My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3791: get out!


In addition to the two kings and gods of Hetu and Changsheng, the four clans that have newly arrived in the land of Liuli are: the line of Shanbo, the line of Xuanyu, the line of Weitian, and the line of Shiji.

Among the three bloodlines of the Protoss, the Shiji clan is the most special. It turns out to be a queen **** who is playing the "Lancet"——

"No matter how powerful the night emperor you are talking about, we have never seen it before. Yesterday, the goddess who had the line of joy sent me a request to join my line of Ji."

Queen Shiji, who played the "Lancet", has a huge arrogance. This time, in the Tianzhong Palace, apart from the absence of the two kings and gods of the Qingqiu line, plus them, a total of seven channel kings and gods gathered.

Queen Shiji’s aura is too strong, and she has an unquestionable majesty. She wears a crown on her head and a luxurious imperial dress. She is single and is nearly 1.8 meters tall. Not only is she good in figure, her eyes are like pleated stars and moons. , The complexion is also like snow——

She attaches great importance to the joining of the happy goddess.

The level of attention even surpasses that of the legendary night emperor-

After all, everyone knows that Shi Ji's line only accepts female cultivators. Although this rule is strange in the Protoss, it is also a unique stream.

The King God of Shanbo's line is a little younger. Compared to a human man, he looks like a man in his thirties. He has a hooked iron nose, and his eyes often give people a sullen look.

"The goddess of the Huanxi line, included in your clan, we will not compete with you, but everything must be based on the overall situation. Now the "New God Era" is about to be opened, but it has encountered obstacles. The benefits are the most, so naturally you have to contribute more." King Shan Bo said coldly.

"Want you to say?" Queen Shiji faintly confronted. She is notorious for her bad temper. Except for her looks, temperament, and cleanliness, which are all in line with the goddess, her violent temper absolutely surpassed every king **** present.

"Sister Shiji is not angry. A Yedi scared the three king brothers Taiyang, Hetu, and Changsheng into this way. I probably understood the process. Then Yedi relied on an ancient to rebel against God? However, it is indeed a bit troublesome for him to rely on the old turtle who rebelled against the gods—" King Xuan Yu said solemnly.

"That's it, I'm looking forward to his strength when he returns." Weitian Wangshen said nonchalantly.

"He is mine. When he returns, I will directly cut off his Taoist body, and then I will deal with the rebellious old turtle." Queen Shi Ji got up, dragged the tail of the long skirt, and disappeared into the discussion hall.

The entire glazed land--

The noise is boiling!

That kind of atmosphere even exaggerated to the Qingqiu God Realm!

Qingqiu's line, thousands of gods, is currently in an embarrassing situation!

"I heard that there are seven kings and gods discussing major events in the palace of the line of joy! We Qingqiu has not yet stood by, it seems that the King of Dreams has stopped her **** father." Thousands of gods in the line of Qingqiu , Also all argued.

"If we do this, we will definitely be isolated by the entire Protoss in the future. Sister Mengmeng is confused, how can I prevent Lord Wangshen from going to discuss it? Isn't this plainly going to stand beside Ye Di?"

"Her God Father is the master of Qingqiu, how can he listen to her?"

"I heard that it was a trouble. Sister Mengmeng quarreled with our Qingqiu King God, and also bet on her own future. If she loses, her father and daughter will leave, she will leave the Qingqiu line and never come back!"

"Mengmeng is very confident in that Yedi, but I suspect that this is what the father and daughter are doing to other **** races. If Yedi returns and is beheaded by other veins, we Qingqiu still have a way to go— —"

"Does it really look like? We can guess that those king gods are not fools either..."



Wearing a cute dark purple dress, Solanum found Qingqiu Mengmeng. What he learned about Solanum so far was not what the outside world had said. It was a real quarrel.

"Offending the entire Protoss, Sister Mengmeng thinks that the adoptive father is willing? We Qingqiu, the great family of the gods, do not know how many kings and gods will come in the future heavens, and the adoptive father is also starting from the overall situation -" Longkui wrinkled Brows, rare seriousness, said to Qingqiu Mengmeng who was sitting silently in the temple.

"Then offend the emperor, can Qingqiu's bloodline avoid catastrophe——" Qingqiu Mengmeng did not look at the nightshade, the wind blew her waist-length hair, she asked calmly while looking at the starry sky.

"He Yedi, after all, alone, he can't hold up the banner of the heavens and human races! And we Qingqiu, together with other kings and gods, the future will be more than dozens? How can a night emperor win?"

"In the past few days, I can’t sleep at night. I always feel that the catastrophe of the Protoss has appeared. It is not that the Ye Di blessed me. I chose to stand with him. If the Protoss fights against the Ye Di this time, when he returns, the Protoss will be The veins perish one after another." Qingqiu Mengmeng sighed.

" are not kidding?" Solanum was also frightened, and couldn't help asking after a pause.

"Father God...I was trapped in the sleeping hall——" Qingqiu Mengmeng was a little dazed.

Solanum nigrum:……

She jumped up one step at a time, and finally saw a terrifying sight above the temple! Outside the sleeping hall of the Qingqiu King God, a sun and moon flying silk seals the entire sleeping hall. Many mysterious rules are locked by the sun and moon flying silk, and foreign laws are not allowed to invade.

This made the nightshade dumbfounded.

Qingqiu Mengmeng became King God in just a few days! How to do this! You must know that the foster father is an old fritters, and his combat power is very impressive compared to other kings and gods!

"Sister Mengmeng! are so bold--" Solanum grumbled.

"I am Qingqiu's future, and the tribe is about to come. I am for the sake of God Father and Qingqiu's good. The new four-veined protoss outside is looking forward to the return of Yedi, and even acts as a demon in the Western Wilderness, killing it. When the night emperor returns, he will become a nightmare for the other races." Qingqiu Mengmeng said.

"You would rather trust a human race than a **** race, don't forget who you are—" Solanum left angrily. Qingqiu Mengmeng is currently the king god, or the king **** who can trap her foster father, she There are only complaints and anger, but it can't change all of this!

Because in Longkui's view, for a night emperor, the troubled family is not in harmony and being rejected by other gods is not worth it.

For a long time, Qingqiu Mengmeng seemed to be looking at the stars and muttering to herself: "Am I wrong..."

Do not!

She quickly became firm in her eyes, she was right!


Thunder Swamp, the end!

The stone sculptures continue to cling to each other, and the height rises again and again! !

Liu Li'er was truly shocked. With that unimaginable power, she was shocked and could not speak--


The stone sculptures are completely enough, after all, every stone sculpture is like a sacred mountain, and those stone sculptures can't even be used up! When the surrounding storms were getting stronger, Su Jin looked coldly, and soon started at the bottom--

Every stone sculpture began to flash with wonderful and prosperous patterns!


The explosion of loud noise appeared!

A beam of astounding divine light radiated from all the stone sculptures, and that beam of light directly blasted through the sky, and shook the sky into an extremely dark black hole!

"The breath outside the cemetery of the gods!" Liu Lier was excited, she felt those space storms that did not belong to the cemetery of the gods! And that black hole is the way to leave here!

At the same time, Liu Lier's heart began to become nervous--

If you walk out of that black hole, will you really encounter accidents? She really hopes that there will be an unworldly strong man outside guarding the cemetery, and she really hopes that the king **** once died in the hands of the strong man with the huge eye. After all, under such circumstances, Ye Di has the means to deal with...

"Go--" Su Jin said quietly.

The Thunderbolt Spider King hesitated a little, but it still strengthened its determination to leave and climbed directly and quickly!


It's near again!

When the Thunderbolt Spider King, Su Jin and Liu Li'er, were rushed to the black hole on the dome by the divine light, the atmosphere was particularly delicate! At this point, Su Jin naturally wanted to be 120% vigorous. He was not worried about whether he could leave, but whether Liu Lier could survive or not depends on him——

The space turbulence is extremely fierce. Here, even the true gods of this series of space storms must be treated with caution. When Su Jin, Liu Lier, and Thunder Swamp Spider King did not enter the black hole... an unspeakable majesty The pressure seemed to hinder Su Jin from moving forward!

"It's getting started!" Liu Li'er's face was full of fear. At this time, her god's rules became extremely active, and they might die out at any time. The pressure seemed to be warning her--

"One step forward is to step out of the cemetery of the gods! She...she can't go anymore." The situation of the Lei Maru Spider King is much better than that of Liu Li'er. After all, it is not a protoss, and the pressure is right. She has a role, but it can withstand it currently.

Liu Li'er's pain was appearing, and that uncomfortable feeling was even more uncomfortable for her than her previous feelings.

"Hmph--" Su Jin gave a heavy drink, and then transmitted to Liu Lier, "Hold on for five breaths."

Say it!

Su Jin stepped out of the terrifying black hole in space, and for a moment he stared from a distance, and he saw the body of the deity walking around——

Almost instantly, the Yuanshen body returned instantly!


When the Yuanshen body returned to the flesh, Su Jin's eyes opened! Thousands of lightning bolts, as if exploding in the dark space! Then, without thinking about it, he gently raised a hand and hung the fate gourd on his waist again, and then threw the Donghuang Bell towards Liu Li'er!


Liu Li'er and Leizuma Spider King were directly covered by a strong and heavy "Eastern Emperor Bell", and all around them, circles of big sun golden crow flames were burning strands of unknown rules of the gods, those imaginary white rules, This is what caused Liu Lier's pain!

"Get out!" At this moment, Su Jin's eyes are the same as the eyebrows, glowing with color. He swept across, pointed directly at one place, and shouted!

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