My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3787: The sky is dead, and he shall stand without the world!

While Liu Li'er and Lei Maru Spider King were staring at each other--

The screams came down from high above! The Thunder Swamp Dapeng bathed in thunder light, like a mouse seeing a cat, screamed so sharply that Liu Li'er could not describe it!

"Kun...Kunpeng——" Leimaru Spider King could no longer describe the shock in his heart now, he could not guess how many methods Su Jin had, as if he could scare him every time.


Liu Li'er took a gentle breath, but calmed down and said, "It's good to get used to it."

"Who is an expert Senior! Ah... Ah... I... I was wrong..." Lei Peng kept making pleading voices. How could it have thought of this situation. Originally, its target was Thunder Marsh Spider King. In the past, the man and the goddess who turned into nine colors Kunpeng were just prey items, but now something happened!

If things can be repeated and let it choose again, it will never appear!

Lei Peng was already sharp enough. He took over the heaven and earth purple sky thunder road, and the spreading wings of purple red thunder and lightning kept shining, but under the pressure of Nine Color Kunpeng, it could only retreat.

In the process of its continuous retreat, its wings were severely grasped by the claws of the nine-colored kunpeng. In terms of body shape, the nine-colored kunpeng was more than a hundred times bigger than it. This is the situation now, as if Like an eagle catching a chicken, its wings were directly broken by the nine-color Kunpeng!

The screams are endless--

Thunder Marsh Spider King dodged, staring dumbly at Lei Peng, like a big bird with wings, falling heavily on the water of Thunder Marsh!

Is this done?

Lei Suma Spider King’s heart has been unable to calm for a long time. It even thinks that he did not die in the hands of Ye Di. It is estimated that the ancestors have burned the high incense for ten thousand years. Nei had already met three big culprits in Thunder Swamp, and besides it, two were dead!

Lei Peng's huge body was caught by the nine-color Kunpeng. Lei Maru Spider King knew that although Lei Peng's defense power was not as good as the fierce crocodile, the nine-color Kunpeng had the advantage of natural suppression for Lei Peng! The other party did not dare to resist!

"It's too strong." Lei Maru Spider King said in shock.

When a rainbow light reappeared in front of the table, Su Jin's hand was still holding the hip flask, and then he said indifferently: "Continue on the road--"

"Yes!" Thunder Marsh Spider King has never been so refreshing!

You know, when it reached the end of Thunder Swamp before, it was not so bold. It surreptitiously went forward, and only arrived in a state of near death! Where is it as rampant as it is now?

From the time Su Jin settled Lei Peng and landed on the table again, Liu Lier's eyes have been on his face——

"Is there a flower on my face?" Su Jin glanced at Liu Li'er.

Liu Li'er hurriedly lowered his head, shook his head and said, "No, but I didn't expect the battle to be so easy, are still the soul body, if the deity is here, you won't be able to sweep the entire Thunder Swamp."

"My current strength of the soul body, if I return to my deity, my strength will definitely increase a lot." Su Jin raised his hand, touched Liu Lier's cheek, and smiled: "This is thanks to your help--"

Liu Lier's eyes were sad.

Is she feeling good?


It's just that if Ye Di was a Protoss.

Liu Li'er was always touched in her heart, especially when he saw Ye Di so strong, there was always a grudge.

Of course, Su Jin could guess Liu Li'er's thoughts. He took a sip of wine and said calmly: "Your Protoss wants to open up a new era of Gods. It's impossible for me."

Liu Lier was silent.

Su Jin said indifferently: "Because the new era will belong to me, and the heavens should also have a master to take charge. The new era will definitely be me, not Century Yuan——"

"Why don't you call Ye Di Era?" Liu Li'er turned his face away, and felt a little bit of pain in his heart.

She belongs to the Yedi now, even if Grandpa Changsheng is unwilling, this has become a reality. If the Changsheng line follows the Yedi after going out, she will definitely become a traitor to the entire Protoss, because of the current situation in which Qingqiu line is falling. It's not clear.

Su Jin shrugged and didn't want to entangle with the question of the era. In short, it can't be a new era of gods, and can't let the gods dominate the heavens!

"Now the heavens are still the masters of the human race. Even if your new era of Gods is not successfully established, it will not damage the foundation. If it is not far in the future, I can dominate the heavens. Your eternal God race is the **** of the gods, alongside Qingqiu. Counting out, you still have an advantage compared to the Qingqiu line."

Su Jin continued: "You only have a few gods in the longevity line, and you will soon have two king gods, and their Qingqiu thousands of gods, juxtaposed with them, will shock the gods of the heavens——"

Liu Li'er was stunned.

Thinking about it carefully, her inner expectation seemed infinite, and it sounded like a dream.

Can Ye Di really do it... Liu Li'er is still vaguely worried. If Ye Di dies in a battle with the kings and gods in the future, she will definitely catch up with the fate of the whole longevity, but it seems that she has already done it. Decision, or the destiny that cannot be changed...

Liu Li'er was relieved after thinking about it. As long as Ye Di could take her out and help her become a king god, she would definitely be extremely obedient and more obedient than anyone.

"The master just said... Can't Shijiyuan... Is there anything to say?" Lei Suma Spider King couldn't help asking when he was on his way frantically.

"His name is Yedi, he is a non-worldly person in the human race, reincarnated." Liu Lier explained.

"No World Honored!"

The Thunder Swamp Spider King was simply convinced. The five-body spider that admired it naturally knew not the World-Honor, and it also knew some ancient sages. After all, in its long years, it has captured countless powerful men. Although the captured kings and gods are only a handful of them, In the memory of those ordinary protoss, it has let it know too many stories.

Among them, the world-honored existence was able to contend with the heavens back then... it can be as famous as the sky! This...This made the Thunder Swamp Spider King completely dispelled his doubts in his heart. Without the emperor of the world, he would surely be able to get rid of the demon body and become a human body, and the power would not disappear!

Thinking of this, Thunderbolt Spider King became more and more excited, and his brain accelerated--

If you look down from the height of the Thunder Swamp at this moment, you will find an afterimage, without fear of any purple-red lightning, directly crossing the lightning grid after another!

Time passed by one minute and one second--

After the thunder marsh spider king rushed to the road, he rushed to the center of the thunder marsh in only half a day.

Thunder Marsh Spider King's speed is also getting slower and slower-

"Master, be careful." Thunder Marsh Spider King reminded Liu Li'er and Su Jin that in the Thunder Marsh, its perception of danger far surpassed the Protoss.

"Keep walking, it's okay." Su Jin's eyes flashed coldly, and he saw a different picture with his "Mahe Town Prison Eye".

The surrounding swamps seem calm, but in fact the underwater crisis is hidden. Under his special vision, under the swamps in many places, there are faintly surging scenes.

"Is there any danger?" Liu Li'er was faintly suffocated in her heart. She looked around blankly, as if the scene of Thunder Swamp was the same. It was nothing special from the shore of the first swamp. If there is a problem, it must be darker. Some.

Su Jin raised his hand and swept forward gently——

The surrounding scene began to change!

"It's foggy?" Liu Li'er asked in surprise.

From where the Thunder Swamp Spider King stopped, at a glance, the mists and Su Jin's manifested scenes could help her see the problem. Those mists were not simple, and there were phantoms in them.

"Go ahead to the left for a hundred miles." Su Jin snorted softly, and said to Thunder Marsh Spider King.

"Yes." Although the Thunder Swamp Spider King hesitated, when he thought of Ye Di's strength, he no longer worried about his own safety. Its speed was so fast that it almost came in the blink of an eye!

"Statue!" Liu Li'er was shocked.

How can there be statues in Thunder Swamp?

Especially here, here is already the center of Thunder Swamp, and I don't know how deep it is underwater.

Those statues are extremely vicissitudes of life. Each statue is the size of a mountain, and the surface is black and white, and each statue is lifelike--

"I didn't take this path that time when I passed through Thunder Swamp. I went around a long way. From where we first appeared, I walked straight and couldn't avoid this place..." Thunder Marsh Spider King felt the demon soul All trembling.

"Have you never heard of this place?" Liu Lier asked.

"I know here, there has always been a legend in Thunder Marsh." Thunder Marsh Spider King thought for a while, and continued: "The gods of the heavens are the darling of the heavens, but the cemetery of the gods is a strong man who serves the heavens and is established by the heavens. This is not only a tomb of God, but also a place to punish God of Sin..."

"What does it have to do with these statues?"

"Sacrifice." Lei Suma Spider King said: "When the cemetery was set up, there were countless statues representing the Protoss. They were moved here. If the legend is true, then the lower body of these statues should be in a kneeling posture, kneeling down to God. "

"You are right." Su Jin said suddenly.

Su Jin can see with his divine pupils, but these are not critical. This is indeed the best ambush field, but it is a pity that the opponent has no eyes and does not know the superior, so he wants to provoke him.

The surface of the swamp here, from the initial minimal to the current rolling waves, did not take much time at all. Liu Lier's face turned pale, and she always felt that every statue seemed to be watching her, wondering if it was the cemetery of the gods. Restrictions on'God'!

"Ah! It moved, it moved--" Thunder Marsh Spider King screamed. It has the perception of being destroyed instantly. These statues are too terrifying. If it weren't for the emperor of the night, it would flee without hesitation!

Su Jin was speechless: "Don't panic...this is my method..."



Liu Li'er and Leizhao Spider King were scared to death, how could this be Yedi's method!

Soon, Liu Li'er looked at Su Jin's raised fingers in a very awkward state, and she also saw a ray of crystal red flashing in Ye Di's eyes——

No power!

Liu Lier instantly understood Yedi's consciousness! This turned out to be his unworldly power, and this is too amazing! Thinking of this, she felt that the emperor should have discovered the mysterious existence under the water, so she used the power of the world to control the statues——

I don’t know how many awe-inspiring statues, with twinkling eyes, and countless voices converging first-rate, and those voices seem to shock the world...

The vast and far-reaching voices of the countless statues turned out to be...

"The sky is dead... to stand without the world..."

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