My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3832: Speak up

Yes! No accidents-

The scimitar that Princess Zhanxi was driving had no obstacle at all, and it was cut directly on Su Jin's neck! This is tantamount to a stab at the front, and it is extremely accurate!

To be honest, at the moment when the sword was released, Princess Daily was quite nervous, but when the blade really touched Su Jin's throat, she couldn't help feeling proud, and she had even begun to have an expression of ecstasy--

But the next second!


The sound of the impact of gold objects suffocated the two women!

The god-treasure scimitar of the Princess of the Sun could not even cut the skin of the night emperor's neck, let alone cut off the head of the night emperor!

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible!" Under A Yin's stunned expression, Princess Zhuri, a little lunatic, waved her arms frantically.

In an instant, the powerful ‘rules of the gods’ seemed to set off a storm of rules all over the body of Princess Zhuan. She exhausted all the rules of the gods, blessed the gods, and slashed towards the emperor again!




Almost visible to the naked eye, the Divine Treasure Scimitar not only slashed at the Ye Emperor's throat, even in the whole body, sparks of the Scimitar colliding with Dao Body continued to appear!

This night emperor is absolutely amazing!

Ah Yin is now looking trembling, she is a bit at a loss now, she doesn't know how to deal with this Ye Di, if there is a King God present, it will be fine, and the two goddesses alone have no power to damage Ye Di Dao body. ——

Princess Zhui Ri had slashed nine hundred and thirty-six knives in succession, every cut was done with all his strength, but there was no way to hurt Ye Di!

"Stop! Princess!" A Yin knew that this method alone could no longer kill Ye Di, so he quickly stopped.

"Do you have a way?" Princess Zhiri's tired face breathed a lot faster, and she quickly stepped back vigilantly, standing with Ah Yin and asked.

A Yin shook his head, how can she do it! According to the current situation, let alone a princess of the day, even if you add her, the two goddesses are working together with all their strength, and it is estimated that they will not be able to cut an inch of Yedi's skin——

"In the state of enlightenment, he was totally unconscious and didn't know my attack on him, but even in this way, I couldn't hurt him."

Princess Chasing Sun now has a deep sense of frustration in her heart——

"Only think of a way, no matter what. As the princess said, in this state, we are helpless. If he is awake, how many protoss will die in his hands in the future?" Silver said.

" must be calm..." Although Princess Zhuri is anxious now, she also knows that being anxious is not the solution.

Now, both A Yin and Princess Zhuri are thinking about a terrible situation. If Ye Di wakes up, in case they know what they have done to him, will they still be alive then?

At the thought of this, Princess Zhiri shivered severely--

She is a princess in the line of the day, and she is in great time, so she naturally does not want to die so soon!

For the two women, every second of time since now is extremely precious! If they haven’t figured out a solution before Ye Di wakes up, things will be serious—

"I have carrion poison, but try it on him." A Yin was even more vicious, knowing that Su Jin was shaped like a stone carving and would not move, and Dang Even walked to Su Jin with Princess Daily.

"Try it first if it works—"

A Yin was under a lot of pressure. She stretched out her slender palm, and a jade bottle about a finger height suddenly floated out of her palm. Soon, a strand of ink blue liquid dripped on Su Jin's left shoulder.

Will it work?

Normally, even an initially promoted Kingshen would be extremely troublesome with this poison. But Ah Yin was under great pressure. Before, the princess had exhausted all her strength to injure Yedi's Taoist body.


Strands of dark blue smoke began to appear from Su Jin’s left shoulder, and his golden robe was quickly melting away——

Princess Zhuri's eyes widened, watching Su Jin's upper body robe all melt away, but his body did not have any tendency to fester and dissolve!

"Broken..." A Yin and Princess Zhuri instinctively covered their eyes and turned around. The two women are now extremely frightened!

"How exactly did this Yedi's body train! My carrion poison can't hurt him! Generally speaking, the Taoist body is strong, and it shouldn't be invaded by a hundred poisons!" A Yin was depressed, and already began to think about it. Very terrible consequences-

Previously, if Ye Di might be in the situation of unknown consciousness, she didn't know that Princess Daily had chopped him, but the upper body robes were all dissolved, and they turned around fast. Now the other party estimates that the whole body is dark blue.

Can't kill

If it were spread, who would believe that two protoss would be helpless against one human! Two methods have been tried, and the second method, Ye Di will definitely find out when he wakes up!

The trouble is gone.

In a state of distress, the two women lasted a little longer than a quarter of an hour! But then, they seemed to hear some kind of ‘pain’.


Joy began to appear on the faces of the two women!

Could it be that the "Carrion Poison" has an effect? Immediately, the two women turned around together, but immediately screamed loudly——

Ye Di... Ye Di's eyes... are staring at them both!


Circles of dark blue ashes were directly shaken by Su Jin, and a brand new golden robe appeared on him.

"Ye do you want to do?" Princess Zhuri and Ah Yin are staggering backwards, they are almost too scared to walk. Of course, it is not Su Jin's clothes that are frightened. They just melted the upper body, they were afraid that Su Jin had already woke up——

"It's not enough to slash me with a knife, but also to poison me... You guys really took great pains." Su Jin looked from the two women, although his tone was very indifferent, but the more so, the more the two women are. Afraid

"It is nothing to do with what you did to the Protoss!" Princess Zhuri said with courage.

Su Jin's face was indifferent, "Just now this king has realized a supreme way, if you treat me like this, why should I pity Xiangyu..."

Both A Yin and Princess Zhuiji felt tight, and the two women felt a sense of danger in unison!

The corner of Su Jin's mouth raised a slight angle, and said lightly: "This method is called "Speaking out of Dharma Sui". It is abandoning the Tao of Heaven and holding the Dharma into the body. Just then you try the Dharma——"

The weird atmosphere is spreading rapidly.

Princess Daily and Ah Yin were extremely vigilant. Su Jin was clearly close to them just now, but when they spoke, they seemed extremely loud, as if there was a divine voice between heaven and earth!

"Say it out! Pardon!"

The sacred voice of Huang Zhongda Lu appeared! And the four words "Spoken by Law" also shattered the undisturbed void all around! In the next second, Princess Daily and Ah Yin stood still in place——

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