My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3825: Is it really Dan Dao Xiaobai?


Su Jin didn't want to talk to each other at all--

"Of course there is a problem. There is no living creature in the ruins except me in the'Rebirth Divine Coffin.' can do it for yourself." The voice in the Rebirth Divine Coffin seems to be extremely jealous of the small creatures of the Divine Race, especially the small creatures of the Divine Race. When grinning at the'Rebirth God Coffin', the existence in the coffin stopped making a sound.

No creatures in the ruins?

Su Jin had a terrible idea. In case the existence in the "Rebirth God's Coffin" is true, this small beast of the Protoss race of unknown origin, I am afraid that he would really be picked up by him.

It is known that this is the ruins behind Senior Tortoise, and even Su Jin has reason to doubt whether it exists in the same era as the old turtle of the Protoss——

With full of doubts, Su Jin walked out of the ruins in the tortoise shell and returned to the imperial city——


The imperial palace under the clear sky of the rising sun seems to have never been as lively as it is today.

The appearance of the small beast of the Protoss ‘tweet’ seems to detonate the entire imperial palace. This small beast of the Protoss is so cute. Of course, it still has that kind of fierceness that I don’t know whether it is an advantage or a disadvantage——

Su Jin was rather helpless.

It feels that the small beasts of the Protoss race are more popular than him. Seeing that small beast like a snow group is constantly changing hands, Su Jin can't help feeling a tingling scalp.

"Why Ye Di came out of the ruins so quickly?" The Chaosheng Banshee silently walked to Su Jin's side and asked.

"In the beginning, there was no preparation for the long-term journey, and I had to help the treasure queen to realize the'king's magic'." Su Jin responded.

The tide sound banshee suddenly.

If the treasure queen is allowed to comprehend by herself, even if there is a tree of enlightenment, I am afraid that at most, she can only comprehend the first ‘king divine art’ within three days, but it would be different if there is a night emperor.

"You brought it out of the ruins..." The Chaosheng Banshee glanced at the small beast of the Protoss subconsciously, and the small beast was blown up all over her body, extremely miserable!

Su Jin stretched out his hands and said that he was also speechless. Although he thought that the small beast of the protoss would cause the horse fleas to move, he did not expect that it was not only popular with the goddess of time and others, but even many of the gods of the Qingqiu line were astonished. Extremely enviable.

"It's better not to mess with it--" Su Jin said last, and walked into the Great Emperor's Palace.

Enlightenment tree place.

The Queen of Treasure has never been so wonderful. After these few hours of insight, she has felt that all the jerky problems before have been thoroughly understood. Her first king magic has also made great progress, although this speed has been very fast. , But it seems that it is difficult for her to break through within three days... Break through the first'king magic'...

"You seem to be very unconfident." Su Jin's appearance brought the treasure queen's thoughts back to reality. When she saw Su Jin, she was full of surprises!

"At this speed, let alone breaking through two king magic arts in three days, one'king magic arts' may take half a month. Is it because I am not as smart as your humans?" The treasure queen felt her own question. The question is a bit redundant.

The Yedi with the tree of enlightenment, plus the potential of the human race is greater than that of the gods, how could she be more savvy than Yedi——

"Is your first king's divine art a higher level alchemy or a tempering technique that encourages flames?" Su Jin asked.

"Uh... are you really a pill nobility?" The treasure queen's eyes widened, she didn't expect Ye Di to ask so professionally.

Su Jin shrugged and said: "With me, within three days, you will definitely have two kinds of king magic. If you can't, the king will create one for you, but it may not be perfect as you feel it."

"I'm not in a hurry." The treasure queen waved her hand again and again.

With this speed of insight, the treasure queen is already quite satisfied. She actually didn't care much about the "three days" mentioned by Ye Di, because as long as there is a tree of enlightenment, it is inevitable for her to break through the two "king magic arts". And it will be soon.

"But I'm anxious." Su Jin's face turned straight. "As long as the Terror King God of the Eternal Gods Realm arrives, I am afraid I won't have any extra time to help you, and your two kings divine art will affect Changsheng, Qingqiu, and yourself. It is very important to recruit the treasures of the gods. In the future, I will let Qingqiu Mengmeng collect the gods, and you will be needed for alchemy."

"No problem—" The treasure queen nodded seriously, and then she continued: "My first king magic is actually not what you said, it is not tempering or alchemy, but controlling the furnace. Surgery."

"The technique of furnace control?" Su Jin frowned.

"Yes, although my alchemy technique has reached the height of the Protoss, part of it is because of the'baotian furnace', while the furnace control technique is extremely dangerous. It requires a part of the king's rules in the body. Condensing the rules of the kings and gods into the soul of the furnace, so that when I control the furnace, I increase the quantity and quality of the pill."

"Then I can't help you with this. You only need to condense the first "king magic" in three days, and the second one, you tell me where to go and the desired effect, and I will create it for you. "Su Jin smiled.

The treasure queen hesitated a little--

"The second king's divine art, I need to temper and distinguish the attributes of divine materials. There are too many unknown divine materials in the world. For example, there is a kind of stone crystal in my divine realm. Ten thousand fires cannot melt, but the lightning strikes it. It's just that it can't be refined after it's broken. It's quite cumbersome. The tempering technique I need is to be able to distinguish the attributes and tempering power without hurting the deity." The treasure queen said and said it was a little different. Confident now.

She doesn't believe that Ye Di can help her...

The second king's magic is more troublesome than her first.

"Leave it to me." Su Jin promised.

"Okay." The treasure queen nodded hurriedly. She can't waste any more time. After all, she can use the tree of enlightenment now. This kind of opportunity is hard to find!

Seeing the treasure queen re-entering the state of sentiment, Su Jin himself was not in a hurry, went to another place, and began to think carefully.

What the treasure queen needs is the king's magic to refine and distinguish the attributes of the gods——

Su Jin smiled confidently, gently raised his hand at the tree of enlightenment, and grabbed strands of marvelous Dao marks. After a while, he sat in the void, and Tian Dao's right arm also began to appeal to strands of heavenly power——

Two times before, Su Jin's self-confidence has reached a level that ordinary people can't even imagine.

When he closed his eyes, Su Jin Tiandao's palm was rapidly fusing with strands of Dao marks and strands of heaven...

After two sticks of incense.

"Open your eyes." Su Jin's voice was as loud as Huang Zhongda Lu, directly awakening the treasure queen.

"What?" The treasure queen was just immersed in it, and now she was a little at a loss after she woke up suddenly.

"Take the origin of your King God's rule, and your spirit sea origin also has a strand." Su Jin grabbed the treasure queen, and directly two intertwined beams of light fell on the palm of his hand.

The treasure queen is already dumbfounded...

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