My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3805: One step shock


From the perspective of King Weitian, Yedi is a devil!

First, this unknown stone gall was used to completely slay King Shanbo, and then the fateful gourd was used to introduce him, and his fate might not be any better!

Crucially, this stone gall can still make a sound, and it keeps saying ‘positive’ and ‘positive’...

Weitian Wangshen tried every means to prevent the passage of the'rules of the kings', but this seemed like a bottomless vortex. The more he struggled, the faster he fell!

"Let me...I...I'm not going to fight you anymore..." Wei Tian Wang Shen was scared to cry. In a short time, his rule of the king was swallowed by more than 30%. If this continues, who Can stand it, he doesn't want to die, the line of Protoss Weitian can't live without him!

"Do you think I am a three-year-old child? Go quietly... Your proud Protoss will remember your sacrifice. In addition, it comes from the cemetery of the gods and is the nemesis of the king, and loves to capture the king."

Su Jin looked indifferent, and said: "Look at it..."

After all, Su Jin ‘staggered’ out of the ‘fate gourd’.

that moment!


Su Jin hung the fateful gourd around his waist. He felt that he was in a very bad state, with a disheveled hair, and he was seriously injured! Even walking means falling down!

The moment he appeared outside Fate Gourd...

The world is silent.

The land of glazed glaze, the palace in the sky is on the top——

Several sharp gazes all looked at Ye Di!

The God of Taiyang and the God of Xuan Yu are simply incomprehensible! Such a powerful "Hat Tian Yi Zhi" failed to kill Ye Di! And now, the one who came out was not the God of Weitian, but... but the Ye Emperor!

"Not dead! Yedi is not dead!" All the heavens celebrated, the human race, like a great victory!

"Is the wound on Yedi's chest hurt by the'Hattian Finger'? It's too strong. Even so, Yedi couldn't die! And the God of Weitian? Is he in the fateful gourd? Beheaded by the night emperor!" Those who are excited by the Protoss are almost dizzy. Who can imagine this scene! Who can imagine that Ye Di can come out!

"The situation of the emperor is not optimistic! This emperor... is almost invincible. The **** of the **** Shanbo's "Hate Heaven and One Finger" is so powerful that most people in the world think he has fallen. He wants to get out in the end!"

"There really is him! Those king gods are already stunned, now only Ye Di walked out of the gourd, and Wei Tian Wang **** may have caused destruction! Two king gods have been cut off in a row, one of them is still very powerful..."

"Not dead...not even dead... Yedi must have been very difficult to fight in Fate Gourd, he was really unexpected, but it is a blessing to be able to come out!"

"Shan Bo, Wei Tian, ​​Falling! Ye Di is Ye Di, the invincible powerhouse in the human race! The last laugh is—"


A smile appeared on Qingqiu Mengmeng's face...

Queen Shi Ji is depressed to the extreme!

"You lost." Qingqiu Mengmeng transmitted to Queen Shiji.

The current Queen Shiji wants to destroy everything. She really doesn't know that things will be like this. Can she also lose? Moreover, in her opinion, it is impossible for Ye Di to escape the "Hat Tian Yi Zhi"!

"A battle between the Protoss and the Terran, if he is not dead, I will fulfill the gambling agreement." Queen Shi Ji transmitted to Qingqiu Mengmeng, she is almost vomiting blood now, how can her tone be better——

Really... Really not dead...

The King of Longevity was taken aback for a moment, and a strange smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Su Jin's figure appeared in the land of colored glaze!

In the end, Su Jin faced the "Heaven Palace" and took a step forward!

King Xuan Yu, King Hetu, King Taiyang, all back together a few steps!

Except Qingqiu Mengmeng is an exception...

"It's really proud to be able to do this by just one person..." Qingqiu Mengmeng thought silently in her heart. Although she is not a human race, she seems to be deeply infected. She gambled on everything. She won the bet.

"Emperor Ye!" King Xuan Yu said coldly: "Where is King Weitian——"

"Wang Shen's corpse is here, do you want to see him?" Su Jin patted the "Fate Gourd" on his waist and asked Xiang Xuan Yu.

This statement came out.

Xuan Yu and the other kings and gods, once again stepped back together!

Taiyang King God looked ugly, and transmitted the voice to other King Gods, saying: "Don't be careless, this child is probably not injured, or the injury is very light——"

"Impossible! He has been seriously injured!" Queen Shi Ji was puzzled and communicated.

"You don't know him... If you don't believe it, you can go and try his skills!" Taiyang Wangshen whispered.

"I...I don't dare!" Queen Shiji directly refused, and even the gods of Shanbo and Weitian were in the hands of the emperor. How could she deal with them? Not to mention that she might not have been injured, even if Ye Di was seriously injured, she was definitely not his opponent, she could not play.

"It's a simple truth...If he doesn't take the initiative to walk out of the gourd, we will wait forever." Taiyang Wang Shen said coldly: "If he is seriously injured, he can recover from it, even if he recovers a little bit of strength. , There will be a little more chance of winning, it is impossible to come out so quickly!"

The kings and gods were shocked awake--


Queen Shiji felt that she was still young, she didn't expect this at all! This Ye Di was too cunning, and even fooled her!

"Aren't you going to do it? This king still has more power, so let's go together--" Su Jin saw that the other party retreated and knew that it was a bit difficult. Taking the initiative to get the other party hooked was already unrealistic. Now this trick, I am afraid it has been seen through.

"A total of our three king gods were killed. No human race has ever done such a feat in the history of the protoss!" The Changsheng King pretended to sneer, "Ye Di, pay my granddaughter back soon!"

"She's okay...I've been completely controlled--" Su Jin said lightly.

The King of Longevity pretended to be angry.

Could it be...

Yedi and Changsheng are in the same line, is there really no problem?

King Xuan Yu couldn't see the pretense of the King of Longevity. It was impossible to fight. The Emperor Yaozi had a lot of methods this night. If he was killed by him again, who could afford it?

Moreover, at present, which king **** is called to fight, I am afraid that no king **** will be willing to——

"It's boring... If you don't fight, this king will go back to the bedroom and heal your wounds. When you have the confidence to deal with this king, you will call me again, and this king will accompany you at any time!"

Su Jin thought for a while, then looked at Qingqiu God Realm, with doubts in his eyes, and asked Xiang Qingqiu Mengmeng, and said, "Meng'er, how can you treat Senior Qingqiu like this? I will soon have my magical powers—"

Qingqiu Mengmeng was helpless, and gently raised his hand, and the "Sun Moon Flying Aya" in the depths of the Qingqiu Temple directly surrounded her.

"There is such a strong human race in the heavens. It really makes me look at it with admiration." Queen Shi Ji was still a little unwilling, and talked to Su Jin.

"Big sister, do you want to know me? You can come to the imperial city to find me—" Su Jin yawned, his face gradually turning cold, and he walked directly to the imperial city.

The moment he lifted his steps, his whole blood disappeared! The vigorous momentum is undiminished during the previous battle against Shan Bo!

The gods of King Xuanyu, Taiyang, and King Hetu, their faces were shocked——

This night emperor!

Sure enough, I didn't install it!

It's really vicious. It doesn't count as if the two king gods, Shanbo and Weitian, were cut off, and they wanted to kill some of them!


When the night emperor disappeared into the void, the sensation between the world had reached its peak!

"One step forward will make the several king gods retreat, Ye Di...never hurt! How did he do it?" Some monks kept wondering, no one thought that this would be the case. Originally thought Ye Di was here. It will be very difficult in Fate Gourd, who knows it will be like this!

"Oh...Today is the most faceless day in the history of the Protoss!" Queen Shi Ji was shaking with anger.

"I just didn't have the slightest chance. Even if we go together, we may not be able to win him... This Ye Di, it's really hard to clean up." Taiyang Wangshen's mood has never been so bad--

"It's okay, we have time to wait." King Xuan Yu is also very worried. Judging from the current situation, unless some terrifying kings of the "Eternal Gods" come, or gather dozens of kings and gods at that time, it will be possible. The Yedi was beaten to death. At present, the kings and gods like them are no longer in the eyes of the Yedi.

In the next half-day period-

In the Protoss, all the gods in the Land of Glazed Glass seemed to feel a dark cloud above their heads. That feeling was too bad. Ye Di was not dead, making them quite uncomfortable.


Starlight little by little.

The Great Palace.

Gao Yue and the other goddesses continued to practice under the tree of enlightenment, trying their best to raise their level, but Liu Lier only realized it after seeing the tree of enlightenment.

The first level of the lotus goddess was very different from her. In this short time, the level of the gods was overwhelming her. It turned out that it was because of the tree of enlightenment——

"How about you... It's okay to help me break through after some time." Liu Lier said.

"This king keeps his promise, and will help you break through to the king **** on the first day you come back, so you won't break your promise. They are practicing and can't interrupt."

Su Jin calmly said: "I said that before you break through the king's god, this king needs to create a'climbing technique' for you, and I also understand all your rules, so let's start now--"

"Really... can I really become a king **** today..." Liu Li'er was still a little gloomy as she was dreaming.

"You are the rule of the twin gods. If you rely on yourself, immortality will not reach the king god, because you have to let the two rules to break through to the king god, and it will take several times and efforts of other king gods. How can this be? Do it?"

Su Jin smiled and said: "Come on, I will create a'climbing technique' for you now, and you will follow me—"

Immediately, Su Jin took Liu Lier and walked to the other side of the Great Palace...

Liu Lier was a little nervous.

In front of the side railing of the Great Emperor's Palace, Su Jin looked solemn, lifted his fingers lightly, and swiped directly in the void. Each of his fingers was engraving the mystery of the Fuxi Dao Formation, which was different from manifestation. , But combined with his own cognition of the law of heaven and Liu Lier's god, to depict the pattern.

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