My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3811: Spent Dan?

Facing the panic question of the treasure queen.

Su Jin said indifferently: "Don't worry, you only need to provide divine materials, and you will not use what you call "Baotian Furnace" to refine."

When Su Jin’s finger was drawn, the sky was divided into two parts, and a phantom sacred furnace standing under the sky slowly condensed into shape. The sacred furnace seemed to be close to materialization, with the words "Fire Ji" condensed on it. Then he flicked his fingers again.

A ray of flame burns directly around the "Heaven and Earth God Furnace"——

The treasure queen stayed there for five seconds.

"Flintlock." The treasure queen was completely at a loss.

Su Jin smiled and looked at the treasure queen somewhat unexpectedly, "I didn't expect you to have some knowledge--"

The treasure queen is nervous, but she feels that she still has a chance. Even if the other party has a divine talent for refining the'rule gold core', it may not be able to refine it. Even if it is her, she cannot guarantee a percentage. One hundred success rate.

Gritted his teeth.

The treasure queen directly flicked the sleeves of the aqua skirt, and a piece of magical medicine began to appear in front of Su Jin——

"If the'Rule Golden Pill' I refined can help a Protoss break through the gods and expand the rules of the gods, I will count as winning, right?" Su Jin thought for a while, "However, if I break through two or three God rank, will I be counted as winning?"

"Forget it. But it's impossible." The treasure queen responded without believing in evil.

So Su Jin was relieved.

Immediately, Su Jin's voice appeared above the imperial city——

"Traceer, leave the city and wait." Su Jin said.


Tracer did not expect happiness to come so suddenly. Like other cultivators, he understood Ye Di’s plan. Ye Di seemed very confident. If he could develop the'Regular Gold Pill', he would be the first choice to take it. It was Tracer who broke through the gods.

"Yes!" Tracer appeared not far from Su Jin.

"The injury is okay." Su Jin asked directly after knowing that Tracer had been injured by the Dou Kui of the heavens.

"Not bad." Tracer said seriously.

"In a while, I will refine the'rule golden pill'. After taking this pill, we will have revenge and grievances. If we are bullied, we have to find a place by ourselves, understand?" Su Jin said lightly.

Tracer was a little excited and nodded almost without hesitation. That Dou Kui and other more than a dozen gods of the "Heaven Casting" still sneered at him not far away!

Su Jin looked at these dozens of divine talents and thought about it--

The treasure queen couldn’t help feeling proud, she didn’t do anything in the divine material, dozens of divine materials, even in the order of tempering, the control of the heat is very elegant, the emperor just promised this night is refreshing, I am afraid that it has already begun to make trouble. .

In a blink of an eye, half a quarter of an hour passed——

Many people are a little fidgety.

"I have never seen the night emperor refine alchemy, can he do it?" The monk in the Land of Glazed Glass was looking up. This competition seemed to be more difficult than the previous one.

"Alchemy requires extremely high attainments in'controlling fire', and the order should not be messed up. If there are several poisonous divine talents, if the order is messed up, I am afraid that this divine pill will be directly turned into a waste pill. There is a slight difference."

"Since Ye Di dares to meet all the challenges, he naturally has his plans. He just took the poison pill, but he is still fine, and he has won a hundred protoss——"

"It's too difficult, it's not easy. The treasure queen is simply making things difficult for Ye Di, and anyone with a discerning eye can see it. This is almost impossible."

"The gods are good. Even though Ye Di possesses this god, he has no way of refining it. He probably has never refined a pill. If you know this is a science, it's as difficult as heaven."

"Who would say no? This comparison, Ye Di is really at a disadvantage. It is up to Ye Di to make a difficult problem and let the other party challenge him. You must know that this is Ye Di using his life to bet against the other party."

"Yedi can win, absolutely!"


At this moment.

Everyone did not understand Su Jin's thoughts——

What Su Jin considers is not whether the'Rule Gold Pill' can be successfully refined, but considers the divine talent in front of him. According to the ability of the opponent, it is estimated that he can refine three to eight'Rule Gold Pills' in varying amounts. .

If the treasure queen knows what Su Jin thinks, he would vomit blood out of anger, and the refining method would not be known yet. The issue of ‘chengdan’ has already been considered—

"Can you do it? If you don't, just give up." The treasure queen also felt the torment. Although this was only a quarter of an hour, the other party obviously didn't understand the'dandao'.

Su Jin:...

"Start." Su Jin waved his hand gently, and dozens of divine materials all flew into the "Heaven and Earth God Furnace".


The treasure queen has already stared blankly, and this Yedi... really can’t. The accurate method should be to start from the left and take the second and fifth copies, but the other party throws them all in.


The treasure queen knew that Su Jin was about to fail, and she even wanted to laugh at herself. Before, she was worried that Su Jin could succeed in refining. How could this be possible.


There was an ominous premonition in the treasure queen.

Amidst the shocking exclamation, the treasure queen was a little dazed, looking up at the "Heaven and Earth God Furnace", and dozens of divine materials among them all began to burn, but every divine material was burning under the burning of "Flint Fire". , All have their own different performance.

"It takes too long for you to refine the'Rule Golden Pill'. It takes at least ten and a half months to succeed. I can't wait that long, so I simply shortened the time." Su Jin looked at the treasure queen, "About half a month. Zhuxiang, you can know the difference."

"How do you know that I need too long--" The treasure queen looked at Ye Di in disbelief and found a loophole in the other person's speech.

"My eyes can see..." Su Jin pointed to his divine pupil.

Naturally, the treasure queen didn’t know the magic of the “Mahe Town Prison Eye”. The last pill she had was the “rule pill”. Su Jin could easily see the whole process of her refining in a state of “anti-emptiness”. .

It is a pity that Su Jin can't wait that long, and he simply doesn't follow the other party's way, but directly merges dozens of divine talents in one furnace.

"It's impossible to do it, your'flame fire', is it the cause of the flint fire." The treasure queen looked at the dozens of divine materials, turning into strands of liquid medicine in the virtual'Heaven and Earth Divine Furnace', and The temperature required by each of them seems to be different, this...Is this really the novice Xiaobai she thinks?

"In your'Baotian Furnace', the rate of pill production is too low. Although your technique is good, it is too wasteful of divine talent. My furnace pill can produce 30'rule gold pills'." Su Jin earnestly Tao.

The Treasure Queen's face is so wonderful now that it is so wonderful--

At most, there were only nine regular gold cores in a furnace. It was still entirely by luck. Now that the same amount of divine talent, Ye Di said that he could refine 30?

Too shameless——

Want to hit her?

The treasure queen is full of malice now, and there is still a glimmer of hope in her heart, thinking that the night emperor may not be able to refine it successfully.

Time passed by.

The inner anxiety of the treasure queen became more and more intense. She always stared at the "Heaven and Earth God Furnace", the more she looked at it, the more bad she felt!

Gradually, the Treasure Queen became sluggish, and her professional sensitivity far exceeded that of other kings, except of course, Danhe Kings——

"Why is there Danxiang? I don't believe...I..." The treasure queen muttered to herself. It is almost the time Su Jin said. The earth **** furnace was still running that day, but dozens of liquid medicines were in it. Not yet fused.

For fusion, Danxiang has floated...

This has exceeded the knowledge of the treasure queen.

"Boom!" Tiandi Shenlu sprayed with five-color glow, it seemed to be submerged by five-color glow, and the scene in it was also shrouded, and all beings could not see the real situation in it.

Emperor City——

The lotus goddess was surprised: "What is the situation, is this pill made? It seems not. When the ruled pill was formed, the vision became natural. It was heard that the eight lions roared at the universe, and the lion roar attracted thunder and swallowed it in the eight golden lions. Dan will become successful after Dan Lei."

Gao Yue looked stunned, "So powerful? So is this furnace pill abandoned? Ye Di was too eager to achieve it. In such a short period of time, it is impossible to refine such a powerful **** pill, right?"

"Alchemy is extremely sophisticated in how to control flames. Alchemy masters like the Queen of Treasure are very rare, and it is normal for Ye Di to lose." The lotus goddess's tone was still uncertain.

"According to what you said, if this pill is not a'Golden Lion Vision', doesn't it mean that the refining was unsuccessful?" Chao Sheng Banshee asked worriedly.

"This is the case with common sense, but Yedi has always played cards in a way that does not follow common sense. Now that the pill furnace is not opened, Shen Xia has covered up the truth. It is hard to say whether the pill will be successful or destroyed." said the lotus goddess.

In this way, Chaosheng Banshee got a little comfort in her heart——

At this moment, attract worldwide attention!

The treasure queen is also very strange. She is ready to lose, but she has not seen the golden lion vision, and she is not sure whether the night emperor has succeeded in refining.

However, the treasure queen quietly looked at Su Jin's face and found that his face was a bit unpleasant...

It seems to be ruined.

The treasure queen smiled incomparably Qingyu, and the noble temperament was instantly scattered. Yedi was still too young to know the danger of alchemy.

"Oh, things are impermanent--" Su Jin was a little disappointed.

"You have the potential to achieve the ultimate alchemy, but unfortunately, you are a human race, and you bet your life. Sister, I can't save you. Now while it's not ugly, you give up, and I can go back to business. "The treasure queen smiled and said.

"Who said I was going to give up?" Su Jin glanced at the treasure queen, a little strange on his face.

"The golden lion hasn't come out, the pill has not been made, this is a waste pill, don't you want to say nothing?" The treasure queen frowned slightly, she still admired this human race, she did not expect to be a fat guy who broke her promise.

Su Jin's face was speechless, and then he gently raised his hand and patted, the heaven and earth **** furnace suddenly vibrated, and that kind of vibration caused the entire glazed land to tremble, and the degree was no less than a terrible natural disaster!

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