My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3836: All off

It's no wonder that Mrs. Xuanji is so gaffe.

The twin ‘rules of God’ is rare in the Eternal God Realm, but it’s not hard to see, but the rule of three lives is powerful. In the entire Eternal God Realm, there are three rules of existence. It seems that there are only three in history.

And those three, all are invincible existence! It can be said that Su Jin's disguise has successfully shocked Mrs. Xuanji!

"His strength is already close to the'king god'." The white-robed old man walked out of the dim space and came to Mrs. Xuanji and said.

"It's a three-life rule--" Mrs. Xuanji seemed to have a thought, and she was lazy again, "I didn't expect that our eternal capital, taking the lead in setting off, would still encounter such good things."

"This son of God insists on joining our eternal capital, and the future wife will add another supreme power!" said the white-robed old man.

"Huh...Look at the strength of his three-life rule. It would not be a pity if he was killed by more than two thousand inspiring gods." Mrs. Xuanji said in her small mouth, but her eyes were closely watching the scene. Scenes of-

The white-robed old man thought about it, so he stopped talking and waited for instructions.


Dim space.

Su Jin's "Three Lives Rule" also scared all the gods of inspiration!

You know, how terrifying the scene where more than two thousand Protoss were scared by a strong man!

"The rule of three lives... we seem to be unable to stop--" There was a trace of fear on the face of the Protoss, but the killing intent in his eyes was not reduced.

"There is no way out! We can only fight hard! This kind of three-life rule of the gods, even in the Eternal Gods Realm, is an extremely terrifying evildoer-level existence! Now fortunately, he is only a god, not a king god! Otherwise, we can even breathe. Can't live!"

"I understand, the existence of the Eternal City must want to see his potential, otherwise we will never let more than two thousand Protoss attack him!"

"The Protoss with the three'rules of the gods'! Fortunately, he is the only one. After all, he has not yet reached the king, we have a fight, everyone! Come with the strongest means! If he does not die, let us not Want to leave alive!"


Every voice of the Protoss came to Su Jin's ears——

Regarding this, Su Jin just smiled--

Next, more than two thousand protoss united camps, from all directions, attacked!


Su Jin's body shook, and countless "flaming chains" spread out! At the same time, the ‘rules of years’ directly and quietly solidify time and space! He also relied on some insights from the ‘satisfaction technique’, otherwise the effect would not be so good!


Can't move!

More than 2,000 gods of invocation, all their faces changed wildly!

The ‘rules of time’ all around seem to condense time and space, and the more terrifying things are still to come! As the azure blue ‘Space Rules’ were smashed by ‘Fire Rules’, the chains that the rules of the flame turned into directly blasted on one Protoss after another!

Fireworks, in the dim space, one link after another bursts open!

"Brother Su...Brother Su...Please give me a way to survive!" Hua Yanqing didn't know Su Jin's strength at all. If he knew, he would definitely not stand on the opposite side of Su Jin!


Su Jin's figure stepped across Hua Yanqing's head, a cloud of blood, accompanied by the azure blue space rules, was directly swallowed by the broken space——

Hua Yanqing...dead!




Every flame chain, wherever it passes, at least a few protoss die!

"What to do! What to do! Why does he have power like a palm... Isn't that a level reached by the King God?" The Protoss cried out directly after being extremely regretful.

too frightening--

The one-sided situation that was originally expected did not appear! Now, this dim space has turned into a killing field for one person! All the protoss who have been inspired will end up predictably!

Just a short while!

The scent of the blood of the gods stimulates every **** of invocation that is still struggling to support it. How long has passed since then, the large swarms of gods have all been swallowed by the space storm!

Now, there are only forty protoss who can stand!

What was Su Jin's face when he came, and what his face was now, there is no exaggeration at all, this is what he expected.

However, outside, Mrs. Xuanji and the old man in white robe were deeply shocked! A **** who has not yet reached the "king god" slaughtered more than two thousand gods in a short period of time, and looking at Su Jin's face, it turned out to be a very relaxed feeling!

"Madam...Look--" The white-robed old man tremblingly wiped the sweat from his forehead, and quickly asked tentatively.

"He has the power to resist the King God, and I don't know why he was inspired to join us in the eternal realm of God." Mrs. Xuan Ji always felt that Su Jin was a little unpredictable.

"The gods in the heavens all dream of joining the eternal gods. Even if there are the gods of the heavens, who are comparable to the kings and gods, they want to have a future in the eternal gods--" The white-robed old man hesitated.

"Wrong." Mrs. Xuanji shook her head. "He already has the ability to create a line of Protoss. He can climb the mountain in one step and become the king. Join us, he may not be at ease.

"Perhaps it is a personal ideal." The white-robed old man said again.

Mrs. Xuanji frowned slightly, she had a feeling of saying bad, she could only say that she hoped it would be the best way--


Just as Mrs. Xuanji was looking seriously, a colorful divine rainbow swept directly from the distant divine fault.

"Mother, I heard that there are gods with the rule of three lives among the Protoss who have been inspired. Is it true or false?"

Beside Mrs. Xuanji, the rainbow fell, and the girl asked softly.

This woman has a Danzhu mole on her eyebrows. She looks like a girl. Although she looks extremely perfect, the arrogance on her face is particularly eye-catching——

Mrs. Xuanji nodded and asked the girl: "Where is that cheap girl?"

"I can't do anything well. I locked it up and beaten it up. Come on, is it this young protoss in that scene?" The girl pointed to the condensed scene ahead.

"Hmm -" Mrs. Xuanji nodded and responded.

There was a touch of guilt on the face of the white-robed old man. He naturally understood the conversation between the two women, and he knew who that mean girl was.

That cheap girl is the eldest daughter of the city lord, but unfortunately, the city lord has disappeared, and now Mrs. Xuanji is in charge of the "Eternal City". As a stepmother, she will naturally settle the old accounts——


The entire dim space was filled with blood, and the rest of the Protoss had been swept away by Su Jin!

Yes, it is the one who does not stay!

The white-robed old man is also a little frightened now, that young man has the power to rival the king and god. If this is the case, he has to be more careful.

Mrs. Xuanji ordered the white-robed old man: "Bring him to see me—"

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