My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3804: Shameless

"Why is this?" Queen Shi Ji was completely blinded on the spot.

How powerful is a gourd, capable of taking in a king god? And when the **** Weitian entered, the whole destiny gourd was shaking frantically, and no one knew what happened—

King Xuan Yu frowned tightly, incomprehensible.

"Ye Di and the'Hate Tian Yizhi' were all taken away by the gourd, like a stone sinking into the sea, completely unknown, now... King Weitian has also been taken in." The **** Hetu has been stunned and cannot explain this at all. phenomenon.

"It's very simple. There is space in the gourd. As long as there are creatures approaching, they will be taken in. The God of Weitian should be no problem --" King Xuan Yu divinely.

"Xuan Yu, don't you feel that this statement is a bit far-fetched? If the gourd is so powerful, wouldn't Ye Di be invincible? You still need to fight like Shan Bo Wang Shen?" Queen Shi Ji asked.

"Then tell me what's going on!" King Xuan Yu was extremely annoyed.

He was really angry.

Unexpectedly, a human race could cause such trouble to the entire Protoss race! The key is that the fall of King Shanbo is a great loss for the Protoss. Now... Now King Weitian walked into the gourd and his whereabouts are unknown!

"What are you getting angry?" Queen Shi Ji said coldly: "Getting angry when you encounter something is an expression of incompetence. You can solve it if you have the ability--"

"You--" King Xuan Yu widened his eyes, his eyes seemed to eat Queen Shiji!

How could King Xuan Yu do such stupid things!

If it wasn't the God of Wei Tian, ​​it was him who walked into the gourd! He has always been cautious, and now naturally reflects the benefits of caution!

"It's all agreed not to be noisy." Taiyang Wangshen said solemnly: "Wait a little longer, maybe Weitian Wangshen will come out in a while--"



The strange atmosphere is spreading throughout the land of colored glaze.

Whether it's a **** or a human race, all attention is focused on the condensed gourd scene——

Just a quarter of an hour passed by.

"Those kings and gods are going to be unable to sit still? How could this be? King Weitian walked into the gourd, and there was no news." The human race was a little excited.

Everyone knows that only Ye Di can kill the King God at the moment! Does this represent a terrible fact? Yedi is not dead?

But not necessarily, if the gourd **** treasure is too mysterious, it is not impossible to trap the **** Weitian for a while——

"A quarter of an hour has passed, how long can those kings and gods be restrained? Yedi is too strange, a divine treasure can cause so many kings and gods to commit troubles, now it is all right, the king of Shanbo is dead, and the gods of Weitian do not know what to do. Is gone."

"Our human race in the Land of Glazed Glaze is naturally happy to see this situation. It's better to die a few more."

"What if the Weitian King and God will not appear in the end? This is very stiff. Those kings and gods cannot be sure that Yedi is dead. If the Weitian King and God cannot get out of the fateful gourd and bring news, the problem will be very serious. Big!"

"I'm almost dying, how is King Weitian?"

"A bold assumption, if the night emperor does not die in the gourd, and also cuts off the Weitian King God, once he comes out, the faces of those King Gods will definitely be wonderful!"


Another quarter of an hour passed--

In the palace in the sky, Hetu Wangshen's face was particularly disturbed.

Weitian, there is still no news.

What kind of **** can trap a king **** for two quarters of an hour? This makes King Xuanyu, King Hetu, and King Taiyang anxious!

"Wei Tian walked into the destiny gourd and his whereabouts are unknown. This time, who wants to go?" King Xuan Yu asked coldly, his eyes swept over Taiyang and the others, and finally looked at the King of Longevity.

"Why are you looking at me?" King Changsheng asked with an angry face, staring at King Xuan Yu.

"Brother Changsheng, your granddaughter was arranged by Ye Di in the imperial city. Your longevity line is unclear. Don't you need to prove it?" King Xuan Yu said lightly.

"Haha!" The King of Longevity laughed angrily, "I said, my granddaughter was captured by the Ye Di, and now several gods in the Taiyang line are also in the Emperor City. You can ask the Taiyang King God, see How does he explain it? Besides, the few gods under his command are still doing things for the emperor, everyone knows!"

Taiyang King God:...

This is shameless!

King Xuan Yu looked at King God Taiyang.

"Ahem." Taiyang Wangshen said indifferently: "Brother Changsheng, don't want to instigate separation. Brother Xuan Yu naturally sees how I act."

"Fart!" The King of Longevity became more and more excited. "A few days ago, I fought against the emperor of the night. I was seriously injured and died! You Taiyang, Hetu, and rescued by me are kind to me! I don't want to tear it. Broken face! In that battle, I almost fell. For the Protoss, I have made great contributions!"

King Xuan Yu hesitated for a moment, knowing that he could not persuade the King of Longevity, and the King of Longevity was indeed almost killed by the Yedi. Although he doubted the line of Changsheng, he could not convince all the gods.

"In my opinion, the most important thing for Queen Shiji to go--" Hetu Wangshen said lightly: "Queen Shiji, you have the privilege to receive the goddess of the happy line. You did not go to war before, which led to the fall of King Shanbo. Now It's your turn."

"It's my turn? Are you worthy?" Queen Shiji glared at King Hetu, "Senior Changsheng, I don't doubt that you have made great contributions, but what is your...? Although I have the privilege to receive the goddess of joy, Included in my clan, but didn’t it start?"

"That's right, Hetu King God can go--" Changsheng King God said.

"You..." King Hetu hated spontaneously, and finally he looked at Qingqiu Mengmeng, "This woman, a rebellious woman, forbids her father God, has an indescribable relationship with Yedi, so she should go !"

"Who dares! Who dares to touch the King God of my Shiji line!" Queen Shiji shouted immediately.

Xuan Yu and Taiyang Wangshen looked at each other... They both smiled wryly——

"Wait...Wait..." Taiyang Wangshen shook his head.

Waited for half a stick of incense again.

In a twinkling of an eye, a small period of time passed——

King Xuan Yu and the others have an increasingly unknown premonition.

problem occurs! King Xuan Yu finally asserted.

Imperial city.

The lotus goddess and the others are always anxious...

In that condensed scene, the gourd is still the gourd, standing there quietly, no one knows what happened in it, but once the time is long, it seems to be a good thing for the Human race.

"It's weird—" Gao Yue didn't know what to say.

"Emperor Ye is very likely to be alive." The Chaosheng Banshee laughed.

"Li'er, you and Ye Di spent so long in the cemetery of the gods, you should have seen how powerful the night emperor is, what do you think." The lotus goddess looked at Liu Li'er and asked.

Liu Li'er kept transmitting, and while still transmitting, heard the voice and responded: "You only need to believe that Ye Di is alive. He is invincible in that gourd—"

She couldn't explain anything. Only she knew about the existence of the evil lord. Now, even if it was transmitted to the grandfather, the King of Longevity, she did not dare to have any news about the "evil lord".

"Really?" Tracer was afraid that his chance would fly, and now looked at Liu Li'er excitedly.

Liu Lier hesitated: "Really, Ye Di will not die—"

"It's really strange what you have done in the Cemetery of the Gods, Brother Ye seems to have improved a lot." Tracer began to speak uncontrollably, excitedly wanting to yell, and ran aside.

Under the gaze of the other female sisters, Liu Li'er looked away, and Xia Fei's cheeks drew——

She soon communicated again and contacted her grandfather Changsheng Wangshen.

"Grandpa, even if your face is torn and the swords are facing each other, you must never get close to the gourd, remember--" Liu Lier asked the King of Longevity.

The King of Longevity is extremely nervous now, "What the **** is going on, granddaughter, you seem to know Ye Di's methods, if Ye Di is really dead, we will live in the same vein, and we can't resist the anger of the gods."

"He is still alive, better than anyone else. Grandpa wants to believe in me. The long absence of the **** Weitian is the best proof." Liu Lier continued to communicate to the **** of longevity.

"Okay, these guys want to force me to go, grandpa, I can't go if I've lost my life." Changsheng Wangshen said.

"Don't go, if Grandpa enters the Fate Gourd, he will die forever and disappear like the King Weitian." Liu Li'er repeatedly exhorted.


How did the granddaughter know that the "king of Weitian" would fall?


To be honest, if Liu Li'er is not his granddaughter, he really doesn't believe that the gourd is so evil! But now, he keeps it in his heart that he can't be agitated anyway, even if King Xuan Yu tie him up and throw him over, he can't go!


In Fate Gourd...

Of course Su Jin is alive and well.

"Positive, comfortable--" The voice of the evil lord resounded throughout the fateful gourd.

The evil lord has completely absorbed the'Hat Tian Yi Zhi', that is the entire power of King Shanbo, and the entire Heng Tian Yi Zhi is supported by the endless'rules of the king'. He has absorbed the'Hat Tian Yi Zhi' for a long time. How big is Tianyizhi's energy!

In the next second, King Wei Tian didn't even react, he saw the existence of a stone gall, floating above his head!

"What!" Wei Tian Wang Shen was shocked, the Wang Shen rules in his body, like a wild horse, were quickly sucked away from his body!

The scene emerges--

Su Jin seemed to be in a fateful gourd and drank some wine. He estimated the time and put the flask away. Then, he stretched out his fingers and stroked his chest lightly. On the clean and luxurious golden robe, a piece of clothing began to appear. Bloody!

"Ye Di! are not dead!" Wei Tian Wang Shen is now at a loss.

"Yeah, it seems that I can't catch fish." Su Jin responded calmly. He exaggeratedly squirted blood out, and the blood on his lips made people look shocking.

Even his hair spread out——

It looked like he was seriously injured.

Weitian Wangshen is very frightened now, he hasn't appeared in fear for a long time, this night Emperor, I don't know what method he used to resist the "Hate Tianyizhi", and he didn't seem to pay any price! Doesn't this mean that King Shan Bo is dead in vain?

And what is the existence of this stone gall! Weitian Wangshen wanted to escape, wanted to break free, but couldn't do it at all!

Su Jin looked at the fearful King Weitian, and asked for advice, calmly asked: "Look at me walking out like this, can you kill one or two kings?"

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