My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3794: war! !

Ye Di, return!

Imperial city.

Chaosheng Banshee, Gao Yue, and Lotus Goddess saw that Ye Di clearly showed signs of the return of the Primordial Body, after all, the murderous intent on his face was definitely not a disguise.

Palace of Heaven--

King Shan Bo's face is full of violent veins, the other party is so cruel! As soon as he appeared, he almost wiped out the whole family of Shan Bo! Although he was angry and unbearable, in the past few days of conversation, he knew that whether it was the King of Longevity or the King of Taiyang, they all had a high evaluation of Yedi!

"Where’s Sister Shiji..." King Weitian stopped King Shanbo, shook his head, and gestured with his eyes. After all, the goddess of the line of joy was accepted by the line of Shiji, and she won first. It's a great advantage, you must try Yedi first.

"It's in the line of Qingqiu." King Shan Bo's voice was cold, and said: "Exterminate my Shan Bo clan, I will personally report this grudge! You... get out of here!!"

"Although he is a human race! But since he can kill the God of Zuoluo, it means that he has the same level of power as the **** of kings. It must not be careless." God of Wei Tian said calmly: "Let's wait for Queen Shiji. "

at the same time.

The four kings of Taiyang, Hetu, Changsheng, and Xuan Yu also walked out almost at the same time!

"Li'er--" The King of Longevity was choked. How could he not know what his granddaughter did for him when several other kings of gods healed him!

Desperately fighting the Ye Emperor, when the desire disappears, he must pull the Ye Emperor and fall into the Cemetery of the Gods...


Cemetery of the Gods!

The King of Longevity couldn't help being surprised. Didn't her granddaughter fall into the "cemetery of the gods" with Yedi? Can anyone come out after falling into "The Cemetery of the Gods"?

Obviously, the idea of ​​the King of Longevity can be confirmed in the eyes of the two kings Taiyang and Hetu. They also thought of extremely terrible situations! Ye Di took Liu Lier and walked out of "The Cemetery of the Gods"!

"Brother...Is there a precedent for the gods who fell into the cemetery of the gods to escape?" Taiyang Wangshen asked the Changsheng Wangshen.

The current King of Longevity is very stunned. Facing the question of the King of Taiyang, he silently shook his head. The cemetery of the gods is the home of the gods. If you fall into it, you will never be able to turn over. How can you come out! The more he thought about it, the more he became afraid, watching Ye Di and Liu Li'er as if they had seen a ghost——

There was a special strange flash in the eyes of King Hetu, and he said indifferently: "The primordial bodies of Liu Lier and Yedi fell into the cemetery of the gods, and finally his body was sensed, and he naturally rescued the other party from the cemetery of the gods. Came out, what's wrong with this?"

Taiyang Wangshen hesitated. When he looked at Yedi now, he had an unimaginable profound feeling. A few days ago, Yedi was really valued by him, even jealous, but he was not as good as he is now. Come so much pressure.

Qingqiu God Realm——

Above the temple.

Qingqiu Mengmeng's worried heart was completely let go, while Queen Shiji looked at the condensed night emperor scene and couldn't help but look at——

This is the complete night emperor.

Slash Zoruo the **** of heaven and defeat the **** of longevity! And it's still a human race!

Even Qingqiu Mengmeng wants to gamble on her own future. If she loses, she will leave Qingqiu's line, and even use this as a bet to join her Shiji Protoss.

Just because of a human race, because of his night emperor——

does it worth?

Is such a man worthy of Qingqiu Mengmeng? At least for the moment Queen Shiji couldn't see the power of Yedi.

"The purple-red lightning just now came from the human head spider under his feet. It wasn't the night emperor who made it. That spider can be taken seriously." Queen Shiji smiled and said.

"No, Ye Di is obviously very angry right now. Out of your Shiji line, those Shan Bo, Xuan Yu, Wei Tian, ​​all will bear the anger of Ye Di, and you can't bear his anger at all." Qingqiu Mengmeng said with a smile without blinking.

Queen Shiji smiled and said: "Then I have to see and see, how many times can a human race bear the bombardment of King Shan Bo Shen——"

Qingqiu Mengmeng did not explain either.

Yedi's return, his aura is even better than before.

Her feelings are too obvious. After all, she still knows Ye Di. If Ye Di was originally like a star in the sky, then the current Ye Di is definitely a feeling of galaxy and sea, unfathomable.


In this scene, whether it was the Protoss or the cultivators of the World Human Race in the Land of Glazed Glass, almost all of them were directly focused on the Ye Emperor at the moment he appeared!

"Ye Di... finally came back!" There were monks who lost their loved ones in Xihuang and fled to other big cities on their own, crying bitterly, crying loudly!

"The Western Wilderness was wiped out by the gods of Shan Bo's line. Yedi is now full of murderous intent. It will be unlucky to have a king god!"

"He and Liu Li'er, who is in the same line of eternal life, fell into the extremely mysterious world together, and didn't expect to return! It's really rare--"

"Shan Bo's slaughter side caused a catastrophe of life. The gods of Shan Bo's line of gods are not known to be many times larger than the disasters caused by the previous line of joy. Yedi, as the new'lord of colored glaze', will never sit back and watch. of!"

"Fortunately, he came in time. The King of Mountain Bo even wanted to attack the Imperial City. If it weren’t for the advice of several other kings and gods, plus the fear of the old tortoise of the Protoss in the north of the Imperial City, I’m afraid that the Imperial City would be affected by it. Bloodbath!"

"I'm back...but why are he and Liu Li'er standing together? The two are rivals—"

"There is also that spider, which can provoke the power of the purple sky and lightning, and the threat of those lightning to the gods is so great!"



At this moment, there is nothing more nervous than Liu Lier——

For the first time, Liu Lier saw Grandpa, the King of Longevity!

Grandpa is fine.

that's nice.

Liu Li'er completely let go of her heart, knowing that Ye Di didn't lie to her, and the current situation didn't let her relax at all!

There were several kings and gods standing in front of the palace gate that day! There are so many kings and gods, unprecedented! Liu Li'er didn't know how much power Ye Di had now, but it always felt troublesome--

"Break me in the Western Wilderness, slaughter the creatures, which vein did you do?" Su Jin immediately sent Liu Li'er and Leimau Spider King to the Imperial City. When they reappear, it is the void between the Imperial City and the palace in the sky. .

"Ye Di, you are a little human being, don't be arrogant!" Wei Tian Wang Shen said.

"Why... you several kings and gods, facing this king, do you dare not do it?" Su Jin put his hand on the fateful gourd on his waist.

The whole destiny gourd is trembling--

The evil lord has awakened, and it can even detect all the rules of the king and **** through the destiny gourd! Su Jin is also quietly communicating with it, so don’t worry. After all, this product has no legs. It can’t catch even the weakest King God on its own. Su Jin wants it to be used as a surprise attack. Then, hum... …

When Liu Li'er was in front of the imperial palace, all she felt was hostility. She didn't need to say anything. Since Ye Di sent her here, they must have understood the meaning--

And when Ye Di put her hand on the Fate Gourd now, her complexion also changed very special.

Facing Su Jin’s questioning——

King Shan Bo's anger also broke out completely!

"The human race of the heavens, how humble, the human race... not even qualified to be a slave to the gods! What if it is my Shan Bo's lineage, I... Shan Bo, fighting you!" The king of Shan Bo broke out!

"Calm down!" Taiyang Wangshen said hurriedly, one head and two big ones.

"Don't be reckless! Behind him, there is the support of the senior Protoss!" Hetu King God also said.

The senior protoss--

When the void on the north side of the emperor city, the blue clouds thundered, the huge figure of the old turtle of the Protoss, ups and downs, finally stood up among the blue clouds.

"Today's battle, I won't intervene..." Protoss Laogui slapped Hetu King God in his face.

Old tortoise will not interfere!

Doesn't that mean that Yedi will remain indifferent regardless of whether he is alive or dead!

To be honest, the four kings of Taiyang, Hetu, Xuanyu, and Weitian are all tempted. Except for the absence of Queen Shiji, the two kings of Qingqiu will not show up. They are four kings, plus Shangshan Bowang God is a full five!

The five king gods can't kill a night emperor without the protoss old turtle intervening?

No matter how enchanting people are, it is impossible for them to have the power to resist their five kings and gods! Besides, Queen Shiji may come at any time, when there will be six kings and gods, how can the emperor of the night carry it?

"You, together--" After the old turtle of the Protoss race fell, Su Jin also challenged.

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