My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3795: You are good


King Shanbo is furious--

Crazy is not such a madman!

"Be careful of fraud!" Taiyang Wangshen quickly communicated to several other kings. He has been dealing with Yedi for so long. He always feels that the current Yedi is very problematic. A few days ago, the other party was far less confident than he is now. .

"Rely on him? He is a human race, why is he so arrogant! Let the kings and gods of us take action together, even if he is killed, how will I control the Weitian line in the future!" The **** Weitian was also angry.

"This son is extraordinary." King Xuan Yu looked at Su Jin silently and gave an evaluation.

"No! My Shan Bo's line is almost destroyed, and I will report my blood enmity! And when dealing with him, I have full confidence--" King Shan Bo saw that the King Taiyang had to stop him, so he immediately blushed. Startled.

King Shan Bo, coming from the Palace of Heaven!


Imperial city.

The Chaosheng Banshee is the only one who has not rejected Liu Li'er. She walked to Liu Li'er, took her little hand, and smiled: "You... have also become Ye Di?"

Liu Li'er's face was reddened, and she always felt her gaze, following the voice of the Chaosong Banshee falling, and casting towards her——

Nodding lightly, Liu Lier naturally didn't need to explain--

The Chaosheng Banshee smiled and said: "Although I don't know what you experienced in the cemetery of the gods, since you can stand by his side, then we are a family."

"Yedi's aura cannot be compared with a few days ago, but none of the Four Meridian King Gods in the past few days is comparable to your grandfather, and is invincible." The lotus goddess also wants to know what happened, but obviously it is not the time now. , Looked at Liu Lier and said.

"I hope my grandfather will not take action. I also talked to my grandfather for the first time, and he believed me--" Liu Lier said.

"Why?" The Chaosheng Banshee asked.

"It can't be beaten, the kings here, all together, can't hurt Ye Di a bit." Liu Lier sighed. She didn't want to explain, and the explanation was unnecessary. After all, the Ye Emperor had a stone gall-shaped'evil lord'. If the evil lord appears, those kings and gods can only flee desperately.

Add it all together...

When the Chaosheng Banshee heard it, she was already suffocated! She never expected Liu Lier to say that.

Of course, Liu Lier's words are a bit exaggerated--

Su Jin discussed this issue when he came, because the evil lord was on the verge of breaking through. If he absorbs the rules of one or two kings and gods, I am afraid that he will fall into a very long sleep time. By then, even if the night emperor faces the king, the evil lord It can't help Ye Di a little either-

Therefore, Su Jin decided to use the evil lord as a surprise attack.


"You are good at strength." Su Jin looked at King Shan Bo with a calm expression.

Strength...just good.

King Shan Bo smiled angrily--

The importance of this battle is self-evident. King Shanbo cannot lose! He will exert the strongest power of the pinnacle king god, vowing to tear the night emperor to pieces!

As long as the night emperor and the gods are resolved, they can expand to the entire heavens and complete the long-term rule of the next era!

The other kings of Taiyang are also very concerned about this battle! Only the King of Longevity, his eyes flickered, and he didn’t know what he was thinking. He received the reminder from his granddaughter, but he still had some doubts. He even thought that his granddaughter Liu Lier was controlled by the emperor. Otherwise, how could they not be added together? Yedi opponent?

Of course, Liu Lier’s transmission message, the King of Longevity did not tell the other kings—

"What do you think is the result?" King Xuan Yu looked at Taiyang, Hetu and other kings and asked.

"Difficult." King Taiyang wondered, thinking about when the temper of King Shanbo could change. Obviously, he didn't suffer from the loss of the night emperor. After learning, he should be honest.

"Even if the night emperor is said to be so powerful by you, King Shan Bo will not die. It is possible to lose, but it is only a very small possibility that you will lose." Wei Tian Wang said.

"Yedi already knows that the gods under King Shanbo's command are sinful. If King Shanbo loses, it will be the same as death, and the night Emperor will not let him go." Changsheng King sighed.

"The **** Shanbo is not as unbearable as you said. If I compare him, his power may be a little bit more powerful than mine--" King Xuan Yu really didn't know what Yedi had done. The king was so scared--

"Just look at it." The King of Longevity said indifferently.


When the purple-red thunder sky disappeared and the sky cleared again...

The atmosphere is exceptionally tense.

The monks in the land of glazed glaze hate this **** of mountain uncle the most.

"This Shanbo King God has much more power than the previous kings and gods. It has the ability to be one enemy and two, but our Night Emperor is not weak." When a monk was nervous, he even spoke. Some trembling.

"No, I'm going to be scared to death... Yedi... Yedi just had to pick a few. That is not an ordinary god, it is a king god! A king **** can even control thousands of tens of thousands of gods How can it be so easy to deal with, although the Ye Emperor has cut one, but now a few days have passed, it will not be able to challenge the combined force of several king gods?"

"Momentum, aura, don't you understand? You can't stage fright before you fight, but the opponent seems to be restrained by Yedi's aura, and only the King God of Shanbo's line comes to fight!"

"He had to fight and slaughter the Western Desolation. It was his Shanbo lineage. Although the Protoss regards the human race as ants, the Shanbo line has also paid an unacceptable price for this, almost completely destroyed. Now blinded by hatred—"

"Yedi's cultivation base is going to be a thousand miles! He has the right to be so crazy! Now that only Shan Bo is a king god, he should be able to easily defeat it!"

"Yes... I'm going to fight!"


The audience's attention!

King Shan Bo stared at Su Jin coldly. He didn't care what the other party said. He only knew that the night emperor who was boasted of being a **** would be corpse on the spot!

"What kind of stuff is Zuo Luotian? If you compare him with me and think that he is the same king and god, there is no difference, then you are very wrong."

King Shan Bo gently raised his hand, and the dark golden scales instantly wrapped his arms and even his entire skin. On his head, a black and purple horn began to condense--

In the surrounding space where King Shan Bo was standing, everything began to become unstable! A trace of cracks, faintly flickering, thunderbolt in the sky, beginning to be endless!

"It's a pity, in my eyes, you and Zuo Luo Tianwang are really the same. If I can kill him, I can kill you." Su Jin believed himself.

Chi Chi ~~~

The sky around him was constantly thundering, and everything seemed to be a catastrophe, but if he knew the situation, he understood that it was all caused by the mighty power of King Shanbo!

Su Jin saw the change of King Shanbo, his face was indifferent, and he raised his head slightly—




Countless ‘Heaven, Earth and God’s Bridge’ condensed in an instant, and might break the sky! Among those ‘Heaven, Earth and God’s Bridges’, layer after layer of faint stars and sky, blinding the world, the sun, the moon and the stars, the sky is suddenly dark!

Qingqiu God Realm.

Queen Shiji frowned slightly, and said: "What a crazy little guy, he is too confident, but he doesn't know that the **** of Shanbo who is facing is not waiting for a moment. A **** like Zoruo Tianwang is in front of the **** of Shanbo. It's not enough to see, and if he uses his destructive power, none of the three Zuo Luotians will be his opponents."

Qingqiu Mengmeng will naturally not be bluffed by Queen Shiji’s words, and said coldly: "Why is it that Yedi? Look at it, the longevity line will immediately turn back, the Taiyang kings and gods have already begun. Gradually alienated the King of Longevity God——"

"Then you think Ye Di won the victory? No?" Queen Shi Ji glanced at Qingqiu Mengmeng.

"Do you have a feeling..." Qingqiu Mengmeng asked Queen Shiji.

"How does it feel?" Queen Shiji looked puzzled.

"As long as I look at Ye Di, it will always give me a sense of fear. He seems to have a power that makes the kings and gods afraid, but...but this may also be my illusion." Qingqiu Mengmeng was very uncertain.

That kind of heart and soul caused her confusion. She shouldn't be afraid of Ye Di, and she will soon become Ye Di’s companion, but the feeling of fear made her appear from nowhere. It was very strange—

Queen Shiji smiled and said: "It seems that the fear that Yedi has brought to you has been implanted in your heart, haha, sister, I have caused dissatisfaction with the gods and gods of Weitian for your sake. Later...with me Let's go collect Yedi's corpse together."

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