My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3826: Interception plan

How can the treasure queen not be surprised--

Judging from Su Jin’s performance, her second ‘king magic’ should be creation, and the treasure queen is now both excited and complicated!

"Have you helped me create the second king divine art?" The treasure queen asked dazedly, still a little confused now.

"Yeah -" Su Jin nodded, he looked at the light in his hand with his divine eyes, and the ‘rules of kings’ in it, quickly assimilating all the heavens contained in it.

"How could it be so fast!" The treasure queen's expression really changed in shock.

"It's slow." After repeatedly confirming that he was correct, Su Jin walked directly to the treasure queen, and pressed the ball of light into the treasure queen's eyebrows through his fingers.

The treasure queen is like a divine enlightenment, and her whole mind is full of rumblings, and she directly feels the great change!

The ‘rules of kings and gods’ in her body actually covered the two kinds of heavenly brilliance, she had never felt so clearly!

"Still satisfied?" Su Jin asked, looking at the treasure queen.

The treasure queen hesitated for a while, turned her hands, and there were some mysterious materials in her hands. She just glanced at it randomly, as if blessed to the soul and got the accurate information of the materials.

"The jade demon bones are soaked with the power of the profound cold, and they can be sourced with the seven-point divine fire—" The treasure queen widened her eyes, and then looked at Su Jin somewhat blankly. This guy... really is the enemy of the Protoss for the first time.

"I want to ask you something." Su Jin said.

"Satisfied!" The treasure queen didn't even think about it.

Su Jin stretched out immediately and slowly got up, "Satisfaction is good, you continue to feel here, I need to do something, I may not be able to see you these few days."

The treasure queen stayed and nodded until Su Jin disappeared. She felt that all this was still a dream. One of her ‘king divine art’, Ye Di created only two sticks of incense... Oh my god—

and many more!

He said he won't see him for a few days...

Does he want to leave?

The treasure queen had this suspicion in her heart. The emperor has always been mysterious, who knows what he will do, maybe he will go to that ‘ruin’.

If the treasure queen asked in front of Su Jin, the answer she got would definitely disappoint her!

Su Jin has his own plan.

For the first thing, he carved a Fuxi array pattern over the imperial palace——

"I...I can feel that you are leaving..." Tweet was scared by those beautiful sisters. After seeing Su Jin set up a big formation, he hurriedly jumped to Su Jin's neck and used two small paws. Scratching Su Jin's head.

Su Jin:...

It’s not that Tweet is too special, but the cloak lent to him by Tweet has a basic connection with this small beast of the Protoss——

"I go out for a few days, and I will come back through this formation at any time. If the imperial city is in danger, remember to step into this formation and call me." Su Jin is not confessing to Tweet, but transmitting the voice to Qingqiu Mengmeng and the others. The voice of a king god.

"Where are you going--" Qingqiu Mengmeng walked quickly, looked at Su Jin, and said through the same voice.

"It's too passive to stay in the land of colored glaze. I will try my best to intercept and kill some horror king gods in the eternal gods." Su Jin did not hide Qingqiu Mengmeng, Dang even responded with voice transmission.

"Bring me." Tweet pitifully moved the place again, standing in the void in front of Su Jin, staring at him-

Su Jin was embarrassed, "There are so many delicious foods in the Imperial City. You will be hungry if you go out with me for a few days if you ask the beautiful sister to change it for you."

"Uh, forget it." He gave up his plan to follow without thinking about it.

"Come back safely, according to Father God’s estimation, in more than half a month, those terrifying existences in the Eternal God’s Domain will arrive. Although the number is unknown, you only need to go all the way west and pass through time and space, and sooner or later you will feel their presence. "Qingqiu Mengmeng said quickly.


This is a useful message--

Su Jin nodded immediately, and soon he disappeared into the void in one step.

"Tweet, come and hug my sister. In a moment, my sister will take you to other protoss and choose some more beautiful big sisters for you to come back." Qingqiu Mengmeng couldn't help beckoning to the small beast of the protoss.

"I'm a mother..."

The small beast of the **** race rolled his eyes directly at her, pretending to stiffly fall into the void...


After passing through the layers of storms and the deadly time and space, Su Jin really didn't know how big the heavens were, but no matter how far he went, he could really feel the existence of the glazed land through the "Fuxi Dao Array"!

In this way, naturally there is no need to worry.

For two days in a row, Su Jin didn't know how far he had traveled, and he felt that he was already very far away.

Su Jin felt that this distance was not safe for the Land of Glazed Glass, and he had his own plans.

Although Qingqiu Mengmeng and other kings and gods can sense it as long as they go west, the heavens are too big! Even if his human race is like a grain of dust in a time and space, how can he collide with some terrifying kings and gods in the Eternal God Realm so coincidentally?

Of course, Su Jin thought about this problem, and there are countermeasures——


Su Jin raised his cloak, and his temperament began to change dramatically! His eyes are shining brightly! He used that mysterious cloak to transform himself into a ‘Protoss’! And it's the king of **** level!

Is this okay?

Su Jin stretched out his finger, and the rules of the king and **** turned into a circle of heaven, earth and **** bridge, even he couldn't tell for a moment whether it was true or false——

"I can even make the Protoss sense my existence, and I... can also sense it through the cloak, it's amazing." If Su Jin didn't use his own means, I'm afraid he would really think he was a Protoss.

But it’s okay, he is very satisfied—

Now Su Jin believes that even the King of Terror will not doubt him! In this case, as long as there are some king gods who encounter the "Eternal God Realm", only a few can be cut.

Just like that, another three days passed!

Su Jin sincerely admired the ancient sages of the year. It was too difficult to walk through the heavens. He had to endure a long loneliness that was extremely difficult to imagine. He accurately remembered that he had walked in the heavens for five days. During these five days, he did not feel To the existence of any protoss.

"Could it be wrong--" Su Jin began to doubt the direction Qingqiu Mengmeng was pointing, but in terms of time, there is a high probability that he will not be able to meet the terrifying king gods who came here.

Su Jin hesitated for two breaths, and soon he sat cross-legged in the void, no longer traveling westward, and began to envelop the surrounding time and space in a way of wandering in the sky!

His current primordial spirit, combined with his own strength, can spread to a range of nearly tens of billions of miles, but this distance is almost insignificant among the heavens——


Two quarters of an hour after Su Jin wandered around Taixu, Dang even noticed a tyrannical atmosphere of the Protoss...that the existence of the King God level!

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