My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3799: Nine Prison Locking the Sky vs Stepping on a Sword

King Shan Bo, the roar shook the sky!

This is his first "king magic" "Nine Prisons Locking the Sky"!

Even from the understanding of "Nine Prisons Locking the Sky", the number of times he used this king's magic technique is very few. The king's magic technique, as the name suggests, is naturally the most powerful method he has at present!

"Ye Di! How do you pick it up!" Shanbo Wangshen now feels his blood is boiling in the body of the kingshen. He hasn't felt this for a long time, and that feeling is like returning to the youth cultivation of God, with a little more Heroic breath!

The terrible space is being infinitely distorted. The void surrounding King Shanbo is like a wave of air evaporating in tens of thousands of temperatures, and it’s not real—




Among the twisted ripples, black and white bone chains began to swim out. It is a rough estimate. There are at least tens of thousands of ways. At the end of every terrible chain, there is a snake skull with a hollow snake head. In the eyes of the hole, there is a gloomy light!

The corners of Su Jin's mouth raised, and she sneered constantly--

His right arm was half raised, and the divine sword was immediately in his hand.

The frightened sky thunder drew the wind and the cloud above the divine sword. In his opinion, the power of your "Nine Prisons Locking the Sky" was reasonable, and it was not impossible to deal with it.

"Is this the King's Divine Art? Brothers, you can take a look--" Taiyang King God exclaimed. Now the space and time where the Shanbo King God is located seems extremely far away and very close, and this How many rules of kings and gods do you need to use?

At least for now, Taiyang Wangshen feels that he can't do it!

The eyes of the King of Longevity flickered--

Not good, bad.

His granddaughter is still in the imperial city. Fortunately, he told the other kings and gods that the granddaughter was taken away. Otherwise, as long as the night emperor dies, who can save his longevity?

The King of Longevity is even sighing for his wit! He is not optimistic about Yedi at all now. As a king god, he naturally knows the power of "King Shenshu". Such power is no longer comparable to him, or Zuo Luo Tianwang, who has been beheaded by Ye Emperor.

"It seems that we are worrying too much. Brother Shan Bo can kill the Ye Emperor alone -" King Xuan Yu is comparing himself with King Shan Bo.

The relationship between them is pretty good, they have not played at all. As for whose "Wang Shenshu" is more powerful, it is really hard to say. After all, as long as the Wang Shenshu is used, it will either die or be injured. Will use the'king of magic' to learn.

"If you can really kill Ye Di, it will be fine. If you are afraid, you will not be able to kill it. You may forget that Ye Di is not the World-Venerable. He is now condensing the Divine Sword. 'I don't want to use the power." Taiyang Wangshen reminded.


King Shan Bo is strong enough.

But I am afraid that I am too proud of it too soon-

No one knows the power of the Ye Emperor better than the King God of Taiyang. From slashing Zuo Luotian to defeating the Emperor of Longevity, the strength of the Ye Emperor has always been his concern.

"If King Shan Bo can't kill the Emperor of the Night even after using this "Nine Prison Locking the Sky", then we guess there is nothing to do, so he can only succeed but not fail!" King Wei Tian responded casually.

He is very confident of King Shan Bo-

And the entire human race in the Land of Glazed Glaze was almost frightened by King Shan Bo's "Wang Shen Shu".

"What is the king's magic? The space is distorted, and the bone snake chain is invaded by all means, as if to see through all the power of the night emperor in the land of glazed glass, without fear of the night emperor's palm. The power of heaven!" The monk in the land of colored glaze exclaimed.

"With the three-foot green front, Ye Di can smash that "King Shenshu"? Can't it..."

"Why can't you? Don't forget, Yedi's swordsmanship is unparalleled in the world! And he must have a bottom than us, otherwise he will use the power of ‘not the world’s sovereign’ when facing King Shanbo.”

"Yes, yes... Yedi still has the power of the Lord, he must have felt that he will not lose, so he did this... And just now he boasted that he would kill him with this blow?"

"It's too fierce. The Protoss is worthy of God's darling, and even this power to destroy the space can be possessed. This Shanbo King God has refreshed my new understanding of the Protoss...too awesome."

"Can Yedi use swordsmanship to contend against King God? When he cut the'Zoruo Heavenly King God' not long ago, the swordsmanship still couldn't kill the opponent, he still used the power of the world-honored."

"This is only the first "King Shen Shu" of King Shan Bo! If Ye Di despise the opponent and was hit hard by King Shan Bo, then the next "King Shen Shu", Ye Di is very It's hard to live--"

"Wang Shen, it's really scary!"


While talking.

Su Jin carries the sword, does not retreat but advances——

He was like a misty sword god, drifting away, the entire land of glazed glaze, even the saber of the **** race, shook in an instant, as if responding!

"Recently, I have been wondering about the meaning of "Treading the Road". Soon I understood that the sword is the only one when you step on the road. You need all your strength for this sword." Su Jin is getting closer and closer!

King Shanbo squinted his eyes, his eyes are as fierce as a poisonous snake, and the distorted space he walked on is almost like a snake's nest. The black and white bone snake chains directly rushed towards the night emperor in an unprecedented battle. !

He seemed to have seen the death of Ye Di disappeared-

He seemed to have seen the night emperor being eaten by the bone snake!

The nine prisons lock the sky, is it superficial? This kind of power will definitely surprise Ye Di, as long as he steps into the scope of "Nine Hells Locked in the Sky", he will endure the eternal attack, and he will never die!


Next second.

Su Jin stepped on.

Under the power of the Nine Prisons to lock the sky, countless bone snake chains, carrying the ability to affect everything, attacked the night emperor!

At that moment, King Shanbo swore that he didn't blink at all, but it was so strange. When he looked at Yedi, he seemed to see a scorching divine sword. That sword is the only one in the world with dragon scales. .

But King Shanbo knew that no matter who it was, he would be affected by his "Nine Prisons Locking the Sky"!

Even if it is Taiyang, Changsheng, Weitian, and Xuanyu, as long as you look at it, it will have an extremely negative impact——

Of course, let alone the human race in the world.

"I seem to see a poisonous snake that can swallow me, watching around me! heart can't stop the trembling of my body at all!" The monk in the glazed land suddenly paled.

"I feel as if I am wrapped in death... what kind of power is this, what level of existence! A "King of Divine Art" actually made my Dao Heart faintly broken!" There were also human monks trembling in terror. , Saw a very different scene.

"Family, brothers, friends, tragically died in my eyes, this... all of this is true, I know it is false, but I can't restrain the sadness in my heart!"

"I saw a sea of ​​blood rolled me up and fell to the top of a ten-thousand-foot wave, and then it seemed to fall into the abyss. This is a fake... illusion... I... why I..."


A cloud of blood exploded on the human monk. He seemed to have experienced a severe impact, and he even felt that he was becoming a part of the blood sea!

"Oh my god, I see the ancient and the future, I see the Protoss shining in the heavens, and completely dominating the heavens. Every life is like food, and a woman is not as good as a slave. I am being slaughtered!"


The world in the Land of Glazed Glass is all in an extremely terrible chaos because of this "Nine Hells Locking the Sky" king magic! There are countless creatures, countless kinds of negative scenes, this is the terrible place of "Nine Hells Locking the Sky"!

"You can't look at those bone snake chains! You can't look at the King Shanbo!" I don't know who it is, and he suddenly exclaimed——


In the world, there is only one sound that lasts, like a melodious sword song, washing the world!

"Tread the road, one sword!"

Su Jin was not affected at all. This sword will be the highest peak since his kendo. Under his feet, the swords and graves are all resorting to sharp killing intent to destroy!

He raised his right arm, a sword.

He raised his left arm, it was a sword!

The hands seem to be so imaginary that they hold the sword hilt. Between Su Jin's hands, a dazzling sword embryo suddenly shook some sword skins, and that sword suddenly emitted a golden light that broke through the sky!

That sword is so terrible! It's as if there is a golden dragon lying in the body of the sword, the dragon on the sword is lifelike, and the dragon's eyes are stunned!




It was too late, the bone snake chain rolled up!

The sound of the impact is extremely harsh, but if someone really sees that scene, they will find that those ‘bone snake chains’ can’t get close to the night emperor at all!

Those'bone snake chains' were stopped by the invisible sword power just ten meters away from the emperor. Not only did they stop them, but as the emperor became stronger and stronger, every bone snake chain was broken into several pieces. !

"The emperor of the night!" King Xuan Yu suddenly uttered horror on the palace gate in the sky!

"Nine Prisons lock the sky, there is no way to influence him..." Taiyang King God is also speechless. He is very depressed now, and he is grateful in his depression. Fortunately, when Ye Di provoked him not long ago, he did not fight, otherwise ...He can't stand here either--

"Can't King Divine Art affect Ye Di? What is the situation of Ye Di? Is it still human!" Wei Tian Wang Shen has less influence than King Xuan Yu, but he cannot possess that King Divine Art. He just saw it. In the prosperous age of the Protoss, the entire Protoss is blooming in the heavens, and the number is as large as the human.

"Brother Shan Bo is in trouble... get ready--" Hetu Wang Shen's face was ugly, he really saw the gap, the difference between himself and Wang Shen.

If you say you are not convinced, it is true, and it is still very strong, but the gap is obvious, and you are not convinced.

The face of King Shanbo is no different from eating a fly shit——

The nine prisons lock the sky and cannot make a trip.

Even if countless bone snake chains surround the Ye Emperor, they still can't kill this one! This was something that King Shan Bo had never thought of!

At that moment, the swordsman with his arms up high was like a sword wall that stretched through the sky, so strong that even King Shan Bo was terrified!

Stepping... is it a sword?

King Shanbo felt a little uneasy in his heart, the viciousness in his eyes was even more obvious, but he shielded all his uneasiness! In any case, he should believe in himself, in his "Nine Prisons Locking the Sky"!



Segments of bone snake chains were smashed by invisible sword power before they even approached. In that darkness, Su Jin seemed to be smashing Huashan Mountain, and directly smashed the sword into the sky, facing the king of Shan Bo!

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