My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3803: Bait kill

How could King Xuan Yu not be angry--

Brother Shan used the price of decay to condense the "Hate the Heaven and One Finger", but the result is unknown, these guys turned upside down first, how could he bear it.

Queen Shiji was silent. She looked at King Xuan Yu pointing at the condensed gourd with a weird expression. She chose not to quarrel, but asked a question that worries all the gods: "What if... …What if the emperor is not dead?"

"Not dead? The attack of King Shan Bo, not to mention a human race, even if it is a few of us, can not take his attack, now you tell me, what if Ye Di is not dead?" Tao.

"Everything is possible." Taiyang King Shen said solemnly, "Ye Di is the most cunning among the human races I have ever seen, even if compared to the ancient sages of the human race, he is not inferior to him——"

The God of Hetu said lightly: "If you want to see, then this king will also give your opinion. Now the gourd is still trembling, and Ye Di must still be entangled with the'Hattian Yizhi', but he will probably No need to worry about being killed."

His view is simple.

How can a human race take over the king's divine art of King Shan Bo's effort?

Such a magical technique, even the ‘Terror King’s God’ of the Eternal God’s Domain, will not die or be injured next. The most terrifying part of this technique is that it cannot be rid of it at all.

No matter how strong Yedi is, sooner or later he will die under the "Hate Tian Yizhi".

Qingqiu Mengmeng bit her lower lip, and other experienced Wangshen seniors said this way. She didn't have the opportunity to interrupt, so she could only choose to remain silent.

In fact, she somewhat wanted to refute these king gods.

At the critical moment, Ye Di released this ‘Gourd’, and the ‘Fate Gourd’ could not even be detected by the King God. She tried it and couldn’t see through it at all.

Since Ye Di did this, there must be his reason——

King Xuan Yu looked at him again and again.

The two king gods, Changsheng and Qingqiu Mengmeng, all looked unsightly.

King Xuan Yu must be exchanging views with Taiyang, Hetu, Shiji, Weitian, and the four kings now, and I don’t know what other ideas are still coming out——

"Senior is the same line as my Qingqiu, isolated." Qingqiu Mengmeng spoke to the King of Longevity.

"It's not because of my granddaughter..." Changsheng Wang Shen sighed.

"Following Mingjun in the future is the way out of the longevity line. If the Qingqiu line chooses to stand with Xuanyu and the others, it will definitely be destroyed. Senior... Senior should understand my approach." Qingqiu Mengmeng Transsion asked.

"Understand! But... but the price is too high. My granddaughter told me that she must go against the Protoss. I really don't know why she has so much confidence in Ye Di." Changsheng Wangshen continued to speak: "But , Yedi’s performance is indeed worth the risk, his potential is too terrifying—"

Qingqiu Mengmeng finally found some comfort, but she didn't expect that Liu Lier would believe in Ye Di so much, which she had never expected.

"It's good to have a senior king who understands. Not long ago, there was already a king who said that I was rebellious..." Qingqiu Mengmeng said, and took a look at Hetu King God.


King Xuan Yu, together with Taiyang, Weitian, Hetu, and Queen Shiji, nodded gently.

I saw King Xuan Yu, taking a big step towards the side of the Palace of Heaven!

The other kings and gods were neat and unanimous, and also followed.

"Senior, the night emperor is dead, and the future of the heavens will belong to our protoss!" King Xuan Yu actually had a conversation with the senior turtle in the void behind the imperial palace!

"Yes, senior, you are the old gods, you are not rebelling against the gods. The prosperous times of the heavens and gods have arrived. Why not join me and create the era that belongs to our gods?" Taiyang King God also said.

"Senior, you have been buried here for many years. I cannot bear to wait for the younger generation. If the older generation agrees, I wait for the gods to do everything possible to release you from imprisonment and return you to a free body. As long as you agree, and You will preside over and open up "New God Era"!" Hetu King God also said.

"Wei Zao!"

The protoss old tortoise sinks and floats above the blue clouds, and directly slurs out the two words. Regarding the safety of Ye Di, it does not mention a word--

The four kings and gods Xuan Yu, Taiyang, Hetu, and Weitian all had trouble looking.

Queen Shiji's complexion is pretty good, but she feels that the old tortoise of the Protoss is too irritable, but does this mean that Ye Di is dead?

This weird situation has caused a monstrous upsurge of discussion in the Land of Glazed Glass!

"Yedi walked into the mysterious gourd at that moment, life and death unknown! And these king gods are even more ridiculous, and they directly announced that the Yedi will be eliminated, and they want to draw the old tortoise of the gods to join their camp!" The human monk sneered.

"Judging by common sense, the situation of the Ye Emperor is indeed not very good, but if you live to see people die, you must see the corpse, no matter how bad, we must always see the scene when the Ye Emperor fell, otherwise... how can we agree with him? Fallen?"

"Your thoughts are shocking! Anyone with a brain can see that these kings and gods don't know whether the night emperor lives or die. The reason why they choose to ask the gods old turtles must be from the gods who have the power to reach the sky. Old Turtle, knowing whether Yedi has fallen--"Someone awakened the man in his dream.

"It's shameless! They had been watching the gourd for a long time, and it seemed that they were not sure about the life and death of Ye Di, but now they clearly want the old tortoise of the Protoss to judge."

"How long has the old tortoise of the Protoss alive? Its wisdom is far higher than these kings and gods, and it will definitely not be fooled."

"It's too insidious, but everyone has seen the shamelessness of the King God. Don't be too surprised. It is estimated that in the end, the King God will still need to use the magic trick to get the gourd to find out."

"It's unprecedented for a night emperor to force these king gods like this, but why do I want to laugh when I look at those king gods?"

"Wang Ba stared at Mung Bean, one by one at a loss, who would have thought that a ‘gourd’ could cause Wangshen such a headache? So... difficult!"

It's really infinite--

Now King Xuanyu, King Weitian, Queen Shiji, Hetu, Taiyang, and their faces are not pretty.

The Protoss Laogui refused to talk about the life and death of Ye Di, which caught the kings and gods by surprise.

"It seems that the predecessors don't know the life and death of Ye Di. If the predecessors don't know, the junior is willing to go and collect the gourd himself. When it is confirmed that the emperor has fallen, the predecessors will decide it will not be too late!" King Xuan Yu said with an anger.

"This gourd shields all perceptions and isolates fate. You want to get news from me, but it's useless, go..." The old tortoise of the Protoss made a voice, and then ignored these king gods——

What should I do?

Queen Shiji, King Hetu, King Xuanyu, etc., are all looking at me, and when I look at you, they all laughed bitterly at the end. It doesn’t matter if I touched my nose, at least the possibility of Yedi’s fall. It's still big.

"Will King Xuan Yu cast the spell himself?" Queen Shi Ji asked.

"Hmph--" King Xuan Yu flicked his sleeves heavily, and walked to the light curtain of the condensed scene, but he didn't mean to do anything.

"Will you come or not! I'll come if you don't come!" Wei Tian Wangshen was a little impatient, and now he was afraid of a fart, so he just grabbed the gourd.

"I offended Senior Turtle because you refused to speak. You should do this kind of work." King Xuan Yu said lightly.

"Come on!" Wei Tian Wangshen gently raised his hand and patted directly!

A big hand sank directly into one piece of time and space. For a few seconds, the **** Weitian used his condensed arm to directly squeeze the ‘fate gourd’!


Strange to say, the fate gourd is like a virginity, and it has been saved by the **** Weitian! This...what kind of situation, is it too weird!

The **** Weitian was shocked--

"What a great treasure!" Wei Tian Wang Shen thought for a while, and sneered: "Whoever goes to this treasure to whom, since you are not willing to go, then the king and **** will take the gourd!"

As he spoke, the **** Weitian had disappeared in the palace of heaven—

All the kings and gods were a little frowning.

Qingqiu Mengmeng is worried about the safety of the Ye Emperor, while the King of Longevity is worried about the future of the longevity line. The other kings are better.

If the King God always feels weird, then it is naturally the King God Taiyang. When he looked at the gourd, every time he looked at it, he seemed to have an ominous feeling...

At first, he always thought it was an illusion, but after seeing more, he also said where the problem was.

In no time.

The "Fate Gourd" floating in the dark has already been reflected in the vision of King Weitian! He was there in person, but he was always on guard, after all, this is not a joke—

You know, in that gourd, there is a night emperor! Even if Ye Di has been killed by the'Hate Tian Yizhi', he still needs to be very careful.


Perhaps worry is unnecessary.

Weitian Wangshen was hesitating, he approached step by step, and the danger did not appear——

Finally, King Weitian walked to the "Fate Gourd"!

Still no danger!

Wei Tian Wang Shen heaved a sigh of relief, and gently raised his palm, trying to hold up the Fate Gourd——

"The God of Weitian..."


The **** Weitian looked around just like blowing up Mao, and instinctively responded, "Who?"

what's the situation!

That kind of voice was definitely not Ye Di, but a voice that Wei Tian Wang had never heard before. He even felt that the voice should not come from the fateful gourd, but around this dark space!

Immediately! The face of King Weitian changed drastically, looking at the strange vortex that was rolled up around him, his body seemed to be shrinking, that kind of power, as if being blessed by someone, he didn't even react to the reaction, and he was directly caught by the "fate gourd". I took it in-

He never knew what a terrible existence would be to greet him...


The **** Xuan Yu at the gate of the palace in the sky, and the other king gods all showed shock!

Did that Ye Di die? How could that gourd put away the **** Weitian! No, just now the King Weitian was obviously looking around. Could it be that the voice came from another source?

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