My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3822: Old skeleton

The behavior of the treasure queen, even Taiyang and Xuan Yu, who were in the palace in the sky, frowned.

"Well, we don't have that anger. Within three days, this king will help you break through the two ‘king magic arts’." Su Jin immediately told the world, looking at the treasure queen and said.

He is not afraid of being heard by other king gods. For those king gods, this is a threat, but it is also an opportunity—

The treasure queen was stunned. She just didn't want to be affected by the bird's air, but she never expected that the emperor would be able to praise Haikou so much! After all, she was far from accomplishing her first king magic.

"You didn't lie to me?" The treasure queen reacted and asked quickly, now her breathing is fast.

"This king does what he says, you...create a line of treasure from the imperial city -" Su Jin said lightly.

"Okay, okay..." The treasure queen had never thought that the surprise could come so quickly. It seemed that when she was in the'Treasure Heaven Furnace', she should promise Ye Di.

The treasure queen does not want to see Chi Li and other king gods at all now--

The current King of Chi Li, with a pale complexion and extremely regretful in his heart, he wanted to save Chi Li's line of treasure queen, but... but he knew it was impossible!

"Worst——" Zhutian Wangshen looked at Chili Wangshen coldly, "Failure is failure. If you find an excuse to vent your breath, you will only hurt yourself. She can't come back again, and I can't help you."


King Chi Li was trembling with an air, he could only stamp his feet severely, his intestines were all regretful!

Heavenly Palace

Taiyang, Hetu, Xuan Yu, and Queen Shiji were also stunned by the actions of King Chi Li. Until the five kings disappeared in the void--

The corner of King Xuan Yu's mouth twitched, and he said helplessly, "Fool, how does this guy dominate the clan..."

"Losing so many clan gods, and... and leaving a king god, this operation is no one..." Hetu king **** was frightened, unable to calm his inner shock for a long time.

"Ye Di has another line of protoss under Ye Di's command, it's too angry -" Taiyang King God has no idea what to say, but it seems that no one can stop this from happening.

Only Queen Shi Ji did not speak.

No one knows that Queen Shiji is also very regretful now. She is still thinking about the 8,000 gods that Yedi won. In addition, Yedi has to help the treasure queen to break through two'king gods' within three days. Technique'!

The benefits are taken!

First, Qingqiu Mengmeng, with the help of Yedi, broke through to become a king god, and obtained the peak king **** level **** "Sun Moon Flying Aya"! She learned the news personally from Qingqiu Mengmeng. At that time, she was very excited, knowing that following Ye Di is good for her and even the whole Shiji line——

Later, Liu Li'er was also taken out of the cemetery of the gods by the emperor, and broke through to the king in less than a day! That night emperor, as if omnipotent!


The sunset.

Su Jin arranged for the treasure queen to sit cross-legged under the tree of enlightenment. The tree of enlightenment has a miraculous effect on breaking through the gods, but in essence, the tree of enlightenment is still mainly for perception and creation.

Moreover, although the treasure queen's first magical technique is far away, it is absolutely sufficient within two days. At that time, if the second magical technique fails, he will personally give her the opportunity.

Su Jin felt that the two divine arts of King Treasure Queen's perception should both be alchemy, and it shouldn't be too difficult—

Thinking of this, Su Jin stepped on the ruins behind Senior Turtle and went all the way...

The human-shaped bones held in the ocean, even if they are seen again now, are still shocking. The rebirth coffins placed on the bones' shoulders are standing out. Su Jin took a few more glances and paused for a moment.

Earlier, Su Jin didn't feel strange when he returned to the Imperial City from here.

Su Jin was surprised now. The vitality of the'Rebirth Divine Coffin' on the shoulders of the humanoid bones seemed to have disappeared. He had just stopped his feet and felt it carefully before he could feel it.

What's happening here!

With deep doubts in his heart, Su Jin appeared directly on the north coast. Not long ago, he was here to observe the sky's strategy and understand the sky!

"This...this is the end of Ju Ni...youth..."

The subtle voice seemed to be dead, Su Jin did not turn around now, but he knew that the voice came from the coffin of the rebirth **** on the shoulders of the bones in the sea.

Su Jin's expression has never changed. He doesn't want to take care of this. No matter who is in the coffin or how there is, it has nothing to do with him. Now he just wants to improve his strength! Only when you become stronger will you have the power to contend against the terrifying kings of the eternal realm in the future——

Thinking of this, Su Jin shielded everything and stepped into the void!

Not long after, the sky full of stars seemed to form a special pattern and began to fall around Su Jin!

"Heaven's Dao here is of course strong, but the effect is getting smaller and smaller -" Su Jin has actually discovered this problem long ago. He feels that once today is over, with his understanding, this place will have no effect on him.

Can we continue to move forward with this plan?

If you go further north, what will you find?

Su Jin was very curious, he sat cross-legged for several hours, finally got up in the void, and wanted to go north—

" are a human race...but you can cultivate the skills of the gods...this is the old tortoise's method..." The weak voice seemed to penetrate Su Jin's perception and directly surfaced in his mind.

Protoss skills...

In the depths of Su Jin's eyes, a ray of cold light flashed.

At that time, after Su Jin appeared in the back garden of the Emperor City for the first time, he obtained the golden ancient stele sent by Laogui. It seems that the predecessor of Liuli Emperor Sandao Baidi has also been treated like this--

Su Jin remembered very clearly that the old turtle had said that Emperor Liuli felt the golden ancient stele.

"What do you want to say?" Su Jin said.

"Your heavenly eye is transforming into the eye of the **** race, don't realize it must..."



A piece of colored lightning descended from the blue sky, directly bathing that piece of sea into an electric field of thunder! The entire human skeleton is covered by electric light!

Su Jin shook his heart, he rarely did this, but the mysterious existence in the rebirth god's coffin did not finish speaking, and he faintly heard a few screams——

Was the colored lightning dropped by the tortoise?

I just communicated with the existence in the rebirth god's coffin, can this also be known by the old turtle?

Su Jin stopped standing and continued to go deeper. After a few breaths, he walked into a green mountain range under the cover of night——

"The bones of the old gods." Su Jin saw the giant-like bones lying across the mountains and plains. He glanced roughly, and there were no fewer than thousands.

Su Jin saw a lot of exotic flowers and plants growing among the bones of the mountains and the wild. Most of these flowers and plants are virulent. Fortunately, he owns the "Candle Dragon Road" and will not be affected here in any way.


A dense flower bush shook twice suddenly!

Su Jin sneered, but in an instant, he raised the hand that covered the sky, shook Si Ye directly, and pressed it down not far away!

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