My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3809: Cast Tian Chi Li

Just the first time Su Jin started to wave Heavenly Dao----

The speed at which Tiance Star Dou was swimming across the sky unexpectedly began to increase exponentially, and Su Jin immediately felt the difference.

In the body, every heaven and earth bridge is buzzing and shaking!

And Su Jin even felt that every heaven and earth bridge began to accumulate power!

Su Jin couldn't help but move his face. In order to verify his thoughts, he stopped, and the surrounding Tiance Star Dou directly restored to its original state, and his heaven, earth and **** bridge did not continue to change.

"This is an opportunity--" Su Jin's eyes flickered.


Some of the horror kings of the Eternal God's Domain have not yet arrived, and his chances of winning are not big, and if he is given some time to buffer, he may be able to win another three points.

Su Jin is not worried about himself now.

It's just the evil lord in the shape of a stone gall. He has fallen asleep in the fateful gourd. He doesn't know when the opponent wakes up. The situation is bad at this point. Otherwise, Su Jin can use the evil lord to kill a horror king. !

Judging from the current situation, the evil lord can't count on it for the time being, but the other party should also go to this point. First, in the cemetery of the gods, swallow the "rules of the gods" of the two kings and gods. Weitian has no chance to increase it, and the future can be expected.

Su Jin took a deep breath, and continued to realize in the heaven of Tiance Star Dou—

In this way, two consecutive days passed.

Su Jin woke up from his sentiment. He was tireless for the past two days, but he was also enjoying it. Soon, he stepped back on the void filled by the giant skeleton.

"will you come back?"

The inexplicable voice, not like a sound transmission, like a blessing to the soul, was known to Su Jin——

Su Jin ignored it, but his figure paused.

"Existence is the truth, the old tortoise can't destroy me, you should treat it with me in a series. It can give you opportunity and strength, and I can give it." The coffin of rebirth, the sound of smashing the coffin Continue to appear.

"I won't be controlled by any existence, I'm just me—" Su Jin left.

Su Jin would also go to the vision realm where Tiance Star Dou was exhibited. It had been two days since he had left, he needed to get out of the ruins.

Everything is very fresh in the early morning in the Imperial City.

"Yesterday evening, Tianyun Zixia, another line of Protoss arrived——" The Chaosheng Banshee saw Su Jin's arrival and said slowly.

"It's two veins." Qingqiu Mengmeng and Liu Lier stepped over.

"But the Eternal God Realm powerhouse?" Su Jin asked Xiang Qingqiu Mengmeng.

"Naturally not, there are endless distances between the heavens. The Terror King God of the Eternal God Realm almost spans the heavens and will not come so fast."

Qingqiu Mengmeng said again: "The two veins that rushed here are'Chili' and'Zhutian'. The Chili line is not bad. But the Zhutian line is all bad gods—"

"You just came out of the ruins, they didn't notice you, you need to be careful." Liu Lier smiled.

Su Jin nodded.

Although I know that Liu Li'er's concern is a bit redundant--

"You don't need to consider the safety of the imperial city. The Father God and the King of Longevity are no longer in the world-shattering array. Even if it is the King God, it will take a lot of time to break open, enough for you to get out of the ruins." Qingqiu Mengmeng was right. Su Jin said.

Qingqiu Mengmeng knows him best...

If it wasn't for worrying about them, he would probably have to stay in the ruins for a few days. Of course, as long as the existence of the Eternal Gods didn't arrive, Su Jin didn't care about the arrival of the Protoss.

"In the past few days, I have come to realize that I am trying to find some opponents to practice hand skills... The four kings and gods Xuan Yu, Tai Yang, He Tu, and Shi Ji are definitely not willing to fight with me, but the new two lines can be considered. consider."

When Su Jin raised his head, the colored pupils on the center of his eyebrows slowly looked in the direction of the Palace of Heaven.

In the palace of the sky, there is no two-brained Protoss of the Qingqiu Mengmeng and Liu Lier, but Su Jin is not surprised, and turned to look at the 50,000 li south of the palace of the sky. Only then did I discover the location of the two veins——

Compared with the Palace of Heaven in the Huanxi vein, Su Jin was dumbfounded by the two veins of Chili and Zhutian.

The whole is really like a black garbage dump, and the hemisphere is irregular. It seems that these two veins are not welcomed by the gods for a reason, and it's not that they don't want to contact King Xuanyu and the others. In fact, they were met by Hetu. Several veins of rejection.


In the void outside the emperor city, Tracer's figure was forced out, and was directly smashed into the air by a hammer shadow!

"You dare to be hard-headed. Just now I have seen the human race coming out of the ruins of the turtle back. You dare to deny that it is not Ye Di!"

A weird accent attracted the attention of the entire imperial city!

Tracer's legs were trembling. It was a high-level protoss with a face full of flesh and blood, and the gods were infinitely high enough to be close to the king, otherwise he would not be so bad!

Moreover, the opponent was carrying a giant hammer, and he couldn't see how the blow hit him just now!

Tracer just wanted to explain.

"Come back--" Su Jin's voice.

Young Tracer was so depressed, he climbed up from the void, and the hammer hit him in the back just now, but even so, he felt that his back was about to be penetrated.

Hearing Su Jin's words, Tracer recovered and wanted to return to the city.

"Stop... let you go?" The young man with the hammer on his back drank Tracer again.

Tracer was so angry that he didn't look back!

"Looking for death!" The young Protoss face was full of flesh, with a strong stern expression flashing on his face. This Protoss didn't know which line it was from. In short, he took a fancy to it. He can't let it go.

In an instant!

Although Tracer was very close to the imperial city, he could enter almost instantly, but he didn't know what was going on around him, and the sound of the wind was like a drum, he immediately realized that it was not good--



Five ways.


Then the hammer shadow in the sky began to condense quickly in Tracer's perception!

"Brother help me!" Tracer panicked and hurriedly called for help.

Almost as soon as Tracer's cry for help appeared, he saw a magnificent Buddha's palm starting to condense under his feet. With a light grip on the Buddha's palm, he directly held him in the palm of his hand!




When the sky full of hammer shadows hit the huge golden Buddha's hand, it seemed as if a bunch of colorful fireworks were blooming, and it couldn't shake the Buddha's hand at all!

Su Jin placed Tracer in the front hall of the imperial palace, and appeared directly where Tracer had been standing, and looked at the young man carrying the giant hammer——

"You are looking for me?" Su Jin asked quietly.

When the other party saw Su Jin, he took a step back and frowned, "Human...Fu Xiu Yedi?"

"Ask if you are looking for me--" Su Jin has repeated it a second time.

"So what! Taiyang, Xuan Yu, haha...their veins are too incompetent, they are afraid of you, we are not afraid of the cast sky clan!" the young protoss shouted.

"Let your elders come, you are quite weak." Su Jin responded.

The youth's complexion was instantly flushed and bloodshot like a chicken blood. This human race is really brazen! Even said he was weak! You must know that he is close to Wangshen's strength!

"Human race is not crazy! We cast the sky clan has never been afraid of anyone, since you let my prey away, then your life is no longer your own!" Young Protoss Sen said with a cold face.

Su Jin smiled.

"I'm wondering, where are the two clans of Zhutian and Chili better than Shanbo, Xuanyu, and Taiyang in the number of veins? It seems that the number of kings and gods is dominant." Su Jin looked at the weird protoss station , His face was stunned when he said it.

"Yes, what are they! We cast the sky, one line of three kings and gods, and run across the heavens! Chili even recruited another clan of kings and gods thousands of years ago. The number of kings and gods is the same as ours for making the sky. Our two lines complement each other. , There are six kings and gods together, they are a fart, can they be compared with us?" said the young protoss.

"Don't tell me..." Su Jin waved his hand, "It's really hard to hear your arithmetic, I'm afraid you have to count your fingers if you take a bit more?"

"You look down on my Doukui... so you are a human race, you..." The young protoss was furious, and was about to fight Su Jin for hundreds of rounds, but a warning appeared from a place not far behind him.

It was a few rings of violet flames, and a dozen figures walked out of it.

Su Jin took a look and was disappointed. There was no King God in Zhutian and "Chili"--

"Human, you can no longer be kind to the things that offends my God Clan Casting Sky. Wait for Doukui to go back and tell the King Ming. You must explain it!" The God Clan Casting Sky quietly pressed Dou Kui's shoulder and directed at Su Jin Shouted.

"No, I will give you an explanation now. Since it's here, then stay." Su Jin said calmly.

"You are bold!"

"The little human race, not only knows nothing, but also wants to make a mistake. I am afraid that I will not even know how to die by then!"

"Human Monkey, you're done!"


Facing the cursing of more than a dozen gods from the God Clan, Su Jin just poked his ears, and then smiled: "Recently, I have been exploring the meaning of beings in the world. It’s best to be happy when I think about it, so... Casting Heaven and Chili in a game with the two veins of the Protoss, if I lose a game, let your two veins take your head off, and I will never resist—"

There was silence at the scene.

"I'm here for the first time! Isn't it just a fight? I kill more people than you have ever seen!" Dou Kui said angrily.

"Only a stubborn man can fight and kill. I was frightened when I played with your two races. Can you make a bet?" Su Jin didn't look at the dozen or so gods who built the sky, and looked at that. Two-veined station——

"What are you going to bet on——" Sure enough, there was a voice from the **** of heaven, who seemed to be thinking about it.

"Whatever, you six kings and gods, compare six games, whether it is fighting or asking." Su Jin said lightly: "Of course, if you lose, you have to pay a little price."

"What's the price?"

"I have a line of longevity under my command and need some protoss. Every time you lose a game, the King of Longevity will personally select a hundred gods to join the line of longevity." The corner of Su Jin's mouth rose slightly and smiled slowly.

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