My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3792: Nine Disasters

get out!

Su Jin has gained power, so naturally there is no worry anymore, and his tone is also full of soul-stirring meaning——

In "East Emperor Bell", Liu Li'er gradually saw a wonderful scene, the bell wall began to become transparent, and the imaginary white rules outside were all gone under the "Great Sun Golden Crow Fire"!

"Ye Di... Ye Di just..." The Thunder Marsh Spider King was quite frightened. He didn't know the situation. Now looking at Ye Di with the bright lights in his eyes, it really made him feel unprepared.

From the eyes of Thunder Marsh Spider King, this night emperor was even more powerful and domineering than before, and it really didn't know how the night emperor could make such a change in such a short period of time.

"It's very simple--" Liu Li'er's body pain began to feel like a tide, and quickly disappeared, and the paleness on her face gradually became more rosy, "This is the real Ye Emperor, you only saw it. Yedi’s primordial spirit is transformed."

The Leizuma Spider King was in "Eastern Emperor Bell" and was sluggish for more than a dozen breathing hours!

A soul body.

It can already crush the marsh crocodile, cut Lei Peng, and quit the Red Devils!

Now that the primordial spirit returns to the body of the deity, the current emperor of the night is in the most complete state!

"Too tough--" After a long time passed, Thunder Marsh Spider King sighed loudly, and he asked, "Master, what did Ye Di find?"

"I don't know, it may be that the existence of restricting the gods from leaving the'cemetery of the gods' has been discovered." Liu Lier said.

Beforehand, Leizhao Spider King and Liu Li'er had heard that Emperor Ye had said that there were strong men guarding the cemetery outside the cemetery of the gods, and the kings and gods were not allowed to step out of the cemetery!


Under Su Jin's wonderful perception, the three colored pupils looked directly at one place. Although it was as dark as the surroundings, it could not escape his divine eyes!

"Boom boom boom~~~"

The dark black space gradually faded, and even Su Jin couldn't help but be surprised by the scene that appeared in turn!

At a distance of 100,000 miles from Su Jin, a giant awakened and opened a one-eyed one! That one-eyed is exactly the same as what he saw in the "Cemetery of the Gods"!


An unexpected behemoth leaped into the space, that body, as if it could support the ground with one foot, and the corner could hold the sky!

That is a cow! The body of the cow is pale green, but the light from the whole body is exuding wisps of imaginary white regular flames. Su Jin truly understands that convenience is the master!

See this scene.

Liu Lier:...

Thunder Marsh Spider King:...

Except for the shock, all became silent.

No one can imagine that the guardian of the "cemetery of the gods" turned out to be a cow! And there were white clouds floating around on the pale blue cow.

"One-eyed in the forehead, the original dual-purpose place is actually two thousand feet of hair, what a ferocious god!" Liu Lier took a deep breath.

"Ye Di alone, can you deal with it——" The Thunder Marsh Spider King's confidence began to shake, because under its perception, the pressure that the fierce **** brought to it was far better than the night emperor.

"One-eyed, one-eyed... I think about it..." A familiar feeling flashed in Liu Li'er's mind. She did not respond to the Thunderbolt Spider King, but she seemed to have seen such a legendary existence from the records of the Protoss.

"It's about to fight." When Lei Maru Spider King said, his voice began to tremble. This battle is bound to win or lose, and Ye Di has no intention of retreating!

Liu Li'er was still trying to think about it. Soon, she felt like a thousand gods of thunder descended in her mind! Two words appeared in my heart——

"Nine disasters!" Liu Li'er's expression began to change ugly, "The ancient gods are fierce...It's a bull, which can pull the entire cemetery of the gods and run to the heavens!"

Liu Li'er was already extremely worried in her heart--

She felt that these nine calamities, the long-distance sacred cow, might be comparable to the betrayal old tortoise in the Land of Glazed Glass! No matter how strong the night emperor is, how can he beat the existence of such a series?

"Human race powerhouse..." The one-eyed Nine Disasters Divine Bull stared at Su Jin closely, "I have been waiting for you for a long time..."

The pressure of the nine disasters-

Let the darkness around you become a hurricane!

Is the aura of an ancient **** cow?

Su Jin stood among them, unwavering, the colored light in his eyes and vertical eyes seemed to have escaped into three shaky flames! The other party's momentum is improving, so why not!


A sword of light and cold, shaken for nine days!

Under the watch of Liu Li'er and Thunder Swamp Spider King, Su Jin put his sword together, as if a sword had moved the sky, and the dark space sky began to collapse!

Those fragments condensed into the "Sword Kingdom" composed of countless sword marks. For a moment, when the Sword Kingdom collapsed, it was like burying the nine evil gods!

"Battle roar--" The Nine Disasters Divine Bull didn't care, it looked up to the sky and roared, and billions of sword marks were broken by the sound waves it roared. When the divine swords of several sword kingdoms hit it, those in its body The cloud on the surface actually resorted to mystery, making it disappear into the distance!

Su Jin holds the sword, to!

His body is not in the Three Thousand World, and the opponent's time and space power cannot avoid his pursuit.

"Ben Lei!" The Nine Disasters Divine Bull was not in a hurry, knowing that he could not escape the pursuit of the Ye Emperor. After the initial distance, he began to turn the bull's head quickly, lifted his horrifying hooves, and slammed into the mysterious sky. I intended to smash the weak flesh of the strong human being, but I couldn't get it right!




Su Jin's sword, thousands of times in a blink of an eye, this nine-worried sacred cow does not know what kind of divine body, after cutting the wound, it can recover in an instant! As if immortal!

"You are very strong..." With its terrifying one-eyed bull head, the Nine Worms Divine Bull looked down at Ye Di, "But unfortunately you met me--"

"It really gives you a face, don't you feel the hidden means when I cut a thousand swords just now?" Su Jin mocked.

Hidden means...

The Nine Calamities Divine Bull was puzzled at first, but when it sensed the seriousness of the problem, it began to roar irritably, "—"


It is God's curse!

Su Jin stepped back to the same place, spreading his hands, branding the curse of God imprinted on the scars of the Nine Disasters God Niu Qiandao, and began to fold and shine! That scene unexpectedly caused unhealable scars on the Nine Disasters God Cow!

In the beginning, the sacred cow of the nine evils had already recovered when the divine sword opened its scars, but when the power of the'Curse of God' was revealed, the wounds opened again!

"Despicable human race..." From the nostrils, the Nine Worms Divine Bull spewed an unimaginable white flame again, and its huge single eye had begun to turn blood red!




Chains with a thickness of several meters began to swim out from around the Nine Disasters Divine Bull. Su Jin raised the corner of his mouth and gave a soft drink. In a flash, those chains entangled all the right front hoof and hind limbs of the Nine Disasters Divine Bull——

Immediately, with a dragon chant, Su Jin transformed the dragon, and directly used the unmatched power of the golden sacred dragon to drag those chains!

"Nine calamities are going to fall!" Liu Li'er's tone was both nervous and excited. After all, the power of the nine calamities could not match the wisdom of Ye Di!

"It has to contend against the power of the curse while guarding against the night emperor. This allows the night emperor to take advantage of it!" The Thunder Swamp Spider King also sighed--


The Nine Calamities Divine Bull was bleeding all over, it had surplus strength, but Ye Di's power, turned into a golden sacred dragon, directly dragged it down on the spot!

"What kind of look are you like?" Su Jin looked indifferently, and appeared in front of the Nine Disasters Divine Bull without any haste. The opponent's limbs were all tied up, and he couldn't even struggle, except for kicking Ye Di. There is no other way besides his thoughts!

"What do you want--" The Nine Disasters Divine Bull said in a low voice, "I give the name of the Nine Disasters, never bow my head! You can never be enslaved to me, otherwise I will disappear to the heavens by myself!"

"Don't take yourself too seriously."

Then, Su Jin said lightly: "I, Ye Di, is also a face-to-face person. This time, the world has attracted attention. If I drove a cow back, wouldn't it make the heavens and human race laugh at me?"

"You!" The God of Nine Disasters is arrogant, this is probably the most hateful sentence it has ever heard——

"It is necessary for the cemetery of the gods to exist. Now I give you two choices." Su Jin said.


"Yes, I want to take away the Protoss in the Eastern Emperor's Bell. If you urge the cemetery of the gods and dare to give Lao Tzu a yin, you will not forgive. This is the number one."

Sukin paused, and then said: "Second, that is that you do not compromise, I will stop talking nonsense with you, I will kill you directly, and then take her away—"

Nine Calamities: ......

"You need to untie the curse on me and set me free. As for her...a little god--" Nine Disasters Divine Niu stunned, breathing two white breaths from his nostrils, annoyed.

"You swear by Dao Xiao, if Liu Li'er is wrong, the curse will reappear, and he will die after enjoying a hundred years of torture!" Su Jin didn't believe it, and said lightly.

The Nine Disasters Divine Bull was very annoyed, but due to helplessness, it had to start swearing according to the words of the emperor!

Before long, Liu Lier breathed a sigh of relief.

With Su Jin's move to "East Emperor's Bell", Liu Lier naturally came out of the cemetery of the gods.

"I hope you don't run into my old cow next time...otherwise..." The Nine Calamities Divine Bull also regained his freedom, walked a few steps forward, and disappeared into the eternal darkness.

become free!

Liu Li'er cried with joy, she really didn't have any problems, and the nine calamity sacred cows also talked and counted——

"The owner is probably the first Protoss who can get out of the cemetery since the establishment of the cemetery of the gods." Thunder Suma Spider King also began to congratulate.

Of course Liu Li'er was happy, as if he was reborn!

But when she saw Su Jin's face, she couldn't help feeling tight--

Su Jin's face is not pretty at the moment.

"What's the matter?" Liu Lier asked softly.

"When I stepped out of the ruins of Senior Tortoise, I saw some conditions in the Land of Glazed Glaze. The Western Wilderness was almost destroyed. And I felt the breath of the other four kings--" Su Jin's expression returned to calm, watching Said to Liu Lier.

"My grandfather, are you among them..." Liu Li'er lowered his head and asked.

"Taiyang, Hetu, and Changsheng are all listed, but I'm talking about the other four. But it's okay, just rush back as soon as possible. Although I have no affection for the land of Liuli, the old turtles tell the world, I am Liuli The lord has already sat down, and if he doesn't do anything, I'm afraid it will damage his prestige." Su Jin snorted.

Liu Lier was about to kneel down for Su Jin on the spot!

But she couldn't kneel down, Su Jin had an invisible force all over her body, preventing her from kneeling--

"When Li'er goes back, I will dissuade Grandpa and turn against the Protoss..." Liu Li'er flushed.

The wood is done, the raw rice has been cooked, and there is no way to look back. Now Liu Lier can only believe that the emperor can make the Changsheng line grow again!

"Go, I would like to know, which line of the Protoss is destroyed in the Western Wild, none of them can run away." Su Jin took a step gently, a golden avenue, shattered the boundless void, reflected the darkness, and drove away from the physical body. The original road that came, leads directly to the land of colored glaze!


The land of colored glaze.

The weird atmosphere is very subtle today.

Daybreak is breaking in the sky, whether it is the land of glazed glaze, the human race of one hundred thousand high heavens, or the gods who have arrived, all are inexplicably a little uneasy, and can't sleep at night.

Not long ago, the deity of Yedi, walked out of the ruins, and has not yet returned.

And after such a long slaughter, the entire Western Wilderness was cut off!

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