My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3821: I'm here to report!

Chili King God is now almost cast to death by the King God——

To admit defeat is to ask for survival. The Protoss is always coming. In the future, there will be Protoss coming from all directions. If you lose, even if the Protoss defeats the Humans and opens up a new era of Gods, then their two races are seriously injured. Under the circumstances, the benefits will not account for much.

"Don't ask anymore--" The God of Casting Heaven is still aggrieved. He had already noticed fraud. If he changed to a normal human race, he would never dare to challenge the six kings alone.

Unless there is a certainty of victory.

"No, you have the ability to give four thousand gods in the cast of heaven, my Chili..." The king of Chi Li's face was very ugly, and he almost yelled at him. He didn't know if the **** of cast heaven had his head twitched. , Will make this decision unexpectedly.

"I'm not to blame you!" Zhu Tian Wang Shen couldn't bear his anger, staring at Chi Li Wang Shen.

"Blame me?" King Chili was already confused, and it was a matter of matter. If he couldn't beat it, he couldn't be beaten. How could he be blamed only for his lack of strength?

"Before, you clearly wanted to fight with Ye Di. It was not you. I would dedicate a thousand more gods? Even after today, the two veins of Chili and Zhutian will not be able to raise their heads in front of all the gods! Taiyang, Xuan Yu and the others are even worse!" Zhutian Wangshen lashed out at him, but he didn't even speak when he saw King Chili.

The King of Huaxing and the God of Eternal Kings are also dejected-

They think they have a chance.

But only if there is a chance, the means of this emperor is beyond the imagination of any **** race, and there is no problem with them losing!

"Ye Di! Four thousand gods, let the God of Longevity come to my clan to choose!" Zhutian King God drank again, he knew that Ye Di was giving them a chance, otherwise they would not even be able to communicate, and they would be taken alive by Ye Di. dead.

From this perspective, Yedi’s unworldly origin has become the first trouble for the Protoss. This is too terrifying. No wonder that Xuan Yu, Taiyang, and the other kings and gods have not united before to deal with Yedi——

This is boring!

Things that can't be helped--

"I...I, Chili, can't afford four thousand gods." King Chili gritted his teeth. "In this way, I will have another three thousand seven hundred gods, and I will create a line of heaven, plus the three hundred gods in front. Four thousand, three hundred, and eight thousand for Ye Di!"

"You--" The God of Casting Heaven is going mad, and now they are casting a line of heaven, every time a Protoss is missing, he will be heartbroken. Now the words of the God of Chili are simply outrageous!

"Brother Zhutian, that treasure of the King God, it will be handed over to you afterwards, and it will reach three hundred gods, which is more than enough." King Chili did not want to die. Once the King God died, the whole clan was almost finished, even if all the gods in the clan died. As the patriarch, the king **** is not tolerant.

"Okay!" Seeing the situation like this, the God Zhutian could only do this.

The appalling sight, and the inexplicable power suddenly disappeared——

Everything in the entire space battlefield returned to calm.

"Eight thousand gods, one cannot be less."

Su Jin’s voice reverberated in the battlefield, and when the gods of the ancient kings, the gods of the star, the gods of Chili, and the gods of Zhutian looked up again, they had already discovered that he had appeared in the imperial city in the distant glazed land. Above!


It seems to be unexpected, and it seems to be an expected result!

In the land of glazed glaze, it is hard for countless protoss to imagine this situation!

As the price of failure, Chili and Zhutian had to pay 8,000 gods, using 8,000 gods to expand the scale of Yedi’s several veins!

"One person fought against six kings and gods, and I won! Shame, Zhutian and Chili two protoss, unexpectedly, there are more than 1,700 more for this -" the human race exclaimed.

"No one had thought that Yedi's Protoss now has surpassed any of the current Protoss in the Land of Glazed Glaze! This...this is too shocking--"

"From my point of view, Ye Di just wanted to scare the two patriarchs. Ye Di couldn’t kill them. After all, he could obtain at least 6,300 gods from the two clans. The vitality of the two veins of Zhutian and Chili is greatly injured!"

"Now that the imperial city is guarded by the Qingqiu and Changsheng veins, the two veins are bound to divide the eight thousand gods, and the imperial city will be as solid as a golden soup in the future!"

"Yedi is still the Yedi, with all the means, these two fools are not scared--"


The treasure queen and Danhe King God looked at each other, and they all looked like sighing. The six king gods were defeated by a human race. Today is the darkest day of the **** race, and will even be recorded in the history of shame forever!


Chili King God, Zhutian King God, Eternal King God, and Huaxing King God came to the land of Liuli, and joined the two kings and gods of Treasure Queen——

The faces of the current kings of Chili and Zhutian are very ugly. Treasure and Dan have never seen these two patriarchs so angry.

"If you were closer to us just now, relying on the **** pill you refined, we might not have no chance." King Chili gave a cold look at the treasure queen, and he also had nowhere to send it.

"Isn't it supposed to transform the stars and the ages?" The treasure queen is still angry. She is a pill alchemist. Although she is a king god, how can her combat power be comparable to other king gods? It is the weakest in it. Before she started to blame, she was blamed by her patriarch--

"There is no chance." Danhe King God hurriedly said.

"Why not? Treasure Queen, tell me, do you still have a few tablets of Shuo Ancient God Pill?" Chili King God still doesn't know the details of the treasure queen.

"Hehe, that was what I refined to realize the'king of the gods'. Since I became the king of gods, I spent countless energy searching for gods to refine such a furnace. You are worried about refining the ancient gods of Shuo!" The treasure queen seemed to have been bitten, a little anxious.

"If you do, say a few words, the patriarch can't help being angry because there are more than 3,000 clan gods missing all at once. What are you doing with him at this time?" Danhe King God was a little big.

"A few words? I really don't want to! Your Chili clan was just a place of protection for me back then. I only promised you. You are looking for gods, and I will refine them, but I never promised you. Born to death for you!"

How could the treasure queen be able to bear it, and continued to yell softly: "You are the bird of the Chili clan, my mother will not accept it!"

"Treasure! You can't rebel if you want!" Chili Wangshen realized that it was not good, but now he can only use the past patriarch's majesty to frighten the treasure queen!

"On the contrary!"

The treasure queen is now like an eager rabbit. Seeing who bites whom, she immediately disappears in one step--

King Chili, dumbfounded!

Because the place where the treasure queen appeared was actually above the imperial city!

The treasure queen became mad and fearless, "Emperor Ye! My old lady is here to report! The Chili line, don't wait!"

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