My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3833: one extra

"Birth for me and die for me, I am the only eternal..."

Under the effect of uttering the law, A Yin and Princess Zhuri seem to have heard a very mysterious sound in the dullness. The sound seemed to originate from the darkest depths of God's heart——

Su Jin's face was cold.

It was the first time that Su Jin tried to create a ‘Dharma’, and he felt that this method was not too stable. After all, no one except him could ever do this.


The face of Princess Zhanri was struggling, and the other goddess Ah Yin completely gave up her persistence in her heart, and her eyes were completely different when she looked at Su Jin——

Fortunately, after nearly half a minute of struggling, Princess Daily also completely lost resistance, and she looked exactly like Ah Yin.

Su Jin was silent.

"Speak out and follow the law" is terrible, but when dealing with two goddesses at the same time, one of them almost broke free of control. He was not satisfied with this effect. And he can say with great certainty that this method is flawed and needs to be filled, otherwise it will be difficult to threaten King God in the future——

"Master." A Yin and Princess Zhuiji knelt on their knees, admiring Su Jin——

Su Jin snapped his fingers and the entire "Fuxi Dao Formation" dissipated directly.

"From now on, you two women, set off to rush to the land of glazed glaze, lurking in the line of the Sun." Su Jin stood in front of Princess Zhuri, stretched out her hand with a cold face, and raised her face.

The delicate skin on the cheeks, as if not carrying temperature, the eyes of Princess Daily were blurred, as if she had received the best reward from the emperor, she answered.

Soon, Su Jin silently watched the direction the two women were leaving——

He understood that he could not stay here for a long time. If the anomaly happened in a piece of time and space, the two tribes Day by Day and Youzhao would definitely find the problem. Although Su Jin didn’t care too much, it would cause as much trouble as he could cause the other party anyway. No loss.

Su Jin thought for a while, and used the cloak to change the rules of the king gods into ordinary gods rules. Now he is no different from the normal gods, and then he left here... and began to go south—

Two hours passed in a flash.

And at this moment, Su Jin stopped his feet! He just felt a few very weak Protoss——

Su Jin didn't know that his induction was wrong, and then he hurried to the direction where induction was born.


In the special induction, seven protoss are standing on a stone platform, which is about ten feet long and wide, but in time and space, it is just a particle of dust——

"There is no king god, this kind of combination is strange." Su Jin faintly felt that the other party was not like a line in the Protoss, more like a Protoss casual cultivation, because from his perception, he found that the other party did not have much communication. And just standing quietly on that stone platform.

However, it was normal for Su Jin to think about it. In the past two hours, he didn't know how far he had traveled, and it was normal to be able to discover some Protoss.

Su Jin found them, and the seven protoss on the ten thousand-foot stone platform also directly watched—

"It's another protoss, is he also a summoned existence?" Some protoss have been waiting here for an unknown amount of time, and they have become acquainted with each other, and said.

"Every one of the protoss that has been inspired has the posture of becoming a king god. This protoss youth can find here, it should be inspired by the secret." Among the seven protoss, one of the protoss said.

"Where did this **** be born? What a strong breath..."

"Now the gods of the heavens are all heading towards the land of glazed glaze, but now, the call in the dark is getting stronger and stronger. Our suspicion is correct, and what is calling us is the eternal gods! As long as there is the horror of the eternal gods When the King God arrives, we can easily stand on the top of the Protoss, even if it is a **** in the Eternal God Realm, the other kings and gods of the heavens should be polite to us—"

"This young protoss must not be provoked, the pressure is so powerful!"


Su Jin walked over and silently took a look at the stone platform. This stone platform is very strange, and it will glow slightly after a period of time, especially when he comes, the whole stone platform seems to have been stimulated to react, and it is blooming. The light!

"Xiongtai, are you inspired to come here?" A young protoss closest to Su Jin in the southeast direction released his kindness and asked Su Jin through voice transmission.

Su Jin didn't even think about it, and nodded without hesitation: "Yes!"

"Hehe, meeting here is fate--"

The young Protoss directly invited Su Jin to come to other places, and said: "I am in the Dongshan Divine Mansion, and the body is a winter ginseng. What is the birth of Xiongtai?"

Su Jin:...

The young Protoss seemed to be embarrassed by Su Jin, and no longer insisted. He smiled and said, "My name is Hua Yanqing."

"Su Jin."

"The other six protoss are all inspired. I believe that soon, the power of the Eternal Gods will take us all together and become the invincible king god." Hua Yanqing smiled at Su Jin.

Su Jin nodded indifferently----

After Hua Yanqing looked at Su Jin somewhat indifferently, she didn't care. At the end, after chatting for a while without a word, Su Jin found another place and sat down directly cross-legged.

The words of the seven protoss, Su Jin believes...because of the existence of some horrors in the Eternal God Realm, anyone who wants to go to the land of glazed glaze must pass here!

As for those who are not invited, Su Jin has already walked up anyway, and he hasn't seen what to do. If then, if you really wait for some horror kings in the Eternal God's Domain, it will be a big deal by the other party!

The reason why Su Jin changed the "rules of kings and gods" to "rules of gods" was because he wanted to kill the opponent by surprise, but now that these inspiring protoss are there, he has a better way——


Time, one minute and one second passed.

Two days passed in a blink of an eye. During this period, apart from Hua Yanqing, the other six protoss also came from different directions, wanting to get to know Su Jin——

It is said that the human relationship is as indifferent as water, and the relationship between this protoss is the same. Like Hua Yanqing, except for Su Jin when he came to talk two days ago, the other party has not looked for Su Jin in these two days. On the contrary, the other party’s face looks like the first one. Compared with the time of day, it is a bit colder.

"Hua Yanqing is one of the strongest among us. If you experience the experience of the King of Terror, you will surely fly to the sky in one day, and you are his biggest competitor." During the period, the Protoss spoke to Su Jin——

Su Jin lazy understanding.

It's not a level of existence, Su Jin is even lazy to care about it.

On the evening of the third day when I came here, Shenhua began to condense around the stone platform, and the surrounding void began to spread misty songs!

At that moment, an old man in white robe came and glanced at the stone platform!

The white-robed old man scanned the faces of the eight protoss one by one, and finally frowned slightly:

"Huh? One more—"

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