My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3806: Against the sky

Liu Li'er's beautiful eyes directly shined!

Her two rules of the gods quickly swam out of her body, and as Su Jin engraved her exclusive formation pattern with one hand, she felt an inexplicable familiarity in an instant——

Liu Lier had a feeling.

It feels like Ye Di knows her own rules of God better than she herself——

In about a moment, the first gossip pattern was carved out in the void, and Liu Li'er's rules of God quickly swarmed away.

"Go in." Su Jin looked at Liu Li'er with his hand held down, "I can't tell how long the process will take, and there will be a certain amount of pain. Your **** level is very different from Qingqiu Mengmeng, but I can guarantee that as long as you can persist. Live, you will be able to break through in half a day."


Liu Li'er is willing to eat any bitterness.

Achieving a king **** is the wish of countless true gods. Although it is just a luxury, no **** wants to have such an achievement! Liu Li'er didn't hesitate at all, and appeared directly in that piece of "Bagua Pattern".

In an instant!

Liu Lier was surprised and delighted. She looked down from above and found that she was actually on the top of the "Enlightenment Tree", and there were "Bagua Patterns" that seemed to have an infinite distance around her!

She trusted Ye Di very much, looked in the direction of Ye Di, and found that Ye Di’s three pupils were all glowing with colorful light, and her heart was slightly shocked. She immediately calmed down her anxiety and sat in the center of the'Bagua Pattern'.

As soon as she sat down, she immediately felt different--

The entire tree of enlightenment seems to have life, she can even feel the breath of the tree of enlightenment, and the countless ‘silver-green’ leaves are all shining rapidly with ray of light, extremely mysterious.

Taking a deep breath, Liu Lier closed his eyes——

Sitting on the side of the Great Emperor’s Palace, Su Jin said through a voice transmission: “I’ve been thinking about this art of ascending to the heavens. I was not sure about it, but since the battle with King Shanbo, I have realized a little truth. , I will use the years to come to force you to change your fate, and then, do as I say!"

"Okay—" After Liu Lier closed her eyes, even her voice trembled when she responded.

"If you think about it carefully, from the time you were first born, what your own god's rules should be. You are born different from other protoss. You are twin rules. Even if you can't use them at the same time, it will cause rejection." Su Jin said.

"You're right, it's true--" Liu Lier said.

"It's not that you can't use it at the same time, but you don't like your second rule of God. You need to accept it from the beginning. Then, I will create a heavenly technique for you, so that you can reach the sky in one step."


During the communication, Liu Li'er always believed in Ye Di, no matter what he said, she just did exactly that——

With the help of Su Jin and the tree of enlightenment, Liu Lier’s second black rule seems to be polarized with the blue rule, no matter what. Can't make an impact.

"Get up!" Su Jin raised his hand, and the gossip pattern began to rise slowly along with Liu Lier.

At that moment, the situation changed suddenly!

Circles of silver whirlpools, as if enveloping countless stars, began to gather above the land of colored glaze! For a time, storms raged, thunderstorms raged, and the entire glazed land looked like an ancient evil world——

"The way of heaven--" Liu Li'er was shocked by the power of Ye Di. Such a sense of heaven is beyond her reach. Although she is a **** race, she also knows a thing or two about heaven. This is no longer the ordinary human race can control.

In Liu Li'er's eyes, there was even a strange fantasy--

She seemed to be in the billions of galaxies, no matter whether it was up, down, left, or right, all stars, and her blue rules began to center on her, as if in line with the rhythm of the silver star swirl, began to spin slowly.


The black rules have also begun to be transferred...

This feeling is very strange. This is the first time that Liu Li'er has been mobilized in the second rule. This is not something she dared to imagine!

But her black rule turns in the opposite direction with the blue rule, which runs counter to her blue rule——

Pain is coming!

Liu Li'er felt that her two gods' rules had conflicted in her body, and the pain of tearing her body directly made her cry out.

For a moment, Su Jin's instructions appeared in her mind.

Must persist!


Scenes of the past even appeared in Liu Lier's mind! In the past, all the Protoss always deceived her the longevity line. Grandpa was weak and was mocked as the weakest king god. She was lonely. She... she wanted to do something for the longevity line, but found that she couldn't do it!


There was a **** color in Liu Li'er's colorful eyes.

"Concentrate!" Su Jin's voice directly caused Liu Lier to wake up and turn around——

Just now, she almost went astray!

The pain is still going on, Liu Lier can still insist. The Protoss is a bit like the Humans, that is, she is unwilling to touch the most fragile taboo, her second rule of the gods, she hasn’t practiced as hard as that. The rules are amazing. When she uses the first rule to raise her **** level, the second rule will go hand in hand—


The breath of time is everywhere, Liu Lier even saw the imprints of the "wheel of years" appearing all over her body. Those imprints are not changing the passage of time around her, but Ye Di is blessing her with the power of endless years. Don't allow her to collapse under the clear sky when the two rules are beginning to conflict!


The billions of galaxy stars formed by the heavens are driving Liu Li'er's first rule of God. Under the blessing of that kind of World Weili, Liu Li'er's face turned white and he vomited blood!

She... raised a **** level! She never thought it would be so fast! And the vast star swirl above the head, it only took a turn!


God level, upgrade again!

Yedi's amazing technique, even using the majestic Dao to help her raise her **** level, and this is something that many gods would not dare to imagine!

Su Jin squinted and watched all this silently. This Liu Li'er was indeed a stunning goddess, with greater potential than other goddesses. Some of those goddesses did not even have potential...

This scene, also in the night, shocked the world.

Heavenly Palace

Taiyang, Xuan Yu, and other kings and gods, all looked directly in the direction of the imperial city!

"There is a **** who is frantically raising the **** level, and it is only half a time before the incense, and it is almost close to the king **** -" Queen Shi Ji flashed out and said in shock.

"Who is improving crazily? And this method of changing fate against the sky with the help of the power of heaven is the means of the human race!" said Taiyang King God.

"Only Ye Di has such power against the sky -" King Xuan Yu said coldly.

The point is, why did Ye Di do this? The Protoss is the deadly enemy of the Human Race. According to common sense, it is absolutely impossible to help a Protoss like this.

"Will you be helping me with the **** of Taiyang——" Taiyang Wangshen narrowed his eyes, and he was truly moved.

You know, Tracer, Lotus Goddess, Gao Yue, are all in the imperial city, if their Taiyang can have two king gods and three king gods in one line, he will not be so stressed.

If Su Jin knew what Taiyang Wangshen thought, he would probably just say that he was thinking about ass...

Regarding the Taiyang line, although Tracer, Gao Yue, and the lotus goddess have a good relationship with him, they are not so helpful. The reason why he helped Liu Lier like this is naturally because of the agreement. He is naturally not going to lose his word and get fat, exaggerate The generation--

"Such a shocking movement, I am afraid that only Ye Di can think of it." Queen Shi Ji really began to admire Ye Di, and with that terrible Heavenly Dao Star Swirl, almost every turn of the Star Swirl can improve. A **** level.

"Who is he helping—"


The line of Qingqiu, the line of Hetu, in short, all the gods in the land of colored glaze are extremely jealous.

Especially the thousands of gods in the Qingqiu line.

"Each turn of Star Swirl will raise a **** level. Does the night emperor regard raising a **** rank as drinking water? Since I was born, I have also raised a **** rank three times in the long years. It is really too angry." The Protoss with the line of Qingqiu began to jump.

"Not long ago, our second king, Qingqiu Mengmeng, also became the king of God with the help of Ye Di. Although Mengmeng refused to admit it, the fact is absolutely like this—"

"Oh my god, just a few breaths have risen so much, what does the Ye Emperor want to do? Do you want to build a king god? We don't need this kind of attack to attack us!"

"I always feel that King Mengmeng's choice is right. Everyone must have misunderstood her. If we contend with Ye Di, our Qingqiu King God is likely to die in the hands of Ye Di, and will go with Shanbo and Wei Tian. In the footsteps of a king god—"

"This method of raising a **** rank is very dangerous! If that **** can't hold on in that pattern, it is likely that the **** body will collapse at any time."

"Let me try it too, I haven't been promoted to God's rank for five thousand years..."


Qingqiu Mengmeng is now standing with Qingqiu King God, she has been forgiven by God Father...

Even Qingqiu King God was ashamed.

His daughter is for his good, but he is determined to put the overall situation as the most important. The gods of Shanbo, Weitian, and Zuoluo have fallen.

When the day and night emperor walked out of the ‘fate gourd’, he had already thought about everything--

"Ye Di, a human race, can raise the ranks of our **** race, what else should God Father worry about? Moreover, if I guess it is correct, there is a high probability of knowing who the **** he promoted is." Qingqiu Mengmeng said.

"Who? Those of Taiyang?" Qingqiu King God asked.

"Liu Li'er of the longevity line." Qingqiu Mengmeng told the exchange with the longevity king during the day, "Changsheng is going against the gods, and the longevity line is about to give birth to the second king."


King Qingqiu's face changed slightly--

You know, the longevity line is the weakest line in the Protoss, all of which add up to a dozen, and not long ago, a commoner **** fell...

Now, is the second king **** born in the longevity line?

"To fight against Ye Di is a dead end... The Shanbo line, one thousand and three hundred gods, instantly vanished. The father thought, how long can the thousands of gods in our Qingqiu line last? Zhuxiang?" Qingqiu Mengmeng's words made Qingqiu King God silent.

That night emperor--

Qingqiu Wangshen looked towards the direction of the imperial city, sighing in his heart. Perhaps, the future will be the world of the younger generation, and his daughter made him wake up in time and has already made him see everything clearly.

"From now on, the Qingqiu line will begin to be inherited by you, and you will become the father..." Qingqiu King God sighed.

And the creatures in the entire glazed land are all looking at the imperial city...

Can the **** who is favored by Ye Di break through? The center of the stunning Star Swirl, a pillar of silver starlight, is connected with that wonderful formation, can Liu Li'er stick to it again?

Su Jin also wanted to know this question, he was afraid that Liu Lier could not bear the pain, and now is the most critical moment!

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