My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3777: Crash again

Lead us?

Liu Li'er was already staying, and she didn't care about others, but this night the emperor's tone seemed to take her down, and did she misheard her?

According to the news from Qingqiu's line, it seems that Qingqiu Mengmeng broke through the King God not because of Yedi——

Thinking of this, Liu Li'er struggled to stand up, but the hatred in her eyes dissipated a little unconsciously.

Turn around, his ink hair reaches his waist.

Su Jin saw this and said calmly: "Where to go?"

"You don't need to worry about it." Liu Li'er was obviously very depressed. She didn't have the slightest affection for Ye Di, and Ye Di obviously had the intention of pulling her out of the Human Race.

how can that be!

Although she and Ye Di didn't have a long grudge, they were also the kind of unending hatred. She didn't believe any word that came out of Ye Di's mouth.

"You can think clearly, as long as you leave my sight, you won't survive tomorrow." Su Jin's indifferent voice appeared in Liu Li'er's ear.

Liu Li'er stiffened.

Soon, she stood quietly by the lake.

It's complicated, she has a kind of unclear complexity in her heart.

Grandpa didn't die, but he was trapped in the cemetery of the gods and couldn't go out, even if it was as strong as the night emperor, he was helpless. She hated her lack of spine and didn't dare to be too far away from the enemy Yedi.

On the shore of the cold lake, Liu Li'er could not help sighing with bare feet. Soon, she sat cross-legged not far away, carefully began to look inside, check her injury, and began to heal herself.

This is an urgent matter.

That Tianhao King God would not give up, God knows why Yedi could drink so calmly!

The sky was dim. This was probably the daytime in the cemetery of the gods. It felt like it was before dawn, and the scene was still very dim. However, comparing the night here, it is obviously better.

I don't know if it is half a day or a day.

Liu Li'er, who was sitting quietly and healing her wounds, couldn't help but open her eyes. She was attracted by the peculiar smell of meat.

I saw Ye Di was beside the green and white stele mountain, staring at the ground mysteriously.

And Liu Li'er hesitated, she saw that the ground Su Jin was paying attention to was smoking!

Yes, it's smoking!

And the wonderful smell of meat wafted from the smoking place along the wind vent.

"Stone barbecue, do you want some?" Su Jin didn't turn his head. He estimated the time. It was probably done. He roasted the stone with fire, took the venison from the bone ring, and made an underground forbidden formation. , So about two sticks of incense time has passed.

Liu Li'er closed her eyes again. She didn't plan to pay attention to Su Jin at all. She was just curious when she smelled the smell of meat. Now that she knows that Ye Di is roasting meat, she won't try to take a taste—

Su Jin didn't care.

God, don't eat the fireworks in the world, Su Jin rarely has such a leisure time, even if he is trapped in the cemetery of the gods, at least it will not be in danger for the time being.

A quarter of an hour passed.

Two hours passed-

Liu Li'er finally couldn't help it, and asked indifferently, "You really can't leave?"

Su Jin got up from the mountain of bluestone steles, squatted down in front of Liu Lier, and stared at her: "The Cemetery of the Gods is the secret of your Protoss. You don’t have a way to get out, but come and ask me... Is this a bit? ridiculous?"

"I--" Liu Li'er felt that this human race Yedi was too close. Before she planned to leave, she decided to keep her distance, and it is the same now.

Liu Li'er stood up, turned around and blew the lake breeze, thinking sadly: "Do I want to stay here with an enemy for a lifetime..."

There is a difference between humans and gods. Liu Li'er dare not think about the consequences of staying. She feels that she will be crazy, she must!

"It is rumored that there is an ancient **** portal in the far north of the cemetery of the gods. You can leave as long as you find a way to activate it." Liu Li'er said quietly.

"What about it? Can you activate it?" Su Jin had no hope at all, shook his head.

"What if you and I can do it? How can I know if I don't try it!" Liu Li'er became emotionally unstable, turned to look at Su Jin, and his voice rose a lot.

"It seems that you are more capable than the Tianhao King God. I am afraid that there is more than one King God among the gods here. Don't they know if you know it, haven't they tried it? You can do it--" Su Jin felt that Liu Li'er was too young, and his IQ was completely incompatible with this look and figure.

Liu Li'er was desperate by what Ye Di said!

"Can you do it--" Liu Li'er had seen Ye Di still have time to eat barbecue before, and I really didn't know if this was a big heart or despair of the status quo. She didn't want to stay with Ye Di anyway, and she didn't want to die.

"Yes." Su Jin said seriously.

"You... did you say..." Liu Li'er felt weak in her heart. She knew that the only hope for going out was the emperor, otherwise she would not be still talking to him.

"Yes, it takes time."

"how long?"

"From the current point of view, give me ten thousand years, and I will definitely be able to take you out——" Su Jin absolutely did not brag, and his tone was also convincing to Liu Lier.

a thousand years!

Liu Li'er is going crazy, what is the difference between not saying? With the current strength of Ye Di, if she wants to do something to her, within ten thousand years, there will probably be a large group of people here. She doesn’t want to see Ye Di at all, she doesn’t want to see it at first, and she knows Even if he had practiced for 10,000 years, he was not as talented as this Ye Di.

"Just kidding, I regret not letting the deity's Dao body sink down, otherwise, with the strength of this world, I will most likely be able to punch through it with one punch. It's a pity--"

Su Jin faintly smiled and said: "My soul body will cultivate for another hundred and eighty years, and be able to achieve the strength of my deity. You must believe in me for this."

One hundred and eighty years...It's still about the same.

This time, for Liu Li'er, is naturally not too long, but can she afford to wait... when the time comes, she will not know where the Changsheng Clan and his grandfather are in the heavens, any line of the Protoss, Will not live in one place forever. For example, in the Qingqiu line, the Qingqiu King God can take the Qingqiu God Realm to any place.

"Then you don't want to practice--" Liu Lier asked.

"It's okay to go to practice, but you have to think about it clearly. During the quiet period of my soul body, there should be no interference. If the Haowang God chases and kills that day, you need to help me block it." Su Jin said.

"You... you might as well let me die directly..." Liu Li'er collapsed, why there are so many things the Emperor Ye has done.

"Do you think I want to? I still have a way to go out soon, up to four or five days, but this method is simple and simple, but difficult, it is as difficult as the sky, and you need your help." Su Jin Said quietly.

"How to help——" Liu Lier asked without doubt.

"Do you know how our human race can strengthen the soul and improve its strength..." Su Jin looked at Liu Li'er with strange eyes, and said slowly.

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