My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3812: Golden Lion Tour

Thunder billowed, the world paled!

When the treasure queen saw this scene, she immediately felt something was wrong--

Not only her, but the kings of other veins also showed horrified expressions!

"Pill has become." Danhe Wangshen said depressed.

"The furnace hasn't been opened yet, how do you know that the pill has become?" King Chili looked very ugly, looked at the King of Danhe and asked.

At the same time, the three king gods of Qiangu, Huaxing, and Zhutian all looked at Danhe. Of course, since this was said from the mouth of the king of Danhe, it was naturally inseparable, because they could be with the treasure queen. There is probably only Danhe King God who compares the Pill Road.

"The fragrance of the pill is overflowing, and the sacred color covers the treasure pill. I think that the quality of the pill of the emperor is far better than the one made by the queen of the treasure." The king of Danhe has always been wondering why the emperor is. Swallowing his'futian pill' is not dead, but now it seems that the treasure queen is even less than a novice Yedi in alchemy, and his heart is immediately balanced.

After talking.

When the gods disperse, the rich pill fragrance spreads out. The human race doesn't feel that scent yet, but when the gods hear it, the rules of the gods in their intuition are active.

Boom boom boom~~~

Under the sky, the heaven and earth **** furnace began to spray golden pill!

I saw a ‘rule golden pill’, about a pigeon egg, golden and transparent, shining with golden light, slowly being sprayed from the top of the heaven and earth **** furnace!

That moment!

The roar of the golden lion actually condensed from all directions to protect the ‘rule golden pill’. Under the influence of thunder in the sky, a thunderbolt shone on a golden lion——






The treasure queen has completely lost her mind. The'rule gold pill' refined by her can display the vision of the eight lions. This is the best quality among the'rule gold pill' known to the Protoss. If other Protoss pill kings With the same amount of divine talent for training, only three to five will survive the sky, and there are only two or three golden lions.

Now, there are thirty-two golden lions in the sky, protecting a ‘rule golden pill’!

"Four...four times—" The treasure queen was stunned. The'rule gold pill' refined by Ye Di surpassed the four times the quality she refined. This is not a blow, but completely destroyed her. proud!

"Yes, if I guess right, if the normal Protoss takes this'rule golden core', it will be able to raise three gods." Su Jin abused the treasure queen's heart again.

Su Jin knows that quadruple quality does not mean that you can upgrade four gods. That is too difficult. His "regular gold pill" has reached the extreme of this pill, and his rule gold pill is important for the growth of gods. The rules have miraculous effects, and even the effect is not weaker than that of raising the three gods.

The treasure queen bit her lower lip, staring at Su Jin blankly...

This human youth, can you not hurt her like this! She has no temper at all.

The happiest thing now is Tracer——

It turns out that this is the famous "rule pill" among the Protoss, and one is priceless!

With thirty-two golden lions swallowing Thunder, and immersed in the golden core, this'rule golden core' is finished.

"Try the effect first, and then continue to produce the pill." Su Jin grabbed the ‘rule golden pill’ and took a picture of it, and Tracer saw a golden light coming.

I almost didn't even think about it.

Tracer opened his mouth directly, and the ‘rule gold core’ instantly melted into his mouth, and he immediately felt the difference. The god’s rules in his body were constantly growing, and then growing again!




In no time, three muffled noises emerged from Tracer's divine body--

Third order! After just a few breaths, he has already risen three times! Tracer felt like he was dreaming now, and would never wake up!

"Continue to get out of pill." Su Jin's voice pulled the treasure queen back to reality.

Hum thunder bursts-

The second ‘rule golden pill’ was ejected from the heaven, earth and **** furnace. Then came the third...

The fifth one.



The treasure queen felt powerless. She knew that she had lost. She was defeated in the field she was best at. The body that was beaten was endless. Every ‘rule gold pill’ had thirty-two golden lion protection pill! And one after another, soon there were hundreds of golden lions guarding a ‘rule golden pill’ above the sacred furnace that day!

Golden Lion travels to the sky!

Including the one previously swallowed by Tracer, until the end of the pill, a total of twenty-nine ‘rule gold pill’ were released!

"One less than I expected, but nothing can be too perfect, do you think it is Big Sister Treasure." Su Jin said.

The treasure queen's face was pale, she remembered that Ye Di's face was a bit ugly before, probably because he estimated that he would produce '30' pill, so he only showed that expression after finding that one was missing— —

"I lost." The Queen of Treasure was extremely puzzled, saying that it was not all because she was angry. She felt that this human youth was really inhuman. There is still some'rule gold pill', which is clearly refined by means of guarding the sky. The medicine!

"Just give up, and the next one--" Su Jin waved his hand.

"If you enter my Dan gate, the heavens in the future can let you gallop." The treasure queen knew that she couldn't persuade her, but she didn't give up the wizard, she still looked at Su Jin in a daze and asked.

"Ahem, wait until you pass me." Su Jin said with a strange expression.

The Queen of Treasure stomped her feet severely on the spot, saying yes not to hit her like that. Now every word Su Jin said, she seemed to cut her heart fiercely. She had never felt like this before--

"Huh! I won't give up, I must do everything possible to pull you into my Dan Gate, and I will help the Danhe King God to ask, why can you take the world's first strange poison" Futian Dan's immortal?" The treasure queen watched Su Jin directly put away the'rule golden pills', a little painful.

This is all refined with her divine talents——

"The world's first strange poison? Does that poison pill match this name?" After Su Jin put away the'rule golden pill', he then pointed out something and looked at the Danhe King God.

At that moment, Danhe Kingshen was sweating profusely. He saw Su Jin's eyes, and in a daze, he seemed to vaguely saw a bright red dragon, and shouted at him!


Danhe Wangshen was shaken back!

"Danhe, why are you..." Chili Wangshen asked quickly.

"It turned out to be like this! I was convinced that Danhe lost, and I admire it!" The King of Danhe wiped his sweat with his robe sleeves and shouted to Su Jin.

The eternal kings, the gods of the star, and the **** of casters are all very strange. They didn't see the sight of the king of Danhe, they all had questioning expressions on their faces.

"Poison King Danhe, you missed the first game, don't you explain it?" Huaxing King Shen Yin asked.

"What can I say? Yedi won't die even after taking the candle dragon magical medicine. I am a small Futian Pill, what can I do with him!" said Danhe King God.

Candle Dragon Magic Medicine...

That is the magical poison of candle dragon!

The world is in an uproar!

"The defeat of the two kings and gods in a row makes things difficult, Ye Di really deserves to be the most powerful of my human race! The rule gold pill just now has twenty-nine, you dare to believe it!" The human monks now regard Ye Di as The omnipotent existence!

"Using poison to fight poison, and using alchemy to fight back alchemy. Those two kings and gods are not wronged. It seems that we have been worrying too much. Everything is under the control of Ye Di!"

"That Protoss, taking a'Regular Golden Pill', has soared three times out of thin air. I heard that the potential of the Protoss is not as great as that of the Humans. It takes at least ten thousand years to upgrade the gods once—"

"The price of fighting against Ye Di is terrible. The two veins of the Protoss have lost another match. Ye Di has already won two hundred Protoss and has joined the longevity."

"Those king gods are very helpless, Ye Di is alone, it is so difficult to deal with, now they, even if the last six king gods come together with Ye Di to fight the last time, it is estimated that they cannot guarantee a stable win, Ye Di’s methods are simply letting people. fear!"

"The appearance of the treasure queen just stomping her feet is so beautiful, if Ye Di used her as a bet, how good would he win her back—"


Emperor City, East.

Liu Lier's eyes were full of gratitude--

The longevity line is almost dying. Yedi has won two hundred gods for their longevity line. Together with her and grandpa, they are the two kings and gods, and the longevity line is also growing rapidly.

"It's not easy for Ye Di to get to this point. If he doesn't work hard, he might have died eight hundred times earlier. You must thank him after he is born." Qingqiu Mengmeng took a deep breath.

Qingqiu has thousands of gods, and Changsheng now counts the two hundred gods that have not brought the Ye Di to win back, and there are more than two hundred. Qingqiu Mengmeng knows that Liu Lier is very stubborn and will not be willing to be under any divine veins. With the help of Ye Di, Liu Li'er would naturally be much easier.

"You serve Yedi, Qingqiu and Changsheng are one family--" Liu Lier said: "Yedi didn't destroy our longevity line at the beginning, and we are already benevolent and righteous. How dare you use the word ‘thank you’ to pay it back."



The Queen of Treasure gave Su Jin a deep look. Naturally, Futian Pill was incomparable with the Dragon's Poison. She really felt a deep feeling that the six kings and gods of Zhutian and Chili, she and Danhe had lost. Up...

There are four king gods left, can they really win the night emperor?

The treasure queen has been beaten to the point where she has no confidence. She never believes in anyone who can do everything, but this Ye Di has really refreshed her knowledge——

"I'm in love with you, I will do everything possible to pull you into my Dan gate, remember, and don't hesitate." The treasure queen turned and disappeared into the void.

Wait for the treasure queen to return.

King Chili glanced at the God of Casting Heavenly God indifferently--

"It's your turn." King Chili said in a divine way.

"I come!"

Almost before the God of Casting Heaven could speak, the God of Transforming Star went out!

opposition! Huaxingwangshen stood still!

"What do you want to compare?" Su Jin's tone was as calm as ever, and he asked the God of Star King.

"You can kill the king god, naturally you won't fight alone with you. We will each create a skill for the next god, and then the two gods will display the magical powers and mysteries. The outcome will naturally be known!" The King of Star Hua said.

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