too much!

The white-robed old man had a cold expression on his face, observing one by one the eight "Protoss" including Su Jin.

While he was paying attention, Su Jin, like other ‘Protoss’, was also paying attention to the old man in white robe!

This must be the King God of the Eternal God Realm without a doubt!

Su Jin didn't feel the pressure. Although the white-robed old man was a king god, he could never pose a threat to him. At best, he was probably at the same level as the previous Youzhao king god.

"Meet King God!"

All the Protoss kneeled on one knee, worshipping the white-robed old man——

Only, Su Jin didn't change his face, didn't say a word, didn't bow to his knees!

The white-robed old man stared at Su Jin, but he just stared coldly. After a while, he lightly waved his cuff and said softly: "In addition to you, there are four hundred invocation stations! I ask you, if you wish Join our eternal capital!"




After hearing the response, the white-robed old man was naturally quite satisfied, and then he said again: "Of course, it is not enough to be willing to join. Our eternal capital has a strong position in the Eternal God Realm, and you can only join if you meet the requirements. Come with me, and test with the four hundred Protoss on the inspiring stage. As long as you can survive, you will be the God of our eternal capital!"



This still needs to be tested! Isn't it just a promise?

Except for Su Jin, including Hua Yanqing, all frown slightly. The white-robed old man understands what he meant. There is only one'inspiration platform' here, and there are 400 others, if every one has seven people. In the words of the Protoss, there are two thousand eight hundred gods!

Two thousand eight hundred gods, take the test!

When it was too late, the white-robed old man directly raised his sleeves, including Su Jin, all disappeared on the induction stage——

The scene just now was too fast, although it was fast, only Su Jin could see the situation clearly. Just now, the entire induction station was appealing to the "rules of kings and gods", and a bridge of rules was erected in an instant. If nothing happens, when they reappear, they should appear in the test place.

A few seconds of darkness passed--

Su Jin was curious. In those few seconds of darkness, even if it was him, he couldn't see the situation clearly, and as the sound became more and more noisy, when the vision reappeared, it was really not surprising!

In this dim space, one stone platform after another floated unexpectedly, Su Jin swept away at will, in this space, there are no less than three thousand Protoss!

Su Jin was relieved immediately. There was an extra him on the stone platform before, which seemed to be not the first case. This situation often occurs on other stone platforms! This also proved why the white-robed old man was only puzzled, and did not investigate the reason.

"Brother Su, this is the place to be tested?" Hua Yanqing walked unexpectedly and began to communicate.

"If I'm right, it should be a space king-level divine treasure--" Su Jin responded and said his own opinion. He did not see the old man in white robe, but he also knew how harsh the conditions for joining the "Eternal City" were.

The entire dim space, three thousand and dozens of Protoss, were all a little nervous.

The murderous spirit here is too heavy.

Some stone platforms even turned blood, obviously they are not the first group of Protoss to take part in the test here!

"As long as you pass this test, you can become the Protoss in the Eternal Gods Realm! I can definitely do it!" A Protoss muttered to himself.

"Three thousand protoss, how can we win the test here? We are all protoss, it's not good to fight together?"

"The white-robed old man said that the last surviving protoss can join the eternal capital and be reused! In other words, most of our protoss will fall here—"

"Sure enough, you have to pay a price to join the Eternal Gods Realm, and the other party may be just a sect in the Eternal Gods Realm, but even this is so harsh."

"It's terrible, can I go back on it? I don't want to die here! Three thousand protoss are fighting, how many lives can be considered to pass the test?"

Protoss is constantly being frightened, and the sound that comes out is also a little frightened——

Under the gaze of three thousand protoss, the figure of the white-robed old man appeared! Appear in the direction directly ahead!

"Maybe many of you are curious about how much you survive in the end to be considered as passing the test. Now, I will tell you... one hundred, and finally only one hundred Protoss who survive here can be considered formally join us for eternity. The capital—"

The words of the white-robed old man changed the complexion of many Protoss, and almost instantly, most of the Protoss had no blood!

One hundred!

After the fight, there is only one thing that stands out to join the Eternal Capital!

Hua Yanqing also looked ugly after hearing this number. He glanced at Su Jin and left without saying a word. Obviously he regarded Su Jin as an opponent——

"The test begins! Your goal is only one, either crush the opponent's divine bones, or try every means to survive!" Bai Pao Lao shouted indifferently.

it has started!

This dim space is quite large, and the 3,000 protoss flew away in an instant, but even so, a scream of screams began to be overwhelmed, coming from time to time—

Su Jin smiled. This kind of test is not a concern for him. He saw the protoss being torn apart and turned into a cloud of blood falling, as if he did not realize that he had been targeted by some protoss. .


A Protoss jumped up, punching like a sea, and bursts of fists were intertwined with the ‘rules of the gods’, and exploded the four-sided void centered on Su Jin!

"Blast—" Su Jin looked at the other side with a Protoss in front of him, and there were three people behind him in the dark. I didn't expect this to cooperate, but it was a pity.




Except for the protoss that was secretly dark, including the protoss that came with a punch, there were three gods directly, exploded under Su Jin's words!

There were four people who attacked Su Jin. He tried the "speak out method", but unfortunately he still missed one. It shouldn't be the case before. It was like controlling A Yin and Princess Chasing Sun. This method still has a great effect. Regret!

"You...what are you doing..." The Protoss who couldn't make a sneak attack, saw the three gods of his teammates, all burst into a cloud of blood, no matter where he dared to fight Su Jin, he just turned around and left!

"Blast—" Su Jin pointed to the escaping Protoss. When the opponent yelled in a hurry, the rules of the gods were all confused, and the whole body was like an inflated balloon, bursting instantly!


Outside of this space.

When the white-robed old man appeared, he was already on his knees, and above the sky-like stairs, there was a small hand like white jade, gently holding a crystal scepter——

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