My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3800: One sword, dead end

A piece of sword light that reflected the entire glazed land, submerged into the sky, and the night emperor seemed to cut out a bright galaxy!

King Shan Bo was extremely vigilant, he instinctively felt the danger of this sword, but the strangeness of this sword, not only him, almost all the creatures were stunned——

The sword light had enough momentum, but the sword light swept across the world with the sword light sweeping across the world without any damage, even without blocking it!

"This is your kendo?" King Shan Bo couldn't help laughing out——

There is no power at all.

The sword light seemed to be really light. After scanning it, King Shan Bo didn't even feel anything, even the core bone snake of "Nine Prison Locking the Sky" was not damaged at all!

King Shan Bo saw Su Jin's expression--

Su Jin seemed to be puzzled by the power of this sword, even dazed.

"What's going on..." The human monk felt uneasy inexplicably, the Ye Emperor's methods did nothing, and even the power was far inferior to the previous ‘Heaven Arm Technique’ and the ‘Twisted Path Years’!

"Shanbo Wangshen has already performed "Nine Prisons Locking the Sky". He has nowhere to hide. According to common sense, this sword shouldn't be so, and it is also the sword of Yedi's "Treading the Road", which exceeds his own swordsmanship. The ultimate swordsmanship!"

"Why not? Shouldn't King Shan Bo be hacked to death? Ye Di used to be like this, and he didn't give him a way to survive. This time...the sword has a problem."

"Treading a sword, the light of the sword seemed to disappear when it was slashed. Could this be the reason why the power of the sword failed to show?"

"How can you be so careless in the face of a king god, Ye Di! A master makes a move, and a slight difference is the difference between life and death. Ye Di wasted his power without saying, I am afraid that his mind will still be affected by his own sword——"


It's not just human doubts.

Even the five kings and gods, Taiyang, Weitian, Changsheng, Hetu, and Xuan Yu, were very surprised. No one knew what happened.

"It is very likely that there is a problem. Yedi may not be able to control "Treading the Road", and unable to perform a full and complete stepping sword." Hetu Wangshen made a judgment.

"Well! Ye Di is self-righteous. He always wants to surpass himself and create super-high swordsmanship. At least, I have never seen him use this'Tao Dao Yi Jian', even if it is facing Zuo Luotian or your King of Longevity. I haven't seen it before, this sword caused a problem when he used it." Taiyang Wangshen laughed.

"I didn't expect that the night emperor would also be embarrassed. Is this the power of walking on the road? It is really powerful enough that even the **** of Shanbo can't touch it--" King Weitian also mocked.

"Ye Di is still thinking about it, it seems that something really went wrong." The Changsheng King pretended to mock, but in fact he was extremely anxious.

What's the matter? This little brother... According to common sense, in the knowledge of the King of Longevity, a master of the ranks like the Yedi should not make such a big mistake.

If it is in normal times.

If the sword test fails, it fails.

It doesn't matter.

But now the opponent of the emperor of the night is the king **** Shanbo, the best of the king gods here, making such a big mistake, it really surprised all the king gods and made countless creatures puzzled.

"Something's wrong--" Only King Xuan Yu felt abnormal.

"What's wrong?" With all gazes, Tai Yang and the other kings and gods all looked at King Xuan Yu.

Because only King Xuan Yu can be compared with King Shan Bo, at least as far as the King God currently coming to the land of Liuli, King Xuan Yu has the most qualifications and the right to speak!

King Xuan Yu frowned tightly, and in his perception, Ye Di's sword did not fail!

"Not good!" King Xuan Yu had no time to explain--

And there is no need for him to explain!


The world is shaking, and the entire glazed land seems to have experienced an unimaginable catastrophe! Not only the ground is shaking violently, but even the emptiness in the dark seems to have undergone an astonishing change!

Just after that sword light disappeared-

The entire sky and void of the glazed land are all pleated and radiant, and that kind of light seems to evolve the sky and void into an ice continent!




There were horrible cracks, tens of thousands in an instant, and every direction of the crack was the position of King Shanbo! And this kind of attack is not simple!

In all directions, up and down, there are so many crooked cracks that make your scalp numb! It's as if all the ice is cracking into rivers!

"Shoot!" Taiyang Wang Shen's face was cold, and he shouted.

"Slow!" King Xuan Yu immediately exuded powerful King God power, "It's too late! I can't stop it! Moreover, with this blow, we will all shoot, except for me, you may die in it at any time!"


The King of Longevity took a few steps back in an instant, how dare you listen to the orders of the King of Taiyang——

Can't escape!

King Shanbo was also anxious in his heart. In his "Nine Prisons Locking the Sky", countless bone snake chains disappeared into ashes almost instantly. Those cracks spread from all directions. He wanted to escape, but found that time and space were blocked. Can't leave at all!

Is this the power of the night emperor?

King Shanbo blushed, his body was shrinking, and in a blink of an eye it shrank to more than a foot, still shrinking——

He knew he could only procrastinate! If he couldn't figure out a way when the power of "Treading the Road and One Sword" came to him, he would probably have a hard time living!

That kind of amazing sword power is only revealed at this moment, and it is almost unheard of by the King Shanbo, including all the creatures in the land of Liuli——

It's too late to say, then soon!

King Shanbo has shrunk to the size of a grain of rice, and countless kings and gods have rules around him, ready to accept Yedi’s "Treading a Sword"!

this moment!

The world is suffocating!

The sky and the void are all cracking, and the kendo power in all directions seems to be pouring to King Shanbo from all directions! What a kendo accomplishment!

No one speaks anymore

Gods are also silent.

Countless creatures raised their heads, and in the light that was enough to cause people to produce, King Shan Bo looked flustered. The thousands of rules of the king and **** scattered around him, like the void, are being torn apart by inch!

Qingqiu God Realm.

Qingqiu Mengmeng watched proudly--

Queen Shiji lowered her eyebrows, and when she raised her head, the shock revealed in her eyes was the first time since her birth! For the first time, she felt that Human Race could be so amazing!

"Emperor Ye... really terrible." Queen Shi Ji was weighing, if she made a move now, together with the Taiyang King God and the others, she would have a chance to save the Shan Bo King God.

The terrifying power of "Treading the Path and One Sword" will be their biggest obstacle, and they will not even be able to save King Shanbo, but they will have to take the lives of one or two kings!

Can't save.

Queen Shiji is really nervous, and even the heart of the king **** is beating even more.

"Help...Help me..." King Shan Bo couldn't take care of his appearance either. The feeling of quietly waiting for death made him suffer!

The kendo cracks spreading in all directions are already very close!

King Shanbo has two choices, maybe he can live!

The first is to ask for help. With the power of Xuanyu, Taiyang, Hetu, Changsheng, and Weitian, they directly rushed into the battlefield to rescue. They are definitely in time. With the power of their kings, it is very possible. Can block the sword of Ye Di!

In this case, King Shan Bo believes that there is a high probability that he will not die!

The second is to use the second ‘king divine technique’ he has realized in this life. The power of that divine technique is still in "Nine Prisons Locking the Sky" and it is his strongest divine technique!

This second option is more difficult. Maybe he can kill Ye Di, but he can't use that king's magic to defeat Ye Di's mysterious "Tao Dao Yi Jian"!

King Shan Bo is getting more and more anxious--

Help, no response!

He knew that the Taiyang King God absolutely heard their call for help, but this **** Ye Di obviously frightened them!

Is it impossible to save him?

The face of King Shan Bo's **** began to gradually become hideous--

He has shrunk to the size of a grain of rice, and again to the point of a needle, but all his changes can be manifested in the eyes of all the strong!

"It's too sad... We are the same family, but we can only sit and watch a king and **** who is seriously injured, or even dying!" Changsheng Wangshen's face was full of sorrow. Time, you... make a decision quickly, whether it will be saved or not!"

"Don't save." King Xuan Yu's pupils shrank sharply, staring at the King of Longevity, and resolutely said two words.

"A human race, in front of me waiting for the great power of the king, so arrogant! I...I am not convinced!" King Weitian only wanted to stamp his feet, what can he do?

King Xuan Yu said that entering the battlefield means entering the attack range of "Tao Dao Yi Jian", they...cannot stop the power of that sword!

"Can't you just give it a try?" Hetu Wangshen was also very dissatisfied-

"If you don't believe it, apply a trick from the air to see if you can stop it." The cold voice of King Xuan Yu shocked King Hetu.

"I will try! I condensed the profound shadow technique." Wei Tian Wang Shen finally couldn't help it, and lightly waved his hand in front of him——

Chi Chi ~~~

The rules of the kings and gods in circles, instantly condensed into several black figures, nine of them are the mysterious shadows of the kings and gods, and they are directly on the battlefield!



The power of "Treading the Path and One Sword" seems to touch the air when facing the nine mysterious shadows of the **** Weitian, and torn it directly!

The God of Weitian's complexion was bright red, and, he spit out the blood of the king!

"Sure enough, he can destroy my Kingshen rules..." Although Weitian Wangshen was only slightly injured, he also confirmed the views of Xuanyu Kingshen!

Not wanting to save.

But not! If you can't save it, you may even be hit hard, and there is a risk of falling!

"You have to be careful of this old boy——" King Xuan Yu spoke to Weitian, Hetu, Taiyang, and the three kings, but there was no expression on his face.

The King of Longevity silently put his robe sleeves behind him, and clenched his fists...

"Ye Di! You forced me!" The voice of King Shan Bo spread all over the world, and he continued to roar: "My second king's magical technique is used, and you and I will die together! Hateful, hateful! "

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