My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3796: Smash the stars

Collect the corpse of the night emperor!

Qingqiu Mengmeng's eyes flashed, and she was not sure whether Yedi could defeat several king gods at the same time, but if it was only the Shanbo king god, the night emperor would definitely be destroyed!

She will not misunderstand people easily, the current Ye Di is definitely stronger than a few days ago!

Of course, Qingqiu Mengmeng doesn’t blame this Queen Shiji, after all, this is the first time Queen Shiji has seen the real Ye Emperor. Later, I hope she will not be scared——

This is it.

Between the suddenly dark sky and the earth, layer upon layer, in the ninety-nine to the faint star sky, the ancient stars seem to be manifested in it. Those'heaven and earth bridges' are like the spine of the sky, which makes people see more Feeling mysterious.

King Shan Bo wouldn’t care about it. He didn’t look down on Zuo Luotian being beheaded to death by Ye Emperor, but it didn’t mean he would despise Ye Emperor——


The earth swayed.

Layers of earth and yellow power, like a fog, were captured by King Shanbo. He was in the void, like the only strong man. He repelled the world. The rules of heaven and earth cannot restrict him, even those heaven and earth **** bridges, To You Xingchen, he can ignore it all!

"What a strong King Shanbo!" In the imperial city, the lotus goddess was really frightened by King Shanbo's aura.

She knows how terrifying Ye Di is, but from the current performance, the God of Mountain Bo is absolutely not afraid of Ye Di!

You know, Yedi’s "Heaven, Earth and God Bridge", Ninety-Nine to You Xing Chentian, and now these two powers are definitely not weaker than King God! And there is a deep experience with the lotus goddess, and Gao Yue——

"The King God Shan Bo has no influence at all! In this area of ​​heaven and earth, the weaker King God, I am afraid that it will be trembling with the help of the Ye Emperor." Gao Yue was very surprised.

It's hard to imagine--

A few days ago, the emperor had used the "Heaven, Earth and God Bridge", and used it to You Xing Chen Tian, ​​but today he gave Gao Yue and the lotus goddess the feeling, but I don't know how much stronger it is!


In the Imperial City, there is a female Longruo, her face suddenly pales——

Those heaven and earth **** bridges are criss-crossed, rippling circles, as if they are constantly manifesting between the "heaven and earth **** bridges"——

"The winding path!" Long Ruo's expression is extremely complicated now. At the beginning, the emperor and her were fighting side by side because of the'winding path years', he was crushed by the night emperor, and he did not know where he was exiled, but now the night emperor seems to be more profound. Comprehending this principle, "The Years of Winding Path" seems to be able to condense a circular vortex like a curve between each of the'Heaven, Earth and God Bridges'.


Is this Yedi's killer?

But the king **** of mountain uncle seems to be unaffected at all, how powerful this king **** should be!

"I, the king of Shanbo, I have never seen a kid who dare to yell in front of me, and you... But Human Race, I stand in front of you, and I am willing to accept your challenge. It has already made the heavens and gods laugh. Da Ya, you... should be content.” The King God rule of King Shan Bo is constantly surging. With his strength soaring, his confidence and power of the King God seem infinite!

"You are wrong--" Su Jin said blankly, "You challenged me...not, I challenged you. You have to figure this out."


I have to say that Ye Di’s words made the world’s creatures excited!

Yes! Yedi's current strength is no longer comparable to the previous few days! Such self-confidence is a hundred times better than the previous few days!

"Shanbo King God, among those king gods, is also an absolute leader, but even so, Yedi dare to say that he is the opponent's challenger. It seems that he has the determination to win!" The monks of Wan Zhi Gaotian are all cheering and shouting!

"Emperor Ye is too powerful, he will show "Heaven and Earth God Bridge" and "The Years of Winding Path" in an instant, but the King God of Shanbo is not waiting for a moment. If he is replaced by another God God, it is estimated that he will have to bear the God Bridge of the day and earth.' Zhiyou Xingchentian's supreme oppressive power, but he doesn't care about it!" Some people were surprised by the fierce power of King Shan Bo.

"The spider that Ye Emperor brought from the'Cemetery of the Gods' was able to obey Ye Emperor's order and kill Shanbo's 1,300 gods. One can imagine how terrifying Ye Emperor's current strength is!"

"Don't be happy too early! Judging from the performance of King Shan Bo, he has a great chance of winning compared with Ye Di, not as weak as you think."

"Yeah, it seems that King Shan Bo is not restricted by "Heaven, Earth and God Bridge" and "The Years of Winding Path"--"

"The key point is that this is only the King God of Shanbo. The other kings and gods are waiting for mobile hands. As long as the night emperor is injured or falls into a declining trend, if the senior turtles have clearly stated that they will not interfere, they will definitely use their despicable means. Let's kill Ye Di!"



In the eyes of many people, before the Tianzhong Palace, several kings and gods have already begun to transmit their voices in private, whispering to each other, and looking at the battlefield from time to time.

The King of Longevity is now the most embarrassing.

His embarrassment was even worse than Qingqiu God Realm.

Anyhow, the two kings and gods of Qingqiu God Realm have not come here! He is now sent to the imperial city by the Ye Emperor because of Liu Li'er, incurring the suspicion of Taiyang, Hetu, Xuan Yu and other kings and gods, and he doesn't even care about him——

Very angry!

But the King of Longevity still chose to believe in his granddaughter, Liu Lier!

To get out of "The Cemetery of the Gods", without Yedi’s help, Liu Lier would not be able to do this step, even if it were him, the king of longevity, such as the two strongest kings of Xuan Yu and Shan Bo, if this The two fell into "The Cemetery of the Gods", and there is no possibility of going out.

Although he didn't know what happened, the King of Longevity felt that it was mostly his granddaughter who saw the potential of Ye Di. He... he felt that he might be in Ye Di's camp.

"Brother Changsheng." The **** Weitian suddenly looked at the **** Changsheng, and said lightly: "What do you think of your granddaughter being brought to the imperial city by the emperor?"

"She, Liu Li'er, is no longer my successor from now on! Nor is she the **** in the line of Changsheng!" The God of Changsheng immediately met the God of Weitian.

"Hehe..." Weitian Wangshen touched his nose and continued: "But how do I feel that things are not that simple? Your granddaughter and Ye Di, fell into the cemetery of the gods and walked side by side—"

"Just now, my granddaughter gave me a voice transmission. She was imprisoned by Yedi and held hostage to the Imperial City." Changsheng Wang Shen said coldly: "What does Wei Tian brother mean?"

"It doesn't mean anything." Weitian Wang said lightly: "For a while, if Brother Shan falls into a slump, are you willing to join me and fight that Ye Dier?"

"It's an honor!" Changsheng Wang Shen answered.

There is a hint of doubt in the depths of Wei Tianwang's colored pupils--

He even quietly looked at Taiyang, Hetu, and Xuan Yu.

These kings and gods are now with doubts in their hearts. Could it be that Liu Li'er was really kidnapped by Yedi to the imperial city? This this……

This possibility cannot be ruled out now.

"Since Yedi is being held hostage, why did Brother Changsheng expel Liu Li'er from the longevity line?" Hetu Wangshen asked indifferently.

"The longevity line has the rules of the longevity line. She was caught by a human race and lost the face of the whole family. She should have disappeared on her own and not let other gods speak, otherwise, wouldn't she be laughed at by the world gods?" Be willing to show weakness.

Don't dare to show weakness.

If they show their feet, these guys, I'm afraid they will solve him instantly! Although he is the king god, he is indeed the weakest of the king gods here, not one of them!

"Okay! Brother Changsheng's righteousness and extermination is really a role model for my generation! For a while, if you kill Yedi, you should take the lead --" King Xuan Yu also said.

In fact, there are two kings who don’t believe in the longevity kings the least.

There are two kings and gods, Taiyang and Hetu.

Just now they wanted to say to the King of Longevity: What kind of face do you like the longevity clan?

First, Bu Yi wanted to steal Yedi’s "Eternal Life Palace", and then he acted shamelessly all the way. The reputation of the Longevity Line was also extremely bad. Now the harder the Emperor of Longevity, the more serious the problem.

"Brother Shan seems to have the upper hand." The King of Longevity turned his attention, stroked his gray beard and said with a smile on his face.


Several king gods instantly turned their attention to the battlefield.

The face of King Shanbo was not as proud as the King of Longevity said. Everyone who knew King Shanbo knew that this King God was extremely arrogant, and his face was very ugly now.


In the mysterious winding vortex, appeared in front of King Shanbo!

This is the winding path vortex closest to King Shanbo! You don’t know the danger if you don’t take the exam. The King God of Shan Bo even feels a dangerous aura. If he is involved, he is likely to fall!

"You are a strong human being, who has cut through Zuo Luotian's existence, that's what you can do?" King Shan Bo suddenly moved to the other side.

From the ninety-nine floor to You Xing Chen Tian and the Heaven and Earth God Bridge, the power of "Wind Path Years" can not suppress King Shan Bo, or even limit the opponent's speed.

"Then look at it again!" Su Jin faintly pointed to "The Years of the Winding Path".

The weird scene appears directly!

That "Vortex of Winding Path" is only tens of miles away from King Shanbo! But in the vortex of the winding path, a heavenly arm stretched out!

It's heaven and earth!

"Silk--" Countless people gasped.

The vortex formed by the winding path has such mysterious power! That is definitely the sky arm. The Tianwei contained in it can't be faked!

The rules of the kingshen surrounding the king of Shanbo at this moment are like a ‘mountain’-shaped flame, he didn’t even think about it, and directly culled Xiang Yedi!


The loud sound made King Shan Bo exclaimed——

According to his cultivation base and strength, the distance between him and Ye Di, he can reach within a thousandth of a second! But just when it was less than 50 meters away from Su Jin, a strange scene appeared!

The vortexes of the "Twisted Paths Years" actually distorted time and space, and the "Heaven, Earth and God Bridge" all around swayed!

When he was just culled, King Shan Bo felt that he was hitting a wall of air in an instant, and the time and space around him were restricting him!

Can't use it? The enemy is in front of him, but King Shanbo feels extremely remote!


Caught off guard! King Shan Bo was directly grasped by a heavenly arm, and he had a ‘rules of king’s god’ to protect him. The arm grasped her that day as if he was caught in a crystal halo——

But the next moment!

King Shan Bo was severely smashed by the arm of the day, and fell to the heavens of the stars! What followed was a huge boom, he... smashed an ancient star!

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