My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3788: End of the cemetery

"The sky is dead..."

"We should stand without the world..."

It seemed to be the sound from the eternal netherworld, becoming more and more magnificent. Even if Liu Li'er now knew that the Ye Emperor was doing it, she couldn't help being frightened by the momentum, she even moved a little bit away from Su Jin's position——

"What did you teach those statues?" Liu Lier asked in a low voice as far as possible to calm down his anxiety.

Su Jin shook his head silently.

One after another huge statues stood up from the surface of the water, stirring up the storm!

The Thunderbolt Spider King also tried to keep his body from trembling. The statues seemed to be facing here, but it was more concerned about the blisters that kept coming up on the surface of the water——

Every blister is tens of feet wide!

"Sky Devouring Red Devil! I know... It's Sky Devouring Red Devil!" Thunder Marsh Spider King felt that the air around him was making sharp sound waves. Those sound waves were not the sound of statues, but were caused by the Sky Devouring Red Devils!


On the surface of the water, the red scales rolled, and the big monster under the water rolled out head by head, like the back of a giant dragon! These existences resemble snakes and dragons, their heads are like evil sharks, with a long, faint red top, and they can attack enemies with sound waves!

And with so many Red Devils, it's hard for Thunderbolt Spider King not to believe that there will be no Red Devils Demon King.

"Go..." Although Su Jin's voice was calm, it could be heard by all nearby creatures!


Although a statue moved slowly, it also plunged into the water in an instant with both arms, hugged a sky-devouring red devil, and slammed it fiercely. The blood water instantly turned red on the surface of the swamp!


Hundreds of ‘Sky Devouring Red Devils’ rushed out of the water, one after another like a red snake, swimming in the sky!

"Looking for death--" Su Jin's eyes were cold, and he lifted one hand, and a "Demon Tower of Wuxiang Town" floated out of his hand.

The Demon Tower of Wuxiang Town began to show off its extremely delicate and splendid light!


One for ten, ten for one hundred! A hundred thousand...


Every Wuxiang Town Demon Tower has grown and grown in the extremely magnificent demon spirit, and under the lock of Wuxiang Town Demon Tower, every time and every town, it will become red scales like snow, within just a few breaths. , I don't know how many'Sky Devouring Red Devils' were killed by the town!

"Who are you!"

An angry voice appeared from a distance, that was the King of the Red Devil, who had already turned into a humanoid existence! Now he looks like a young man, but his face still shines with red scale lines! Its prey that the entire Red Devil race is fancying is being killed by the opponent madly, how can it not be angry!

"No World Honored." Su Jin reported his name.

No...No World Honor...

The King of the Red Devil, who transformed into a youthful appearance, froze for a moment, and then his face changed drastically. He glanced at countless statues staring at it, and then he arched his hands at Su Jin: "How offended my clan! Never show weakness to others easily, and there will be no retreat when attacked, but since you are not the world-honored, then you will be sold to you..."

When the young man spoke, he finally wanted to atomize into smoke, and dropped the two words of horror: Run!

Under the Demon Tower of Wuxiang Town, the Red Devils who were lucky enough to not die, all began to rush into the water——

"Go? If you provoke this king, don't go, just stay."

While speaking, countless demon towers of Wuxiang Town were directly united. The town was in the void in the distance, suppressing the red smoke, and forcing the'Sky Devouring Red Devil' out!

"You don't deceive too much! This is my place! I want to fight with you, you may not be able to take advantage!" The red devil king has a fierce look, in fact, it is very scared in its heart. It has tried and struggled. But the "Wuxiang Town Demon Tower" above it is too mysterious to let it move at all!

"Ask you a few questions, answer well and survive. If you don't answer well, I will send you on the road." Su Jin said lightly.

At this moment!

Liu Li'er has gone from being desperate and unwilling, to begging for everything in order to get out, and then to the worship of her eyes... She no longer knows who among the men in the world can do the same as Ye Di——

Raising your hand to startle the storm, supernatural power town is fierce! Without the ocean!

"You ask...I...I don't dare to be true, but I will tell you what I know..." The Red Devil King saw Su Jin's strength and determination. If it doesn't answer well, I'm afraid it will really die. here!

"You have to be honest, the night emperor, my lord, only saved my life to get on the road better." The Thunder Swamp Spider King lives on the edge of Thunder Swamp, and its status in this place cannot be compared with the Red Devil King. It also has great confidence now, and then said: "Not long ago, the marsh crocodile had been wiped out by the Lord Ye Di, and then Lei Peng was looking for death, and the body was already cold..."

"Ask...ask..." The Red Devil King's body trembled three times, and he dared not take a chance!

"Your ethnic group is active in the center of Thunder Marsh, but you have been to the end of the thunder marsh ahead..." Su Jin asked.

"I've been! I'll go there once in a short time..." The Red Devil King also asked why he had a problem, and said quickly.

"Have you ever seen a strong man walk out of the cemetery of the gods?" Su Jin squinted and continued to ask.

The Red Devil King hesitated, and hurriedly said: "Fifty thousand years ago, there was an extremely powerful King God who killed more than a dozen great evil men, stepped through the time and space at the end of the swamp, and took a step..."

"One step?" Su Jin frowned.

The Red Devil King looked at Su Jin anxiously and said: "Yes, I have seen it with my own eyes, knowing that I can't match the King God, so I watched him play the wind and rain from a distance, but when he flashed into the gap of time and space, He was cursed with a powerful, starting from his feet to become stone sculptures, step by step petrification, and finally was struck by a panic thunder and turned into dust. I wonder if this counts as walking out of the cemetery of the gods?"

Liu Lier felt that she was shaking...

Can slash more than a dozen savage-level kings, none of them can leave the cemetery of the gods, and were killed by mysterious circumstances, she... she is so weak, can she do...

Thinking about it this way, Liu Li'er felt even more hopeless, and she had to look at Su Jin innocently—

Su Jin frowned tightly. He did not hear any exaggeration in the words of the Red Devil King. This cemetery of the gods is not so difficult for the human race, especially for him, to go out, but Liu Lier is a god. The rules may be restricted by unknown factors.

Now only one step can be counted as one step.

"In what method did the king **** you mentioned shattered the limits of the cemetery of the gods?" Su Jin asked again.

The Red Devil King thought carefully, and finally his eyes lit up, "Although I did not see clearly, when the king **** came to the end, he did stand on top of a stone pillar supporting the cemetery of the gods. The storm space around it was extremely different. Stability, it may be that the time and space rifts that appeared gave him an opportunity."

"What if we went there and didn't find any cracks?" Su Jin had to consider this step. In case the cracks on the boundary walls of the cemetery of the gods did not appear, or it took a lot of days to appear, wouldn't it be troublesome.

"Don't worry... the strength of Xiongtai is not weak for the king god, and the stone pillar in the storm, whenever a creature approaches, it will give birth to a strange light. If you don't wait for a long time to crack, your brother can use strength to blend into the stone pillar. If you forcibly disturb the situation, cracks will appear--" the Red Devil King said affirmatively.

The question has already been asked.

Su Jin waved his hand and said lightly: "Go away--"

"Hey, hey." The King of Red Devil wanted to wipe the sweat from his forehead now. Now that he heard Su Jin forgiving, he was willing to stay for half a minute, and he arched his hand directly, and disappeared under the gaze of countless stone sculptures.

Thunder Swamp, except for the purplish red lightning that swept away, the water surface was calm again--

Those stone sculptures also slowly lost their crystal red eyes under the gaze of Thunder Marsh Spider King.

"I can confirm what it said... There are indeed cracks at the end from time to time." Thunder Marsh Spider King said.

Su Jin nodded, holding Liu Li'er's fragrant shoulders, and continued drinking without making a sound.

The Thunderbolt Spider King also understood, and immediately drove his horsepower to the end--

For the remaining half of the journey, there were no other major culprits! The Thunderbolt Spider King was still strange. Finally, when it saw the sky-eater red devils opening their way in front, it immediately knew what was going on.

The King of the Sky Devouring Red Devil is a top-notch player in the entire Thunder Marsh Spider King! Even Lei Peng is not afraid of it. With his family in front of the road, the journey is naturally extremely smooth.

"It's interesting." Liu Lier said slowly after being silent.

"The Lord of the Night Emperor has already gained the respect of the King of the Red Devil. I don't know what it is like outside, but in the Thunder Swamp, strength is king, and the Night Emperor can defeat it. From its point of view, in the Thunder Swamp, the Lord of the Night Emperor It is an invincible powerhouse, besides, half a day is nothing to it." Thunder Marsh Spider King explained.

Class, here seems to be more obvious-

Although it is the same fierce marsh, if the Thunder Marsh Spider King encounters Marsh Crocodile, Lei Peng, or even the King of the Red Devil, they will only have to escape. It is a natural suppression. If so, it is actually not as good as strength. they.

Half a day!

Flies extremely fast!

Liu Lier's mood was even more disturbed. She even felt that her life seemed to be counting down. Because of the previous words of the Red Devil King, she became more and more afraid of the cemetery of the gods——

"It doesn't matter, no one can take your life, Ten Temple Yama, Nine Nether God Prison, even if it is God, whoever I call to live will live." Su Jin touched Liu Li'er's warm shoulder and said calmly.

"What if I, like those kings and gods, can't leave..." Liu Li'er was choked up, facing death, how could she not be afraid.

"I laughed, I said it can protect you from death." Su Jin said again.

"——" Liu Lier asked.

"What a big deal, if you really run into trouble, I can open the'Eternal Life Hall' for you once. Is it possible that this cemetery of the gods is better than the'Eternal Life Hall'?" Su Jin did not believe it.

Eternal Palace!

Liu Li'er felt a little comfort in her heart--

Perhaps, the anxiety in her heart is not much better.

The cemetery of the gods, the end!

This place is not endless darkness, on the contrary, it is very bright. The purplish red lightning that vents will not stop for a second, and Su Jin and Liu Li'er can easily see the existence of a stone pillar that seems to support the sky!

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