My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3776: You have to give up

The movement of the Heaven and Earth God Bridge was tremendous, and the entire cemetery of the gods was shaken by how many horror existences, even the current Heavenly Hao King God, was slightly dazed.

Su Jin appeared on a bridge of heaven and earth in one step, and said coldly to the **** of Tianhao: "If you can't walk, you are in the cemetery. It must be related to the gods of the heavens. After you go out, you will repay your kindness and grievance. If you want to devour the flesh and blood of the Protoss, let me go wherever I go, there are Protoss—"

The human flesh and blood, the noble Tianhao King God, is absolutely not interested. Su Jin was very sure of this. To the Protoss, the Human Race was like a fly in the eyes of the Human Race. God Hao Wang definitely wouldn't do such disgusting things that day.

With this evil king and god, Su Jin also had plans--

"This woman, it's yours..." King Tianhao thought about it and threw Liu Li'er from the skull's mouth to Su Jin. Immediately, King Tianhao appeared on a bridge of heaven and earth parallel to Su Jin.

Su Jin grabbed Liu Li'er's neck with the palm of his hand, saw her staring openly, and said: "Miss Liu, I'm seeing you again—"

Liu Li'er hates it now!

The hate is that she has little power available, she can only use her mortal strength to beat Su Jin's arm with her hands——

"Kill her, leave the flesh and blood to me, don't waste it." Tianhao King said coldly: "Moreover, in front of the deity, you better not use any tricks, a human race, the deity really doesn't care about it. ."

"Okay—" Su Jin's eyes flashed with an edge.



The Heaven and Earth God Bridge where the Tianhao King God was located began to tremble! Almost for an instant, Tianhao Wangshen felt bad, knowing he was being teased!

"Human kid! You will die very miserably!" Tianhao King God suddenly grabbed it with one hand, but watched as he grabbed a piece of air.

Su Jin and Liu Li'er suddenly appeared a gray-blue sky secret light!

"Tian Secret!" Tianhao King God was taken aback.

I watched Su Jin and Liu Li'er disappear into the void--

God hates King Tianhao! How wise he is, he was actually played by a human junior! Moreover, this human race junior also has a heaven secret——

Looking back, Tianhao Wangshen’s face became more and more ugly, and it felt like taking Liu Lier away was all in Yedi’s calculations, from the initial request, to the arrangement of the Heaven and Earth God Bridge, to gain a little trust from him, and then to the display of "Nothing" The word Tianmi', finally used the power of the heaven and earth **** bridge to collapse, to sweep away Ye Di and Liu Lier...

This kind of strategy is simply a chain!

"The cemetery of the gods is huge, but no matter how big it is, I will find you and skin you alive!" The God of Tianhao snorted, looked at the vast void, and made up his mind.

just now.

Liu Li'er couldn't take care of the pain in her neck anymore. She was no longer held by Su Jin's neck, but Su Jin held her legs and hugged her in front of her, in the kind of princess hug position——

She beat Sujin powerlessly, maybe it was instinct, because she can hardly believe a fact now...

When she fell into the cemetery of the gods, Liu Li'er knew she couldn't live anymore, but she was still alive now, and her injuries were nearly half healed. In other words, there were two possibilities.

One possibility is that Haowangshen helped her heal her injuries that day. This possibility is very small, very remote. After all, the other party wants to use her to beat her teeth, how can she save her——

The second possibility is that Liu Li'er will never want to believe it, and it is the most incomprehensible possibility. That is that Ye Di helped her heal her injuries and sorted out her rules of God!

"Don't bite, my soul body doesn't feel too much pain, and there is no insoluble hatred between you and me." Su Jin said calmly.

"My grandfather's life or death is uncertain, this hatred is not shared!" Liu Li'er said without relaxing his teeth.

"Your grandfather is okay and healed." Su Jin said coldly: "I have the fairy pupil of good fortune, and I have used you to break good fortune. Not long ago, your grandfather joined the two kings of Taiyang and Hetu to take the opportunity to kill My deity Dao Body——"

Liu Li'er was stunned, and the hand that beat Su Jin's chest stopped, stopped biting his mouth, looking at Ye Di...

Ye Di's eyebrows were raised, and at this moment, a fairy pupil of good fortune was condensing and turning, and a fairy dragon was entrenched on a fairy bridge, and a very beautiful little girl sat on the fairy dragon's head.


Su Jin was worried about the deity, thinking of the fairy king of good fortune, Xiaoying, who lived with him, and saw that scene through the "good fortune fairy pupil"——

Liu Li'er also saw it, knowing that Su Jin wanted to convince her, but I don't know whether it was true or not. Who knew this was not deliberately condensed to her?

"Don't worry, this king is not as despicable as your protoss..." Su Jin put away the vision of the fairy pupil, and the fairy dragon and the fairy bridge Xiaoying also disappeared.

He doesn't know where it is here--

But definitely still in the cemetery of the gods.

Su Jin saw the green and white stele mountains and knew that this was not the place where she had fallen. He found a clear water lake shore, moved a stele mountain, and put Liu Li'er down.

"Why save me..." Liu Lier's eyes remained as indifferent as ever.

"That said, it's not a sea of ​​blood." Su Jin slowly said: "There are Lotus goddesses, Luo Zhi, Gao Yue, those who are not going to fight me desperately, but they are all staying by my side now."

Liu Li'er stared at Su Jin without speaking.

"The cemetery of the gods, I haven't found a way to leave. If my deity is here, I can use the prison eye of Maha Town to trace back the star road, break the restrictions here with my body, and leave forcibly. It can be my current second soul power, no The physical body is choking to deal with a king and god."

While Su Jin was talking, he set a table in front of Qingbaibei Mountain and drank a few sips of wine calmly—

"It's inseparable," Liu Lier said.

"Yeah, then I can't kill you anymore. In the loneliness of the ages, it is good to be able to talk. In other words, your grandfather is healed, and you are not dead. Is it because of that commoner that you still have to die to me? "

Su Jin looked at Liu Li'er and smiled: "Your grandfather didn't say that "The Palace of Eternal Life" belongs to yours when facing me. What's the difference between commoner, Xiaoxiao, and robbery?"

Liu Li'er couldn't be mad at Su Jin's tone and turned her head away. She didn't want to explain anything. Although she was surprised by Commoner's approach, after all, she was her future Taoist companion. She died...

"However, it is not impossible to say that the Palace of Longevity belongs to your family. It is possible for you to live a long life, abandon the dark and cast the light, like Qingqiu, to take refuge with me," Su Jin said.

"You!" Liu Lier turned his head, glaring at Su Jin...

Su Jin ignored Liu Li'er's gaze, and said slowly and calmly: "Following me is a great advantage, the lotus goddess, after a few years, she will be promoted to the king god, Gao Yue and later. And the Qingqiu line, Wang Shenmeng, is also me. With one hand, she is ahead of you..."

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