My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3808: Tensaku

Su Jin didn't know the significance of the old tortoise of the Protoss carrying a ruin.

Previously, Su Jinyuan’s divine body left the deity and placed the deity’s body on it. He didn’t even have time to look in the ruins. Now, with the permission of Senior Turtle, he naturally got his wish——

How big is the ruin on the tortoise shell?

Su Jin feels the inner space, because only when he is truly in the ruins can he feel the vastness here. He walks in step by step, not only when he can reach the center.

"The glorious battlefield of the ancient Protoss, it turns out that it is not only the human race, but the Protoss is the same——" Su Jin saw the broken armor, squatted down, and when his finger touched the armor, the armor turned into dust and disappeared completely in the years.

Su Jin settled down, facing Fengyue, and embarked on the journey again.

He saw the divine bones after decay, gleaming for a long time in the ruined turtle world.

He also saw all kinds of weapons, like the battlefield of ancient human races, on the ground, either immortal or transformed into a rock mountain, everything is so amazing.

For example, in the real front that Su Jin saw at the moment, a great hammer was like a mountain range. I don't know how many times the hammer fell, the traces of the vicissitudes of life did not condense.

Such a hammer could only be lifted by the Giant Spirit God back then, right?

Su Jin didn't stop.

He walked into a large mountain. There were lake-like black and blue scales scattered everywhere in the mountain. Stepping on it, it is still immortal. In the past, it was probably an incredible demon god, but the scales fell all over the ground. Dao Xiao, eternal and eternal, these scales, I am afraid they are only traces of the other party's existence in the world——

Desolation, see also desolation.

Su Jin sighed, yes, no matter how amazing and brilliant, a world-wide powerhouse, in the end, besides leaving a cup of loess and a handful of dry bones in the world, who can live forever.

Before he knew it, Su Jin walked to a stream—

The creek has dried up long ago, but the red blood is everywhere. At the end of this creek, there was a huge waterfall that could not be seen from the top. After the first war of the gods, the waterfall was bloody, and it flowed endlessly. the distance.

Su Jin seemed to be aware, and looked at the rows of stone houses outside the creek——

Those stone houses are so impressive that he was inexplicably attracted by him before he knew it, crossed the stream and walked to the first stone house.


There is a stele not far from the stone house where Su Jin saw three characters painted on it.

Step into the first stone house.

Everything inside is as new, time seems to be fixed here forever, there is no dust, and some only have vicissitudes. This stone house should be a place of cultivation back then, step by step, step by step, and the years and space contained in it have been universal in this era. rare.

"The heavens and the earth are immortal, and I am immortal. I refine the moon by day, the sun by night, the yin and yang against chaos, eternal I have!"

Su Jin saw a line of handwriting in the black space of the stone house, and was shocked by the short twenty words. He wondered if the other party was an onmyoji.

The goose bumps all over my body are gradually rising--

Su Jin wanted to leave. After all, this is not the depths of the ruins, so there is no need to waste time here.

But he had just turned around, and the ground under his feet was beginning to flash with wonderful lines.

this is--

Su Jin looked around, the space in this stone house unexpectedly began to resort to visions, and the surrounding scenery began to change rapidly.

In the scene, or day, or **** moon, or seed germination, or old tree withered.

Su Jin also saw the rivers, lakes and seas. After all, he stayed for a while in the long years. The old rivers and mountains that flowed past seemed to be withered and old and could not be changed.

He even saw the dying of the stars, the wailing of creatures, how many people, how many times, how many dynasties, every person, every god, has actually appeared in the past, and the changes of times, many traces have turned into vicissitudes of life, All fall into nothingness——

"One day and one month, day and night alternate, spring is warm and winter is cold, it is a plant." Su Jin seemed to realize something, and continued to move forward. He did not rush out of the stone house space, and then silently said to himself: "The king is already Close to eternal life, with endless life, but it is not invincible and indestructible. King God, after all, will be like an oil lamp and will enter the process of decay."

The longevity that the people of the world pursue is no longer an extravagant hope for Wangshen——

Longevity, but not being immortal.

Immortality, permanent appearance, and permanent peak body are beyond reach.

Su Jin saw more and more understanding.

The river is still the same river, and the river will be old and old, and the passing rivers will also return to the earth and nourish Wanze.

Su Jin sighed softly and broke all the visions with one finger——

He saw a dead body, this should be the layman Meixi! Su Jin didn't come close. In the past, the other party must have gone very unwilling.

Lay Meixi did not live forever, no matter what kind of sentiment he possessed, he was still covered up by the long years, erasing all the surprises.

Su Jin knew that the old tortoise of the Protoss came from the "Eternal God Realm." This layman Meixi was probably also a terrifying king **** back then, but unfortunately, completely decayed, he did not feel the opponent's king **** rule.

And decay is the most difficult thing for all kings to accept. At this point, basically every king will make the final decision——

Su Jin is gone.

In the middle of Meixi, he didn't get nothing, the mechanism of heaven and earth, eternal, immortal, rising from heaven and earth, perhaps the mystery lies in the heavens.

For about an incense stick time, Su Jin walked unhurriedly as if he were walking normally. He also saw a treasure tree in the ruins. The branches of the tree looked like human arms, but the vitality was already complete. disappear.

hard to imagine.

When Su Jin went to the back garden of the imperial palace for the first time, how could the old tortoise of the Protoss unearth the golden ancient stele and give it to him... He hasn’t found a rule that contains a god, or found anything that contains it. Living things

Crossing the dead tree that was enough to shock the sky back then, Su Jin heard waves of sea waves.

Is there still sea in the ruins?

That's right, the waterfall here is dry, the water that used to flow naturally to the sea, Su Jin walked with his hand, and he encountered more and more dead bones.

Su Jin stepped on the withered bones and heard the sound of the sea, like a mourning song——

Then, Su Jin directly saw an unforgettable scene!

Thousands of miles away in the sea, a behemoth filled nearly half of the sea with its posture. It was a shocking skeleton, standing on the shoulders of the humanoid bones that were enough to shock the world. A divine coffin.

That coffin...restricted vitality!

Su Jin was shocked. He had seen the longevity coffin, but he didn't think that the longevity coffin could truly "live forever". After all, even the king **** who enjoys endless life has to enter the process of decay. How can a coffin of longevity cross the endless years? ?


But this divine coffin is different, Su Jin can't see the level, and the vitality in it makes him unbelievable!

Su Jin stepped closer!

Thousands of times the mighty power, when it swept! This withered fierce might still exists. Even though he died, the oppression of power can still be so strong?

Su Jin began to linger wisps of Buddha's light around his body, resisting the wonderful coercion. He used his'Mahe Prison Eye', combined with several pupil techniques, and wanted to see through the inside and outside of the coffin, but soon he realized that he couldn't do it. !

"Don't disturb this coffin--" the voice of the tortoise slowly reached Su Jin's ears.

Su Jin's face changed. He stayed for a while, if it weren't for the divine turtle reminder, he really wanted to open the coffin to see what was in it.

"Senior, what kind of existence is buried in this coffin?" Su Jin asked calmly.

"This coffin is a rebirth coffin. The existence in the coffin has not yet been reborn, and it will take several epochs before it can turn back alive." The tortoise replied.

Such a vibrant life--

Su Jin stood silently in the void on the sea. For the first time, he was puzzled. The vitality in the coffin was too strong, really...Is it really not alive?

For a moment, Su Jin stepped across the Shenhai. He didn't look back, and he didn't look back, even if... the coffin body faintly made the slap of ‘bang’ and ‘bang’.

Su Jin was already on the north coast. He looked at the starry sky. The star here seemed to be shaped like a tadpole, like a rebellious meteor, very unstable in the sky.

Was this the intention of the senior master tortoise when he let him come?

Su Jin feels that he can observe heaven here!

Moreover, Su Jin is still very strange. Since setting foot here, his "Fuxi Dao Formation" has unfolded on its own, and that formation pattern is a thousand times more active than usual!

"Crossing the sea of ​​heaven, you can see the heavenly strategy. Back then, how many strong people came desperately to take a look here." The mysterious voice seemed to sound from the ancient Xuanming. It’s not the voice of Senior Turtle--

Su Jin frowned slightly and said silently, "You shouldn't talk."

"Humans and gods do not stand apart, you think Laogui is really helping you, and soon you will regret it. Remember will regret..."

The sound faded.

The inexplicable throbbing sound in the sea also disappeared completely, as if it had never existed at all--

Su Jin's expression remained the same. He was not a person who was happy on the surface. Since he came here, at least he is safe for now, and there is no need for a mysterious existence.

Here, there is a great plan of heaven. Su Jin looked at the star Dou that roamed in the sky and made a bold decision. He walked into the Star Dou!

Su Jin's expression was indifferent, he raised his hand and waved Tiance Star Dou, his right arm, as if he was waving Heavenly Dao here!

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