My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3807: Two pulses

The pain Liu Li'er is enduring now is beyond description. She even began to become numb, thinking of giving up, but every time she thought of the humiliation of the Changsheng line, she just gritted her teeth and carried it over.

"This technique "Ascend to the Sky", you open your eyes..." Su Jin waved his hand gently without hesitation either.

Liu Li'er opened his eyes.

The golden handwritings came into her mind in an instant. Those handwritings were about thirty or so, but the thirty-odd golden handwritings seemed to be inspiring, allowing her to understand her own God. The evolution of the rules-

In fact, Liu Lier didn't know.

Su Jin used some of the records on the "Golden Ancient Stele", coupled with the understanding of Liu Lier's "rules of the gods", to perfect this "Ascend to Heaven".

"If I can't bear it, you...can you bless me for an era of longevity..." Liu Lier asked Su Jin through voice transmission...

She knew what she was facing...

"Trust me, you will not fall." Su Jin responded quietly.


Liu Li'er wasn't sure, she didn't want to be looked down upon by Ye Di. She even snorted softly every time she suffered to the extreme, she was very stubborn, more stubborn than any goddess——

The pain is getting worse!

But soon, Liu Li'er waved his hand gently, and those golden selves began to surround her in the Dao formation, slowly changing in the void!

She felt like her soul was torn into dozens of pieces...

She even felt that her body was cracked into an unknown number of pieces, as if it was a piece of porcelain, but she still did not complain even a word--

Because pain belongs to pain, there is always a soft power that keeps her divine body from breaking down.


Above! The vortex formed by the billions of stars in the Milky Way, as if condensed into a thunder tribulation, dissatisfied with Liu Lier's breath, the entire star swirl began to thunder and dance!



The last moment! When the star swirl turned into a star swift, Liu Lier felt that the whole world had collapsed for the last time. She even felt that she had fallen. The horrible sight seemed to have crushed her bones. !

When the colorful rays of light floated between the sky and the earth, Liu Li'er felt a strong breath of happiness. The night sky, the entire horizon of the glazed land, was full of rainbows——

Liu Li'er looked around at her left and right, and then she made sure that she was not dead! The rules of God in her body are very different from before!

"The rules of the king...I...I have become the king..." Liu Li'er smiled on her face. She had never been so happy before, she... she could also become a king!

"Congratulations." Su Jin's voice was full of satisfaction--

Liu Lier woke up directly, all this was like a dream, but when she woke up, she knew it was not a dream. She glanced at her left and right, behind her left and right shoulders, two thin golden wings were automatically condensed, which looked like butterfly wings, but beautiful It’s just golden.


Liu Li'er's heart moved, and the speed of the entire King God's body was more than a thousand times faster! She appeared in front of Ye Di with bare feet, without the slightest pause, she hugged Su Jin's neck with her arms.

"The humiliating era of the longevity line has passed--" Su Jin said lightly.

"Yeah." Liu Li'er now has ten million thanks, but she knows that she can't say it, she thinks back to the past, when she treated Ye Di, she deserved this treatment?

Su Jin comforted a little...

And when Liu Li'er's kingly breath emerged, the entire land of colored glaze looked like a frying pan!

"The breath of the king god!" At first, it was naturally the nearest lotus goddess of the Great Emperor's Palace who discovered the problem.

The lotus goddess is a little lost. She knows that as long as she follows the night emperor, she can reach the king **** under the tree of enlightenment sooner or later, but... but she must ensure that the night emperor is not dead...

Previously, Liu Lier was weaker than the lotus goddess. Now Liu Lier has proclaimed the Dao, becoming a king god! This more or less made the lotus goddess feel the gap...

It is impossible not to be jealous.

"Do you know the gap? You are always thinking about Taiyang's lineage, Ye Di can see that if you become a king god, sooner or later you will leave and return to Taiyang. Heart, don't face him--" Gao Yue under the tree of enlightenment , Looked at the lotus goddess.

The lotus goddess did not deny that she was very unbalanced in her heart, but she seemed to have nothing to do. Now that she can sit under the tree of enlightenment every day, it is extremely luxurious, and she has no right to complain.

"The line of Changsheng is going to be reversed." The lotus goddess always felt uncomfortable in her heart. Ye Di helped Liu Li'er but didn't help her, which was really uncomfortable.

"In the future, you and I will serve the Ye Emperor religiously, and our road to becoming a king is not far away." Gao Yue said.

The goddess Luo Zhi looked at these two goddesses a little speechless--

She is more content than anyone else.

Anyway, the line of Huanxi has completely collapsed. Even if Goddess Luozhi is dead, she will follow Ye Di——


Put aside the lotus goddess and them-

Heavenly Palace

"The King God, who made the King God!" Taiyang King God wanted to see everything that happened in the imperial city, but the imperial city didn't know if it was because of the old tortoise of the Protoss. He couldn't see through at all, he could only feel that kind of king. God rules the breath.

"Haha, naturally I am the king of longevity!" The King of Longevity, with several other clan gods, left half an hour ago and appeared before the imperial city!

"You old dog!" King Hetu's pompous mouth was crooked. They guessed that the King of Longevity would have a problem, but they didn't expect the opponent to turn back so quickly!

Not counter?

The King of Longevity simply smiled. If he doesn't turn back at this time, when will he wait? Is it possible to stay there and wait for death?

"Hetu, pay attention when you speak, I have a line of longevity, but now I have two kings and gods, and if you chirp, the old lady won't miss the old feelings!" The king of longevity said.

"It's time to take you down during the day!" Hetu King God said angrily.

"You have long rejected our longevity line! You should be grateful that you didn't attack Yedi at that time, otherwise, I will definitely wait for an opportunity to severely injure one or two of you..." The King of Longevity really had that plan at the time.

"The longevity line, against the gods, take refuge in a human clan... your eternal line is indeed the most shameless gods, there is no one!" King Hetu exclaimed, isn't this the world in front of the Liuli Land People, slap them in the face of the Protoss?

"On the contrary, it is the opposite! Once you are born and then mature again, you lambs who have lost their way and don't know how to return, sooner or later, they will be taken care of by the emperor of the night--" Changsheng Wang Shen called a proud.


Hetu King God really wants to make a move and send the Changsheng King God on the road! But there was no ordinary place, it was the emperor city and the place where the night emperor was. No matter what he wanted to kill, he wouldn't dare to do anything.

"The longevity line, you are destined to regret--" Xuan Yu Wangshen responded coldly. He had expected it a long time ago, and always felt that there was a problem with the Changsheng Wangshen, and now it becomes true.

Taiyang King God still wants to talk.

Suddenly, the entire world was shattered by the roar of the bronze dragon, and the Qingqiu God Realm and the bronze dragon all roared, bringing Qingqiu God Realm to the east of the Emperor City——

"Qingqiu's line, from now on, has turned against the Protoss!" Qingqiu's Mengmeng's voice seemed to shock the Liuli World again.

This Protoss is about to burst!

Taiyang, Hetu, Shiji, and even King Xuanyu were all staying. They knew that Qingqiu's line was unreliable, but they didn't expect the other party to turn so fast!

Xuan Yu, He Tu, Tai Yang, the three kings' faces turned green, and Qingqiu's decision caught them by surprise!

"At the critical moment, you only know who is the most reliable--" Queen Shiji said.

King Xuan Yu slammed his sleeves fiercely, refused to speak more, and disappeared directly into the palace of heaven!

The human race in the Land of Glazed Glass——

How excited it is now is how excited it is.

"There are two veins of the Protoss rebellion! This is the first time the Protoss has rebelled. It's really surprising. Looking at the kings and gods just now, their faces are really scary." Someone joked.

"Emperor Ye has the ability to make a king. Naturally, crabs must be eaten first to maximize their benefits. The longevity line has already tasted the sweetness. No, Qingqiu line is the first to get the benefits, seeing the terrible potential of our Ye Emperor. ."

"The kings and gods just now were so angry...the land of the glazed glaze has only a few veins of the gods, and in a blink of an eye, two veins are left, standing on the side of the emperor, and the line of Shanbo, together with the gods, died together. Exhausted, Weitian is in the same line, and the dragons have no leader. This is really a major blow to their Protoss."

"It's still the emperor that Ye is very good, and he recruited the two veins of the Protoss in a calm manner. It is estimated that they are still the strongest two veins. Each has two kings and gods. This is also the four of Taiyang, Xuanyu, Hetu, and Shiji. The reason for Wang Shen's jealousy——"

"Yes, the kings and gods are the same in number."

"The key to the fight is different. Even if the opponent has a powerful King God, we also have Ye Di to back up. This dumb loss, they are determined..."


This night.

Qingqiu Mengmeng and Liu Lier met once, and the two newly promoted kings and gods looked at each other and smiled——

"When Ye Di helped me, he didn't shake the earth like you did." In Qingqiu God Realm, Qingqiu Mengmeng took Liu Lier's hand and said.

"As far as I know, you didn't have this king-shen treasure before..." Liu Lier was really envious. She looked at Qingqiu Mengmeng's sun and moon flying, and regardless of her power, at least she gave her a very fairy temperament. feel--

"All the opportunities for you and me are given by the emperor of the night. Naturally, we don't distinguish each other. From now on, we will become sisters." Qingqiu Mengmeng said.

"Um..." Liu Li'er smiled, "Grandpa and your father are not sure what they are talking about, should we go to accompany Ye Di."

Qingqiu Mengmeng flushed, and shook his head silently.

"You know the situation of Ye Di best, is he really not injured?" Qingqiu Mengmeng asked.


Liu Li'er continued: "How can he be injured, unless the terrifying kings and gods of the Eternal Gods come, can they pose a threat to him, and Shanbo and his like are not fearful at all."

"That's good." Qingqiu Mengmeng took a deep breath-

"Don't worry, I'm scaring you. He won't be here at night. After I broke through, he went to the ruins behind the old turtle of the Protoss." Liu Lier smiled.

The ruins behind the old turtle of the Protoss...

Qingqiu Mengmeng is very aware of the terrible old turtle of the Protoss. Her Sunyue Fei Ling was bestowed by the Divine Tortoise because she accompanied Ye Di around.


The blue clouds roll around, and the dawn breaks.

Su Jin stood among the ruins of tortoiseshell, frowning.

"Soon, if the strong from the Eternal Gods Realm arrives, they will definitely recognize me. I might as well tell you that I came from the'Eternal Gods Realm' a long time ago. If you fight with them, the chance of surviving is very small--" The tortoise's voice echoed in Su Jin's ears.

"I think I can do it." Su Jin said lightly.

"It's good if you have confidence. While there is still time, it is already difficult for you to improve yourself. Go deep into the ruins, and you may find a chance to improve yourself. Go--" the old tortoise of the Protoss finished speaking and fell silent. Down.

Deep in the ruins.

Su Jin's eyes were firm, and he immediately stepped forward and started to walk deep into the ruins!

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