My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3798: Wang Shenshu

The sudden eruption of King Shan Bo, the truth made everyone's heart suddenly lifted!

Especially Qingqiu Mengmeng——

If Ye Di lost in this battle, she would have lost everything! In the future, even if you leave Qingqiu and join Shiji's line, you will never be able to raise your head among the gods!

Too late!

When the eight heavenly arms pressed against the King God of Shanbo, all the King God rules of King Shanbo broke out, and everything around him was annihilated. The void is no longer a void, more like a black hole filled with the light of the King God's rules!

In an instant, the first sky arm collapsed!

In the next two breaths, all eight sky arms burst open!

In that group of rules of the king **** like a blazing sun, the king **** Shan Bo... appeared!

At this moment, whether it is a person, a god, or a king god... all feel suffocated!

The combat power displayed by King Shan Bo definitely opened everyone's eyes! You know, in the past, most of the night emperors used one move to slay the enemy——

And now, King Shanbo almost directly broke the Yedi's methods by his own power! At this point, he had the qualifications of King Shan uncle to look at the world.

The wind swept through and the light faded.

King Shanbo's eyes faintly flashed red, as if his anger had reached its peak. He had a line of Protoss, and he could recruit again when he died. It just took time, but he couldn't die, he was the king of the Protoss line! And now he also knows that he and Yedi can only live one today--

"Broken, broken open..." The power of King Shan Bo made countless human races in the Land of Glazed Glaze tremble. Just now, Emperor Ye's attack methods, in the eyes of the race of Glazed Glaze Land, this king **** of Shan Bo even had to overwhelm. Ye Di head!

"The King Shan Bo is too tough. Is the red light in his eyes anger? But it's normal. The Ye Emperor returned and slaughtered his whole family of Shan Bo. No one can restrain--"

"It feels like he is better than Ye Di, but it may not be true. After all, Ye Di hasn't used the power of ‘not the world’s sovereign,’ that is the real support of Ye Di.”

"Just now, King Shan Bo almost turned into a round of burning stars, sweeping all of Ye Emperor's heavenly arms to pieces. This kind of combat power is estimated to be ranked first among the Taiyang King Gods. Two..."

"When the Protoss was born, they had power that the human race could not match! Their power comes from the rules of the gods, something that was present at birth, and their superior combat power is naturally not surprising—"

"Hey, listen! The gods are all cheering, even if the Qingqiu God Realm is not in battle, the roar of the gods can be clearly heard..."



All the protoss, Qingqiu, Shiji, Changsheng, and all the protoss outside the imperial city, all looked excited, as if they had completely released the recent depression at this moment!

Before coming to the Land of Colored Glaze, all the Protoss were of course superior to the Human Race, but after coming here, a Human Race completely stepped on the majesty of the Protoss!

First, Zoruo Tianwang was beheaded to death by the human Yedi, and then the Longevity King was defeated by the Yedi. No **** would dare to be pretentious anymore, but just now, the Shanbo King faintly meant to overpower the Yedi. How not? Let them party!

Qingqiu God Realm.

Queen Shiji smiled and looked at Qingqiu Mengmeng, she didn't even know that Qingqiu Mengmeng's combat power was still above her. Of course, it didn't matter at this moment. She stretched out her hand and provoked Mengmeng’s chin, feeling proud. There is no need to cover up.

"Little sister, what do you think of King Shan Bo's blow?" Queen Shi Ji twisted her waist, blinked at Qingqiu Mengmeng, and asked with a smile.

"Heavenly arms, winding paths, I am afraid that Yedi is the weakest method now. The King God of Shan Bo consumes a lot of power of the King God's rules, and there is no need to be proud." Qingqiu Mengmeng said.

Queen Shiji gave a slight meal--

There was a touch of astonishment in the beautiful Danmu.

The sky arm technique, the winding path, in Qingqiu Mengmeng's view, is only Yedi's weakest method? Queen Shiji did not see the real strength of the night emperor.

However, Qingqiu Mengmeng's words did bluff her for a while--

"Maybe you don't know that the rules of King Shanbo are endless. I understand what you mean. It's nothing more than underestimating Yedi, but you...why did I know King Shanbo?" Queen Shiji In her colored eyes, there is no sense of worry, her confidence in King Shanbo is just like Qingqiu Mengmeng toward Yedi——

"Ye Di, will not be defeated." Qingqiu Mengmeng didn't want to say more.

"Shanbo King God, even the ultimate king **** did not use the ultimate king god, you are new to the king god, you do not know the terrible king god's arts, that is the existence that even I did not realize, why do you think he and Xuan Yu Are both above you and me? It is precisely because they have the king's magical skills that we have not understood." Queen Shiji smiled.

And the words of Queen Shiji directly caused Qingqiu Mengmeng's heart to jump.

Wang Shenshu, she has heard a little.

Because Qingqiu Mengmeng his father, Qingqiu Wangshen is also comprehending the king's magic, but the gods do not have the potential of the human race, and the father's king's magic is progressing slowly, and it will take at least tens of thousands of years to realize-

If what Queen Seji said is true...

Qingqiu Mengmeng didn't dare to think, she really needed to worry about Ye Di.

The center of the battlefield.

The murderous intent on King Shanbo’s face was unconcealed, staring at Su Jin mockingly: "Emperor Ye! Are you capable of this? Or, this is already your ultimate strength? Yes, it is indeed similar to ordinary kings. The strength of God's challenge!"

"It's just a test of prestige to warm up, see what you are proud of..." Su Jin's eyes were strange, responding to King Shan Bo.

His words are not exaggerated at all. Perhaps King Shanbo would not believe them at all, but he also knew that no one would believe him when he was told the truth.

warm up?

Just warming up?

King Shan Bo sneered! He didn’t feel strange at all. After all, a human expert like Ye Di, weakened him a bit, and he was still stiff after he refused to admit it. This is quite normal--

"Human race is the best face, since you refuse to admit it, then I will take off your head and let all of you be a testimony!" King Shan Bo drank heavily.

Take off Yedi's head?

In the Qingqiu God Realm, all the gods in Qingqiu's line all started booing--

"Since the arrival of our Qingqiu line, we have only heard of the ferocity of the night emperor, but have not seen his true strength. Now he is fighting against a true peak power of the Protoss, the King God of Shanbo!" Tao.

"We Qingqiu King God, being imprisoned by Qingqiu Mengmeng, she will regret it. As long as King Shanbo kills Yedi, she is the sinner of our entire Qingqiu and will be expelled from the clan!"

"The Protoss is close to the Humans. It was a big taboo. Qingqiu Mengmeng was so harmed by the Ye Emperor. It is really the shame of the Protoss! There are really no gods who think that King Shan Bo is not Ye Emperor's opponent, right?"

"Sister Solanaceae's eyes are swollen from crying, her foster father, our King God, can't get out of the sleeping hall! It's not that our Qingqiu King God can't come out, but that we don't want to let the father and daughter completely tear the skin. Until Ye Di died in the hands of King Shan Bo!"

"Maybe, Sister Mengmeng has unavoidable difficulties, but it is too outrageous to put her personal future on a human race! When she is first promoted to the King God, she will be taught a lesson by the King Shan Bo and let her know What is an invincible powerhouse!"


The entire Qingqiu God Realm seemed to be fried in a pan--

When Queen Shiji saw Qingqiu Mengmeng’s face a little cold, she smiled directly: "It seems that your Qingqiu line is also not in the same heart, but after the death of the emperor, you will be the first in my Shiji line. Two kings and gods, you and I manage Shiji together. In the future, my Shiji line will surely reach its peak among the gods!"

A king god!

From the current point of view, among the Protoss from the Land of Glazed Glaze, there are also two kings and gods in the Qingqiu line. This makes her very heart-shaped. Two kings and gods in the same line, no one dare to provoke--

Qingqiu Mengmeng didn't want to pay attention to Queen Shiji anymore. Now all the gods in the land of Liuli were singing the fading emperor. I really didn't know where the confidence came from, saying that the emperor would die.

Gods who have not seen the power of the night emperor always have an arrogant expression. After suffering, you will understand if the night emperor is powerful.

This is it.

Su Jin suddenly laughed three times in the face of the invincible King Shan Bo, and then said: "The one you, really won’t let me use my real power, I might as well tell you, if you don’t use everything in the next blow The rules of the king and the gods, all means will be the same as Zuo Luotian not long ago, and I will be killed on the spot!"


Far surpassing the original confidence!

King Shanbo’s pupils shrunk slightly. He was really careless before and was injured by Ye Di, but with that blow, he clearly had the advantage, but now that Ye Di said so, he would not take it lightly— —

"I have two king magic arts, you...will die." King Shanbo said solemnly.

King Shenshu!

As soon as these words appeared, even the five kings and gods of Xuan Yu, Taiyang, Hetu, Changsheng, and Weitian on the palace in the sky changed greatly.

The four kings of Taiyang, Hetu, Weitian, and Changsheng all looked at Xuan Yu. According to their knowledge, among the kings and gods in the land of glazed glaze, the gods Shanbo and Xuanyu have kings. Divine art, and that Shanbo Wang Shen now shows that he knows two kinds of skills!


Does this mean that King Shanbo is better than King Xuanyu?

"King Shen Shu." King Xuan Yu looked at the other four kings and gods, and then said: "Only the first type is the most difficult to understand, and the second type takes only ten minutes of the time of the first type. one."

The four kings of Weitian, Changsheng, Hetu, and Taiyang were all stunned, but listening to the meaning of King Xuanyu, he should have more than one kind, which is too terrifying——

"It's stable, the king **** of Shanbo uses the king's magic, and the night emperor may be difficult to fight. When he dies, we will immediately slaughter the entire human race in the glazed land, from here to the heavens!" The **** of Weitian surveyed.

Among them...

Only Taiyang and the King of Longevity have doubts in their hearts. These two kings know the Yedi best, and the King of Longevity has been defeated by the Yedi. How powerful is the king's magic of the King Shanbo, can it defeat the Yedi? , Or two to say, the result will not be known until after the exhibition——


King Shanbo stands tall in the center of the battlefield, his aura is getting stronger and stronger, just like an exquisite sword that is just showing off, making it difficult to look directly at——


Shanbo Wangshen waved his hands in time and space, and Wangshen's rules seemed extraordinarily thick between his arms, and the time and space he was in began to be distorted!

"Wuji, nine prisons lock the sky." King Shan Bo looked excited and roared wildly!

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