My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3802: Hate the sky

The second ‘king magic’.

Hate the sky, one finger.

Su Jin's expression was indifferent, he was already guarding against the opponent's power. This King Shan Bo was really ruthless. In fact, his "Tread the Road and One Sword" just now was not impossible to break, but the opponent was too stupid——

King Shan Bo's sacred smile, under his withered and almost decayed face, was extremely terrifying!


Su Jin's eyes, including the vertical eyebrows, all began to gush out a pale blue.

"Tian Secret... Wordless Tian Secret..." King Shan Bo was not worried at all, or even accidental. After all, a strong human race like Ye Di, he was surprised to have no matter how powerful the means, and then he continued to point out. : "The wordless sky secret, you are not at the top, you can't stop my finger... die Ye Di!"

King Shanbo feels that his'body of the King God' is disintegrating, and his consciousness gradually disappears. He can't even look up at this moment. The powerful "Hat Tian Yi Zhi" has swallowed everything up and blessed it with power. Among.

If King Shan Bo bows his head now, he can see a terrifying scene. His body of King God, from under his feet, begins to be blown away by the wind quickly like a sand sculpture.

And wisps of colored light spots were quickly condensing on his right hand when he was scraping his limbs!

With the appearance of that ray of colored light, the sky of the glazed land is collapsing!

This is the real scene of the collapse of heaven! All the void is falling in one direction!

That is where the night emperor is-

The huge rumbling sound covered everything! The body of King Shanbo disappeared very quickly. When the last arm was turning into sand and scraping away, the "color light" condensed at the fingertips of a big bean was the "Hat Tian Yi Zhi" The point is!

The Land of Glazed Glass!

Whether it's the Protoss or the Humans, everything changes!

"Hate the sky one finger... What a hate sky one finger..." I don't know how many cultivators in the Land of Glazed Glass were lifted by the might of the sky, and the scene was once in chaos!

"What a mighty king god! We watched the battle when the night emperor killed Zuo Luo Tian! When we defeated the longevity king god, we also saw it! But the longevity king **** and Zuo Luo heaven king god, compared to the mountain **** I don’t know how weak it is—"

"Is this the King's Divine Art at the bottom of the box... It's too terrifying, the sky in the Land of Glazed Glass has been shattered, Ye Di... Ye Di probably can't resist this blow!"

"The Wordless Heavenly Secret, Ye Di hasn’t gotten home yet! Although at his level, the use of Heavenly Secret is already very powerful, but the King of Shan Bo has spent the price of endless decay, and used it many times when he exceeded the peak. The power of Ye Di... Ye Di couldn’t take this finger at all—"

"When this "Hate the Heavens One Finger" appeared, it was already the strongest blow since the birth of the Land of Glazed Glaze. Except for the magic of the outside world that the old tortoise of the Protoss had performed, it was hard to imagine. Such a shocking power!"

"Sure enough! That'Hat Tian Yizhi' is slashing towards Ye Di! Ye Di's wordless Tian Secret is not without effect!"

"Ah... Yedi walked into time and space through the wordless Tianmi! The wordless Tianmi is also very mysterious, but he can't get rid of that ray of colorful crystal light at all!"


It's true--

Just when Su Jin saw King Shan Bo deified into sand and melted his life strength into one finger, he stayed there.

Recently, he has rarely been so sluggish...

Of course, this was not because "Hate Tian Yizhi" scared him, but... but the true wrongdoing of King Shanbo's death!

In fact, the cruel words of King Shanbo before his death made Yedi want to laugh, but he did not want to be seen by other kings. Since those colored lights merged into one-finger colored crystal light, the "evil lord" in his fateful gourd was shocked. Yelling!

Su Jin knew that he was stable...

"Quick! This finger is the fusion of the king's life strength, and this "Hate the Sky One Finger" is also supported by his infinite king's rules! The little brother is about to develop!" The evil lord couldn't wait.

"Go further... I will walk into the fateful gourd when you come to absorb the power of this finger." Su Jin's eyes were cold.

Su Jin knew that no matter how far he went, unless he fell back into the "cemetery of the gods", he would be noticed by Taiyang, Hetu, and those kings and gods——

Of course, when he is far away, he will be safer, and this evil lord can't make any mistakes, and can't be seen by those king gods that it exists in the gourd.

Su Jin felt that there was a high probability that those king gods would not be able to perceive everything in the fateful gourd...

In the blink of an eye, there are dozens of layers of space!

Except for some dead stars, there is no vitality in the surrounding darkness!

That's it-

Su Jin gave a soft drink and flipped his hands. Fate gourd suddenly floated, and the gourd's mouth aimed at the ray of colorful crystal light!

At the same time, Su Jin directly appealed to the mystery of the "Fate Gourd" and walked into the Fate Gourd!


Fate Gourd Dang even swayed a few times in the void and stood in that dark space!

"Silk...right." The voice of the evil lord echoed leisurely in the fateful gourd. Su Jin's scalp was tingling with that kind of refreshing feeling. In his vision, the evil lord was directly suspended in the crystal light. , Hold Jingguang, threaten, eliminate!

Su Jin also breathed a sigh of relief, it was actually very dangerous just now...

If he hadn't used the "No Word Tian Mi" and could always keep a distance from the golden light of the "Hate Tian Yi Zhi", he might not be able to bear the "Hate Tian Yi Zhi" immortality.

Especially when he got out of the state of ‘No Word Heaven’s Secret’ and walked directly into Fate Gourd, even he felt thrilling during the process——

The land of colored glaze.

Heavenly Palace

Qingqiu God Realm.

It's all silent--

That scene condensed in the void.

A gourd.

Especially in front of the Heavenly Palace, King Xuan Yu condensed that scene before several of their king gods.

Hetu, Changsheng, Weitian, Taiyang, like King Xuanyu, put their hands behind their backs, leaning close to the condensed scene, and observing carefully, it is like admiring a peerless painting——

Doubt, appeared on the faces of several king gods, and their faces were just as wonderful as they were.

These kings and gods all behaved like this, let alone the human race in the land of colored glaze?

"What happened? A gourd... that gleam of crystal light was the ‘Hat Tian Yizhi’, which was taken in along with the Ye Di." The human monk in the Land of Glazed Glass said in surprise.

"It's useless, Hengtian's finger, it has the effect of tracking, haven't you seen it? Yedi can't get rid of Hengtian's finger even if the gourd is more mysterious than it is. It's only the inner space, and in the end, Ye Di could only have a frontal slap with the'Hate Tian Yizhi'--" The human monk gave his opinion.

"Gourd? This gourd looks very mysterious. It's normal for the Emperor to have strange treasures. He even owns the Eastern Emperor Bell. It's not surprising that a gourd divine treasure."

"Emperor Ye is in the gourd, he must also rush all the way! It is a pity, that gleam of crystal light is the "Hate Heaven and One Finger", eternal will chase, and sooner or later will destroy everything about him—"

"It's strange that the gourd can isolate all perceptions, even the king **** can't break it. But can Yedi escape from birth? Is there this opportunity?"

"That is the King Shanbo at the peak of prosperity, using it at the cost of decay, where will it give Ye Di a chance... I can only say now, Ye Di is done--"

"That finger is amazing. At present, in the land of colored glaze, whether it is among the kings and gods or among our human race, I am afraid that only the turtle behind the imperial palace can take it."

"Ye Di... can you get out of that gourd--"


Ye Di, what is the current situation?

This is not only what the human race in the Land of Colored Glaze thinks, even the dream of the Qingqiu God Realm, and Queen Shiji, are all embarrassed.

"Hengtian Yizhi, everything that condensed King Shan Bo, was collected by that gourd. It is reasonable, Hengtian Yizhi should be able to break through that gourd." Queen Shiji was a little uncertain.

"There is another dimension. If you guess right, Ye Di must still be chased by the'Hate Tian Yizhi'. It's really hard to say." Qingqiu Mengmeng was very uneasy, and she looked forward to that man Out of the gourd...

"Come with me to the palace of Huanxi." Queen Shiji looked at Qingqiu Mengmeng.

"They can't see me." Qingqiu Mengmeng hesitated slightly. For the sake of Qingqiu's plan, she restricted the Father God, and she would definitely incur dissatisfaction with Taiyang, Hetu, Xuanyu, and Weitian——

"You are the king **** of my Shiji line immediately, who dare not wait to see you? My two king gods are invincible!" Queen Shiji leaned forward and backward with a smile.

Qingqiu Mengmeng frowned——

The result is not yet known, Yedi still has the possibility to walk out alive, this Queen Shiji is too early to be proud.


Qingqiu Mengmeng still walked through the void with Queen Shiji, and landed near the kings of Taiyang——

"You guys, what's the use of big eyes and small eyes? It's better to go to that piece of time and space, or condense the magic, and grab the gourd." Queen Shi Ji said with a smile.

"Shi" The **** Wei Tian looked at Queen Shi Ji with resentment.

If it weren't for Queen Shiji, she suddenly left here and went to Qingqiu. Whatever happened would be Queen Shiji against Yedi. Then, maybe King Shanbo wouldn't be so risky to lose the challenge!

"Hehe... King Weitian, what do you mean? You obviously want to harm me! What a night emperor exists, everyone has seen it, do you want me to die?"

Queen Shiji was still angry, and the atmosphere froze, and then she said: "And why did I fight Yedi? He died as the king of mountain uncle, and the whole family destroyed the Western Wilderness in the land of Liuli, why didn't Yedi call him? Am I out to fight?"

"You promised, the goddess who received the line of joy, and with this as the price, went out to fight to kill the Ye Emperor first -" the **** Wei Tian shouted coldly.

"Yeah, do you want to fight? We are in the same line as Shiji, and now the two kings and gods are not afraid of you!" Queen Shiji sneered.


Why are Shi Ji two kings?

Wei Tian Wang Shen took a breath and took a step back——

"As long as Ye Di dies, Miss Mengmeng will exile herself and she will no longer be the king **** of the Qingqiu line. This is also an agreement between me and her. She joins my Shiji line, what can you say?" Queen Shiji Asked.

"No!" Wei Tian Wang said aggrieved.

"Stop arguing... Discuss whether business is going to work?" King Xuan Yu couldn't hide his anger, then pointed to the gourd, "You...what do you think?"

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