My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3827: Sun protoss

Su Jin knew that the moment he felt the other party, the other party must have discovered his existence!

Of course, Su Jin did not act rashly. He could not be sure whether the opponent came from the Eternal God Realm, but most likely not. He suspects that the opponent is just a line of the Protoss, and a king **** rules the entire clan——

Because in addition to the king god, there are many protoss auras under his command, and the scale should be more than two thousand--

Protoss that can reach this scale is not considered large, but can only be regarded as medium. After all, a Qingqiu Protoss is thousands of gods.

Half a quarter of an hour passed.

The doubts in Su Jin's heart became more and more intense, and that protoss had no intention of moving forward.

Wait a minute... If the other party is from the Eternal Gods Realm, it would be great-


Su Jin guessed right, the other party felt his presence half a moment ago!

In the gloomy deep sky, a protoss of two thousand three hundred gods is waiting nervously for instructions from the patriarch——

"Why don't you advance anymore? Did the patriarch say that?" A protoss saw a woman in silver and asked.

"The patriarch has already determined that the other party is the King God, but it is strange that the other party is just a single King God in this time and space, and most of them are walkers." The silver-clothed woman said.

"The lone king who walks the heavens, the patriarch may invite the other party into our ‘day-by-day’ line. If the other party is unwilling, or wants to get involved in our day-by-day line, the patriarch will probably have to fight the other party—"

"The patriarch has been slowing down in recent days, otherwise we should have been to that glazed land a few days ago. I really don't know what the patriarch thinks."

"Do you still need to think about it? There is a gossip that a clan **** got news from Concubine Yun. The patriarch learned the news of the Eternal Gods Realm and wants to slow down and enter the world with some horror kings and gods in the Eternal Gods Realm."

"The patriarch is very cautious. It's a human world. Is it so careful?"

"No—" A clan **** continued: "It is said that there is some bad news about the king **** that the clan leader knows well. I heard that a terrible strong man appeared in the human clan, that is a king **** who can kill the king god. exist."


The silver-clothed goddess listened, from the original jerky expression to the astonishment, it didn't last long...A human race, can kill the king god?

Moreover, the "Sun Chaser" had so much news that she didn't know, which made her a little curious.

Of course, the most important thing now is to figure out who the king and **** of ‘walking the heavens’ is—

What the goddess of silver clothes wants to know most now is the identity of the king **** who walks through the heavens. After all, as a protoss, he has been working hard to become the king **** all his life!

It can be said that among the tens of millions of Protoss, among the millions of Protoss, it is already very remarkable to be able to achieve a king god, and there is only one opponent, and there is no own clan god!


In terms of concentration, he is still much stronger than the opponent!

In less than a quarter of an hour, the King God of the "Sun Chaser God Race" directly heard a voice: "Old man Chasing the Sun King God, dare to ask your friends about their origins..."

A smile appeared at the corner of Su Jin's mouth, and the voice had been transmitted to the entire Sun-Chaser Protoss for a hundred years, and said: "This king, the God of Hetu!"

After that, his eyes flickered, his cloak swung, and he turned into the appearance of the King God of Hetu. At that moment, he seemed to have escaped from the six reincarnations, and quickly walked towards the sun-chaser clan——

I have to say that Su Jin still lacks consideration. He just had an idea just now. He wanted to use the power of the mysterious cloak to disguise him as the God of Hetu. Only in this way can the Protoss fight inwardly. For some losses, the **** of the sun went to the land of Liuli, and the first one who would definitely not let go was the **** of Hetu.

"Hetu's line? Have you heard of it?" All the gods in the line of the sun are all puzzled.

"It seems that there is this line. On the eternal stele of the Eternal Gods Realm, all the lineages of the gods all exist—"

"Is the Hetu vein withered? Why is there only one king **** here?"



be surprised.

I even felt bad--

All the gods of the Protoss of the Sun felt surprised, and felt that the other party was coming violently, perhaps not with kindness.

When Su Jin's figure appeared, all the lines of the day were like enemies!

The God of the Sun, appeared directly and stopped Su Jin!

"The Protoss under Heaven is a family, what do want!" The King of Sun was shocked by the strength of Su Jin on the opposite side. The'rules of the king' released from his whole body were actually condensed like a python, so strong that he was very strong The point of fear.

Where is Su Jin being polite to him, but any Protoss outside the Imperial City is an enemy!

"Zhu Sun Wang Shen, you are old, this clan should merge into my Hetu line!" Su Jin didn't even think about it, stepping directly to all the gods of Zhu Sun, his foot seemed to carry a '99 Zhiyouxingchentian’s might, when even two thousand or three hundred gods were suppressed——

"Challenger..." The eyes of the **** of the sun were about to breathe fire, he used the rules of the king to condense a punch, and directly blasted the layers to the quiet stars!


Su Jin’s face was ‘pretending to be dignified’, then he glanced at all the gods without thinking about it--

Huh huh!

Su Jin appeared next to a silver-clothed woman, and then drove all the gods into the air again. He took a fancy to a goddess, but the other party's reaction seemed extremely fast, and the rules of the gods were very mysterious. He only felt a ripple. After the flashing of the goddess of Chinese clothes, his scratch was also directly empty.

That's it!

Just grab one--

It's hard for Su Jin to expose his full strength, anyway, his purpose is not for the goddess, and he will not launch a massacre here.

All this happened almost in an instant!

"The God of the Sun! You will be beheaded by me in the land of Liuli!" Su Jin's voice is the same as that of the God of Hetu. He immediately took the silver-clothed woman and left. The speed was superb. Some reactions are overwhelming.

Zhuri Wang Shenhen's teeth itchy, clenched his fists, his face is blue!

"Uncle, A Yin was taken away... the other party almost took me away." The goddess Huayi waved a ripple, and then said to the **** Zhuri.

"Do you think you can escape?" The mysterious voice appeared again, and the face of the woman in Huayi suddenly became cold. She was about to have an attack, and her whole body began to be unable to move!

What's happening here?

A big hand broke through the void behind the woman in Chinese clothes, and immediately captured her away!



The God of the Sun almost vomited blood!

"Hetu Wangshen! The old man is at odds with you!" Zhuri Wangshen felt that his old face was lost! He seems to have been teased and slapped one after another by the opponent!

"A Yin and the princess were both taken away... King God... are you still waiting? The other party must have gone to the Land of Glazed Glass——" A clan **** asked for instructions from the God of the Sun.

"Go! Don't wait! Kill directly to the land of Liuli, we will be a lot slower than the other party. When we get to the place, we will directly find King Hetu to kill!" Wangshen Zhuri regretted not fighting the opponent, but It's too late to say anything now!

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