My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3835: Targeted! !

The field of vision gradually broadened----

Under the sky, the white jade-like stairs seemed to be completely framed between the sky and the earth, and at the top of the stairs, the woman holding a crystal scepter was actually lying lazily in a gorgeous chair.

"Old slaves, live up to the expectations of Mrs. Xuanji. Hundreds of protoss who have been awarded the title of'killing' are about to be born. In the future, I am bound to protect my eternal capital and live forever!" The white-robed old man shouted.

"There is no need for a hundred, reduce to ten..." the woman said slowly.

"This--" The white-robed old man hesitated for a moment, and immediately reacted, "Yes!"

"He is now the most slaughtered **** of inspiration, do you know the details?" The woman gently swept the crystal scepter, and in the sky, a scene where Su Jin was actually appeared!

Where Su Jin has gone, no grass will grow! No matter who it is, avoid it!

The white-robed old man thought about it carefully, and even a trace of panic flashed in the depths of his old eyes. He remembered that not long ago, he was still curious about why there would be one more Protoss on the stage. Of course, he can't admit that he didn't observe carefully , Immediately said: "This son is indeed extraordinary. It is an inspiring person, a strong one I personally brought."

"It's really good, but look at his method--" Madam Xuanji raised her lips slightly, as if she was interested in Su Jin.

"No, it's not a protoss rule method." The white-robed old man was taken aback. "But he is indeed a ‘Protoss’, Madam means—"

"Set up a great reward, if anyone can kill this child, it will marry that cheap girl to someone." Mrs. Xuanji began to be serious, and looked at the white-robed old man coldly, "Chengfeng, you work hard, I Don’t deny it, but how your husband passed away, you know better than anyone! This protoss, whose origin is unknown, and the means are different from ours, you would rather kill by mistake—"

"I know." The white-robed old man was startled, and immediately turned and walked away.

"Slow." Mrs. Xuanji stopped the white-robed old man, "If he can survive the attack of more than 3,000 Inspiring Protoss, I can confirm whether he is a Protoss or not and can it be used by me."

The white-robed old man nodded, his face gradually became gloomy, and he disappeared directly in place——


In a dimly lit space.

The white-robed old man walked out of nothingness and directly sipped: "By the order of Madam! All protoss, attack this son, if ten protoss die in the end, they will definitely be rewarded!"


Su Jin is in the space, strolling leisurely, now when he hears the other party say that, even though he feels that the spear is aimed at him——

"Is it seen through so soon? It shouldn't be." Su Jin didn't feel that he didn't do anything in place. He pretended to be a Protoss and would never be seen. If it is said that the problem lies, I am afraid it is his. 'The law of speaking follows' this'law'.

"This **** is number one in the kill list! Now that senior has asked us to go and kill this god, who wants to go? I don't want to!" A powerful protoss shook his head and explained his plan to his companion.

They didn't want to provoke Ye Di. This demon-like existence can kill wherever they go, and their main purpose is to get into the top ten.

"But this is the order of the King God. Only in this way can we join the Eternal City! Although I don't know what status this'Eternal City' is in the Eternal God Realm, at least it can be regarded as a member of the Eternal God Realm!"

"In a short period of time, this young protoss has killed four hundred... and the second strongest is only sixteen... this strong is definitely close to the strength of the king god, and it will even break through in a few days." Some people commented on Su Jin's strength.

"Who dares to go?"


A huge space.

The white-robed old man's face was pale, he didn't expect it to be like this at all. Isn't he enough promises?

"As long as this **** is killed, the Eternal City can help you and others become a king god, and be nominated to enter the hall of rulers!" The white-robed old man promised again, and then walked away again.


Su Jin understood what he meant. The white-robed old man didn't see his identity. Perhaps this was another test for him. In short, he just had to win all the tests!

"Help us become the King God, the Eternal City can definitely do it!" Many Protoss are enthusiastic in their hearts. This kind of opportunity is rare in a lifetime. It can be said that anyone who wants to enter the Eternal City does not want to reach it sooner. Realm of King God!

"Everyone, it seems to be desperate!"

"Now we have more than two thousand gods left. Attacking one of him, beheading is definitely not a problem!"

"Yes, as long as we reach an agreement, we are also willing to temporarily give up the dispute and directly eliminate the threat first. This **** must never or leave from here!"


Su Jin did the experiment well.

But now, he has become a target!

Just now, Su Jin found some problems, and the success rate of triggering a blood burst can be improved if he speaks the law. It may be a problem of proficiency. In short, it seems that there is no chance for another experiment.

In this case……

The corner of Su Jin's mouth rose slightly, then... don't be too artificial.

With more than 2,000 gods appealing to the rules of gods, the scale of the gods, which is close to 2,500 people, has chosen to unanimously target Su Jin, including Hua Yanqing, whom Su Jin is fairly familiar with——

"Brother Su, this is forced by the situation, you go well." Hua Yanqing said in a voice.

"It doesn't matter, you all have to die anyway, what is the difference between one and two thousand?" Su Jin said lightly.

You have to die!

In the face of more than two thousand gods, even one king **** must be injured by the evil spirits among them. Some powerful gods, close to the broken realm, can fight the king god——

As a result, even with this lineup, Su Jin simply looked down upon it!

As soon as Su Jin's voice fell, his entire body began to swim out of the ‘rules of God’!

"Flame?" Hua Yanqing was shocked. At first, he was really jealous of Su Jin, but after some feeling, the opponent's "rules of God" shouldn't be flames.

Qiang Qiang--

On the chains of the rules of God, the flames are steaming!

Next second! All the protoss in the dim space all breathed slightly! In their eyes, all the surrounding space seemed to be transformed into a chain of azure blue chains!

"Twin rules!!" There are many Protoss who are shocked!

Su Jin actually has the power to hold the sky, first there are the rules of the flame god, and then the rules of the azure blue space god, now...a touch of time, directly filling the entire space!

There are many gods who directly feel the passing of years! At the feet of Su Jin, he was standing on a gray chain with a thickness of hundreds of feet! That's... the rules of time!

"The Three Lives Rule!"

Outside the dim space, Mrs. Xuanji lost her attitude and stood up!

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