, the kings and gods of Hetu directly swept out a colorful glow. The three kings and gods appeared directly in the north of the imperial palace!

This scene shocked thousands of noises!

"What do the three kings and gods want to do? Are they going to **** Ye Di from the protoss turtle senior? How is this possible!" a monk said in surprise.

"Ye Di walked into the ancient ruins three days ago, the ancient ruins on the tortoise shell! Does this mean that he has no combat power? His second soul has not yet returned, and the situation is not good—"

"The things we can think of, the three kings and gods can also think of, they will risk cutting off the old tortoise of the protoss, and kill the deity of Yedi from it, even if the second soul of Yedi returns and loses the deity, he It must not be a climate!"

"The situation is getting worse, these three kings are really bold! Unfortunately, the second soul of the night emperor is not there, and the deity is likely to be unable to wake up. What should be done!"

"The shamelessness of the King God, everyone has already learned it before. If you don't seize this opportunity, you won't be the Protoss. They are more despicable than our human race, and they are even more stubborn—"



The actions of the three kings and gods angered countless human races! Even if Yedi had old grudges with the creatures in the land of Liuli, he was the Emperor of Liuli appointed by the old turtle of the Protoss! It is definitely the strongest existence on the human side——

Now... The Protoss is about to show its despicable face!

The imperial palace in the imperial city is still in a panic, and the scene that Chaosheng Banshee and the others don't want to see still appears!


Qingqiu God Realm.

"Where are you going?" Qingqiu King God stopped in front of Qingqiu Mengmeng who was about to fly.

"Father...Father God..." Qingqiu Mengmeng held his arms with the colorful sun and moon flying silk, and quickly hesitated.

Qingqiu Mengmeng's thoughts, how could Qingqiu King God know!

Indeed, Qingqiu Meng dreams of taking action. With the blessings of Sun Moon Fei Ling and the power of the King God that she has initially promoted, she can definitely stop two of the three King Gods, but now the Father God stops her, obviously. Don't want her out

"In this battle, the predecessor tortoise is so fierce and auspicious. If it falls, Ye Di's deity will definitely be cut off. You are not allowed to go..." Qingqiu King God said lightly.

"Why?" Qingqiu Mengmeng was originally Qingyu, but now the Father God's words made her very excited, she said again: "Is the Father God saying that all beings are equal, just to consider my feelings? You still... look down on Humans... …"

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